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By : Budi Isdiyanto


01 What is Wireshark

02 Wireshark Fitures

03 Package Analyzer

04 Filter Wireshark

05 Wireshark Color Rules

What is Wireshark?

Included in one of the

01 network analysis tools or
packet sniffers.
A monitoring application,
data from an operating
02 network or from data on

Network problem solving,

analysis, software and
03 communication protocol
development, and education. Multi-platform open source
tools (Windows, Linux, OS X,
04 Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
Wireshark Fitures
Capture network data
01 packets in real time
Can display network protocol
06 information from data packets
02 Displays statistical data

Data packet appearance coloring to

Search data packages 07 facilitate packet data analysis
03 with specific requirements

Data packages can be saved as

08 files and later can be reopened for
Filtering network data
04 packets
further analysis

Capture network data packets in real

05 time (requires a physical NIC device)
Package Analyzer (Sniffing)
Select one or more networks, open the menu bar, then select Capture. To
select multiple networks, hold down the Shift key while you make a
Package Analyzer (Sniffing)
In the Wireshark Capture Interfaces window, select Start.

There are several other ways to initiate packet fetching. Select the menu with the
shark fin icon on the left side of the Wireshark toolbar, press Ctrl + E, or double-
click the grid.
Package Analyzer (Sniffing)

Choose File> Save As or choose the Export option to record the capture
Package Analyzer (Sniffing)
To stop capturing, press Ctrl + E. Alternatively, open the Wireshark
toolbar and select the red Stop button located next to the shark fin icon.
Viewing and Analyzing Package Contents

The interface of the captured data contains three main parts:

Package list panel

Package detail panel

Package bytes panel

List Panel Package (Packet List)
The packet list pane, which is located at the top of itself, shows all packets
found in the active capture file. Each packet has its own line and an
associated number assigned to it.




List Panel Package (Packet List)
To change the time format to something more useful (like the actual time of
day), choose View> Time Display Format.
Detail Panel Package (Packet Detail)
The detail panel, presents the protocol and protocol fields of the selected
packets in collapsible format. Apart from expanding each option, you can
apply individual Wireshark filters based on specific details and follow the
data flow by protocol type by right-clicking the desired item
Panel Byte Package (Packet Byte)
To display this data in bit format as opposed to hexadecimal, right-
click anywhere in the pane and select as bit.
Wireshark Filter

The capture filter instructs Wireshark to only record packets that meet the
specified criteria. Filters can also be applied to pre-created capture files so
that only certain packets are shown. This is known as a display filter.

Wireshark provides a large number of predefined filters by default. To use

one of these existing filters, the Wireshark autocomplete feature shows
suggested names as you start typing, making it easier to find the correct
moniker for the filter you're looking for.
Wireshark Filter

put in
Wireshark filter
Over herei

Welcome Screen
Screen Capture
Wireshark Filter
For example, if you want to display only TCP packets, type tcp in the
Wireshark filter
Wireshark Filter
Another way to select a filter is to select a bookmark on the left side of the
entry field. Select Manage Filter Expressions or Manage Display Filters to
add, remove, or edit filters.

Wireshark Color Rules
While Wireshark's capture and display filters limit which packets are
recorded or displayed on the screen, its coloring function takes it a
step further: It can differentiate between different packet types based
on their individual color. It quickly finds specific packages in the set
stored by their line color in the package list pane.
Wireshark Color Rules
Wireshark comes with around 20 standard coloring rules, each of which can be
edited, disabled, or deleted. Choose View → Coloring Rules for an overview of
what each color means. You can also add your own color based filters.

Choose View→
Colorize Packet
List to turn
packages on and
Wireshark Color Rules
Other useful metrics are available via the Statistics drop-down menu. This
includes size and time information about the capture file, along with dozens of
charts and graphs ranging from packet talk topics to loading HTTP request

View filters can be

applied to many of
these statistics via
their interface, and
the results can be
exported to common
file formats, including
CSV, XML, and TXT.
End Of Training
Thank You

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