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2ublic ofthe Philippines ‘epartment of Finance “eau of internal Revenue 2307 Tox wind atsource URI Janvary 2018 (ENCS) ee 2307 OVI8E} (roitepwcs Prem 08012021 jaan p08 202s ae 2 Taxpayer Ientication Number (TIN) Ce ee ee ee) Pages Nas [Lat Nama, FPS Wari Mais Waris fe nvidual OF Rasptared Nama Yor Nan raion [SMART COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4 Regma naa TREE Cite ISMART TOWER, 6799 AYALA AVENUE, MAKATI CITY 1226 Foran Ralres,appleabe See eee ere, goo 121 570 JE] 817 166 1 1 Tame (at Wane, Frat Ware or ndhadaal OR ae Norlndoia | DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM - REGIONAL OFFICE 13 1 egsterd Adress ZiPCase CTP.BLDG.KM.4 LIBERTAD, BUTUAN CITY. 8600 = betas Rome Pa aw Income Payments Subject Expanded 7 “Tax witheld or the Snot < (Sess geet Payments made by goverment ot al [resident suppliers of goods Rawal = — Payments made by goverment tots eal Fcc sips ean Wee aa eae 2 Frteanona ar Toca para jal paraon vnale Gener CPA oe) weore 2 2 FFoar Aho : AeA 29 ‘Money Payments Subject to Withholding ‘of Business Tax (Government & Private) Parsons ext fom VAT under Wa 080 : 2 [Se=- 705 (9 (Goversmant Watnholaing Ager [VAT winnolang on Purchase of Goods z [Sart winnaraing Agent wore 5 : [VAT Wanholang on Purchase of Services- [Sart witihaaing Asort wero z é [Fotar : 5 : seagate ste reer nfo tah, verified by us, and fo the bes of our knewedge and bei, q [anc care, pureuant othe provisions of the Nationa Internal Reyéowe Cod, as Amended, andthe regulations issued under authority thereat Further, we ge Jour consent to the processing of cur information as contemplate under the yt Pryacy Act of 2012 (R.A, No, 10173) fr legitimate and lanl purposes. ‘Signature over Fries Name of yor Autioraad RoproceriaiverT@x AGSTE Linacoif Tis tion and TWN) “Tax igent Raseaiaion Ne : a Date of ey T _atomey's Rol No. appleabie) Po) among Ltd ‘Signature aver Printed Nan of PayeaPayos's Authorized RoprosettatvelTax Agent ipgbate Te tion and TN) “Tax hgant Racoon No jae || ‘Atoreys Rol Nf applicable) dol TROTE: The BIR Data Privacy ls ihe BIR wobste (wan Br gor BN) Dae ER | imwormmry Ly >ublic ofthe Philippines ‘epartment of Finance {e2u of Internal Revenue Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source FerBIR Ecsi Use Oniy lem: IR Fom No 2307 January 2018 (ENCS) ae 2307 oWi8et 08012022 fale 088 1202: mmorvrn) 2 Taxpayer entiation Number (IN) Ce ce ee | 3 Payee Name [Lt Name, Fre! Name, Mile Narra or Indaval OR Regatared |SMART COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4 egitre arse TIE ISMART TOWER, 6799 AYALA AVENUE, MAKATI CITY 1226 8 Foreian Address, appleaBie Tom eto Poop Meso a ssBee orl 7 Fa Es OF Ro Nea DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM - REGIONAL OFFICE 13 } 8 Registered Address _ fA ZIP Cade CTP.BLDG.KM.4 LIBERTAD, BUTUAN CITY | | 8600 TN Income Payments Subject to Expanded | gre | Gor aomar RRA Soe “Tax Withheld for the ee Te the@uarter_| the Quarter_| the Quarter ised See Payments made by government tot local / resident suppliers of goods We 640, = = Payments made by government tots local / resident supptiers of services wo 187 5 : Professional talent fees paid to juridical person’ maniduals (awyere, CPA, oe) weo1o eB es foal = = = = Money Payments Subject to Withhoiding ‘of Business Tax (Government & Private) Persone exempt trom VAT under we.080 z = os, 108 (9 (Government Weiholding Ager) 7RT Witnholding on Purchase of Goode 3 San Withholing Agent WwvO10 = = TAT Witnhoring on Purchase of Senices- [Gert winnotaing Agent ‘wv020 446428 446429 B21 ral 4464.28 = 446428 22321 ‘We deciare under the penaties of perjury that his certificate ha been}nagy/n good faith, verified by us, and tothe best of civ fnowedge and bli, tr ‘amended, andthe regulations issued under aur thereof Further, we gi Privacy Ret of 2012 (R.A, No. 10173) for legitimate and lawful purpoces. anuehemaspban, sanco.cea 449-272-586 ACTING. TANT ‘Sgnatare over Pred Name yore Aulnaraed Rapracariina Tax AGaTE Lindofte Th and TIN) “Tax Rgant Resrodiaton No e ae Ty Atomey's Rot Not pt) maaneren re E 7 ‘Signature over Printed We Pavone Author RopreeoriabverTaXD aT paifate TitefDesignatin and TIN) “Tax Agent Resoaiation Nor By Date of Expy Atomey's Rot Not hen i ee SROTE: The BIR Data Privacy ls inthe BIR webats wan Bi gor Ph)

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