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Financial and Fiscal Administrations

1. Explain and critique the role of public procurement in public financial

management. What makes an effective public procurement program?

ANS: Public procurement (including public/private partnerships and concessions) is an

integral part of an effective public administration and public financial management, as it
is one of the key means by which public money is spent in order to provide public
A sound public procurement requires:

a. A strong and well-organized ministry of finance equipped with the necessary

administrative capacity and supported by a legal framework that allows it to
exercise its role;
b. Cost-effective public internal financial control systems, incorporating financial
management and control and internal audit, across the entire public
administration; and
c. An independent and professional Supreme Audit Institution supported by a legal
framework which allows for high-quality audits that impact on public sector

5. Accountability is increasingly a focal point in public administration. How are

public agencies subjected to greater accountability than the private and non-profit
sectors? Is this emphasis on budget accountability constructive or more of an
unnecessary nuisance?
6. What is meant by a regressive taxation system and how does it impact social
equity? Describe taxation methods that are regressive, progressive, and neutral.
7. Illustrate and discuss the framework of the government budget process.
8. The financial performance and fiscal condition of local governments typically can
be divided into two large categories – objective and subjective measures. Define and
discuss two objective and two subjective measures of municipal fiscal conditions.
9. Discuss the various approaches state and local governments may utilize to
generate revenue. What are the economic and social factors that influence revenue
generation ideas? Discuss and evaluate two budgetary theories related to revenue
10. Over the past two decades, local governments have become increasingly more
reliant on the use of service charges and fees. Explain why there has been a shift to rely
on service charges and fees to generate revenue for local governments. As you explain
this revenue policy, discuss their benefits and challenges/barriers (including equity)
while providing three examples of each (3 examples of benefits; 3 examples of

1. What is the conceptual framework for organizational

transformationin Public Administration?

Change management framework is a process, a structure to follow
when generating Insights and a change plan in your organization. In
any business environment, change happens. Let’s rephrase: In any
business environment, change should happen. It shows you're
committed to the kind of growth and evolution it takes to stay
modern, relevant, and competitive. Countless factors make change
inevitable. Think of technological advancements, globalization,
cultural shifts, and shifting economies. And since nobody's corporate
goals include falling behind or growing stale, embracing change is a

But what kind of change are we talking about here? Change can
include things like: Introducing new software or updating marketing
practices; Updated business processes; A full-on restructuring;
Leadership changes; Updated thinking; New project management
tools; Budget constraints; Shifts in strategy.

These all fall under the umbrella of organizational change. If you’re

already on board with shaking things up, you’re ahead of the game.
And you're not alone. According to Gartner, 99% of all organizations
have undergone a major organizational change in the last three
years. But big or small, change doesn't happen naturally. Therefore,
effective change requires a clear action plan.

What is Organizational Change Management? Simply put, it's is a

game plan. It’s a methodology that helps businesses adapt to
adjustments of all kinds. It helps employees, stakeholders, and
project teams prepare and set expectations for coming change. It
helps businesses roll out and acclimate to change. To say this
concept is broad and open-ended is an understatement. This is by
design. The idea exists to support whatever potential problems your
organization comes up against that don’t involve business asusual.

There are countless OCM methods out there. Each involves a basic
series of steps or practices that could be linear or cyclical in
approach. Some of the most popular methods include: Kotter 8-Step
Process for Leading Change: Create → Build → Form → Enlist →
Enable → Generate → Sustain → Institute; McKinsey & Company’s
7-S Framework: Style, Skills, Systems, Structure, Staff, and
Strategies = Shared Values & Goals; Kurt Lewin’s Change Model:
Unfreeze → Change → Refreeze; ADKAR Model: Awareness → Desire
→ Knowledge → Ability → Reinforcement; The Kübler-Ross Model:
Shock → Anger → Bargaining → Depression → Acceptance; Satir
Change Management Model: Late Status Quo → Resistance → Chaos
→ Integration → New Status Quo; William Bridges’ Transition Model:
Ending → Neutral Zone → New Beginnings.

However, there is no right or wrong in terms of which method to

choose. Any method can facilitate smooth transitions and positive
change. The best method depends on the organization and
stakeholder needs and preferences. Methods are generally seen as
interchangeable. Regardless of the method being applied, let’s get an
overarching sense of how organizational change management
happens. One of the most popular and widely accepted guiding
approaches out there is The Association of Professional Change
Management (ACMP) Standard for Change Management.

ECONOMICS Questionaire

2. Explain why finance entails and why everyone should

understand basic financial concepts?

The Financial literacy or monetary education is the mental
comprehension of monetary parts and abilities, for example, budgeting,
investing, borrowing, tax collection, and individual financial
management. The shortfall of such abilities is alluded to as being
monetarily unskilled. Being monetarily educated permits a person to be
more ready for explicit monetary barricades, which, thusly, diminishes
the possibilities of individual financial trouble. Accomplishing monetary
education is critical in the present society because of ordinary features
of life, for example, educational loans, contracts, student loan,
ventures, and health care coverage.

Monetary education comprises of a few monetary parts and abilities

that permit a person to acquire information with respect to the
compelling administration of cash and obligation. The major parts of
monetary proficiency that ought to learn: 1) Budgeting, In planning,
there are four fundamental uses for cash that decide a spending plan:
spending, contributing, saving, and parting with. Making the right
equilibrium all through the essential employments of cash permits
people to all the more likely dispense their pay, bringing about
monetary security and flourishing. By and large, a financial plan
should be made such that takes care of all current obligation while
leaving cash to the side for saving and making useful speculations.

2) Investing, to turn out to be monetarily educated, an individual

should find out regarding key parts concerning contributing. A portion
of the parts that ought to be figured out how to guarantee great
ventures are financing costs, value levels, broadening, hazard
alleviation, and records. Finding out with regards to critical venture
parts permits people to settle on more intelligent monetary choices that
might bring about an expanded inflow of pay. 3) Borrowing, much of
the time pretty much every individual is expected to acquire cash at one
point in their life. To guarantee acquiring is done actually, a
comprehension of financing costs, accumulate revenue, time worth of
cash, installment periods, and advance construction is significant.
Assuming the measures above are seen adequately, a person's
monetary education will expand, which will give reasonable acquiring
rules and diminish long haul monetary pressure.

5) Taxation, acquiring information about the various types of tax

assessment and what they mean for a singular's net gain is
essential for getting monetary education. Regardless of whether it be
work, speculation, rental, legacy, or startling, each type of revenue
is burdened in an unexpected way. Attention to the different
personal duty rates licenses monetary strength and increments
monetary execution through pay the board. 5) Personal Financial
Management: The main models, individual monetary administration,
incorporates a whole blend of every one of the parts recorded
previously. Monetary security is guaranteed by adjusting the blend
of monetary parts above to set and build ventures and reserve funds
while paying off getting and obligation. Accomplishing a top to
bottom information on the monetary parts examined above ensures
an expansion in a person's monetary education.
There are 10 Financial Concepts You Should Be Familiar With: Net worth,
Inflation, Liquidity, Bull market, Bear market, Risk tolerance, Asset allocation and
diversification, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, CAPM. Except if you're a
prepared monetary expert, ease with finance is regularly an obligation passed on
to bookkeeping offices, and different representatives will quite often pay corporate
money and bookkeeping issues no psyche. Overlooking money, be that as it may,
will put you behind the opposition with regards to being knowledgeable in every
one of the mind-boggling parts of working in business. Regardless of your calling
or position inside your association, assuming you have no clue about what a bear
market is for sure CAPM represents, it's an ideal opportunity to lose your feeling of
dread toward money and start embracing cash matters head on. Begin your
excursion to monetary familiarity by learning a few fundamental monetary terms
and ideas!

From planning to individual monetary administration, monetary

proficiency is the capacity to comprehend and apply different monetary
skills. Financial education is significant for some reasons. One principle
reason is that monetary obligation is expanding. Today, many
individuals should deal with their retirement accounts, understudy
obligation, contract obligation, and web-based exchanging accounts,
among others.

Finance is a major world, with endless specific areas. On the off chance
that you are not happy with simply the fundamentals, jump into an
instructional class on cutting edge monetary points like private
banking, bookkeeping, abundance the board, administrative money and
the sky is the limit from there. Monetary education is obtained by
learning monetary ideas and rehearsing them. Many individuals get
casual monetary instruction from relatives or good examples guardians
who show their youngsters how to compose a check, for example. In
any case, formal monetary guidance from a believed supplier offers a
more exhaustive and dependable instruction. Schools, banks, and
charitable associations are only a couple of the sources that offer
monetary training.

3. What is the fundamental concept of Business Economics and how

would you describe its characteristics?

The monetary ideas or economic concepts that everyone should know, while
numerous financial subjects can confound, there are a few essential realities
and terms that are vital to know. This information can assist us with dealing
with our cash, settle on savvy buying choices, investigate venture choices
and comprehend our local and national economic model. It's obviously true's
that notwithstanding being impacted by monetary and monetary issues
consistently, the normal individual is tragically clueless regarding essential
monetary issues.

The five financial ideas that everyone should know: 1) Supply and demand,
large numbers of us have seen the scandalous bends and discussed
harmony in our miniature and macroeconomic classes, yet what number of
us apply that data to our day-to-day routines? Organic market is something
other than two meeting lines; it influences us in each part of our lives. From
some everyday food items that we purchase to prepare our day-by-day
dinners to the gas that we put in our vehicle, there are innumerable powers
working that shape the organic market of a specific decent or

2) Scarcity, this idea goes connected at the hip with market interest.
Shortage is characterized by as "the fundamental
monetary issue that emerges on the grounds that individuals have limitless
needs however assets are restricted." Examples of scant assets incorporate
time, cash and normal assets; basically, whatever is limited falls under this
The explanation that this is a significant idea to comprehend is on the
grounds that it assists us with putting a worth on a decent or
administration. The more difficult to find an asset and the higher the
interest for it, the more costly it will be. While allotting your assets for any
venture, you should figure out how to focus on your assets. The most
difficult to find asset is your generally important, so plan in like manner.

3) Opportunity cost, large numbers of us have heard the expression,

"Nothing in life is free." While attempting to comprehend this idea, we should
likewise be acquainted with the expression "tradeoff." Tradeoff intends that
to acquire something, you need to quit any trace of something different. The
stunt is having the option to distinguish when you are quitting any trace of
something, and recollect: inaction is additionally an expense. For instance,
each time that you play hooky to snooze, your forthright, sunk costs are
what you straightforwardly paid in educational cost for that class. You
likewise, in any case, might have utilized that time that you spent in bed to
go to work, go to the exercise center, or be useful and finish your
schoolwork. Your inaction itself is an expense, regardless of whether it is
passing up bringing in some cash at work, the calories you could have
consumed from lifting or the better grades that you might have produced
using considering. Prior to settling on any choice, be certain that what you
are deciding to do is more significant to you than the things that you are
passing up.

4) Time value of money, this idea is a basic truth for any understudy that
needs to actually deal with their cash. The hypothesis behind the time worth
of cash expresses that, in absolutely financial terms, a dollar today is valued
at in excess of a dollar tomorrow. This is represented by the way that, taking
everything into account, contributing a dollar today will create some kind of
premium return that will give you in excess of a dollar tomorrow. The time
worth of cash guides us to complete a few things. As well as empowering us
to put away our cash to beat market loan fees, it likewise advises us to
factor in the ideas of expansion. Expansion, which is the overall expansion
in costs of labor and products after some time, can influence shoppers
definitely. Throughout the long term, as our economy and total national
output keep on developing, labor and products will keep on turning out to
be more costly. As a customer, your definitive objective is to expand your
pay rate at a higher rate than expansion; really at that time can you support
your way of life.

5) Purchasing power, I recollect when I was in rudimentary grade, I got a

Php500 Pesos for a total Boy Scout uniform. In those days, I thought I was
rich; I had never held such a lot of cash in my life. I had the option to
purchase a few things that I needed and was a blissful camper. Today,
nonetheless, that equivalent Php500 can get me around one fourth of the
merchandise I repurchased then, at that point. As expansion keeps on
developing, our buying power goes down. Buying influence is the sum that
cash can purchase us. We need to recollect that abundance is comparative
with the amount we can purchase with it. Assuming costs proceed to
increment and all else stays something similar, our buying power
diminishes. The method for countering this is to bring in your cash develop.
Put resources into reserves that go ahead with well-balanced plans of action
and search for speculation courses of action that give you a better yield than
the expansion rate.

Administrative or Business Economics is the branch that arrangements with

the association and distribution of an association's scant assets to
accomplish its ideal objectives. Business Economics, in this manner,
interconnects monetary standards and business. It is a connection between
the hypothesis of Economics and the choice sciences in the examination of
administrative navigation. Issue ID and answer for issues are the two
fundamental components of the decision-production of a corporate firm.
Leaders restrain 'vulnerability' of this present reality where the progressions
are either in a secret manner or in an open way.
Because of this vulnerability, forecast or assessment, it connects with the
volume of deals of an item, cost of creation, benefit, and so forth which is
probably going to be defective.

The five (5) Main Characteristics of Business Economics

A portion of the fundamental attributes of business financial matters are as
per the following: 1) Micro in Nature: Business financial matters is miniature
financial aspects in nature. This is because of the investigation of business
financial aspects principally at the level of the firm. By and large, a business
director is worried about issues of his own specialty unit. He doesn't
concentrate on the monetary issues of an economy in general. 2) Basis of
Theory of Markets and Private Enterprises: Business financial aspects
generally utilizes the hypothesis of business sectors and private endeavor. It
utilizes the hypothesis of the firm and asset assignment of private
undertaking economy. 3) Pragmatic in Approach: Business financial aspects
is down to earth in its methodology. It doesn't include itself with the
hypothetical debates of financial matters. However, it doesn't consign the
real factors of business decision- production to the foundation by acquiring
conceptual presumptions. While financial hypothesis abstracts from real
factors of the singular specialty units to develop its speculations,
administrative financial aspects take appropriate note of the specific
monetary climate in which a firm works.

4) Normative in Nature: Business financial matters is likewise called

standardizing financial matters which recommends principles or standards
for strategy making. Business financial matters is prescriptive rather than
distinct in nature. In financial hypothesis, we attempt to clarify monetary
conduct: in business financial aspects, we attempt to recommend strategies
for a business chief which are undoubtedly applied to accomplish his
targets. In financial hypothesis, we fabricate 'regulations' like the law of
Demand and the Law of Diminishing Returns. In business financial matters
we apply these regulations for strategy arranging at the level of a firm. 5)
Macro Analysis: Macroeconomics which manages the standards of monetary
conduct for the economy overall is additionally valuable for business
financial matters. A specialty unit works inside some monetary climate
which is thusly molded by the conduct of the economy in general.
Consequently, business director should realize the outside powers working
over his business climate. He needs to change himself to the vulnerabilities
of his business in insightful way. The significant parts of macroeconomics of
extraordinary premium to business financial expert are public pay
bookkeeping, business cycles, and monetary arrangements of the public
authority corresponding to business exercises.

Along these lines, all in all, Business Economics is a piece of Applied

Economics which is worried about the utilization of monetary ideas and
logical apparatuses to the course of decision-production for a business
endeavor. A business financial specialist distinguishes different issues that
are elevated by the organization, discovers numerous explanations for the
issues and examinations the impacts on the working of the firm, lastly
recommends reasonable other option and remedial measures that are
required to have been taken by the administration. As a business financial
analyst, you want to do research and gather a lot of data that will help over
any part of Economics and social arrangement.

4. Economists use categories to identify Economic Indicators in order to

provide them with what economic status is in terms of the business
cycle in a given period. What are the different Economic Indicators
categories and how are these interrelated to the four sectors of the

An economic indicator or monetary pointer is a measurement used to
evaluate, assess, and measure the general condition of health of the
macroeconomy. Financial indicators are regularly gathered by a
government agency or private business knowledge association as a
registration or review, which is then examined further to create an
economic indicator.
Monetary examiners and financial backers monitor macroeconomic
markers in light of the fact that the economy is a wellspring of precise
gamble that influences the development or decline of all ventures and

The Primary Economic Indicator is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) it is

generally acknowledged as the essential mark of macroeconomic execution.
The GDP, as a flat-out esteem, shows the general size of an economy, while
changes in the GDP, regularly estimated as genuine development in GDP,
show the general strength of the economy. The GDP comprises of four
parts, specifically: Consumption, Investment, Government Expenditure and
Net Exports. Gross domestic product is certifiably not an ideal proportion of
the economy. It is on the grounds that GDP can fluctuate by political
definition regardless of whether there is no distinction in the economy. For
instance, the EU forced a standard on obligation that a nation ought to
keep a deficiency inside 3% of its GDP. By assessing and remembering the
bootleg market for its GDP computations.

Other Economic Indicators is the Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI) In the

US, quite possibly the most followed financial pointer is the Institute of
Supply Management's Purchasing Manager's Index or PMI for short. The
ISM's PMI is a study shipped off organizations that range across all North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) classifications to gather
data on creation levels, new orders, inventories, conveyances, excess, and
business. The data gathered can be utilized to conjecture the general
business certainty inside the economy and decides whether it shows an
expansionary or contractionary standpoint. One reason why PMI is quite
possibly the most followed monetary pointer is a result of its solid
connection with GDP while being one of the main financial markers to be
delivered month to month. The part GDP that the PMI most intently
connects with is the Investment part.

Consumer Purchasing Index (CPI) while not straightforwardly connected

with the GDP, expansion is a critical pointer for monetary experts due to its
huge impact on organization and resource execution. Expansion
disintegrates the ostensible worth of a resource, which prompts a higher
markdown rate. In view of the major guideline of the Time Value of Money
(TVM), it implies that future incomes are worth less in present terms. To
quantify expansion, perhaps the most followed pointer is the Consumer
Purchasing Index (CPI). The CPI estimates the difference in costs of a
container of merchandise, comparative with a base year.

A basket is accumulated by the most consumed buyer labor and products.

The cost of the bushel is then estimated against a similar basket in the
base year. The CPI incorporates a few variations. Center CPI is the CPI
barring costs from energy and food-related items. The explanation is that
energy and ware food markets experience high unpredictability in costs.
Eliminating the two things gives a steadier proportion of CPI.

A financial pointer might have one of the three after ascribes: 1. Procyclical,
it is a marker that moves toward a path like the economy. For instance,
GDP is procyclical on the grounds that it increments assuming the
economy is performing great. In the event that the economy isn't
progressing admirably (i.e., downturn), GDP diminishes. 2. Countercyclical,
it is a marker that moves the other way of the economy. For instance, the
joblessness rate decreases assuming that the economy is flourishing. 3.
Acyclical It is a pointer that bears no relationship to the economy by any

The rundown of the most widely recognized pointers is Leading Indicators:

Stock Market Performance, Retail Sales Figures, Building Permits and
Housing Starts, Level of Manufacturing Activity and Inventory Balances.
Trailing results: GDP Growth, Income and Wage Growth/Decline,
Unemployment Rate, CPI (Inflation), Interest Rates (risking/falling) and
Corporate Profits
For the macroeconomic analysis, the four aggregate macroeconomic sectors
that form the basic foundation are household, business, government, and
foreign which represent four total national output consumptions. On the
macroeconomic stage, these four areas are the major 'entertainers'.
Utilization uses by the family area, venture uses by the business area,
government buys by the public authority area, and net commodities by the
unfamiliar area are on the whole instances of GDP uses. Every area
additionally has a particular capacity in macroeconomic movement: the
home area consumes, the business area delivers, the public authority area
controls, and the unfamiliar area participates in outer action.

The buyer area is predominantly worried about the utilization of items and
administrations. Family pay is spent on paying for items and
administrations as well as paying charges to the public authority. The
exhibition of the families is partitioned into two classifications: 1) It gives
calculate administrations to organizations the type of creation factors like
land, work, and capital. 2) It buys the ventures' last products as a whole
and administrations straightforwardly from the business sectors. Thus,
they give different component administrations to the economy while
additionally driving business sector interest for definite labor and products.

All in all, Economic indicators address factual information appearing past

or future patterns in an economy. Government offices, think tanks and
guard dog gatherings might ascertain different monetary markers in view of
monetary data. Government organizations are normally viewed as the
expert on monetary pointers. People and organizations regularly utilize
monetary pointers to settle on monetary choices. These choices can
connect with making monetary speculations, setting aside cash, procuring
new resources or other significant choices.
Each of the four sectors receives compensation in lieu of products and
services from the others, bringing about a consistent progression of
merchandise and actual services. With the coming of the unfamiliar area,
the model is changed from a shut to an open economy! The expansion of
the unfamiliar area will uncover the nearby economy's communications
with different nations. Outsiders draw in with nearby organizations and
purchasers through items and administration products and imports, as
well as monetary market getting and loaning activities. Trades are labor
and products delivered inside a nation's lines that are offered to outsiders.
Every development of cash is joined by an equivalent and inverse
progression of items or services.

5. Today’s productivity and global economy fundamentally rely on

technological change and advancement alongside industrial
innovation. How would you apply the strategies and methods to
technological changes in this pandemic era?

The impacts that the COVID-19 crisis could have on the fate of science,
Technology and Innovation (STI) and its approaches. Factors forming the
eventual fate of STI remember the inconsistent impacts of the crisis for
innovative work (R&D) across areas, the sped-up reception of advanced
instruments and procedures, and changes in the receptiveness,
comprehensiveness and readiness of exploration and development
environments. STI strategy could consider basic changes to be flexibility,
natural supportability and comprehensiveness become more noticeable
goals on approach plans. The emergency could likewise spike trial and
error with new instruments, strategy approaches and administration

The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for financial exercises

might bring about enduring changes for science, innovation and
advancement (STI).
It might likewise influence the reason, plan and execution of STI
arrangements. This concise, which depends on Paunov and Planes-Satorra
(2021[1]), outlines the variety of conceivable future patterns for STI and
their consequences for various entertainers, including firms, research
associations, colleges, and the momentum and future STI workforce.
These advancements will thus fundamentally influence the speed and
course of future development, as well as its effects on prosperity and
market elements.

The COVID-19 pandemic considerably affects STI frameworks and will

have capricious falling ramifications for STI frameworks into the indefinite
future. In this unique circumstance, STI strategy making should be
founded on a more far- reaching comprehension of the intricacy of
continuous turns of events and interlaced impacts across various pieces of
the framework. Such a comprehension of basic vulnerabilities and
conceivable future advancements will assist with planning inventive and
versatile STI approaches and construct a STI framework that is itself more
deft, tough and useful under a wide variety of future circumstances.

The COVID-19 pandemic has produced critical vulnerability across all

parts of the worldwide economy and society. Similarly, the pandemic's
drawn-out impacts on science, innovation and development are difficult to
foresee. In this specific circumstance, it is informative to investigate a
portion of the unique (and at times disconnected) potential patterns for
what the pandemic could mean for STI as far as generally speaking
spending, advanced foundation, receptiveness, comprehensiveness, and
worldwide coordinated effort.

The fast execution of open science and open information drives during the
COVID- 19 emergency - including stages to share research information,
open admittance to COVID-19-related distributions, and the early
scattering of exploration original copies as preprints - may end up being
an impetus for the more extensive reception of open science across all
logical examination fields (OECD, 2020[9]). These practices upgrade
straightforwardness and cooperation, decrease the gamble of copied
research endeavors, and cultivate examination and development based on
the current exploration base.

The COVID-19 emergency has both tested worldwide joint effort and
shown its significance in handling worldwide difficulties. Going ahead,
open doors and strategy support for worldwide co-activity might be built
up with an end goal to advance a productive worldwide STI framework
that advantages from public specializations and limits, particularly in the
wellbeing field. For example, accentuation might be put on building solid
worldwide stages to share information about irresistible sicknesses, send-
off global subsidizing plans for innovative work of antibodies and therapies
for arising illnesses, or lay out a worldwide infection anticipation and
control framework.

New devices for STI strategy might acquire more noteworthy significance
following the extraordinary utilization of constant granular information (for
example portability information, beat reviews) and enormous information
perception and investigation devices during the pandemic. These may,
thus, render STI strategy reactions more agile, focused on and eventually
more compelling.

Unusual strategy approaches could make progress throughout the next

few years, including approaches that insert vital foreknowledge inside
arrangement making, for example the organized and unequivocal
investigation of various fates to illuminate navigation. Frameworks draws
near, which represent interconnections in financial cycles, expect to plan
approaches in view of their effects on the whole framework rather than on
a solitary part or interaction.
With regards to propelling the progress towards green versatility, for
example, this requires putting resources into pertinent R&D, adjusting
city frameworks, laying out proficient public transportation benefits and
expanding public mindfulness regarding its advantages.

Reflections on new administration models including intergovernmental co-

activity and relations with the media will likewise figure in returned to STI
strategy plans. The more extensive commitment of common society
establishments in STI strategy may likewise be additionally embraced,
especially taking into account accomplishing significant cultural changes.

6. Explain the role that ethics and good governance play in successful

A solid Corporate Governance is irreplaceable to a versatile and dynamic
corporate market and is a significant instrument of financial backer's
security. The pith of corporate administration includes the advancement of
a helpful connection between various constituents of a corporate endeavor
in light of the standards of reasonableness, straightforwardness and
responsibility. Corporate administration is worried about laying out a
framework by which the chiefs are shared with liabilities and obligations in
connection with the course of an organization's undertakings. Corporate
administration assists with working on the effectiveness of corporate.
Hence, present review focuses on corporate administration.

For the smooth working of corporate administration, business ethics are

fundamental and indispensable. Business morals is only the use of moral
qualities to business conduct. It is concerning the way that an organization
does its business and the way in which it acts inherently. To confront
rivalry in the business sectors because of new monetary strategies, for
example, globalization, progression and so on and to get more benefit
embracing moral qualities in business is significant. Business morals in
corporate administration is changing and outrages, trick and debasement
inside corporate administration are arising. So corporate administration is
dealing with issue to work appropriately. Disappointment of corporate
adversely affects society and climate. Carelessness of business morals in
corporate administration is just mindful element for the disappointment of

Henceforth present review centers around the importance and need of

business morals in corporate administration. Morals isn't just assuming a
significant part in business yet additionally in day today life.
Trustworthiness, earnestness, straightforwardness and facing challenge of
their own liability are significant components of morals one needs to join in
his own life. Creating more gain is beneficial thing, yet to create more gain it
is important to carry out moral issues in the business. Then, at that point,
simply it is feasible to us to get more benefit above and beyond. Business
morals assists with keeping up with connections among organization and
society and to recapture the partners of organizations. Along these lines, it
is essential for each organization to embrace the moral culture in their
organization. So present paper additionally centers the techniques to
improve the business morals in corporate administration.

A corporate governance is applying the idea of administration in the

corporate world, what we get is the term, 'Corporate Governance'. Corporate
Governance is a theme as of late imagined, at this point not well
characterized and thus obscured at edges. Corporate Governance is
characterized as the dissemination of freedoms as well as limitations among
various members in the association, like the Board, Managers,
Shareholders and different Stakeholders and explains rules and
methodology for settling on choices on corporate issue.
Corporate administration is worried about laying out a framework by which
the Directors are shared with liabilities and obligations in connection with
the course of an organization's issues. It is established on the arrangement
of responsibility basically guided towards the Shareholders as well as
expanding the investor's government assistance.

A compelling corporate administration framework gives component to

controlling the chief's obligations to limit them from mishandling their
powers and to guarantee that they act to the greatest advantage of the
organization from a more extensive perspective. Corporate Governance is
likewise worried about more extensive responsibility and the obligation of
the chiefs towards different Stakeholders on the company. Business Ethics
is characterized as an interaction for incorporating values, for example,
genuineness, trust, straightforwardness and decency into its approaches,
practices and direction. Business morals is along these lines intrinsically
connected with corporate administration. Morals can't be denied. The early
English precept "as you sow so will you harvest" is characteristic of the
meaning of business morals.

A firm which applies moral practices likewise hopes to be managed

morally. These assumptions and resulting reception of moral practices
make chain impact as far as advancing moral practices. Ethical culture can
be viewed as the protection for effective business. Along these lines, for
great administration morals is fundamental. Along these lines, it is each
organization's ethical obligation to execute the moral codes in a business.
Yet, fundamental for the business as well as in day today life. Today, an
ever-increasing number of recorded organizations have started to
understand the requirement for straightforwardness and great
administration to draw in unfamiliar as well as homegrown capital.
Henceforth, for great administration moral culture is an earnest
requirement for organizations of 21st century.
The ACMP Standard includes a definition of practices, processes,
tasks, and activities for change management. It also includes
guidance for any type of change and generally accepted practices and
processes across industries, organizations, and roles. Here’s how the
association breaks down organizational change management across
companies and industries: Step 1) Evaluate Change Impact &
Readiness Examine the proposed change, how it will impact the
organization, and whether the organization is ready. Step 2)
Formulate Your Strategy Develop an approach for taking the
organization from point A to point B while achieving specific
outcomes. Step 3) Develop Change Management Plans Document
scope, actions, timelines, and resources necessary for the success of
your plan. Step 4) Executing Change Management Plans, Address
implementation by monitoring, measuring, and controlling delivery
against baseline plans. Step 5) Closing the Change Management
Effort Documents the actions and resources needed to close the

7. What are the four basic elements of Governance? Define

anddiscuss practices, cite practical situations.

The components of good governance, and on their connection to
improvement. As the ethos and experience of these associations change,
thus, as well, do their view of what establishes great administration. To
the extent that the Bank is concerned, however, it is the methodology
taken by the World Bank-drawn from its worldwide involvement in task
and change loaning that is the most significant. The World Bank's
revenue in administration comes from its anxiety with the viability of the
improvement endeavors it upholds. According to this viewpoint, sound
improvement the executives, in the broadest feeling of the expression, is
basic for guaranteeing sufficient returns and adequacy of the projects and
activities financed, and for the World Bank's fundamental goals of
assisting nations with lessening destitution and advancing supportable
development. Subsequently, the World Bank's accentuation as of late has
moved from its own mediations to the general nation setting (i.e., the
administration environment) inside which those intercessions occur. In
doing as such, it has been directed by the idea of its tasks and the
amazing open doors for activity that this deal. As needs be, the critical
components of administration recognized by the World Bank are (i) public
sector management, (ii) accountability, (iii) legal framework for
development, and (iv) transparency andinformation.

Accountability is basic to disclose authorities liable for government

conduct and receptive to the element from which they determine their
position. This might be accomplished distinctively in various nations or
political constructions, contingent upon the set of experiences, social
milieu, and worth frameworks included. The systems utilized may
fluctuate from review contracts, at one level, to extensively chose
governing bodies or all the more barely imagined consultative panels, at
another. Responsibility likewise implies laying out models to quantify the
exhibition of public authorities, as well as oversight components to
guarantee that the principles are met. The litmus test is whether private
entertainers in the economy have procedurally basic and quick plan of
action for change of uncalled for activities or inadequacy of the leader
authority. Absence of responsibility tends on schedule to diminish the
state's believability as a financial accomplice. It sabotages the limit of
legislatures to support the drawn-out business certainty fundamental for
development improving private area speculation. Taken a gander at from
this point, responsibility can assist with diminishing sovereign gamble.
The responsibility of public area establishments is worked with by
assessment of their monetary and monetary presentation. Financial
responsibility connects with the viability of strategy detailing and
execution, and productivity in asset use. Monetary responsibility covers
bookkeeping frameworks for consumption control, and inside and outer

Participation gets from an acknowledgment that individuals are at the

core of improvement. They are a definitive recipient of improvement, but
on the other hand are the specialists of advancement. In the last limit,
they act through gatherings or affiliations (e.g., worker's guilds, offices of
business, nongovernment associations [NGOs], ideological groups) and as
people (e.g., through letters to paper editors, partaking in radio and TV
television shows, casting a ballot). Since improvement is both for and by
individuals, they need to approach the organizations that advance it (e.g.,
agent administrations).
Interest is frequently connected with responsibility, yet not really so. In
agent vote based systems, where residents take an interest in government
through the constituent interaction, public authorities are, for sure,
responsible at last to the electorate. This may not be the situation,
nonetheless, in other political frameworks (in spite of the fact that
responsibility is as yet significant). For all economies, however, the
advantages of participatory methodologies can be extensive. These
incorporate superior presentation and manageability of arrangements,
projects, and tasks, as well as upgraded limit and abilities of partners.

At the grass roots level, interest infers that administration structures are
sufficiently adaptable to offer recipients, and others impacted, the chance
to work on the plan and execution of public projects and ventures. This
builds "possession" and improves results. At an alternate level, the
viability of strategies and foundations impinging on the economy all in all
might need the wide help and collaboration of major financial entertainers
concerned. To the degree that the connection point between open offices
and the private area is helpful for the last's investment in the economy,
public monetary execution (including the consolidated commitments of
the general population and private areas) will beupgraded.

Interest in monetary life by specialists other than the state would cover
the job of the private area, yet in addition the exercises (filling as of late)
of NGOs. These components of common society offer an elective method
for directing the energies of private residents. They can be useful in
distinguishing individuals' inclinations, preparing popular assessment on
the side of these interests, and sorting out activity in like manner. Being
near their constituents, NGOs can give state run administrations a
valuable partner in upgrading investment at the local area level and
encouraging a "base up" way to deal with financial and social turn of

Predictability alludes to (I) the presence of regulations, guidelines, and

approaches to control society; and (ii) their fair and predictable
application. The significance of consistency couldn't possibly be more
significant since, without it, the methodical presence of residents and
organizations would be unimaginable. Law and order incorporate both
distinct privileges and obligations, as well as systems for implementing
them, and resolving questions in a fair-minded way. It requires the state
and its auxiliary offices to be as much limited by, and responsible to, the
general set of laws as are private people andventures.

The significance of rule-based frameworks for financial life is self-evident.

They are a fundamental part of the climate inside which financial
entertainers plan and take venture choices. To the degree, thusly, that
lawful systems assist with guaranteeing that (I) business dangers can be
surveyed objectively, (ii) exchange costs are brought down, and (iii)
legislative mediation is limited, they ought to demonstrate helpful for
hazard taking, development, and improvement.
In the contrary situation, the eccentric use of rules produces
vulnerability and represses the development of private area drives.
Administrative vulnerability additionally will in general raise the expense
of capital by expanding the gamble ofspeculation.

Other than lawful and administrative systems, consistency of public

arrangement is likewise significant. Government strategies influence the
venture environment straightforwardly, and monetary entertainers
require sensible confirmation about the future conduct of key factors, for
example, costs, the conversion scale, and business levels. In any case,
consistency doesn't mean unbending nature. Legislatures really do have
to react deftly to changing conditions and to make midcourse
adjustments, as the need might arise. Likewise, when states change, the
replacement organization will, justifiably, need public approach to mirror
its needs, rather than those of its ancestor. Excepting such
circumstances, however, consistency in the expansive headings of
government strategy is significant (with alterations being restricted, quite
far, totweaking).

Transparency alludes to the accessibility of data to the overall

population and clearness about government rules, guidelines, and
choices. In this manner, it the two supplements and builds up
consistency. The trouble with guaranteeing straightforwardness is that
main the generator of data might be aware of it, and may restrict
admittance to it. Thus, it very well might be valuable to reinforce the
residents' more right than wrong to data with a level of lawful
enforceability. For comparative reasons, comprehensively prohibitive
regulations that license public authorities to deny data to residents (e.g.,
an Official Secrets Act) need to accommodate free audit of cases that such
forswearing is legitimized in the more noteworthy public interest.
Admittance to precise and opportune data about the economy and
government approaches can be essential for monetary decision making by
the private area. On grounds of productivity alone, such information
ought to be uninhibitedly and promptly accessible to monetary
specialists. While this is valid across all region of the economy, it is
particularly pertinent on account of those areas that are inherently data
escalated, like the monetary area overall and capital business

Interlinkages among the components of administration is thoughtfully,

the four components of administration showed above will quite often be
commonly steady and supporting. Responsibility is regularly connected
with interest, and is additionally a definitive protect of consistency and
straightforwardness. Without responsibility to impacted gatherings, even
unsurprising decision making of independent government organizations
might bring about the last option setting office interests over those.

8. What are the factors/processes in pushing forgovernance?

Governance can be characterized as: "The framework by which substances
are coordinated and controlled. It is worried about construction and cycles
for independent direction, responsibility, control and conduct at the highest
point of an element. Governance impacts how an association's goals are set
and accomplished, how hazard is observed and tended to and how execution
is upgraded". Governance is a framework and interaction, not a solitary
action and along these lines fruitful execution of a decent Governance
methodology requires a methodical methodology that joins key preparation,
hazard the executives and execution the board. Like culture, it is a center
part of the special attributes of an effectiveassociation.
For what reason is great Governance significant? The central justifications
for why associations ought to take on great Governance rehearses include:
1) To protect and fortify partner certainty - nothing diverts an association
more than managing a disappointed partner bunch brought about by an
absence of trust in the administering body. What's more on the positive side,
a strong partner base can create benefits for the association however
friendly and daily encouragement, theoretical yet truly important qualities
that all associations ought to endeavor to accomplish and maintain;

2) To give the establishment to a high-performing association - the

accomplishment of objectives and practical achievement requires info and
backing from all levels of an association. The Board, however great
Governance rehearses, gives the system to arranging, execution and
checking of execution and without an establishment to construct superior
execution upon, the accomplishment of this objective becomes risky.
Accomplishment of the most ideal presentation and results, inside existing
limit and ability, should be an association's on going objective. Great
Governance should uphold the board and staff to be "all that they can

3) To guarantee the association is very much positioned to react to a

changing outer climate - business today works in a climate of steady
change. Innovation has made a data age that has changed our reality, and
for business to both make due and stay productive to empower it to satisfy
its main goal and accomplish its vision, a framework must be set up to help
an association to recognize changes in both the outer climate and arising
patterns. This course of understanding our changing world doesn't occur by
some coincidence, it requires authority, responsibility and assets from the
overseeing body to lay out and keep up with such a framework inside the
association. Change by and large doesn't occur "over-night", it is there so
anyone might see for themselves assuming that they have set up a
framework for looking. Administering bodies, as a definitive heads of an
association, should assume a sense of ownership with thismovement.

Great Governance is a wide idea covering all parts of how a nation is

represented, including its monetary approaches, administrative system, and
adherence to law and order. Unfortunate Governance offers more noteworthy
impetuses and more open doors for defilement the maltreatment of public
office for private addition. Defilement sabotages the public's confidence in its
Governance. It additionally undermines market respectability, twists
contest, and jeopardizes monetary turn of events. Since unfortunate
Governance is obviously unfavorable to financial action and
In outline, Governance incorporates the cycles by which associations are
coordinated, controlled and viewed to be responsible. It incorporates the
power, responsibility, initiative, bearing and control practiced in an
association. Significance can be accomplished when great Governance
standards and practices are applied all through the entire association and
that is the reason Governance is significant.

9. What are the challenges of transformational leadership andgovernance?

Challenges Face by Transformational leader and ideas to settle the
difficulties, Transformational leaders enable their supporters to establish
change, a groundbreaking chief could frame a bond with the laborers and
afterward motivate and enable them to reestablish the business. Conversely,
a value-based pioneer could devise monetary impetuses for representatives,
wanting to persuade them to track down ways of reestablishing the
business. The objective of an initiative is to get workers to perform past the
While conditional pioneers do this by allotting prizes and disciplines,
transformational leader do this by impacting the qualities and perspectives
of others. It takes an extraordinary kind of individual to convey a motivating
vision of things to come, and there are upsides and downsides related with
this administrationstyle.

Transformational leadership happens when pioneers play out their jobs so

successfully that they gain the trust, regard, appreciation and devotion of
individuals who follow them. This, thusly, (changes) individuals' practices.
It's totally unique in relation to the value-based style of initiative that is the
backup position for most business associations. With the conditional style of
administration, the pioneer spurs individuals to work more enthusiastically
by offering rewards (advancements, rewards, paid get-away) for acceptable
conduct, and disciplines (downgrades, improvement programs) for
unfortunate conduct. The inspiration to buckle down comes from outside
the worker.

Groundbreaking initiative is a famous administration style where pioneers

intend to move and inspire others to adjust their own objectives to an
organization's prosperity. Contrasted with customary authority structures
that include outside disciplines and compensations for organization
conduct, transformational leadership furnishes associations with a bona fide
method for empowering self-inspiration. Like all initiative styles,
groundbreaking authority has a few downsides that you ought to know
about prior to executing transformational leadership with your group.
Challenges in groundbreaking initiative and how to oversee them: 1) Lack of
concentration; 2) Potential for burnout; 3) Disruption of schedules; 4) Fewer
governing rules; 5) Misuse of force; 6) Constant support; 7) Favoritism; 8)
Lost subtleties; 9) Reliance on characters; 10) Exaggerated conflicts.

Absence of concentration (Lack of focus), transformational leadership works

by moving colleagues to inspire themselves, which can cause an absence of
spotlight on fundamental errands. Transformational leader means to show
others how it’s done and model ideal worker conduct, which may not give
sufficient construction and direction to certain representatives. Regardless
of whether everybody in the group is joined in a shared objective, it tends to
be difficult to accomplish on the off chance that they don't have the foggiest
idea about the exact measurements they need to meet and assignments they
need to complete. This absence of center can prompt inner disarray
regarding who does what and declineefficiency.

To address absence of concentration, transformational leader should set

clear assumptions for every individual in their group. Great transformational
leader ingrain inner inspiration in their representatives and urge them to set
clear, significant objectives every day. By making task-the executives a piece
of the organization culture, you can keep away from issues with
concentration and efficiency.
Potential for burnout, one of the advantages of groundbreaking authority is
that worker achievement doesn't depend on external prizes and approval,
however this can likewise have adverse outcomes. On the off chance that
representatives aren't getting any outer inspiration while they support
undeniable degrees of inward inspiration, they might begin to feel
exhausted, overlooked and wore out. When a groundbreaking chief models
an undeniable degree of obligation to an organization, it might even urge
representatives to foster an undesirable balance between fun and serious
activities and penance their emotional wellness for theirwork.

Transformational leader can forestall burnout in their group by accentuating

the significance of a supported speed at work. Effective transformational
leader urges their representatives to exploit took care of time and different
advantages, permitting them to carry their best selves into the work
environment. They likewise track down approaches to routinely perceive
worker achievement and accomplishment.
Interruption of schedules (Disruption of routines), carrying out a
groundbreaking authority style requires everybody on the staff to
fundamentally impact the manner in which they contemplate work, which
can create disturbance and turmoil. An excess of progress occurring
immediately can make brought together frameworks go to pieces or
influence representatives to fail to remember standard conventions and best
practices. Transformational leader might be so centered around spurring
their representatives to change that they don't contemplate the best setting
for each change. To deal with the effect of groundbreaking changes, you can
consistently check in with representatives regarding the advantages and
difficulties of new schedules. Pay attention to criticism and make changes
gradually founded on how representatives adjust to every one as opposed to
attempting to update the whole organization culture without a moment's

Less balanced governance (Fewer checks and balances), the groundbreaking

initiative model requires individuals in administrative roles to be
exceptionally compelling and to straightforwardly shape their
representatives' thought process. Since the premise of transformational
leadership is to urge workers to embrace a common attitude about
advancing organization achievement, it can make it harder for individuals to
raise any worries. When transformational leader condition representatives to
all figure a specific way, it can make it harder to see the negative parts of
organization methods. This absence of governing rules can keep the group
from perceiving blemishes in their work.

You can join balanced governance into your groundbreaking authority style
by empowering a development outlook as a feature of your administration
style. While demonstrating inspirational conduct, accentuate the
significance of self-reflection and decisive reasoning while simply deciding.
This provides you with the advantages of spreading interior inspiration while
as yet understanding external viewpoints.
Abuse of force (Misuse of power), transformational leaders are fantastic at
affecting others, which makes it simple for individuals to abuse their power.
An alluring, groundbreaking pioneer might engage others in their
association to drive adverse results or work towards objectives that benefit
the pioneer to the detriment of their representatives. Some groundbreaking
chiefs might even maneuver their devotees toward scrutinizing their own
judgment and turning out to be too dependent on what the pioneer thinks
and feels.

The initial step to forestalling abuse of force among transformational leader

is to have a broad checking process for individuals in administration
positions. Guarantee that you select individuals who have an undeniable
degree of genuineness and trustworthiness in their work. Whenever
somebody is laid out in an administrative role, have ordinary conversations
about the inspiration of their activities to maintain responsibility.
Steady support (Constant maintenance), for transformational leadership to
be compelling, you want consistent correspondence between organization
pioneers and the remainder of the staff. Since transformational leader
inspire their representatives by displaying acceptable conduct, they need to
guarantee that workers witness their association in the organization. This
steady support can be tiring and tedious, particularly in huge associations.
It could be provoking for organization pioneers to open lines of
correspondence with everybody in their group, particularly while chipping
away at various kinds of obligations.

Transformational leader can keep up with correspondence with their groups

without getting overpowered by planning ordinary registrations, pamphlets
and friends refreshes where they share insights regarding the undertakings
they're chipping away at. By committing time consistently to give little
updates, transformational leader can shape unique interactions with their
group in a reasonable manner.
Preference, transformational leader invest energy with their colleagues
assisting them with fostering their expert abilities and capacities, which
might prompt partiality. A few chiefs might give additional concentration
to representatives that are more basic to specific tasks, leaving others
learning about left or disregarded. Cases of partiality by transformational
leader can prompt lopsided staff improvement and even reason interior
struggle on the off chance that a few colleagues feel that they aren't getting
perceived for their inspiration and responsibility.

You can battle preference in groundbreaking initiative by organizing

proficient advancement amazing open doors accessible to all staff
individuals. Setting up a mentorship program, giving free passes to
meetings and putting together staff information shares are for the most
part extraordinary ways of assisting all workers with accomplishing their
true capacity without showing partiality.

Lost subtleties, transformational leader center around long haul, 10,000-

foot view circumstances to persuade their group, which might prompt
individuals disregarding significant subtleties. Since transformational
leader work to move their colleagues to have a comparative outlook, this
can create what is going on where everybody is thinking about the vision
yet nobody is tending to the coordinated operations of accomplishing that
objective. When transformational leaders are amped up for their general
vision for a venture, they might disregard the reasonable subtleties of
achieving it, prompting a shoddy eventual outcome.

Abstain from losing subtleties by setting up a framework to delegate and

track center errands on projects. Having somebody allotted to the points of
interest of every task can further develop responsibility and guarantee that
your group disperses subtleties fittingly and finishes them on time.

Dependence on characters, one more test of groundbreaking initiative is

that it depends on pioneers having an amiable, alluring character that the
remainder of the staff appreciates. Depending in your group to have
specific characters can cause individuals who are more held to be
undervalued or missed for advancements. This can likewise create some
issues as staff changes happen and character elements shift. Address an
over-dependence on character type by giving all organization

10. What are the expressions of good governance in your office?

Discussgood practices.

1. Define Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Do you agree with President Marcos plan
on the creation of Maharlika Fund? Is it applicable in the current economic
condition of the Philippines? What justification you can present to proceed with
the proposed plan.
2. Considering that Maharlika fund will be generated from Citizens Insurance,
what possible measures would you recommend to protect the Sovereign Wealth
Fund from graft and corruption?
3. Under Memorandum Circular No.52 Series of 2018 issued by the Office of the
President, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Federalism and Constitutional
Reform was created. Does CORE (Constitutional Reform) efforts of amending the
Philippine Constitutions will help the strategies of expanding Economic
Opportunities, Global competitiveness, and expand employment opportunities?
4. What are the Organization’s stages of Decision Making? Describe and discuss.
5. Describe how public and private organizations utilize Information Technology to
continue the delivery of services to the public. Discuss effective practices.
6. In Performance Management, what are the programs of the Philippine
government to strengthen the employee’s commitment to public service and
promote the primacy of public interest over personal interest in the performance
of their duties.
7. Describe how public and private organizations utilize Information Technology to
continue delivery of services to the public. Discuss effective practices. 

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