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Rome C11 MiniQuiz Name: _______________

Peoples Definition
___ 1. Greeks a. The original settlers of the area around Rome, contributed mainly language
___ 2. Carthaginians b. The enemy of the Roman Republic, fought the Punic Wars with them
___ 3. Etruscans c. Settlers from eastern Mediterranean, brought religion, alphabet, ideas, culture
___ 4. Latins d. Civilization to the north of Rome, army style, architecture, and mosaics
___ 1. Executive a. Puts laws into action; the president or military
___ 2. Judiciary b. Writes the laws; the Senate or Congress
___ 3. Legislative c. Interprets the laws and punishments; Supreme Court
___ 1. The Roman Republic’s Twelve Tablets were most similar to the
a) Three Branches b) Seven Wonders c) Code of Hammurabi d) Four Elements
___ 2. The group who killed Julius Caesar included
a) Romans angry about unemployment c) Former soldiers who wanted land
b) Senators who feared he would become king d) Political rivals who wanted Pompey to be consul
___ 3. Caesar took control of the Republic by
a) Making peace with his rivals c) Taking control of the Rubicon River
b) Starting a civil war with Pompey d) Winning support of the poor Romans
___ 4. Rome’s victories in the Punic Wars with Carthage brought territory in
a) Spain and North Africa b) Greece and its islands c) Macedonia and Syria d) Egypt and Persia
___ 5. Plebians forced the patricians to treat them more equally by
a) Vetoing laws that forbid plebians & patricians marrying c) Refusing to serve in the army
b) Electing more plebians to the Senate d) Demanding that women be allowed to vote
___ 6. What was not one of Julius Caesar’s acts while in power?
a) A new calendar similar to the one we use today c) Citizenship extended to many Roman territories
b) Made himself dictator for life d) He made the army into professional soldiers

1. 2. 3.

Short Essay Question: Why was Rome’s geography in a favorable location? Give two reasons.

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