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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
Division of Camarines Sur
Pili National High School
La Paz Subd, Pawili, Pili Camarines Sur

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

“Testing drug on animals is the sacrifice we make”

NAME: Jessa Mae F. Siares


Animals have already endured enough pain in the sake of human inventiveness. There are over 25
million of lab animals that go through animal product testing. It is immoral to put animals in harsh
condition, enduring suffering, and locked up in a cage for years. As an animal lover and aspiring
Veterinarian I cannot stand this unethical animal testing that show how cruel people can be to caged the
animals in stainless steel, shaking, being analyzed for the effects of a new ingredient in a beauty product
and medicines. Millions are drawn to protest about the inhumane testing on animals and some countries
have already placed laws in action to ban the practice. Every animal is entitled to have a better life than
spending in a laboratory battling to survive because of the humans. Animals deserve a better home and
better life.

According to the Republic Act No. 8485, the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 monitor and regulate
the construction and operation of all facilities used for breeding, maintaining, retaining, treating, or
teaching all animals as either trade goods or domestic pets, this Act aims to preserve and advance the
welfare of all animals in the Philippines. No one may begin an animal business without first obtaining a
certificate of registration thereto from the Bureau of Animal Industry (sect. 2). The certificate will only be
given following verification that the establishment's animal facilities are sufficient, hygienic, and clean,
and that they won't be used in a way that may cause pain or suffering to the animals. The Law declares
that torturing, neglecting to provide adequate care, sustenance or shelter, or maltreating any animal to be
an offence (sect. 6) will have possible consequences. It shall be the duty of every person to protect the
natural habitat of the wildlife. The destruction of said habitat shall be considered as a form of cruelty to
animals and its preservation is a way of protecting the animals (sect. 7). In connection with this Republic
Act, the use of animals in medical experiments to unveil the potency, safety, toxicity, and viability of
developed drugs is against the law. It will ensure that all animals are treated humanely, responsibly, and
with respect. These acts also protect wild animals to create a better quality of life for them. There will be
possible consequences if you cause cruelty against the animals. In accordance with RA 8485, anyone
found guilty of violating any of the law's provisions faces a sentence of up to two years in jail, a fine of up
to P5,000, or both, depending on the severity of the offense.

Scientists need to be able to test their novel drugs before they can develop them. Numerous
animals have similar bodily functions to humans, according to scientists. We would have to test new
medications on humans if we didn't employ animals. Progressive scientists, however, are aware that a
study has shown that using animals for experimentation wastes both human and animal lives as well as
their time and effort. Thankfully, there is an abundance of cutting-edge, non-animal technologies and
research methodologies that are easily accessible and provide top-notch outcomes that scientists may
apply to people to help fight the disease. It is advantageous to have a technology in this modern era that
will create and innovate a technology that is practical and the safest approach.

Numerous animals have similar physical processes to humans. It is possible to learn how a new medicine
may impact the human body by observing how it impacts an animal. Animal testing is an affordable
alternative due to its cost. Animals and humans have different physiologies, though. Every species reacts
to medications, viruses, and other chemicals in a unique way. 95 percent of pharmaceutical medications
that have been proven safe and effective in animal studies fail in human trials because they either don't
work or are unsafe to test on humans, according to the US National Institutes of Health. Nine out of ten
experimental treatments currently fail in clinical trials, according to the US Food and Drug
Administration, because we are unable to reliably forecast how they would behave in humans based on
laboratory and animal studies.

The results of animal tests frequently do not precisely predict human responses since there are
many differences between human and nonhuman animals. Humans may also suffer the negative effects of
animal testing. For instance, it was discovered that Vioxx, a medication for arthritis, is safe for monkeys
and five other animal species. However, it is estimated to have contributed to over 320,000 heart attacks,
strokes, and 140,000 fatalities globally. A Hepatitis B medicine that was initially tested on animals had to
be discontinued from a clinical trial because it severely damaged the livers of seven people, five of whom
passed away. In 2016, a different medication experiment in France resulted in the death of a volunteer and
significant brain injury in four other participants. The medication was previously studied on mice, rats,
dogs, and monkeys. It was designed to treat a wide range of illnesses.

Educating people on what animal testing actually includes is the first step in ending it. Many
people are ignorant of the suffering endured by animals. Alternative approaches should be examined and
implemented because animal testing is not the only method available for evaluating chemicals and
pharmaceuticals. We have a voice when it comes to lab animal abuse. Don't be scared to inform your
favorite animal-testing brands of the dangers of animal testing and insist that they stop using it in favor of
other procedures. We must raise nonhuman creatures' voices and fight for an end to animal testing
worldwide even though they have their own voices and lives.

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