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Level B1

PAPER ONE READING AND WRITING (Approximately 90 minutes)

Section 1 Questions1 – 10 (10 points)
Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence (A, B, C or D).
Example: I…….. to school by bus yesterday.
A. went B. goes C. go D. going

For each question, mark your answer (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.

1.The manager suggested ….. a research team.

A. organized B. organizing C. organizes organize
2. By September William…….enough to buy a car
A. saves B. has saved C. will have saved D. will be saving
3. We got ….. time than I thought.
A. little B. less C. much D. fewer
4. I’d like to introduce to you 5 steps to become conversationally fluent ….. Chinese.
A. at B. on C. with D. in
5.If you like skiing, there’s a ski ….. under an hour’s driving from Madrid.
A. resort B. station C. place D. port
6.John painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He ….. a different color.
A. had to choose B. should have chosen
C. must have chosen D. could have been choosing
7.The ….. about our recycling plans will reassure consumers.
A. public B. publish C. publishing D. publicity
8.You’ve cooked far too ….. food.
A. many B. enough C. much D. plenty of
9.He’s very ….. about his private life. He’s got no secrets.
A. trustworthy B. direct C. open D. sincere
10.The fax was not received ….. the fax number was wrong.
A. until B. because C. although D. once

Section 2 Questions 11 – 15(5 points)

Look at the text in each question. What does it say?
For each question, markyour answer (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
11. A. Students have to leave their mobiles in a box at the
library entrance.
B. Students are not allowed to take any mobile phones
into the library.
C. Students are forbidden from speaking or texting on
their phones in the library.
12. A. This area is kept for storing equipment.
B. You are allowed to leave rubbish here.
C. This area must be kept free of rubbish and
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13. A. If you travel early you may have to travel part of
your journey by bus.
B. From Three Bridges station you will be taken by bus
to London.
C. There will not be any Thameslink trains from
Brighton to Three Bridges.
14. A. Only come in if there is no red light showing.
B. The red light will come on when you enter this
C. Stay outside until the red light comes on.

15. A. Jess believes the teacher has given her and Helen the
wrong homework.
B. Jess thinks she made a mistake answering the
question on page 38.
C. Jess wonders whether Helen would like to do the
homework with her.

Section 3 Questions 16 – 20(5 points)

Read the text and answer questions below.
For each question, markyour answer (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above everything
else. Children aged between 12 and 15 were asked what was important to them. Their answers
included possessions such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships with people. The
teenagers questioned said that friends were the most important to them, more even than family, or
boyfriends and girlfriends.
We wanted to find out more about the results of this research so we asked our readers what they
thought about the value of friendship. Here are some examples of what they said about their friends:
Ben,15: Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some time on my own. But after that, the
first thing I do is meet up with my friends. After playing football for a while, or skateboarding, I
usually feel much happier again.
Rory, 13: When I moved to a village in the countryside, I thought that it would be the end of my
friendships. But my old friends have kept in touch and they come and visit in the holidays. There’s a
lake nearby, so we often go sailing, water-skiing or windsurfing. And I have made some new friends
here too, at school, and since I joined the rugby club.
Carlos, 11: Last year, I broke my arm on a skiing holiday. Unfortunately, it was my left arm and I am
left-handed. My school friends all helped and copied their notes for me.
It seems that our readers value their friendships very highly. From what they told us, they spend a lot
of time with their friends, just hanging out, or sharing hobbies and interests. They seem to need their
friends for advice, help, chats, and for having fun. Clearly, friends make each other feel better.
Looking at what our readers told us, the results of the recent research are not really surprising.
16. To teenagers, money is …
A.not important. important as relationships with people.
C. as important as computer gadgets. D. less important than friendships.
17. Why are Ben, Rory and Carlos mentioned in the article?
A.They know why teenagers value friendship.
B. They gave information about themselves.
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C. They read magazines.
D. They are teenage boys.
18. Which of the following best describes Ben?
A.He often has fights. B.He is happier than his friends.
C.He likes being alone. D. He likes some sports.
19. Carlos mentions that he is left-handed because… makes skiing harder.
B. it makes it worse that he broke the arm he uses most.
C. it is an interesting fact about himself and he was talking about his left arm.
D. it is very unfortunate when you break your left arm.
20. The answers to the recent research and the answers from the readers…
A.were surprising. B. were similar.
C. were the same. D. were both about sports.

Section 4 Questions 21 – 30(10 points)

Read the text and choose the correct word for each numbered space. There is an example at the
beginning (0)
Example: (0)A.overtake B.more C.very D.too
For each question, mark your answer (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.

The future of shopping

More and more people are shopping online, and it might not be long before online sales (0)
overtake sales in actual high-street stores. As an increasing (21) _______ of brands open online
stores, shoppers are finding it easier than (22) ______ to purchase what they want. There are
many reasons (23) _______ online shopping has become so popular. First, online stores are able
to sell their products (24) _______ than high-street stores can. This is because they (25)
_______ pay rent or pay wages to sales assistants. Next, people like being able to shop from the
(26) _______ of their own home. Finally, online stores never close. If you want to buy a new
pair of jeans in the middle of the night, you (27) ______. Of course, shopping in actual stores
still has some (28) ______. For example, many people like to be able to (29) _______ clothes or
play with products such as computers or mobile phones before they purchase them. It may be a
while before online stores can (30) _______ these options.
0 A take up B undertake C overtake D take away
21 A quantity B number C amount D size
22 A always B now C past D ever
23 A for B that C why D where
24 A as cheaply B cheapest C cheap D more cheaply
25 A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t D won’t
26 A comfortable B uncomfortable C comfort D discomfort
27 A can B could C will D would
28 A results B benefits C achievements D reasons
29 A try on B wear C put on D change
30 A bring B allow C offer D enable


Section 1 Questions 31 – 35(10 points)

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it.

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Example: I haven’t seen him for many years.
Answer:It’s years since I saw him.
For each question, writeyour answer on your answer sheet.
31. The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road.
→The gate is closed so that .............................................
32. We have learned English since 2002.
→English ..........................................................................

33. Peter spent three hours in repairing his computer.

34. She said: “Close the door and get away”.
→She told me ...................................................................
35. I advise you not to buy that car.
→If ....................................................................................

Section 2 Question 36(20 points)

This is part of a letter you receive from your friend in the U.S.A
I’ve got one close friend who I spend a lot of time with. What about you? Tell me about your
friends. How important are they to you?

Finish your letter on your answer sheet, using about 100 – 150 words.
Note: Do not write your name, your address and your signature in the letter

PAPER TWO: LISTENING (Approximately 90 minutes)

There are two parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test, there will be time
for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. The recording will now
be stopped, please ask any question now because you must not speak during the test. Now open your
question paper and look at part 1.
PART ONE: Questions 37 – 41(10 points)
For each question, there are there pictures and a short recording, mark your answer on your answer
Example: Where did the man leave his camera?


37. Question 1:Which is the woman’s house?


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38. Question 2: What can Maria see from her

39. Question 3:Which postcard does the woman choose?

40. Question 4:Where will they meet?

41. Question 5: Where is the nearest petrol station?


PART TWO: Questions 42 – 51(10 points)

You will hear a passage about The Man versus Horse race. Fill in the missing information in the
numbered space.
For each question, writeyour answer on your answer sheet.
It all started in 1980, in a pub in Wales. Two men were having an argument about an (42) .........: one of
them was saying that humans were faster than horses over a long distance, in a cross-country race. The
other man was (43) ......... that horses were much faster than humans. Who was right? They couldn’t

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agree. Well, (44) .........of the pub – a man called Gordon Green – heard the argument and (45) .........
find out the answer…by organizing a race between people and horses. The first race took place in the
same year – 1980 – and the man versus horse marathon became a (46) ......... event. (In fact, the course is
only 35km long, so it isn’t actually a marathon.) The competitors were men, women…and horses. For
the first few years, a horse always won the race. (47) ........., a new rule allowed cyclists to take part as
well and although a horse won the race that year too, it only just beat Jacquie Phelan, a
(48) .........cyclistfrom the USA. In 1989, British cyclist Tim Gould beat the first horse by (49) ..........
This was the first time that a human won the event. The first human to win the race on foot was
HuwLobb. In 2004, he completed the course in 2 hours, 5 minutes and (50) .......... He won £25,000.
That year there were (51) ......... competitors and 40 horses.


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