WLP-W2 2ND Quarter Nov 21-25

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WEEK: 3 DATE: November 21-25, 2022
Day 1 (November 21 Monday) Day 2 (November 22 Tuesday) Day 3(November 23 Wednesday) Day 4 (November 24 Thursday) Day 5 (November 25 Friday)
NO CLASSES EVERY MONDAY Classroom-Based Activities Classroom-Based Activities Classroom-Based Activities Classroom-based Activities

DAY 1 (Monday, November 21, 2022)

Time: Learning Area: Creative Writing

A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
D-E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 and #2
F. Developing Mastery
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
DAY 2 (Tuesday, November 22, 2022)
Time: 11:00-12:30PM (GAS12) Learning Area: Creative Writing
2:30-4:00PM (HUMSS12B)
Topic: Most Essential Learning Competency:
WITH PATCHES OF MANY HUES Conceptualize a character/ setting/ plot for a one-act play
(Estrella D. Alfon) Objectives:
Award-winning play in Palanca Memorial Award  Identify the elements of drama in the given sample script
 Explore different staging modalities vis-à-vis envisioning the script
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.
Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the learning targets

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Building Vocabulary Activity (Words are taken from the drama “With Patches of Many Hues.”
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
The teacher will let the students read the drama script of “With Patches of Many Hues” by Estrella D. Alfon
Students will answer the given questions for comprehension check.

D-E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 and #2

Discussion of the elements of drama presented in the script with a focus on characters, setting, and plot.

F. Developing Mastery
As a group, students will conceptualize to dramatize the chosen scene to be presented as a performance task next meeting.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

What is the theme of the drama you have read? How will you apply this to your life as a senior high school student?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Identify some instances in the play that illustrate Filipino traits such as the following:
a. Love for education b. respect for father’s decision c. courtesy to parents/ elders

I. Evaluating learning
To check if the play contains the literary elements of drama, students will answer the given activity for literary appreciation.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Students will dramatize their chosen scene from the play to be presented next week (November 26-December 2)
DAY 3(Wednesday, November 23, 2022)
Time: 2:30-4:00PM (HUMSS12A) Learning Area: Creative Writing

Topic: Most Essential Learning Competency:

WITH PATCHES OF MANY HUES Conceptualize a character/ setting/ plot for a one-act play
(Estrella D. Alfon) Objectives:
Award-winning play in Palanca Memorial Award  Identify the elements of drama in the given sample script
 Explore different staging modalities vis-à-vis envisioning the script
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.
Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the learning targets

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Building Vocabulary Activity (Words are taken from the drama “With Patches of Many Hues.”
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
The teacher will let the students read the drama script of “With Patches of Many Hues” by Estrella D. Alfon
Students will answer the given questions for comprehension check.

D-E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 and #2

Discussion of the elements of drama presented in the script with a focus on characters, setting, and plot.

F. Developing Mastery
As a group, students will conceptualize to dramatize the chosen scene to be presented as a performance task next meeting.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

What is the theme of the drama you have read? How will you apply this to your life as a senior high school student?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Identify some instances in the play that illustrate Filipino traits such as the following:
b. Love for education b. respect for father’s decision c. courtesy to parents/ elders

I. Evaluating learning
To check if the play contains the literary elements of drama, students will answer the given activity for literary appreciation.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Students will dramatize their chosen scene from the play to be presented next week (November 26-December 2)
DAY 4(Thursday, November 24, 2022)
Time: 11:00-12:30PM (GAS12B) Learning Area: Creative Writing
2:30-4:00PM (HUMSS12B
Topic: Most Essential Learning Competency:
LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAY OF DRAMA  Write a craft essay demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the different literary
and/ or socio-political contexts of creative writing
 Understand the principles of writing literary analysis essay of the drama read
 Write an essay to respond, interpret or evaluate the sample drama script
 Write an essay demonstrating awareness of the literary elements of drama
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.
Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the learning targets

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask the students how do they read and what reading strategies are effective for them based on their reading abilities and activities.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Give the different purposes and effective reading strategies to use for literary analysis of drama.

D-E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 and #2

Discuss the principles of literary analysis of drama, its format and purposes.

F. Developing Mastery
Students will be asked about the sample drama script “With Patches with Many Hues.”
What is the underlying or intentional message that the author hoped to deliver?
Who are the characters and what literary devices were used by the author to ensure that the readers truly understand the characters?
Why did the author choose to use specific literary devices in the specific ways they were used?

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the students about the relevance and meaning of the drama and how they can relate to the message of the drama as teenagers and students.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What is the theme of the drama you have read? How will you apply this to your life as a senior high school student?

I. Evaluating learning
Format of the literary analysis essay will be given as an individual performance task.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Submission of the essay will be on December 2, 2022.

DAY 5 (Friday, November 18, 2022)

Time: 1:00-2:30 Learning Area: Creative Writing
Topic: Most Essential Learning Competency:
LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAY OF DRAMA  Write a craft essay demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the different literary
and/ or socio-political contexts of creative writing
 Understand the principles of writing literary analysis essay of the drama read
 Write an essay to respond, interpret or evaluate the sample drama script
 Write an essay demonstrating awareness of the literary elements of drama
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.
Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the learning targets

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask the students how do they read and what reading strategies are effective for them based on their reading abilities and activities.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Give the different purposes and effective reading strategies to use for literary analysis of drama.

D-E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 and #2

Discuss the principles of literary analysis of drama, its format and purposes.

F. Developing Mastery
Students will be asked about the sample drama script “With Patches with Many Hues.”
What is the underlying or intentional message that the author hoped to deliver?
Who are the characters and what literary devices were used by the author to ensure that the readers truly understand the characters?
Why did the author choose to use specific literary devices in the specific ways they were used?

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the students about the relevance and meaning of the drama and how they can relate to the message of the drama as teenagers and students.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What is the theme of the drama you have read? How will you apply this to your life as a senior high school student?
I. Evaluating learning
Format of the literary analysis essay will be given as an individual performance task.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Submission of the essay will be on December 2, 2022.

Prepared by: JOLLIBEE F. TORRES Ph.D. Checked by: LESLIE H. MAGLALANG Ed.D.
SHS Teacher, Creative Writing Group Head, Academic

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