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3 Sequence Diagran

Sequence diagrams are used to show how objects interact in a given situation. An

characteristic of a sequence diagram is that time passes from top to bottom: the
interaction starts

near the top of the diagram and ends at the bottom. [5]

The boxes across top of the diagram represent classifiers or their instances;
typically use

cases, objects, classes or actors.

The solid lines hanging from the boxes are called objects lifelines,
representing the life span

of object during the scenario being modeled.

Messages indicate as labeled arrows, when the source and the target of a
message is an

object or class label the signature of the method invoked in response to the

However, if either the source or target is the human actor, then the message is
labeled with brief

text describing the information is available.

Generally, a sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time


Some of use case sequence diagram for the system are shown as the following:
Figure 2: sequence diagram for create account
Figure 2: sequence diagram for Login
Figure 2: sequence diagram for student signing clearance use case
Figure 2: sequence diagram for give Feedback
Figure 2: sequence diagram for approve
Figure 2: sequence diagram for Logout
Figure 2: sequence diagram for view Response
Figure 2: sequence diagram for Update Account

2.3.3. Activity Diagram

Active diagrams are used to model the flow of an object as it moves from state to state at

different points in the flow of control. It is essentially a flow chart that emphasizes the activity

that takes place over time. Activity diagrams can be used to model higher-level business process

at the business unit level, or to model low-level internal class actions. It is "Less technical" in

appearance, compared to sequence diagrams, and business-minded people tend to understand

them more quickly. [4]

Figure 5: activity diagram for Login and Create Account
Figure 5: activity diagram for feedback
Figure 5: activity diagram for Update Account
Figure 5: activity diagram for Approve

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