SMT #2 - Alarming Typhoons - Google Forms

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2/14/23, 7:22 AM SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

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1. Email *

2. Name: (SURNAME, Given Name M.I.) *

Choose the option of the best answer.

Multiple Choice

3. On laundry days, you hung your wet clothes under the sun. Which of the following processes will dry * 1 point

your clothes?

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4. Which of the following is not true about air and air pressure? * 1 point

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Air pressure builds up on an extremely hot day.

Low air pressure allows the barometer reading to rise.

Air escapes fro an area of high pressure to low pressure.

Air escapes from an area of high temperature to low temperature 1/6
2/14/23, 7:22 AM SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

5. Which of the following is not necessary for cyclone to develop? * 1 point

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high air pressure

converging winds

changes in air pressure

continuous evaporation

6. You timed a gap of about 8 seconds between lightning and a thunder. What is the estimated distance * 1 point

of the lightning from your location?

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nearly 3 kilometers

nearly 4 km.

6 km.

18 km.

7. Of all the reports aired in the news, which of the following segments has direct impact to your own * 1 point


Mark only one oval.

entertainment news

police reort

sports report

weather report 2/6
2/14/23, 7:22 AM SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

8. High barometric reading will indicate ________. * 1 point

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wet season

fair weather

strong storms

formation of low pressure area

9. the side of the mountain that faces the sea is referred as ________. * 1 point

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rain shadow


10. The following clouds indicate fair weather except ______. * 1 point

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cirrus clouds

cumulus clouds

nimbus clouds

stratocumulus clouds

11. Which of the following may form on the leeside of the mountain? * 1 point

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rain shadow

very humid air

heavy rains and typhoons 3/6
2/14/23, 7:22 AM SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

12. PAGASA's scope includes the following fields of science except ________. * 1 point

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Choose true if the statement is correct, and false if the statement is

True or incorrect.

13. Bodies of water determine the temperature  and humidity of certain area. * 1 point

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14. Warm air descends on the leeside. * 1 point

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15. The actual landfall of the typhoon depends on how fast it moves. * 1 point

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2/14/23, 7:22 AM SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

16. ITCZ is commonly where the trade winds meet and storms form. * 1 point

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17. The eye wall is formed by swirling clouds heavy with rain. * 1 point

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Identify the word or group of words that is described in each statement.

Identification Type your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS

18. Refers to the day-to-day condition of the atmosphere. * 1 point

19. Sometimes also called  barometric pressure. * 1 point

20. Refers to the difference between  high and low pressure  systems in the  atmosphere creating winds. * 1 point

21. It is where weathers takes place. * 1 point 5/6
2/14/23, 7:22 AM SMT #1: Alarming Typhoons

22. This  part has the strongest  winds and rains. * 1 point

23. Refers to a storm system characterized by counter clockwise rotating air mass around a central * 1 point

part called core.

24. Refers to the boundary between the troposphere and the next atmospheric layer. * 1 point

25. This is the center.  It is the calm part of  the storm. * 1 point

26. It measures the amount of precipitation. * 1 point

27. The process by which a cyclone develops and strengthens. * 1 point

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