Lima Indiana Oil Field

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A. Background of the Oil Field
Oil field is a plot of land used to extract petroleum from the ground, such as natural
gas or crude oil. Although some dispute the exact origins of oil, most consider it to be a fossil
fuel made from dead organic material found in ancient seabeds thousands of meters below the
earth's surface. There are currently over 65,000 oil fields worldwide, with many of the largest
located in the Middle East, where tens of thousands of oil fields have been discovered.
Despite the large number of fields, 94% of known reserves are concentrated in less than 1500
major oil fields. Oil field locations have been the source of previous geopolitical conflicts and
environmental concerns.Oil may also be discovered beneath the ocean's surface, where deep-
sea rigs explore for and extract these fields.

Since 1884, an estimated 100,000 wells have been drilled in the trend. The Ordovician
Trenton Limestone serves as the primary reservoir rock throughout this trend. Lima-Indiana
was the first true giant oil and gas field in North America, developed at the same time as
Azerbaijan's famous Baku oil field. The story of its development is fascinating because, in
the late 1800s, the world's oil and gas drilling, refinery, and transportation industries were in
their infancy, with no "major" oil companies.The country's industrial base was steadily
expanding, and cheap fuels and lubricants were in high demand. Because of the availability
of this large reserve of oil and gas, the economies and populations of northwestern Ohio and
central-eastern Indiana, which had previously been rural and agricultural, experienced a
boom. Massive amounts of natural gas were discovered near Findlay, Ohio in 1884, and the
first oil was produced near Lima, Ohio in 1885. Lima-Indiana was the second major stop on
the early oil trail, which connected Titusville with Texas.

Oil production in the trend began in Ohio in 1885, quickly increased to more than 1
million barrels in 1886 and continued to rise steeply. Production peaked in 1896 at 25 million
barrels and again in 1904 at slightly less than 25 million barrels, with total production
estimated to have exceeded 500 million barrels. From 1895 to 1903, Ohio was the leading
oil-producing state in the country. However, when an East Texas Spindletop discovery well
produced 100,000 barrels per day in 1901, the media and industry attention shifted to that
direction, never to return until the Utica-Point Pleasant of today. Because much of the Lima-
Indiana trend gas was piped directly from wells into towns and factories for use, without any

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

gauging, annual or cumulative gas-production figures are impossible to report, but well over
1 TCF was produced.

As mentioned above, during 1886, the Lima field was the nation's leading oil
producer, and by the following year, it was regarded as the world's largest. The Ohio portion
of the Lima-Indiana field produced more than 20 million barrels in 1896. Despite its short
timeframe, the oil rush brought an influx of people, pipelines, refineries, and businesses,
providing a significant impetus to the growth of northwest Ohio.

Previous Drilling within the Same Field

Natural gas production began commercially in the Lima-Indiana district of Indiana
and Ohio in 1884–1886. Despite being recognized as a feasible gas play around the
Appalachian Basin's border since the mid-1880s (Wickstrom, 1996), Pennsylvania's
Ordovician carbonate rocks of the Trenton and Black River formations were not seriously
investigated until the early 2000s. Between mid-1885 through the 1930s, historical Trenton-
Black River production occurred along the Lima-Indiana trend of Ohio and Indiana
(westward of the basin) (Wickstrom, 1996). The Trenton Field in Indiana was America's first
large oil field, with gas discovered in Delaware County in 1876. In the more modern Trenton-
Black River play, a partnership of universities, operators, producing businesses, and geologic
surveys formed to produce a basinwide geology playbook for the fractured and often
hydrothermally altered reservoir. Trenton-Black River rocks in Pennsylvania have undergone
structural and hydrothermal changes to varied degrees, depending on location (Patchen et al.,
2006). Only a few dozen gas wells in Pennsylvania's Trenton-Black River reservoir have
reported production yet.
Ohio's participation in the country's early oil boom began in 1860 in two parts of the
state: southeast Ohio near Macksburg and eastern Ohio near Mecca (Spencer and Robinson
2007; Spencer and Camp 2008). The discovery of gas and oil in northeastern Ohio twenty-
five years later triggered a twenty-year oil and gas boom. This trend's productive area would
stretch about 200 miles northeast to southwest, affecting several communities in Ohio and
Indiana. What was primarily an agricultural area becoming the Midwest's industrial core.
Natural gas was abundant and cheap, allowing glass to become a significant industry, and oil
production led to the construction of oil tank farms, pipelines, pumping stations, and

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Location and Site Remoteness
The Lima-Indiana oil field is located in northwestern Ohio and eastern Indiana and
extends in a broad curve from eastern Lucas County east of Toledo, southwestward through
Findlay and Lima, to Grant County, Indiana, a distance of approximately 150 miles. The
main field's width varies from a mile or less in some places to as much as 20 miles in others.
The field's outline is very irregular, with narrow prongs extending for 5–15 miles. The oil is
carried here by Trenton limestone from the Lower Silurian, at a depth of about 1300 feet; it
was discovered near Findlay, Ohio.

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Regional Structure
The Lima-Indiana field located in Findlay arch is about 41,000 acres in northeastern
Indiana and 230,000 acres in northwestern Ohio where most productive areas occur in low
domes with Trenton limestones wherein oils in its discontinuous layers were mostly gathered.
Trenton limestones are 450 to 600 feet thick with oil that accumulates as low as 100 feet from
the surface; an oil reservoir from the lower Silurian period of Paleozoic era. These are mainly
flaky and light-colored in structure, and analysis of the rock composition of the uppermost
bed showed that its carbonate content for the lime ranges between 80 and 90 percent, and
between 2 and 10 percent for magnesia.

Regional Stratigraphy
Six distinct petroleum-producing configurations can be found in the oil and gas fields
of the Lima-Indiana trend, whose reservoirs are the Ordovician Trenton Limestone. The data
supporting the identification of these six structural, structural-stratigraphic, and possibly
stratigraphic-permeability trapping configurations are mixed, but they include a pattern of 34
fields or pools on the main anticlinal trend of the Findlay arch, as well as 12 smaller fields or
pools to the northwest in the Michigan basin and 20 fields to the southeast at the updip edge
of the Appalachian basin.
According to published subsurface structure maps, gas field locations in Indiana are
generally east of the axis of a northward pitching anticline, whereas in Ohio they are mostly
west of the crest of a vast structural arch. Local structural descriptions have not been made
public. In Indiana, there are subsurface anticlines with 125 feet of structural closure, beds
descending at 40-120 feet per mile or more, and north-south axes. A fault with a
displacement of 100-200 feet and a broad north-south trend is known in Ohio.
The reservoir is mostly dolomite, and the producing portion is usually near the top of
the Trenton Limestone. To supplement petrographic studies off the main oil field trend in
Wyandot County, the more porous dolomite has been chemically analyzed for Ca/Mg ratios,
Na, Sr, Fe, and other elements in cores. The gas- and oil-bearing layers are generally found in
the upper 50 feet of the "Trenton" formation, in a dolomitic limestone zone of Ordovician
age. The governing parameters in trapping the occurrences are thought to be porosity and the
percentage level of magnesium carbonate. Folding and genomic locations, according to Ley,

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Henry (1935), were at least equally essential in determining the occurrences. Paleogeologic
activity, with arch earth movements active before Pennsylvanian time and potentially as early
as Lowville (Middle Ordovician) time, is most likely a determining factor.

Figure 1: Map of Distribution of Known Oil and Gas Field of Lima-Indiana

On the Findlay and Kankakee arches, the massive Lima-Indiana field (Moody and
others, 1970) produces oil and gas from the dolomitized upper section of the Trenton
Limestone. Anticlinal closure along the crest of the Findlay arch, the northwest plunge of the
Kankakee arch, and an abrupt facies transition from porous dolomite to impermeable
limestone have trapped the oil and gas in this field (Keith, 1981; Gray, 1983; Coogan and
Parker, 1984). On the Findlay and Kankakee arch, the Knox Dolomite is the only other oil-
producing unit. However, Knox production is limited to the small Tiffin field and the now-
abandoned Redkey field where both the Trenton Limestone and Knox Dolomite are oil
yielding (DeBrosse and Vohwinkel, 1974). (Bond and others, 1971).

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The oil and gas in the Cumberland saddle is spread out among a number of minor
fields, each of which has fewer than one million barrels. These fields extract oil and gas from
limestone and dolomite reservoirs ranging in age from the Early Ordovician to the Late
Mississippian. Many of the fields get their water from multiple sources. The Knox Group's
Lower Ordovician section generates small amounts of oil from paleotopographic highs
produced by pre-Middle Ordovician erosion (Perkins, 1972; Norris, 1981; Gooding, 1987).
Anticlinal nostrils, which mirror the structure of the underlying Precambrian basement, play a
role in Knox oil entrapment. The Stones River Group and Lexington Limestone yield small
amounts of oil in the Middle and Upper Ordovician periods. This oil is found in
stratigraphically confined accumulations of bioclastic limestone enclosed in micrite with thin,
discontinuous buildups (Bond and others, 1971; Pryor and Sullivan, 1985). Truncation-type
stratigraphic traps beneath the pre-Middle and pre-Upper Devonian unconformities provide
the greatest oil fields in the Cumberland saddle (Bond and others, 1971). The majority of the
reservoirs are vuggy dolomite from the Early Silurian and Middle Devonian periods,
popularly referred to as the "Corniferous" by drillers (Freeman, 1951). The Mississippian
sequence in the Cumberland saddle has generated a small amount of oil and gas, all of which
is stratigraphically trapped. The Fort Payne Formation (Bond and colleagues, 1971; Wilson,
1971) has locally fractured, cherty crinoidal buildups, whereas the Warsaw, Salem, and
Monteagle Limestones have oolitic calcarenite and bioclastic limestone (Bond and others,

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Figure 2: Stratigraphic correlation chart for Pre-cambrian and Phanerozoic Rocks

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Regional Petroleum System
The gigantic oil reservoir of Lima-Indiana field is known to have the lowest
production cost in the whole United States of America during the late 1800s to early 1900s.
In the earlier year, evidence of town lot drilling was used as its primary drilling technique
used by companies in the oil field which accumulated up to 2,000 bbls per day in 1886 with
the total of 250 wells in production, and 1,064,025 bbls in storage. In the following years,
several companies joined the production creating more wells and boosting production to
about 50,000 bbls per day; and creating one of the first known offshore production platforms.

Crude oils accumulated from Lima were refined in Indiana, producing high quality
kerosene by using a sulfur removal method known as Frausch copper sulfate method. Since
the old way of accumulating crude is dangerous due to the presence of chemicals, evidence of
spraying wells with Nitroglycerin was found which aids chest pain and possible heart
abnormalities. Companies also began to start relying on gasoline powered engines instead of
steam boilers. Production led to 3573 total stations in 1906 from a total station of 313 in
1888. The oil reservoir of Lima-Indiana field has a size of approximately 514 MMBO, which
is a great and an unlikely number.

Regional Seal Rocks

The following are the six play configurations. (1) An anticlinal trap along the Findlay
arch's crest. The overlying Utica Shale serves as the seal and, presumably, the source here, as
it does elsewhere. (2) A faulted anticlinal trap on the Findlay arch's western side. The
Bowling Green fault, in general, restricts production to the upthrown eastern side. (3) A
change in facies from the Trenton Limestone to the overlying Utica.
To the south, there is shale. This shift, combined with the draping of the Utica over
the underlying competent Trenton, traps petroleum along the Lima-Indiana trend's
southwestern extension. (4) Fracture systems associated with early Paleozoic regional
fracturing. These systems appear to have provided fracture-enhanced reservoirs. Similar
configurations are well known in the southern Michigan Scipio-Albion trend. Secondary
dolomitization and sulfide mineralization are common when these fractured features are
present. (5) Potential porosity-permeability traps, most likely on structure, where dolomite is

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laterally replaced by dense limestone. (6) Minor production-related small anticlinal terraces
off the main arch system. On structural maps, these terraces appear as down-to-the-basin
When the Lima-Indiana fields are considered together, they form a "giant" field that
stretches 120 miles (193 kilometers) in Ohio and another 50 miles (80 kilometers) in Indiana.
Thousands of wells were drilled before 1900, some as shallow as 1,100 feet (334 meters),
producing over 220 million barrels of oil at initial rock pressures ranging from 100 to 450 psi
(690 and 3,100 kPa). Exploration is continuing at a slow pace.

Regional Trapping Mechanisms

The amount of oil produced in Indiana has decreased since the early 1960s. Changes
in the price of oil are directly tied to the number of wells drilled and, as a result, the volume
of oil produced, according to a close investigation of this decrease. Petroleum is stored in
porous reservoirs deep within the Earth. The fluids within the reservoir are sealed or trapped
by impervious layers of rock, which prevent them from escaping to the surface. Petroleum
will be confined in a reservoir until the seal is broken, either naturally through geological
forces or slow leaking, or artificially through drilling. The drilled hole in a standard oil or gas
well serves as a conduit, allowing petroleum in the reservoir to flow or be pumped to the
surface. Indiana has a large interstate and intrastate pipeline network.
These are subterranean buried high-pressure large-diameter steel pipes. In Indiana,
natural gas is kept underground in two forms: liquefied petroleum gas and gas in storage
fields. When demand is low, these reservoirs are filled, and when demand is high, they are
drained. Many thousands of feet of potential reservoir exist, especially in the southern part of
the state, where most of the subsurface remains undiscovered. Although this region's deep
underground geology is assumed to be similar to that of the state's northern regions,
information about thermal maturity, migratory patterns, and trapping processes are unclear. In
addition to unproven geology, new technologies for oil and gas exploration and production
may hold the key to unlocking some of Indiana's resource potential.
The Middle Ordovician Trenton Limestone near the Lima-Indiana field in
northwestern Ohio contains five types of petroleum-producing configurations. An anticlinal
trap, for example, can be found along the Findlay arch. Regional carbonate bank
accumulation, folded with and capped by the Utica Shale, provides closure on top of the
Trenton. The second, a faulted anticline, can be found in Wood, Hancock, and Lucas

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Counties along the Bowling Green fault. Along the summit of the Findlay arch, a high-angle
reversal fault juxtaposes dolomitized Trenton rock with the overlaying Utica Shale.
Significant oil and gas production has occurred as a result of this design. The third trap type
is characterized by an updip facies shift from Trenton Limestone to Utica Shale, with thicker
shale draping over the Trenton Limestone. The Albion-Scipio trend fracture systems and
dolomitization are the fourth kind in the Michigan basin. The sixth, and least well-known, is a
porosity trap in the Trenton's dolomitized upper reaches. Dolomitization can serve two
purposes: as a requirement for the production of adequately porous reservoir rock and as a
trapping mechanism in and of itself.

Regional Migration and Timing of Hydrocarbon Charge

A time-temperature reconstruction of eastern Ohio, following Waples(1980), suggests
that initial oil generation in the Point Pleasant Formation and the Ohio Shale occurred in
Pennsylvanian and Triassic time, respectively (Cole and others, 1987). For this reconstruction
to be consistent with available maturation data, an initial thermal gradient of 1.6°F/100 ft
(29°C/km) was required, followed by a mid-Triassic heat pulse at the time of maximum
burial with a geothermal gradient of 2.0°F/100 ft (37°C/km). Their time-temperature
reconstruction for northwestern Ohio (Cole and others, 1987), where a geothermal gradient of
2.5°F/100 ft (45°C/km) was estimated at the time of maximum burial, indicated that initial oil
generation in the Point Pleasant Formation and Ohio Shale occurred in Permian and
Cretaceous time, respectively. The time-temperature reconstruction was determined by the
thermal maturation indices. Precambrian and Phanerozoic stratigraphic correlation map for
the Cincinnati arch in the United States.
To account for oil in the Trenton Limestone on the Findlay and Kankakee arches,
Oliver (1986) proposed a phase of Middle Ordovician hydrocarbon migration from the
Appalachian basin. He reasoned that previous to the creation of the arches, these oil
accumulations were trapped (probably via stratigraphic mechanisms). This interpretation is
feasible, although Trenton oil most likely accumulated during roughly simultaneous
Pennsylvanian and Permian migration from the Appalachian basin to the Findlay arch (Cole
and others, 1987) and from the Michigan and(or) Illinois basins to the Kankakee arch (Cole
and others, 1987). (Keith, 1981b). Paleotopography associated with unconformities, truncated
units beneath unconformities, facies-controlled permeability barriers, basement-controlled

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

anticlines and faults, and the arch's vast domes would have all been available to capture
migrating hydrocarbons at the time.
Upper Paleozoic rocks may have been eroded from the arch between 4200 and 6500
feet (1.3-2.0 km) during post-Paleozoic uplift (Stearns and Reesman, 1986; Cole and others,
1987). Subaerial processes may have unearthed and eventually removed enormous volumes
of oil and(or) gas originally trapped on the arch. Meyer and Sweeney have reported possible
traces of such accumulations (1968).

Well Data
The Lima-Indiana oil and gas trend stretches 185 miles southwestward from Toledo,
Ohio, to Indianapolis, Indiana. The flow of each well was tested, and the gas chemistry was
determined. Unfortunately, due to significant expenses of nitrogen removal, iron sulfide
management, and field infrastructure installation, this effort resulted in the present gas field
shutdown. The difference in productivity might be directly attributed to two end members of
reservoir character, according to a study of cores and logs. It was enormous news, with
individual wells coming on at rates up to 10,000 barrels per day. All of the contemporary
trade periodicals and many newspapers reported on drilling and production advances.
However, when the East Texas Spindletop discovery well produced 100,000 barrels
per day in 1901, the media and industrial attention shifted in that direction, never to return
until today's Utica-Point Pleasant. Most wells were opened in 1887, allowing gas to escape
24 hours a day, according to IGS. It's impossible to report yearly or cumulative gas
production figures since much of the Lima-Indiana trend gas was piped directly from the
wells into communities and enterprises for use, without any measuring. Because there were
no reporting rules or agencies at the time, it was extremely difficult to accurately report the
number of wells and production from most individual pools and fields. The Indiana side field
expanded from 151 to 682 wells in 1893. There are 225 wells that are flowing and 457 that
are being pumped. Back then, the Indiana field produced up to 2,335,288 barrels of oil per
day. Ohio's output peaked at 20,575,338 barrels per day in 1896, and Indiana today produces
4,588,290 barrels per day with 3,442 active oil wells. In the Lima-Indiana oil region, almost
23,000 oil wells have been drilled and completed. By 1915, just 363,708 barrels of oil had
been produced from 3,124 wells, averaging 1/3 barrel of oil per day.

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Seismic Data

Figure 3: Sample seismic line with horizon picks shown

Some NE-SW trending structures can be seen on the basement horizon.

In the cross section, they appear to be little grabens. These structures, however, are not
visible at the Trenton level.

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Figure 4: Sample inline through the coherency volume (B-B'), with the mapped faults shown.

A represents the helicoidal displacement above the longest basement fault. This lining
shows a positive flower structure on the upthrown side with a generating well.

Figure 5: The same inline is shown through the reflection seismic data.

8. Well Correlation
Structural Interpretation

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Figure 6: General stratigraphic column for Paleozoic rocks in Indiana

The Illinois Basin, the Michigan Basin, and the Cincinnati and Kankakee Arches are
all part of the structural provinces that make up Indiana (fig. 4). The Cincinnati and
Kankakee Arches, which run northwest-southeast, have a moderate dip of roughly 10 feet per
mile. The rate of decline increases to 20 to 60 feet per mile to the northeast into the Michigan
Basin and to the southwest into the Illinois Basin from the crests of both arches (fig. 5).
Faulting disrupts the sedimentary rocks' gentle dip toward the Illinois and Michigan Basins in
only a few places, with fault displacements typically less than 100 feet. The thickness of the
Paleozoic bedrock section (figs. 3 and 6) varies from 3,500 feet along the arches' crests to
4,000 feet in northeastern Indiana and 14,000 feet in southwestern Indiana (Rupp, 1991). The
northern two-thirds of the state is covered with unconsolidated glacial drift deposits (Gray,
Because the bedrock slope is essentially flat and there are few tectonic features,
hydrocarbon traps within the state are controlled more by stratigraphic conditions than by
structure. Because of the presence of sandstone and shale in the Mississippian and
Pennsylvanian rocks, stratigraphic traps are common in Indiana's Illinois Basin. Above
stratigraphic traps where porous sandstone bodies are buried in impermeable shale, structural

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

closure is common. Stratigraphic traps are also widespread in Mississippian rocks in the
Illinois Basin and Ordovician rocks on the Cincinnati Arch's porous limestone bodies.
In Indiana, a variety of structural traps are linked to faults or Silurian reefs. The
projects that run parallel to the Mt. Carmel Fault along the Leesville Anticline are clear
examples of fault-related traps (fig. 4). Other faults throughout the state have structural traps
as well. In southwestern Indiana, buried Silurian pinnacle reefs are draped by newer layers
above the reef. Structure traps in underlying Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian
strata are explained by this draping. Because the Cincinnati Arch's Silurian reefs are at the
bedrock surface, they do not result in hydrocarbon traps. In the Michigan Basin of northern
Indiana, no buried Silurian pinnacle reefs have been discovered.
In sedimentary rocks, traps commonly occur along unconformities. The Ordovician
unconformity in Indiana between the Knox Supergroup rocks and the overlying Ancell and
Black River Group rocks features traps around the top of the Cincinnati Arch. Where
erosional relics of porous Knox (Ordovician) dolomite thrust upward into the impervious
Black River Limestone, these traps form (Ordovician). The lateral extent of the erosional
relics is limited, although there may be up to 150 feet of vertical relief (Keller and
Abdulkareem, 1980). The Knox erosional relics provide minor structural distortion in
younger rocks like the Trenton Limestone (Ordovician).

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Figure 7: Map of Indiana showing tectonic features and county names

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Figure 8: Map of Indiana showing structure on top of the Trenton Limestone (Ordovician).
(Rupp, 1991)

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Figure 9: Bedrock geologic map of Indiana (after Sullivan, 1995)

Figure 10: Map of Indiana showing structure on top of of the Muscatatuck Group (Devonian),
(Rupp, 1991)

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Figure 11: Map of Indiana showing structure on top of the Knox Supergroup (Cambrian and
Ordovician), (Ruppi, 1991)

10. Time Depth Conversion

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● During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the massive oil reservoir of the Lima-Indiana
field was recognized to have the lowest production cost in the entire United States of
America. Companies in the oil sector amassed up to 2,000 bbls per day in 1886 with a
total of 250 wells in production and 1,064,025 bbls in storage, according to evidence
from the previous year.

● In 1893, the Indiana side field grew from 151 to 682 wells. There are 225 flowing
wells and 457 wells that are being pumped. The Indiana field produced up to
2,335,288 barrels of oil per day at the time. In 1896, Ohio's output reached a high of
20,575,338 barrels per day. Nearly 23,000 oil wells have been drilled and completed
in the Lima-Indiana oil sector.

● The Findlay Arch covers around 41,000 acres in Northwestern Indiana and 230,000
acres in Northwestern Ohio, with the most profitable sections occurring in low domes
with Trenton limestones, where oils in discontinuous strata were largely collected.

● The Lima-Indiana oil field produces oil and gas from the dolomitized upper part of
the Trenton limestone on the Findlay and Kankakee arches (Moody and others, 1970).

● The oil and gas fields of the Lima-Indiana trend, whose reservoirs are the Ordovician
Trenton limestones, have six main petroleum producing configurations. Oil in the
Trenton Limestone on the Findlay and Kankakee arches had a phase of middle
ordovician hydrocarbon migration from the Appalachian basin, according to Oliver

● The oil and gas in this field have been trapped by anticlinal closure along the crest of
the Findlay arch, the northwest plunge of the Kankakee arch, and an abrupt facies
shift from porous dolomite to impermeable limestone (Keith, 1981, Gray, 1983;
Coogan and Parker, 1984). The Bowling Green fault is a faulted anticlinal trap on the
western side of the Findlay arch that restricts production to the upthrown eastern side.

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The Trenton limestone gives way to the Utica limestone above. Shale that has
migrated to the south, combined with the Utica's draping over the underlying
competent Trenton, traps petroleum along the Lima-Indiana trend's southern

● Because there were no reporting standards or agencies at the time, much of the Lima-
Indiana trend gas was piped straight from the wells into communities and enterprises
for usage, there is no way to report yearly or cumulative gas production data. Most
individual pools and fields had a tough time accurately reporting the quantity of wells
and production.

Much of the current success in the Applachian Basin may be traced back to the old
Trenton-Black River fields, some of which are legendary in the oil industry. The first
Trenton-Black River fields were drilled in what is now known as Ohio and Indiana's Lima-
Indiana Trend. The Trenton-Black River, which is just around 1,400 feet deep, is where
America's first true oil bonanza began.
Some porosity zones in the Trenton and Black River Limestones can be detected on
seismic profiles, according to field and model investigations by Johnson (1987) and Clark
and White (1987). Many additional exploration prospects would be identified in the Trenton
and Black River sequence if seismic techniques could be utilized frequently to locate traps
and(or) porous intervals.
The success of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Lima-Indiana oil field is highly
influenced by the geologic structure and the geology of the said field. The rock types that are
present, traps, seals, wells and the overall petroleum system of the massive oil field is what
makes it historical which supported millions of households, communities and the economy as
they benefited from the low cost of petroleum products. However, some datas about well
correlation and time depth conversion is very limited to support the oil field and some datas
are lacking.
On the other hand, the contribution of the Lima-Indiana oil field in the world is very
evident therefore, the success of the oil field helps and everyone benefited leaving historical
remarks during its contribution in its operation.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives


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Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives


Figure 1: Map of Distribution of Known Oil and Gas Field of Lima-Indiana

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Figure 2: Stratigraphic correlation chart for Pre-cambrian and Phanerozoic Rocks

Figure 3: Sample seismic line with horizon picks shown

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Figure 4: Sample inline
through the coherency
volume (B-B'), with the
mapped faults shown.

Figure 5: The same inline is shown through the reflection seismic data.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Figure 6: General stratigraphic column for Paleozoic rocks in Indiana
Figure 7: Map of Indiana showing tectonic features and county names

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Figure 8: Map of Indiana showing structure on top of the Trenton Limestone (Ordovician).
(Rupp, 1991)

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Figure 9: Bedrock geologic map of Indiana (after Sullivan, 1995)

Figure 10: Map of Indiana showing structure on top of of the Muscatatuck Group (Devonian),
(Rupp, 1991)

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Figure 11: Map of Indiana showing structure on top of the Knox Supergroup (Cambrian and
Ordovician), (Ruppi, 1991)

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

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