DLP - Feb 13-14-15 - English 10

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School Grade Level 10



FEBRUARY 13, 2023 - Monday

2:00 – 3:00 – VENN

Time and
Quarter THIRD
Dates FEBRUARY 15, 2023 –

12:45 – 1:45 - FRIEDRICH

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures
and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and
resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also, how to use
strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing, and
affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and
extemporaneous speeches.
B. Performance Standards The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech
emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives 1. Identify key structural elements, e.g. modal verbs; can,
(Write the LC code for each) could, will, would, must, might, may, ought to, shall, and
should (CG Code Not Available)
2. Construct clear and coherent sentences using modal
3. Value the importance of understanding the use of modal
II.CONTENT Modal Verbs: Identifying language features of an
argumentative text
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages PIVOT 4A – Learner’s Material. Pp 1 - 17
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Reading Material about Modals. Retrieved from:

Daily Routine
 Prayer
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting  Greetings
the new lesson  Giving of reminders about standard health and
safety protocols
 Giving the class 2 minutes to fix themselves and
clean their area
 Checking of Attendance
Direction: In your paper, write the appropriate modals for
each sentence then share and discuss it with
your partner.

1. We…………………… obey our teachers.

(have to, must)
2. She…………………………. pass this time.
(ought to, has to)
3. He…………………. not buy a car.
(has to, need)
4. He works hard lest he…………………… fail.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (should, must)
5. Do you……………………. cook your own meal?
(should, have to)
6. The villagers…………………. use kerosene lamps a few
years ago. (must, had to)
7. The old lady…………… take a bath every day before
taking meals. (ought to, should)
8. She……………….. finish this work before I go.
(has to, must)
9. Ramesh said that they…………….. report for duty on
Monday, (should, ought to)
10. We………………………….. prepare our lessons well
before the examination. (ought to, must
DIRECTION: Working with your groupmates, write the correct
modals appropriate for each sentence.

1. I __ arrange the flowers for the bouquet. (may/can)

2. __ I borrow this pen from you? (may/might)
3. The teacher __ ask you to bring the homework.
4. According to the weather forecast, it ___ snow heavily
tomorrow. (may/shall)
5. Raj hasn’t studied well. He __ fail his exam. (might/shall)
C. Presenting examples/instances of the
6. You __ follow the traffic rules. (may/must)
new lesson
7. It __ be difficult to live amidst war. (should/must)
8. My mother __ scold me if I don’t go back on time.
9. We ___ take care of our parents. (ought to/ could)
10. I __ visit the local grocery store soon. (shall/can)

1. Can 2. May 3. Might 4. May 5. Might 6. Must 7. Must
8.Will 9. Ought to 10. Shall

The modals are auxiliary verbs used to form the tenses,

moods, voices, etc. of other verbs. They are helping verbs that
cannot be used on their own but to be used along with other main
verbs mainly to express attitudes.

1. When something happens, they form a tense of the main verb.

a. I shall go.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing b. He was going
new skills #1 2. They express permission, necessity, or possibility to do
c. They may go.
d. You must go.
e. I can’t go.
f. I might go.
g. She would go if she could.

1. Use the modal verb as is.

Don’t change its form and turn it into the present, future, or past
forms. Don’t add anything to it. You can’t add s, ed, or ing.

Here’s the correct sentence:

“Joan can swim.”
Not correct:
“Joan cans swim.”
“He mights go to sleep.”
“She wills go to Spain next month.”
We should not change that modal verb ever. Leave it as it is.

2. Use the base form of the verb after a modal.

Don’t use “to” or the full infinitive verb “to”.

Here’s the correct sentence:

“Clara might join them.”
Not correct:
“Clara might to join them.”
“You must to finish your dinner.”
“You should not to smoke.”
“They can to stay with us this summer.”
“We would not to arrive in time for his speech.”

This is quite a common error, so be careful about the “to” there.

Make sure not use the full infinitive form “to join” after the word
might, will, should, may, or can. Just use the base form of the
verb, which is “join”.

3. If you need to use modals in the negative form, then use only
“not” AFTER the modal verb.
Don’t add any extra words anymore. So, don’t use words like
“isn’t”, “doesn’t”, “don’t”, “won’t”, “wasn’t”, “aren’t”.

For example:
“You should not drink too much.”
Not correct:
“You don’t should drink too much.”
  “I don’t can swim.”
“We don’t could call him.”

Remember though that there is one exception.

It’s with the modal verb “have to”. If you use this in the negative
form, you need to say, “You do not have to go there.”  Here, you
put “not” in the middle of “have to”. But with the other modals, you
only say “You could not”, “You might not”, “You ought not”, “You
shall not”, and so on. You can see that “not” always comes after
the modal verb.

Other examples of “have to” in the negative form:

“They don’t (do not have) have to bring all those bags.”
“I don’t have to see it to believe it.”
“We don’t have to bring umbrellas today.”
“You don’t have to watch that movie.”

So other than “cannot”, the other modals should not be joined

with “not” into one word.
“She may not come to the wedding.”
“She will not come to the wedding.”
This time, let’s go over the common everyday modals and look at
some examples. Here, we will see the communicative
functions of these special verbs.

 CAN shows ability: Beth can dance very well.

 CAN shows permission: Can I use your car?
 CAN shows possibility: Driving in heavy rain can
cause an accident.
 COULD expresses possibility: The roof could
collapse if they don’t do repairs.
 MAY expresses permission: May I borrow your
 MIGHT conveys possibility: I might move to Vietnam
next year.
 SHOULD is used for giving advice: You should revise
the intro to your essay.
 OUGHT TO is used to offer logical conclusion: After
driving all day, you ought to be tired.
 MUST expresses strong obligation: You must be at
the train station at 3PM to meet the guests.
 HAVE TO expresses strong obligation: You have to
come on time if you don’t want to miss the bus.
 WILL is used to state a promise: I will stop eating
sugary and salty foods.
 SHALL expresses suggestion as used in the first
person: Shall I pour you a cup of green tea?
 WOULD shows habits in the past: He would visit his
mom every Friday before she died.
 WOULD is used for a polite request: Would you close
the windows, please?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills #2

DIRECTION: Learning about the modal verbs now, write 5
F. Developing mastery (Leads to formative
sentences about your personal inhibitions or weaknesses and
assessment 3)
how you want to cope up with it, using any modal that would be
DIRECTION: Read carefully the paragraph with your
groupmates, and write as many modal verbs as you can in your
activity paper. Then post your work at the board.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts

and skills in daily living
H. Generalization and abstraction about the
What have you learned today?
DIRECTION: Read carefully the sentences, then write in your
paper the correct modal verbs.

1. Rose and Ted _________________________ be good

players. They have won hundreds of cups!
2. You _________________________ pay to use the library. It’s
I. Evaluating learning free.
3. I’m not sure where my wife is now. She
_________________________ be at her dance class.

4. Jerry _________________________ be working today. He

never works on Sundays.
5. You _________________________ be 18 to see that film.
J.Additional activities for application or remediation
 Assignment/Agreement
 Reinforcing/strengthening the day’s
 Enriching/inspiring the day’s lesson
 Preparing for the new lesson

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Checked by:

Master Teacher I

Reviewed by:

Head Teacher IV

Noted by:

Principal III

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