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Form 1B No.
Quarter 4, Week 8 of SY 2020-2021


Name of Learner: ________________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: __________________ Inclusive Date: ___________________________

Parent/s or Guardian’s Name: ________________________________ Signature: ________

Use Functions and Formulas in an Electronic Spreadsheet Tool in Performing Advanced

Calculations on Numerical data

A wide variety of software applications are available to meet the society’s need to perform tasks
easier and faster. With the help of this innovation, information can now be analyzed and
communicated effectively in a more convenient way.

Electronic spreadsheet software is like Microsoft Excel that is commonly used by individuals and
businesses to create and produce much needed calculations and operations. Spreadsheets are
designed with functions and formulas that will make calculating numerical data easier and
convenient for you.

Functions- are calculations that return a result. To create and enter functions always start with an
equal sign (=). Without it, Excel will not calculate a result. The inputs in functions are called
arguments. Arguments can be in a form of numbers, cell references, or texts.

These are the following methods to access functions in Excel

1. Click the Insert Function button – fx from the left side of the formulas tab
2. Select a function from one of the lists in the Insert Function dialog box. Then click OK
3. A Function Arguments dialog box will appear that will automatically assist you to input numbers
in your selected function. This window indicates what each function does and the arguments that
each function considers.
4. Directly input numbers into the cells. Useful prompts showing the format of the function and the
arguments that should be inserted will appear. You may also use the mouse to click desired ranges
that you want to include in the
function. Then, the cells address will automatically be inserted in your function. Once the numbers
are typed in the dialog box, click OK
5. The answer to the Function is shown in the cell. There are different categories of functions. Some
of which are the following:
a. Mathematical
b. Date and Time
c. Logical
d. Lookup and Reference
Formulas, on the other hand, are combinations of functions, operands, and operations. These are
used like when you are manually calculating. Using spreadsheet serves different purposes in almost
every profession. These include the following:
Spreadsheets are used as calculators to automatically calculate the values entered.
Spreadsheets are used as tables to track personal investments, expenses, inventory, address, and
telephone numbers, among others.
Spreadsheets are used to graph, analyze, and store information.
Spreadsheets are used for What-if calculations. You may change one number in a spreadsheet
and all the calculations in a large spreadsheet will recalculate, will automatically change.

Learning Task 1: Write TRUE on the space provided if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
________1. There are only four functions in MS Excel.
________2. Functions are combinations of functions, operands and operators.
________3. Formulas always start with an equal sign.
________4. Without an equal sign, Excel will not calculate a result.
________5. Average is used to add two or more numbers together.

Learning Task 2: Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word. Use the clue indicated below. Write
your answer on the space provided.
1. T F U I O N S C N ________________________ - are calculations that return a result.
2. S M U L A F O R _____________________- are combinations of functions, operands, and operations.
3. D A E P R S S H T E E S___________________ - are designed with functions and formulas that will
make calculating numerical data easier and convenient for you.
4. A R GU N T S M E________________________ - can be in a form of numbers, cell references, or
5. C E X E L________________ - Commonly used by individuals and business to create and produce
much needed calculations and operations.


The learner will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _________________________________________________________________________________

I realize that

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