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This time you will learn to create a simple calculator using HTML and Javascript.

The explanation of this will be conducted next week. So make sure you finish this code before
the discussion begins.

Save this code below and name it CALTULATOR.HTML

<Script language = javascript>
var total = 0
var TheOperator = 0
function calculate(number) {
frm.value=frm.value + number
function operator(opval) {
TheOperator = opval
total = document.frmOne.txtDisplay.value
document.frmOne.txtDisplay.value = ""
function equals() {
CurentDisplayValue = eval(document.frmOne.txtDisplay.value)
PreviousDisplayValue = eval(total)
if(TheOperator =="+") {
answer = PreviousDisplayValue + CurentDisplayValue
else if(TheOperator == "*") {
answer = PreviousDisplayValue * CurentDisplayValue
else if(TheOperator == "-") {
answer = PreviousDisplayValue - CurentDisplayValue
else if(TheOperator == "/") {
answer = PreviousDisplayValue / CurentDisplayValue
document.frmOne.txtDisplay.value = answer
<FONT Size = 5>
<FORM NAME = frmOne>
<TABLE border = 0 cellpadding="0" width="475" cellspacing="0">
<TD width="29" height="30" valign="bottom" BGCOLOR = green align="center">
<div align="center"><b></b></div>
<TD valign="top" colspan="6" BGCOLOR = green>
<INPUT TYPE = Text name = txtDisplay size = 35 value ="">
<TD colspan="2" height="35" valign="top" BGCOLOR = green align="center">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 1 " onClick =calculate(1)>
<TD valign="top" width="53" BGCOLOR = green>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 2 " onClick =calculate(2)>
<TD width="75" valign="top" BGCOLOR = green align="center">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 3 " onClick =calculate(3)>
<TD width="112" valign="top" BGCOLOR = green align="left">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 4 " onClick =calculate(4)>
<TD valign="top" width="85" BGCOLOR = White>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " plus " onClick = operator("+")>
<TD valign="top" width="69" BGCOLOR = White align="center">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " times " onClick = operator("*")>
<TD align="center" height="35" valign="top" BGCOLOR = green colspan="2">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 5 " onClick =calculate(5)>
<TD valign="top" BGCOLOR = green>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 6 " onClick =calculate(6)>
<TD align="center" valign="top" BGCOLOR = green>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 7 " onClick =calculate(7)>
<TD valign="top" align="left" BGCOLOR = green>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 8 " onClick =calculate(8)>
<TD valign="top" BGCOLOR = White align="center">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " subtract " onClick = operator("-")>
<TD valign="top" BGCOLOR = White>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " divide " onClick = operator("/")>
<TD valign="top" height="35" BGCOLOR = green align="center" colspan="2">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 9 " onClick =calculate(9)>
<TD valign="top" BGCOLOR = green>
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " 0 " onClick =calculate(0)>
<TD valign="top" BGCOLOR = green align="center">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " . " onClick =calculate(".")>
<TD valign="top" BGCOLOR = green align="left">
<Input Type = Reset value = " cls ">
<TD colspan="2" valign="top" BGCOLOR = White>
<div align="center">
<Input Type = Button Name = b1 value = " = " onClick = equals()>
<Input Type = Reset value = Clear " Clear " onClick=clear2()>
<td height="5"></td>
<td width="52"></td>

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