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A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with anLarge

The presenter acts as the : Advocate o

The three major elements of presentation do not include : Presenter
The audience for a presentation consists of people who are: Uninformed
To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is : Audience
Reading out a presentation is : Allowed
Which of the following can be used to make a presentation effective and impressive? Jargons
Which of the following should be known to select the content of your presentation? Available m
In presentation design, maximum time is given to the : Main body
When presenting, your poise should be : Nervous a
What is an Instructional Technology? A process
Organizing the presentation material may include : Blue Sky Th
Which is the common font size to be used in a presentation for headers? 36 to 44
Which of the following is not an easy to read font? Times new
What does the 6 x 7 rule state? No more th
__________ are needed for delivering information effectively to a variety of audiences. Presentatio
The subject for a presentation on ‘Illiteracy in India’ can have a heading from the following. India in th
A presentation on ‘Beluga Whales and their Habitats’ will be suitable for ___________. Preschool c
The objective of the presentation “How to co-exist with Olive Ridleys?” to a group of fishermen ca Provocatio
If you’ve to make a presentation to a large group of teenagers, which topic among the following willPost-retire
If someone challenges your viewpoint in the presentation, what should be the ideal way of respondGlare at th
Which among the following is appropriate while presenting a topic? Read from
The phrase, “I therefore suggest the following strategy” – is ideally said at ________ stage of the pr Introducti
_____________ is an ideal time for you to clarify your audience’s doubts on the subject. The day aft
Which of these is a visual aid? Flip charts
Visual aids are for ___________ purpose. Illustrative
___________ are useful for audience settings of 20 to 50 people and can be produced quickly. Flip Charts
___________ are self-contained programs having pre-recorded sound tracks that are coordinated wit Audio – Sl
Repeating the question to the audience helps to _______________. make sure
Which of the following should an individual stress upon while preparing the presentation? Simple and
We use bullets to represent a list without __________. Priority
Which technique makes the presentation interesting? Elaborati
What are the advantages of effectively managing our time? Stress ma
Which of the following are the four types of people in time management model? Perfectioni
What are the disadvantages of slobs under the matrix of time management? Fail to prio
Time management is meaningless without : Work and
Which of the following is the ability to see what task are more important at each and every momen Time mana
Which of the following is the most important tool that will help you make better use of time? Reminder
Which quadrant reveals short term focus, lack of control and shallow relationship? Quadrant
What does cycling between quadrants 3 and 4 indicate? Stress and
What does goal setting encourage? Responsibi
What is the essential rule of goal setting? Positive wr
Which one of the following is not a common time management problem area? Procrastina
Proper time management can result in all of the following except? It can sav
To make the best use of your time, which of the following strategies is advisable? Prioritize y
What is the initiating factor of time management? Honesty
Time management matrix has ________ types of quadrants when it comes to time management. Five
Which one of the following does not come under the time management model? Time keepe
_____________ is the art of planning your activities so that you can achieve your goals and prioritie Time boxi
The price of rice falls by 20%. How much rice can be bought now with the money that was sufficient20kg
The height of a triangle is increased by 40% . What will be maximum % increase in the length of the 13.45
The price of an article has been reduced by 25%. In order to restore the original price, the new pri 100/3%
If the duty on an article is reduced by 40% of its present rate, by how much percent must its consu 100/3%
If the price of a commodity is decreased by 20% and its consumption is increased by 20%, what wil 4% decreas
If the price of petrol be raised by 20%, then the percentage by which a car owner must reduce his c 20/3%
If the price of sugar is raised by 25%, find by how much percent a householder must reduce his cons20%
If the price of a commodity is decreased by 20% and its consumption is increased by 10%, what wil 10% decre
The number of apples in three baskets are in the ratio of 5 : 6 : 7. In which ratio the no. of apples 2 : 1
The wages of labourers in a factory increases in the ratio 20:25 and there was a reduction in the numbe 7500
The ratio of the present ages of a son and his father is 1 : 5 and that of his mother and father is 4 : 5.20years
After 2 years the ratio of
A child has 3 different kinds of chocolates costing Rs 2, Rs 5 and Rs 10. He spends a total Rs. 1 19, 63
In a competitive exam, the number of passed students was four times the number of failed students140
A bag contains 25p coins, 50p coins and 1 rupee coins in which number of coins are in the ratio of 8240
If 40 percent of a number is subtracted from the second number then the second number is reduced1 : 1
Rs.5783 is divided among Sherry, Berry, and Cherry in such a way that if Rs. 28, Rs. 37 and Rs. 18 be Rs. 1256
Two numbers are in the ratio P : Q. When 1 is added to both the numerator and the denominator, t3
In an AP, the first term is 6 and the common difference is -4/3. Find the 4th term 0
The first term of an AP is -50 and the 50th term is 48. Find the common difference. 1
In an AP, the first term and the last terms are 50 and -50 respectively. The common difference is -1011
What is the sum of the first 9 terms of an A.P if the first term is 7 and the last term is 55? 279
If 7 times the seventh term of an A.P is equal to 11 times its eleventh term, then the 18th term of an0
Find the 5th term of the G.P.: 1/7,1/14, 1/28 ... 1/108
 Find the sum of the following infinite G. P. 1/3, -2/9, 4/27, -8/81…… 1/2
Find 9th term of the following series: 5, 10, 20, 40 …… 1024
The 3rd and the 8th term of a G. P. are 4 and 128 respectively. Find the G. P. 2,3,4,5
Which term of the G. P.: 6, –12, 24, – 48, ... is 384? 5
Find ‘a’ so that a, a+2, a+6 are consecutive terms of a geometric progression. 1
Small Specific Mixed 3
Supporter Medium ofDeliverer o 1
Specific c Audience Visual aids 4
Different i Confused i Uniform in 2
Necessary Useless Optional 2
Helpful Dull Not allowe 4
Simple andPassive se Complex se 2
Audience’Time limit Your purpo 2
Conclusio Introducti Question– 1
Confident Annoyed Shy 2
A process A process iNone of th 3
Selecting t Introducti All of thes 4
24 to 34 14.5 to 54 55.5 to 60 1
Calibri Arial Sego Script 4
No more than 6 words per
No more tha All the abo 1slide
No more than 7 lines per line
InformationAnalytical Decision-ma 1
Model IndHistory of Global wa 1
Agricultur Sea-Life EnHistorians 3
Informati Teaching Stimulatio 4
Places to Trends in S Stem cell 2
Remain polRefuse to None of th 2
Carry a smShow videoNone of t 2
Main idea Conclusion None of t 3
Before youDuring theQuestion t 4
Overhead TVideo tapeAll of thes 4
Decorativ Rhetorical None of t 1
Overhead Photograp None of th 2
Overhead tSongs None of t 1
evaluate tassure that All the ab 4
Tables andGraphs andAudio files 1
Sequence Hierarchy All of thes 4
Explaining Using keywGetting th 3
Pressure CompletingAll the abo 4
Perfection Common peo Extroversio 1
Fail to comWill do all Will be wil 1
Purpose anWatch Timetable 2
Stress ma Prioritizat Pressure 3
Matrix tablTime tableSpent time 4
Quadrant Quadrant 3Quadrant 3 4
Dependency Low value oNone of th 2
Control ofSense of p All of thes 4
Preserves cHaving perAll of thes 4
Over plannBeing to selToo many 2
It wastes mIt can help It can incr 2
Picture y Ignore une All of thes 1
Integrity CommitmePlanning 3
Six Three Four 4
Time manaDoers Perfection 1
Goal SettinMultitaski Scheduling 4
25kg 30kg 35kg 2
14.28 15.23 16.55 2
100/7% 200/3% 200/7% 1
100/7% 200/3% 200/7% 3
4% increas5%increase5% decreas 1
22/5% 50/3% 50/7% 3
25% 30% 35% 1
10% increa12% increa12% decre 4
1:2 2:3 3:2 1
7750 8025 8085 4
25years 30years 35years 4
20, 60 22, 63 23, 65 1
150 155 160 3
260 270 280 4
1:2 1:3 1:4 1
Rs. 1228 Rs. 1456 Rs. 1084 2
4 5 6 3
1 2 3 3
2 3 4 2
13 15 16 1
268 297 317 1
3 -3 2 1
1/112 1/128 2/115 2
1 1/3 1/5 4
980 1280 320 3
1,2,4,8 -12, 144, - -1,2,-4,8 2
7 8 10 2
2 3 4 2

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