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CHAPTER 9 (Strategic Cost Management)


CENTRALIZATION - various [parang isasabog hahaha] and divided

into smaller segments for easier performance
- business org na isa lang ang nagdedesisyon measuring
(centralized) which is effective for the entity Why?
[owner: regarding products, services, directions,
and such] - need talaga nila maka-isip ng competitive
strats kaya nagwowork hard sila that will make
- businesses can be centralize dosregarding its them unique ganon
- to quickly adopt and find answers to
- magiging effective if need ng competitive opportunities [team effort — marami nag-iisip
and marami nagdedecide] — delegation
strategy [mabilisang pag-iisp ganon]
- eventhough the anos are delagated , need pa
- lower level management decisions are limited rjn congruence [same goal dapat yung mga
[may chance lang pero not really talga kasi nga naiisip nila]
isa lang pwede magdecision, siguro for recos
and suggestions lang] e.g. Johnson & Johnson - everyone is given a
chance to develop their expertise and such, to
e.g. Apple - chief executive is the one who innovate, but same goals
decides Advantages
- apples totally is same talaga [galing sa isang 1. quick deciuions and response time
mind lang, haha]
- no need to wait for top decision maker
2. gives a better ability to expand the company
1. Clarity
- exploring opportunities abt service and
- kung ano yung decision, yun na yun products

2. Streamlined implementation 3. highly skilled employees dapat

- comes from one then naipapasa lang sa lower 4. increase morale of employee
- success of org is based on the ability to obtain,
3. Control over the strat direction develop, and retain highly motivated employees

- there is ONLY ONE who decides for everything 5. between compensation and responsibility

Disadvantages - this is your responsibility so this is what you

need to do, ganon hahaha
1. limited opportunities for employees to
provide feedback 6. better use of lower and middle management

2. Higher risk of inflexibility - you can have lower and middle managers to
help on decision-making
Disadvantages Fundamental Aspects

1. Coordination problems - minsan 1. Inputs nd Outputs, Cost, and Revenues

nakakalimutan na may common goal kaya
kanya-kanyang gawa nalang - something u can measure and utilize

2. increased admin cost - dahil kanya-kanya - PnL based ang pagmeasure (revenue and
nang gawa parang mas marami effort so more expenses)
2. Planned and Actual info or used of budgeting
3. Incongruity in operations - baka matempt
- actual vs. budgeted/planned (variance
yung managers na tignan yung goa nila instead
of goal of the goal [parang self-centered —
galingan natin para sa incentive rather than the 3. Responsibility Center
other team, ganon hahah]
- identification of responsibility centers [cost
4. Total reliance - baka mangyari na masyadong center, revenue and profit center, investment
nakarely sa lower and middle management ang center]
higher levels and vice versa
4. Relationship between Org Structure and
Can they go together? Responsibility Accounting
i.e. school na may branch or campus (STI) - dapat fitted or connected sa isa:'t-isa
In case of advantage 5. Assigning cost to Individuals and Limiting
their Efforts to Controllable Costs [kasi more
centralized - highly organized and paper trail
effort is more cost kaya need i-limit]
[may mga decisions na need talaga iconsult sa
admin office] 6. Performance Reporting or Measurement
decentralized - each campus can focus on its - variance analysis (yung may unfavorable and
own development and decision-making wil by favorable — difference between actua and
easier for diff. functions [mga decisions na hindi budgeted cost)
naman na need na ipasa sa main campus]
7. Participative Management - with mutual
- kasi kahit may dean and program coords na consent
delegated sa functions, sa main pa rin
manggagaling yung mga ano 8. Management by Exception

RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING - mga events na need i-exempt na hindi n need

- summeizes and colects the responsibilities
(measuring their performance based on each 9. Human Aspect
- by considering the employees (take care of
- if assigned sayo, then, i-e-evaluate nila yun your people), (we gain from you, you gain from
regarding if good or bad yung results us)

- lower level mnagers can decide pero Responsibility Centers

accountable sila sa results or effect of that
decision 1. Cost Center
- more on gastos rather that revenue pero 1. Financial Perspective
nagcocontribute sa entity [kapag walang cost,
wala ka products and such] - may include cost saving, profit margins, and
revenue sources (quanti info)
- tracking of costs
2. Customer Perspective
- actual vs. budgeted, cost per unit, how
departments perform (utiizing and managing - parang how do u really serve you customers
costs) (performance based)

2. Revenue or Profit Center - may also include customer service and

satisfaction, market share (small lang ba or
- walang control sa cost but accountable sa gusto ka ng customers), and brand awareness
revenues pero dibaaa based on matching (how strong is your branch)
principle (recognize cost at the same time as
revenue) 3. Internal Business Processes

- directly adds to the entity's profitability - setting out goals and objectives and what to
do to achieve or meet it
- separate segments
- may include process improvements, qualitu
- crucial in which segments are performing good optimization, and capacity utilization
or not
4. Learning and Growth
- Cost - Benefit supremacy hahaha
- considers intangible performance
measurement: SCI (profit and loss nga, paulit-
ulit hays) - it may include human capital (skills, talents,
and knowledge of employees), info capital (data
3. Investment Center (extension of profit bases and info systems), and organization
center) capital

- may profit pa rin pero may UTILIZATION OF

Return on Sales (ROS)
- kapag may sarili na siyang SFP and SCI
= segment income / net sales
- could usually be a subsidiary
Asset Turnover
measurement: ROI, Residual Income (expected
minimum amount(, Economic Value Added) = net sales / average assets

BALANCE SCORECARD Return on Investment (ROI)

- used to identify and improve internal = return on sales × asset turnover , or;
= segment income / average assets (yung asset
- information used involves financial and non- mo is kumita ng segment income)
Residual Income
= segment income - minimum income required
[average asset × cost of capital rate]



Less: VC

= CM

Less: FC

= Operating Income

multiplied by: Tax Rate complement

= Net Operating Profit after Tax

Book Value of Net Assets

= total assets per record - current and long-term


Fair Value of Net Assets (same formula above

but the basis is fair value)

Book Value of Long-term Equity

= total assets per records - current liabilities

Fair Value of Long-term Assets (same above

but the basis is fair value, of course)

CHAPTER 10 (Strategic Cost Management)


- amount charged
- two separate divisions or segments kung saan
magtatransfer tayo ng products, and, may
kaakibat itong price

- may possibility na need pala siy ng kabilng


- pwede ring ino-offer sa labas

- affects buying and selling division

Bakit internal lang?

- may parent-subsidiary relationship dapat

(management accounting) - internal transaction

- kapag may external transaction naman sa

afvance accounting na yun

High transfer price - higher profit for selling,

lower profit for buying (increased costs)

Low transfer price - lower profit for selling,

higher profit fo buying (decreased costs)

Why need to conside transfer pricing?

- magagamit ito sa performance evaluation and

internal profitability

Transfer Price = outlay cost (direct VC that

incurred as a result of the transfer) +
opportunity cost (benefit foregone by choosing
another option)

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