Chapter Iv

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This chapter of the paper presents the data gathered from the 72 senior high school

students of ACLC Iriga, who served as respondents of this research. It also provides the analysis

and interpretation of data that has been organized according to the research question in the

second chapter of this paper.


Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to their Age

Age Frequency Percentage

16-17 61 61.0%

18-20 39 39.0%

Total 100 100%

Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to

their Age. Majority (70.8%) of the respondents belong to the 16-17 age range. The 18-20 year

old comes next which have a percentage of 29.2 % of the total participants.

Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to their Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 29 29.0%

Female 71 71.0%

Total 100 100%

Table 5 shows the gender of the respondents. Out of 72 respondents surveyed, frequency

of fifty-four (54) and percentage of 75% are females which mean the majority of the total sample

population is female while the frequency of the male respondents are twenty-five (25) or the

percentage of 25%are all males.

Table 6

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Grade Level

Grade Level Frequency Percentage

11 49 49.0%

12 51 51.0%

Total 100 100%

Table 6 present the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents’ Grade

Level. The table shows that majority of the respondents are all in Grade 11 while the minority

are in Grade 12. The percentage is distributed to 59.7% Grade 11 and 40.3% Grade 12.

Table 7

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondent According to their Strand

Strand Frequency Percentage


( Humanities and Social 23 23.0%

Science )


( Accountancy and Business 13 13.0%

Management )

22 22.0%
( General Academic Strand )


( Science, Technology, 35 35.0%

Engineering and Mathematics)

7 7.0%
( Computer System Servicing)

Total 100 100%

Table 7 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to

their Senior High School Strand. Out of the 72 total sample population, 33 respondents are in

STEM or the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (45.8%), 14 respondents are in

the HUMSS or Humanities and Social Sciences (19.4%), 11 respondents students are in the GAS

or General Academic Strand (15.3%), 10 respondents are in the strand of ABM or Accountancy,

Business Management (13.9%), and 4 respondent are in the TVL Track Computer System..

Table 8

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their GWA in English Subject

(General Weighted Average)

100-96 17 17%

85-95 71 71%

75-84 12 12%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 8 above present the Distribution of the GWA (General Weighted Average) of the

Respondents in terms of their English Subject. Majority or sixty-two (62) or 86.11% of the

respondents have an Average of 85 to 95, eight (8) or 11.11% get an average of 100-96 in their

English subject and two (2) or 2.78 % has 75-84 in their English Grade.

Table 9

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their GWA in Mathematics Subject

(General Weighted Average)

100-96 12 12%

85-95 76 76%

75-84 12 12%
TOTAL 100 100%

Table 9 shows also the GWA (General Weighted Average) of the respondents in terms of

their Mathematics. Fifty-six (56) respondents or 77.78% are answered that they have an average

of 85-95 in Math subject, fourteen (14) or 19.44% said that they have average of 75-84 and only

two (2) or 2.78% were have an 100-96 average grade in Math Subject.

Table 10

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their GWA in Science Subject

(General Weighted Average)

100-96 15 15%

85-95 66 66%

75-84 19 19%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 10 present the GWA (General Weighted Average) of the Respondents in Science

Subject. According to the result, large percentage of respondent have given that they have an 85-

95 average grade in Science Subject by having 75% while the least of the respondent get 75-84

average grade in Science subject also having an percentage of ( 11.11% ).

Table 11
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their GWA in Filipino Subject

(General Weighted Average)

100-96 9 9%

85-95 68 68%

75-84 23 23%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 11 above present also the GWA (General Weighted Average) of the respondents in

Filipino Subject. According to the result of the table above, large percentage of the Senior High

School Students have 85-94 average grade in Filipino for having 84.72%, while the GWA

(General Weighted Average) of 75-84 have the least percentage.


Table 12

Health Related Behavior in terms of Poor Dietary Habits


Verbal Interpretation

I eat unhealthy foods a lot. (Overeating) 3.02

I eat less due to loss of appetite.
(Under eating)

Eating unhealthy food brings me fulfillment. 2.76

I feel great when I eat unhealthy foods. 2.73

Skipping meals. 2.93

Overall Weighted Mean 2.87

Table 12 shows one of the Health Related Behavior that encountered of the respondents.

It can be gleaned from the data that all the Health Related Behavior was interpreted by the

respondents as high extent. Majority (42) of the total respondent, answer that sometimes they eat

unhealthy foods a lot, while only five (5) respondents answer that they Always eat unhealthy

food. Almost half ( 33) of the respondents, sometimes eat less due to loss of appetite, and only

five (5) answers that they always eat less due to loss of appetite. 29 respondents sometimes use

to eat unhealthy food because it gives fulfillment, while the 5 are always eat unhealthy food

because it brings fulfillment.

On the other hand, some respondents (27) sometimes feel great when they eat unhealthy

foods, although 4 respondents choose that they always eat unhealthy food because it feels great.

Out of 72 total sample population surveyed, half of the respondent (36) answered that sometimes

they skip meals, while five (5) respondents answered that they always skip meals. The overall

weighted mean of interest in Poor Dietary Habits is 2.81. This means students are Neutral on this

Poor Dietary Habits Health related behavior.

Table 13
Health Related Behavior in terms of Alcoholism

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

I use alcohol out of curiosity 2.0

I use alcohol to improve my memory before the exam 1.6

I use alcohol to improve my general condition 1.7

I use alcohol to achieve happiness and joy 2.0

I use alcohol to increase my self confidence 1.8

Overall Weighted Mean 1.8

Table 13 shows one of the Health Related Behavior that encountered of the respondents.

From the data it can be inferred that all health-related behaviors were explained by respondents

to a large extent. Especially in terms of Alcoholism, based on the data above the first question

that stated there is Curiosity on Alcohol, 37 responses and the highest number among the others

in the first question, they never use alcohol because of the curiosity, while there are 4 respondent

responses that they often use alcohol because of the curiosity. Moreover, same with the result on

the first question, there are 55 respondent answered that they never use alcohol before taking

exam for better memory, while 2 respondent answer that they always use alcohol before taking

exam for having a better memory.

Almost vast majority (54) of the sample population never use alcohol to improve their

general condition with three (3) responses that they always use alcohol to improve their general

condition. The fourth question that the nearly half of the respondent answered, there response on
the question as the highest number is they never use alcohol to achieve their joy and happiness,

on the other choices, there are 5 respondent that choose they always use alcohol to achieve their

own happiness and joy in life. And the last data in the table have a nearly and almost majority

responses with the 51respondents that answered they never use or take alcohol to boost their self-

confidence, and the lowest responses that have in the data are 3 responses that they use

sometimes alcohol to boost their self-confidence.

In general, the overall weighted average mean of the data is 1.74; this means that the

students are Disagree on the Alcoholism Health related behavior.


Table 14

Students Performance inside the Class

Weighted Verbal


Does this health relate behavior affects your academic


I am active in school. 3.82

I participate in classes. 4.09

I get failing grades, 1-3 subjects. 2.03

I get passing grades in every subject. 4.21

I gain focus when I see technical problems 3.64

I made myself ready in all my subjects 4.02

I actively participate in every discussion. 3.69

I want to get good grades in every subject 4.48

I exert more effort when I do difficult assignments 3.92

Overall Weighted Mean 3.70

Table 14 its shows above the Academic Performance of the Respondents. Five (5) out of

ten (10) questions were interpreted as high extent: the highest weighted mean was the students

are ready all by their self in any subject with the mean of 4.59; Second question that have an

highest weighted mean (4.44) are Students are always want to have a good grades every subject,

Third question that have also highest weighted mean (4.08) are the Students are active in school.

Fourth Question that have a highest mean are (4.05) are every students are getting a passing

grades, the last highest mean (4) are that every students are participating in class.

The other four (4) were interpreted as the moderate extent, exerting effort on difficult

activities (3.88); actively participate in every discussion (3.61), Gaining focus after seeing some

technical problems (3.55), and Academic performance and Health behavior (3). Only one

question was interpreted as great extent: getting failing grade (2.05).

On the First question they are ask if the stated Health related Behavior affecting their

Academic Performance, they responses are sometimes (28) this kind of health related behavior

( Alcoholism and Poor Dietary Habits) are affecting their academic performance, while the other

choose as Always, Often and Rarely this Health Related Behavior affecting their Academic
Performance. And ten (10) remaining responses choose that this kind of health behavior is never

affects their academic performance.

The computed Overall weighted mean of 3.72 were verbally interpreted by the

respondent as high extent as to Academic Performance.



Weight/Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.51-5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.51-4.50 Agree

3 2.51-3.50 Neutral

2 1.51-2.50 Disagree

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree


Table 15

Pearson Correlation of the Data Collected


(Weighted Mean) (Weighted Mean)

1 3 3

2 2.80 4.08

3 2.73 4

4 2.72 2.05

5 2.84 4.05

6 1.91 3.55

7 1.55 4.59

8 1.61 3.61

9 1.87 4.44

10 1.79 3.88

PEARSON r -0.41986


r = -0.41986 (Low Negative Correlation)

The collected data shows that the given Health Related Behavior and the Academic

Performance of the respondents have 0.41986, which gives a result of low negative correlation.

This means that the two variables have an inversely relationship, which means the one variable

increased while the other variable are decreased and vice versa, this relationship may or may not

represent causation between the two variables, but it does describe an observable pattern.

A negative correlation can be contrasted with a positive correlation, which occurs when

two variables tend to move in tandem. The health related behaviors given are poor dietary habits
and alcoholism has a 1.74 overall weighted mean, and on the other hand, academic performance

has an 3.72 overall weighted mean.



Size of Correlation Interpretation

.90 to 1.00 ( -.90 to -1.00) Very High Positive (Negative) Correlation

.70 to .90 (-.70 to -.90) High Positive (Negative) Correlation

.50 to .80 ( -.50 to -.80) Moderate Positive (Negative) Correlation

.30 to .50 ( -.30 to - .50) Low Positive ( Negative) Correlation

.00 to .30 ( -.00 to -.30) Negligible Correlation

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