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Design and Dynamic Modeling of Hybrid

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

*Ahmad Altoufaily, **Hassan Shreim
*Student in Department of Mechanical Engineering, **Prof. Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
Lebanese University-Faculty of Engineering III

Abstract—This paper describes a design and II. Design of AUV from our point of view
development of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
(AUV). AUV are robotic submarines that are a part of The hybrid AUV presented here is based on
the emerging field of autonomous and unmanned integrating features of thrusters and gliders into a
vehicles. Our study is about a conceptual hybrid
autonomous underwater vehicle (H-AUV) which
system capable of gliding due to its buoyancy
combines the features of a propelled vehicle that has changes, and/or thrusting via a propeller. The
higher velocity and those of an underwater glider AUV proposed design is shown in Fig. 1 and is a torpedo
to have long range survey and minimize power like vehicle with a propeller in the aft section, four
consumption. In this study we construct AUV using control wings are to be installed in the rear hull
SolidWorks and its validation is done using Ansys, and section, driven by servo actuators. Two rudders or
the second phase will be the dynamic model of AUV vertical wings provide the yaw rotation, and two
and its implementation and results were done using horizontal wings, which control the pitch rotation of
MATLAB. the vehicle. A shaft sealing connects the control
planes to the internal actuator motor. A shaft seal is
Keywords: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Robotics,
hydrodynamic, system modeling, simulation.
designed to prevent sea water to leak inside the hull,
and enable the rotation of the shaft by the actuator
under external pressure. A buoyancy engine
I. INTRODUCTION: provides the ability to control the buoyancy of the
body by shifting an amount of water in and out a
AUVs are unmanned robotic platforms, which ballast tank located inside the body, and thus
perform underwater missions controlled by onboard controlling the vertical motion. Adding two large
computers with no need for interaction with a human span wings creates horizontal forces that move the
operator [1]. They have proved to be a reliable vehicle forwards during a dive or an ascent. Table I
platform for acquiring oceanic data and sending this describe the AUV criteria, the advantage of having
data via satellite, eliminating the need of any a hybrid AUV is minimized power consumption and
physical connection. In fact, their utility has led to extended operation periods while maintaining good
their usage in several scientific and commercial maneuverability due to thrust and control wings.
applications. Hybrid Autonomous Underwater
Vehicle (AUV) is driven through the water by a In this section I will discuss the AUV main part the
propulsion system, pump system (glider system), drawn using SolidWorks
and maneuverable in three dimensions Historically,
the design of an AUV followed one of two a) The rear part includes the 4 control planes that
paradigms, either to have it short, quickly rotate by stepper motor and they connected by
maneuverable and driven by a propeller—which we fixture ring and pins, also it contains
will refer to as thrusters or to have along electronics, CPU and power source. while, the
configuration, which is not as easily aft section contains propeller that includes DC
maneuverable[2],The first section introduces the motor.
design structure of the hybrid AUV, with a brief b) The nose part it includes the sensors that
overview of the mechanical design. The second calculate the depth and trace positions such as
section to validate the hull reliability using Ansys. sonar transponder.
The third section provides the kinematic and c) The middle section it includes the buoyance
dynamic models with the governing equations of
engine that contains the ballast pump and linear
motion. And finally, in fourth section is the
implementation of dynamic model in MATLAB and
showing its results. d) Hull joining which join each part without any
leakage of water to any section of AUV.

1|P a g e
3. Stepper motor

Stepper motor of type DYNAMIXEL E-106 Fig.4

that is commercially available

Fig.1 Overall assembled drawings

The selected material is aluminum T6-6061 since it

has a good strength to weight ratio, high corrosion
resistance, easy to manufacture as well as good
price. Fig.4 Stepper Motor of type Dynamixel.

a) Rear and aft part:

This type of stepper motor gives a high accurate
1. Propeller positioning and speed control. However, its driver is
of type Dynamixel CM-2+ Robot Controller.
The diameter of the of the hull is chosen according
to diameter of propeller H-Hollis that is 4. Shaft sealing
commercially available which is equal to 0.214m
A shaft sealing Fig.5 is required to connect the
and length equal to 875 mm.
control planes to the internal actuator motor. The
shaft seal is designed to prevent sea water to enter
into the hull, and enable the rotation of the shaft by
the actuator under external pressure.

Fig.2 Propeller H-Hollis

DC motor that included in the propeller in Fig.2

rotates the propeller. As well as, the propeller pitch
can be adjusted to meet the thrust and torque needed Fig.5 Pressure shaft sealing.
to drive the vehicle.

2. Wings 5. Battery

The wings Fig.3 that are used is NACA-0015 that Battery in Fig.6 of specification 250.1201 - 27.6V -
insure a very low drag and zero lift force at angle of 16 Ah - NiMh - 23 cells battery pack. That has a
attack equal to zero, this type of fins satisfies our good rechargeable capacity and good life time
choice in case if we don’t need any motion in neither duration.
vertical nor horizontal direction.

Fig.6 AUV battery

Fig.3 NACA 0015 Airfoils

2|P a g e
The rear part and aft section are connected by scientific payload sensors, which are selected
connecting plate as shown in Fig.7 that weld to the according to the nature of the mission.
hull internally

Fig.7 Connecting plates

Fig.9 Vehicle Nose

d) Hull joining
b) Middle part:
The joints between the chambers are adapters or
Middle part of diameter 0.214m and length equal to circumferential joints fitted down inside the end of
685 mm contain the buoyance engine that control the cylinder can, like a piston in a cylinder.
the movement of vehicle in vertical direction.

1. Linear actuator

Linear actuator Fig.7 of type SKF-CAHB that

commercially available, gives a linear force equal to
4500N that is higher than force applied on the piston
from external water pressure.

Fig.10 Hull joining

O-rings are sandwiched between the adapter and the

inside of the cylinder to create a waterproof seal.

Fig.7 Linear actuator SKF-CAHB


2. Ballast pump

Ballast pump in Fig.8 of type Sheffer that acts as a The validation of our design to check the reliability
syringe with diameter 5cm which suck or inject the of AUV hull at depth=200 m was done using
water in and out of the cylinder. ANSYS software. first we introduce the vehicle hull
of thickness 5mm

Fig.8 Ballast pump SKF-CAHB

c) Nose section:

The Nose in Fig.9 or the front hull is a cylinder Fig.11 Hull structural meshing
closed with a hemi spherical-like top. The nose is
designed to house a sonar transponder, and other

3|P a g e
Second step we Apply pressure equal to 2 MPa on Table I
all surface (depth =200m) and we check the Parameter of the vehicle
equivalent von-mises stress and deformation Fig.12
and Fig.13.

Fig.12 Von-Mises stress This frame is used to express the posture of the
vehicle’s center of mass 𝜂 𝑇 =
The result obtained in Fig.12 state that the maximum [𝜂1 , 𝜂2 ] , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝜂1 = [𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧] and 𝜂2 = [𝜙, Ɵ, 𝜓]𝑇

Von-Mises stress applied to the hull is on its nose are the position and orientation vectors respectively.
167 MPa which is less than the compressive strength The body-fixed frame (o, x, y, z) is connected to the
of aluminum to make a failure that equal to 310 vehicle’s center of buoyancy (or geometric center),
MPa. with vector (o, x) pointing out through the nose of
the vehicle. The body frame is used to express the
vehicle’s velocities 𝑣 𝑇 = [𝑣1𝑇 , 𝑣2𝑇 ]𝑇 , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑣1 =
[𝑢, 𝑣, 𝑤]𝑇 and 𝑣2 = [𝑝, 𝑞, 𝑟]𝑇 represent the linear and
angular velocity vectors respectively. We also
define the position of the mass center with respect to
the geometric center to be [𝑥𝐺 , 𝑦𝐺 , 𝑧𝐺 ]𝑇 . The
transformation from the body-fixed frame to the
inertial frame as stated by Fossen [1]:

Fig.13 total deformation

𝑱 𝟎 Eq.1
The maximum deformation is equal to 0.1mm on the 𝜼̇ =[ 𝟏 ]𝒗
𝟎 𝑱𝟐
surface of cylinder, and 0.7mm on its nose which is
accepted since the sensor in nose section usually
placed 1cm behind the nose. Where:

1 sφtθ cφtθ
𝑱 𝟐 = [0 cφ −sφ ]
IV. DYNAMIC MODEL 0 sφsecθ cφsecθ

In this section the coordinate frames are defined and

the transformations between these frames are cθ cψ sφsθ cψ − cφsψ cφsθ cψ + sφsψ
computed. The kinematics of the system is studied, 𝑱𝟏 = [ cθ sψ sφsθ sψ + cφcψ cφsθ sψ − sφcφ ]
along with the rigid body dynamics and −sinθ sφcθ cφcθ
hydrodynamic forces applied on the vehicle.
Finally, the governing equations of motion are
derived. b) Rigid body Dynamic:
a) Coordinate Frames and Transformations The six degrees of freedom rigid-body equations of
motion are derived by applying the Newtonian and
Lagrangian formalism, given in Fossen [1]. These
Two coordinate frames are used to describe the
equations can be written as a simplified matrix form:
kinematic model of an underwater vehicle, the Earth
frame or inertial frame and the body-fixed frame
Fig. 1 The inertial frame (𝑂̂, 𝑋̂, 𝑌̂, 𝑍̂) is fixed to a
point at the ocean surface with vector (𝑂̂, 𝑍̂ ) MRB V’ + CRB (V)V = τRB Eq.2
orthogonal and pointing down to the water surface.

4|P a g e
Where: • Yaw:

• MRB is the rigid-body inertia matrix, N = − W (XG cosθsinφ + YG sinθ) + Nvv v|v|+
• CRB is the Coriolis and centripetal matrix Nrr r|r| + Nuv uv + (Npq − (Iyy − Ixx)) pq +
• τRB is the total forces and moments acting on (Nwp + mXG) wp + (Nur − mXG)ur +
the body. Nuuδr𝑢2 *δr.

As stated by Faltinsen [3] the hydrodynamic forces

and moments acting on a rigid body are expressed as
radiation induced forces, and propulsion forces. The
radiation induced forces and moments are identified V. SIMULATION RESULTS
in three sub-categories: Added mass due to the
inertia of surrounding fluid [4], Radiation induced
potential damping [5], and Restoration forces due to The equations of motion derived above are solved
Archimedes [6]. Combining the vehicle’s rigid-body using MATLAB. In general, the equations are
dynamics with the equations of hydrodynamic highly non-linear so we use the function ode to solve
forces and moments acting on the vehicle results in the differential equations numerically for various
complete six degrees of freedom combined inputs of the rudder and stern angle as well as the
nonlinear equations of motion: thrust and torque generated by propeller. The hybrid
AUV is usually operated in two modes, the glider
M𝑣 , = ∑𝐹𝑒𝑥𝑡 Eq.3 and the thrust modes.

a) Thrust mode:
Following the SNAME convention [7], the sum of
external forces can be expressed as:
In thrust mode the vehicle relies on a single thruster,
and steered by two vertical and two horizontal fins
• Surge:
or rudders. Provided these inputs, the vehicle is
maneuverable in four configurations:
X = − (W − B) sinθ + Xuuu|u| + (Xwq − m) wq+
(Xqq + mXG) 𝑞 2 + (Xvr + m) vr + (Xrr + mXG)
𝑟 2 − mYGpq – mZGpr + Xprop . 1. Linear horizontal motion, by simply applying
only thrust without any rudder or stern angle
• Sway: deflections as shown in Fig.14.
Y = (W − B)cosθsinφ + Yvvv|v| + Yrrr|r| + 2. Linear dive, which is achieved by using the
Yuvuv + (Ywp + m)wp + (Yur − m)ur − horizontal rudders to let the vehicle dive
(mZG)qr + (Ypq − mXG)pq + Yuuδr𝑢2 ∗δr . vertically up or down the water column by the
action of the pitching moment produced about
• Heave: the vehicle’s y-axis. Fig.16 shows the vehicle’s
motion in the XZ plane.
Z = (W − B) cosθcosφ + Zwww|w| + Zqqq|q| +
Zuwuw + (Zuq + m) uq + (Zvp − m) vp + mZG 3. Circular motion in a plane, is obtained by
(𝑝2 + 𝑞 2 ) + (Zrp − mZXG) rp + Zuuδs𝑢2 ∗δs . deflecting the vertical rudders produces a
yawing moment about the vehicle’s z-axis. Fig.
• Roll: 17 shows the vehicle’s motion in the XY plane.

K = − W (yG cosθcosφ + zG cosθsinφ) + 4. Helical motion, which is obtained by applying

Kppp|p|− (Izz − Iyy) qr − mZG (wp + ur) + an angle to both vertical and horizontal rudder
Kprop . planes Fig.18.

• Pitch:

M = − W (ZG sinθ + XG cosθcosφ) + Mwww|w|

+ Mqqq|q|+ (Mrp − (Ixx − Izz))rp + mZG(vr −
wq) + (Muq − mXG)uq + Muw uw + (Mvp +
mXG)vp + Muuδs𝑢2 *δs.

5|P a g e
The following results:
3. For 𝜹𝒔 = 𝟎 𝜹𝒓 = 𝟏𝟎, 𝟐𝟎, 𝟑𝟎
1. For 𝜹𝒓 = 𝜹𝒔 = 𝟎

Fig.17 Effect of 𝜹𝒓 on horizontal motion

Fig.14 AUV motion as a function of time

Discussion: we change the rudder angle only,

we obtain a motion in horizontal direction (XY
plane), as 𝛅r increase the vehicle deviate from
its direction faster.

4. 𝜹𝒔 = 𝟓 𝜹𝒓 = 𝟏𝟓

Fig.15 AUV velocities as a function of time

Discussion: we obtain only motion and velocity

in x-direction.

2. For 𝜹𝒓 = 𝟎 𝜹𝒔 = 𝟏𝟎, 𝟐𝟎, 𝟑𝟎 .

Fig.18 Upward helical motion of AUV

Discussion: In this type of motion, AUV will

undergo upward or downward helical motion
according to stern angle rudder angle, which is
obtained by applying an angle to both vertical and
horizontal rudder planes in presence of thrust force.

Fig.16 Effect of 𝜹𝒔 on amplitude

b) Glider mode:
Discussion: as we change 𝛅s we obtain only
motion in vertical direction (XZ plane). This type of motion will be depending directly on
However, as 𝛅s increase the amplitude in z- the center of mass and the value of the buoyancy
direction increase which is true. while the propeller is disabled, mostly this type of
motion is chosen when less power consumption is
needed as well as high covered distance is needed
with less velocity (no thrust available).

6|P a g e
1. The control input as shown (Xprop=Kprop=0)

Fig.19 Control input in Glider mode Fig.22 helical descending motion

Discussion: Fig.21 and Fig.22 shows the motion of

the vehicle due to change the position of center of
gravity as well as the weight. So, when the weight
overcomes the buoyancy the vehicle will descend.
While the inverse is true.


Fig.20 Zig-Zag motion of AUV for 𝜹𝒓 = 𝜹𝒔 = 𝟎

We have managed to provide the system structure,

Discussion: at each period t=100s the pump suck or design, and development of an autonomous
inject the water, while the rudder and stern angle are underwater vehicle. The second phase of the paper
zero then we obtain linear ascending or descending involved the mathematical modeling of the vehicle,
motion (like Zig-Zag). where all forces applied on the vehicle and all
hydrodynamic coefficients due to those forces were
derived. This model was tested through a simulation
using MATLAB and got some good and acceptable
2. Ascending mode due to buoyancy change:
For 𝛅r=5, 𝛅s=15, Xprop=0, XG=-0.02 m, Our work does not stop here, the realization of
vehicle should be the next step when the project is
funded. This project opens the doors to a lot of
challenges yet to come related to the positioning via
sonar, laser, image processing, and acoustic
communication technology, which would lay down
a solid basis for us to enter the underwater
competition for the coming future years.

Fig.21 Helical ascending motion due to change in buoyancy REFERENCES

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7|P a g e
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