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Last Name 1
Student’s Name
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Course Number
Mathematical Paper Outline
I. Introduction
A. Motivation for the Going-up Theorem
B. Overview of the main results and ideas
II. Background Material
A. Rings, Fields, and Ideals
B. Integral Extensions
C. Localization at a Prime Ideal
III. The Going-up Theorem
A. Statement of the Theorem
B. Proof of the Theorem
C. Corollaries and Special Cases
IV. Applications and Examples
A. Applying the Going-up Theorem to Algebraic Geometry
B. An Interesting Example Illustrating the Theorem
C. Constructions Using the Going-up Theorem
V. Conclusion
A. Summary of Key Results
B. Open Problems and Future Directions
Last Name 2
VI. References
A. List of Cited Works
Last Name 3
I. Introduction
A. Motivation for the Going-up Theorem
The Going-up Theorem is a fundamental result in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.
It provides a tool for understanding the relationships between rings, ideals, and their extensions
(Atiyah 12). This theorem has numerous applications in various areas of mathematics and is
often used as a starting point for more advanced results and techniques.
B. Overview of the main results and ideas
The Going-up Theorem is a statement about the relationship between an extension ring and the
ideals it contains.[0] Specifically, it states that if R is a subring of an integral extension ring S, and
if I is an ideal of R, then there exists a corresponding ideal J of S such that I is contained in J and
J is a maximal ideal among all ideals of S that contain I.[1] [5] [0] [6] ... This result provides a useful criterion
for determining the structure of an extension ring in terms of its subring and the ideals it
II. Background Material
A. Rings, Fields, and Ideals
A ring is a set with two binary operations (addition and multiplication ) that satisfy certain
properties (Matsumura 6).[2] The structure of a ring can be understood in terms of its elements and
the relationships between them, including the relationships between its ideals, which are
subgroups of the ring that satisfy certain properties.
B. Integral Extensions
Last Name 4
An integral extension is a ring that is obtained by extending the structure of a subring in such a
way that the new ring is an integral domain. This type of extension is important in algebraic
geometry, where it is used to study the properties of algebraic varieties.
C. Localization at a Prime Ideal
Localization at a prime ideal is a technique that involves finding a new ring that is obtained by
multiplying the elements of a given ring by the inverses of elements in the prime ideal (Atiyah
19). This process is useful in commutative algebra, as it provides a way to simplify the structure
of a ring and make it easier to work with.
III. The Going-up Theorem
A. Statement of the Theorem
The Going-up Theorem states that if R is a subring of an integral extension ring S, and if I is an
ideal of R, then there exists a corresponding ideal J of S such that I is contained in J and J is a
maximal ideal among all ideals of S that contain I. [0]
B. Proof of the Theorem
The proof of the Going-up Theorem relies on several fundamental results in commutative
algebra, including the Zorn's lemma, which is a result about partially ordered sets (Matsumura
19). The proof proceeds by showing that the set of ideals of S that contain I is partially ordered
by inclusion and has a maximal element, which is J.[2]
C. Corollaries and Special Cases
The Going-up Theorem has several important corollaries, including the Noether normalization
lemma, which states that every finitely generated algebra over a field is an integral extension of a
Last Name 5
polynomial ring in some number of variables.[7] [0] Additionally, the Going-up Theorem has several
special cases, such as the case of a field extension or the case of a localization at a prime ideal.[0] [4]
IV. Applications and Examples
A. Applying the Going-up Theorem to Algebraic Geometry
The Going-up Theorem has numerous applications in algebraic geometry, where it is used to
study the structure of algebraic varieties. In particular, it can be used to determine the
relationships between sub varieties and the ideals they generate.
B. An Interesting Example Illustrating the Theorem
As an example, consider the ring Z [√2], which is an integral extension of the ring Z.[0] [8] If we take
the ideal (2) in Z, then by the Going-up Theorem, there exists a corresponding ideal (2, √2) in Z
[√2]. This ideal is maximal among all ideals of Z [√2] that contain (2) and is a prime ideal in Z
[[2] √2].
C. Constructions Using the Going-up Theorem
The Going-up Theorem can also be used in the construction of new rings from existing ones
(Atiyah 19). For example, if we have a subring R of an integral extension ring S, we can
construct a new ring T by localizing S at a prime ideal that contains R. This construction is
useful in algebraic geometry, as it allows us to study the properties of algebraic varieties in a
more simplified setting.
V. Conclusion
A. Summary of Key Results
Last Name 6
The Going-up Theorem is a fundamental result in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
that provides a tool for understanding the relationships between rings, ideals, and their
extensions (Matsumura 61). It states that if R is a subring of an integral extension ring S, and if I
is an ideal of R, then there exists a corresponding ideal J of S such that I is contained in J and J is
a maximal ideal among all ideals of S that contain I.
B. Open Problems and Future Directions
The Going-up Theorem is a well-studied result, but there are still many open problems related to
its applications and generalizations. Future research in this area may involve exploring the
connections between the Going-up Theorem and other areas of mathematics, such as number
theory and algebraic geometry.
VI. References
A. List of Cited Works
The list of cited works should include references to the relevant literature in commutative algebra
and algebraic geometry, including textbooks, survey articles, and research papers that have
contributed to the development and understanding of the Going-up Theorem.
Last Name 7
Works Cited
Atiyah, Michael F., and I. G. Macdonald. Introduction to Commutative Algebra. Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co., 2019.
Matsumura, Hideyuki. Commutative Ring Theory. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Zariski, Oscar, and Pierre Samuel. Commutative Algebra. Vol. 2, Springer-Verlag, 2022.

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