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ver. 1.1


Upsurge of the Metaverse and NFTs



PHASE 01 3
Metaverse in Real World

WitchWitch vs Witchcraft

PHASE 02 6
Metaverse and Real World

Avatar NFTs

PHASE 03 8
Metaverse with Real World


Upsurge of the Metaverse & NFTs

The hype around the metaverse is more than a trend and is fast approaching with the
Fourth Industrial Revolution. The number of people who partake in economic
activities in the virtual world alone is gradually increasing, and the value added to
various secondary and tertiary content reproduced on the metaverse is increasing at
an alarming rate. It is not an understatement to state that the value of the content is
expected to grow exponentially in the near future as the metaverse takes up a larger
proportion of people's daily lives.

One of the defining features of a metaverse platform, which is currently receiving the
most attention, is decentralization. In other words, money or content that relies on a
centralized server on a metaverse practically lacks value due to its central
ownership. At present, Ethereum-based Fungible Tokens, such as SAND and MANA,
have become the currency of some of the major metaverse platforms. And in that
currency is a means of paying for goods, the NFT that is garnering all the attention,
will have an increasingly important meaning as a commodity on the Metaverse.
Therefore, users will easily exchange decentralized currencies and goods on the
Metaverse, and all the goods we produce or consume in the digital world in the near
future will be made up of NFT tokens.

We expect the Metaverse landscape to evolve in three major stages. We have

launched two products, WitchWitch and Witchcraft, in line with Phase 1, and will
launch additional innovative products under Phase 2 and Phase 3.

At a time when the economy surrounding the metaverse is expanding, NFTs in virtual
locations will be the most valuable digital goods on the metaverse.


WITCH is an NFT project that will serve as an intermediary transferring everything

with value, you love in the real world to the metaverse. We are currently working
with various content and entertainment industries to launch a wide array of NFT
projects. In particular, through partnering up with STUDIO LENNON, industry's
leading CG and VFX content production company, we will be able to efficiently
advance our NFT related products.

We expect the metaverse to evolve in three major phases. We have launched two
products, WitchWitch and Witchcraft in line with Phase 1, and plan to launch
additional innovative products in accordance with Phase 2 and Phase 3.

Phase 01

Metaverse in Real World

The metaverse, in actuality, has long been deeply rooted in our lives. The social
media feeds that pour out profusely on a daily basis is a metaversal reflection of the
real world. If you expand the meaning of metaverse a little more generously,
YouTube and Spotify, where people consume most content, are also examples of the

metaverse in that they are sending and receiving digital content.

However, most of the social media and content platforms we enjoy now have fatal

flaws. Even though the digital content (texts, photos, videos, and other content)

posted on the platform were created by the user, they are not entirely yours and will

be lost if the central server stops hosting your content. In such a case, the central

server is highly insecure in that the content that was living on the platform is no

longer accessible and all user content history will be deleted.

However, if users' digital assets are recorded on a decentralized blockchain users

can retain their assets permanently, claim ownership and are free to collect and sell

the digital content produced and consumed in the digital world described above.

Digital assets are now a commodity that you can take out and view when you want,

and sell when you want, just like physical goods or collectibles you would keep in

your display case.

We have been developing WitchWitch and Witchcraft over the past six months for

users to experience a smooth transition into the world of NFT.

WitchWitch & Witchcraft

WitchWitch is a novel geolocation-based social media platform that allows users to

record content, including location information, onto the blockchain. Therefore, all

digital assets that users record on their smartphones can also be guaranteed

ownership and sold or rented. Most importantly, NFTfying digital assets can serve as
a protection from copyright infringement and content theft allowing users to produce
quality content carefree. As long as your content is stored on the blockchain you are
entitled to the ownership of your content making it theft proof.

Witchcraft is a space where you can purchase certified artists' albums, goods, or
digital assets from influencers. When digital goods were not as prevalent we used to
buy merchandise and albums of my favorite singer. And over the last decade, we've
started streaming music on centralized platforms rather than standing in line to buy
albums or browsing for tracks in a record shop. Witchcraft will not only conduct sales
of NFT albums but also implement integration with various metaverses so that my
purchased NFT music and NFT goods can be played, displayed or shown off at your
own will.

This can solve the asymmetrically balanced industry structure of streaming services
where distributors and intermediaries, not artists, take most of their profits. In fact, an
increasing number of renowned artists have begun to issue their music and artwork
in NFT, and they are now fully compensated for the hard work and creativity they
needed to create by selling directly to their fans.

Starting with the music industry, NFT will address issues and challenges that various
industries are facing in common. As the application extends to other industries we
can assure that the room for growth for NFT is immense and its full potential is yet to

be met.

Phase 02

Metaverse and Real World

Now that content and assets that were only viable in the digital world have an

impact on reality, the boundaries between the metaverse and the real world will

gradually fade: Phase 2 is where reality and the metaverse becomes even more


It starts with the NFT virtual influencer. Virtual influencers already exist, and we're

seeing them on mainstream social media and commercials. For example, virtual

influencer "apoki" (@imapoki) has been under the spotlight covering a variety of

dances on Instagram, and collaborating with real dance teams. Another influencer

"Rozy" (@rozy.gram), generated with sophisticated graphic work, has appeared in

commercials for various conglomerates and has also served as a model for famous

clothing brands.

As such, 3D graphics have already developed to the point where distinguishing with

reality is nearly impossible. In other words, the gap in perception between real

people and characters in game will be inching closer. In the foreseeable future, we

believe the perceivable reality will be shaped and formed by the metaverse. All this

possibility still exists in limited virtual spaces, and some companies operate directly

because of the high costs incurred.

Our avatar project allows users to own sophisticatedly generated avatars

themselves. Now, you can become one of the influencers that we admire and love,

and be able to enjoy an alternative life with the look and ability of your choice on

the metaverse.

Avatar NFTs

We will be launching 3D NFT Avatars with VFX and CG specialist, Studio Lennon,

who have experience in creating a hyper-realistic virtual influencer.

A total of 10,000 3D avatars will be issued as Collectible NFTs.

The avatar we create is something you've dreamed of, but couldn't realize. The

avatar will be given properties that will allow certain features in the metaverse (i.e.

wings for aviation and gills for aquatic respiration). There will also be unique

properties generated randomly that will make your avatar staznd out from the rest.

But most importantly, it's all elaborated with extreme detail.

Witch helps users expand their realm of experience through bridging the metaverse

and the world we live in. With your avatar NFT you can freely roam in both worlds

with the look and ability that you may have only wished for.

Phase 03

Metaverse with Real World

Through Phase 2, the number of people living on the metaverse will continue to
increase. Through WitchWitch, Witchcraft, and other various products in the works,
the amount of impact the metaverse will have on the real world will grow
progressively. With further advancement of blockchain scalability, transaction speed
and graphics technology, a world where skipping through the metaverse and reality
in a borderless fashion might come true.

We are working with our partners to initiate a virtual influencer project using Avatar
NFTs. Our primary focus and point of difference lies in the combination of blockchain
and Avatar NFT influencer. The entertainment industry, like the music industry, is
suffering from an inefficient structure: The ways in which a fan can sponsor their
favorite artist is limited.

But what if the virtual influencer's wallet is linked to a crypto wallet? Just by checking
the transaction history of the virtual NFT influencer, it's easy to see if the gift I sent
was delivered to my influencer. In a scenario where you give your virtual influencer
NFTfied luxury bags or clothes the influencer will be able to display their gifts
received or even wear them anywhere in the metaverse.


We plan to launch Witchverse, a digital showroom that will integrate all the NFTs

created through our products so far. With Witchverse, anyone who uses our product

will be allocated their own space to display and interact with their NFT. Users can

play NFT albums in it or display the NFT they have collected so far. Showing off your

own NFT collection is, after all, we got into NFTs in the first place.

Token Economy


Sale 5%









100,000,000 WITCH

WITCH Allocation

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