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Legislative Council
LC Paper No. CB(4)59/2023
(These minutes have been
cleared with the Chairman)

Ref : CB4/PL/TP/1

Panel on Transport

Minutes of meeting
held on Tuesday, 17 January 2023, at 10:00 am
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Members present : Hon CHAN Han-pan, BBS, JP (Chairman)

Ir Hon CHAN Siu-hung, JP (Deputy Chairman)
Hon CHAN Hak-kan, SBS, JP
Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming, SBS, JP
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok, GBS, MH, JP
Hon LUK Chung-hung, JP
Hon Kenneth LAU Ip-keung, BBS, MH, JP
Hon Stanley LI Sai-wing, MH
Hon Dominic LEE Tsz-king
Hon CHAU Siu-chung
Hon YIU Pak-leung, MH
Hon CHAN Hok-fung, MH, JP
Ir Hon Gary ZHANG Xinyu
Hon YANG Wing-kit
Hon TANG Ka-piu, BBS, JP
Hon YIM Kong

Members absent : Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee, GBM, GBS, JP

Hon Michael TIEN Puk-sun, BBS, JP
Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP
Hon LAM San-keung, JP
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Clerk in attendance : Ms Sophie LAU

Chief Council Secretary (4)2

Staff in attendance : Mr Matthew LOO

Assistant Secretary General 4

Miss Cindy FUNG

Council Secretary (4)2

Miss Natalie YEUNG

Council Secretary (4)3

Miss Mandy LAM

Legislative Assistant (4)2

(Index of proceedings of the meeting is attached at the Appendix.)

I. Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman

Election of Chairman

Mr Frankie YICK, the Chairman in office, presided over the election of

Chairman of the Panel on Transport (“the Panel”) for the 2023 session. Mr
YICK informed members that only one valid nomination for the office of
Chairman of the Panel had been received by the close of the nomination period.
Given that Mr CHAN Han-pan, the nominee, fulfilled the requirements of the
Rules of Procedure (“RoP”), Mr Frankie YICK declared Mr CHAN Han-pan
elected as Chairman of the Panel.

Election of Deputy Chairman

2. The Chairman took over the chair and presided over the election of
Deputy Chairman of the Panel for the 2023 session. He informed members
that only one valid nomination for the office of Deputy Chairman of the Panel
had been received by the close of the nomination period. Given that Ir Mr
CHAN Siu-hung, the nominee, fulfilled the requirements of RoP, the Chairman
declared Ir Mr CHAN Siu-hung elected as Deputy Chairman of the Panel.
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II. Schedule of meetings for the 2023 session

3. Members agreed that the regular meetings of the Panel would be held on
the third Friday of each month at 10:45 am, and endorsed the proposed schedule
of meetings which was tabled at the meeting.

(Post-meeting note: The schedule of meetings of the Panel for the

2023 session was issued to members vide LC Paper No. CB(4)20/2023
on 17 January 2023.)

III. Items for discussion at the next meeting

LC Paper No. CB(4)15/2023(01) - List of outstanding items for


LC Paper No. CB(4)15/2023(02) - List of follow-up actions

Meeting to be held on 17 February 2023

4. Members agreed that the following items be discussed at the next regular
meeting to be held on 17 February 2023:

(a) traffic diversion arising from the opening of Tseung Kwan O – Lam
Tin Tunnel; and

(b) ferry pier upgrading projects.

Proposed discussion items for future meetings

5. At the meeting, members suggested the following items for discussion

at future meetings:

(a) exploring ways to improve the business environment of public

transport operators and different means of assistance, such as
providing subsidies or introducing public-private-partnership in the
provision of public transport, in the light of the operational
difficulties of red minibuses and outlying island ferry services,
enhancing their financial sustainability and reducing the pressure of
fare increases;
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(b) developing service and safety indicators for public transport

services to monitor their performance;

(c) strengthening the combat against illegal carriage of passengers for

hire or reward by motor vehicles to avoid posing unfair competition
to compliant operators and aggravating the shortage of professional

(d) following up on the recommendations of the “Strategic Studies on

Railways and Major Roads beyond 2030”, which included
expanding transport capacity in the “Northern Metropolis”, the
progress of the Shatin Bypass project, the planning and alignments
of railways and major roads connecting Kau Yi Chau Artificial
Islands, and exploring the construction of an elevated trackless rapid
transit system in Kowloon East;

(e) following up on the progress made by the Transport and Logistics

Bureau and the Environment and Ecology Bureau in promoting the
development of green transport, the promotion of electric vehicles
and the provision of associated ancillary facilities;

(f) improving the designs of and facilities at pavements and roads and
strengthening the regulation of the use of electric mobility devices
to enhance road safety;

(g) opening up data of public and private car parks for use by the public
to bring convenience to motorists;

(h) ways to solve the shortage of repair and maintenance technicians of

different transport modes;

(i) stepping up enforcement against illegal modification of vehicles and

illegal car racing to reduce nuisances to the public;

(j) congestion problem caused by cross-boundary traffic, and vehicle

examination and insurance issues related to cross-boundary
vehicles; and

(k) ways to solve the problem of inadequate ancillary transport facilities

for tourism, such as shortage of pick-up and drop-off points at tourist
attractions and insufficient parking spaces for tourist coaches.
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IV. Any other business

6. There being no other business, the meeting ended at 10:15 am.

Council Business Division 4

Legislative Council Secretariat
31 January 2023
Panel on Transport

Proceedings of the meeting

held on Friday, 17 January 2023, at 10:00 am
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Time Action
Speaker(s) Subject(s)
marker required
Agenda item I – Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman
000345 – Mr Frankie YICK Election of Chairman

000517 – Chairman Election of Deputy Chairman


Agenda item II – Schedule of meetings for the 2023 session

000610 – Chairman Schedule of meetings of the Panel on Transport
000702 (“the Panel”) for the 2023 session

Agenda item III – Items for discussion at the next meeting

000703 – Chairman Discussion items for the meeting on 17 February
000810 2023

Invitation of members’ suggestions on items for

discussion by the Panel in the 2023 session
000811 – Chairman Suggests to discuss:
000945 Mr Frankie YICK
- ways to improve the business environment of
public transport operators;
- combating against illegal carriage of
passengers for hire or reward by motor
vehiclesk; and
- ways to solve the shortage of repair and
maintenance technicians of different transport

000946 – Chairman Suggests to discuss:

001129 Mr TANG Ka-piu
- issues relating to the elevated trackless rapid
transit system in Kowloon East;

- enforcement against illegal modification of

vehicles and illegal car racing; and

- regulation of the use of electric mobiliy

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Time Action
Speaker(s) Subject(s)
marker required
001130 – Chairman Suggests to discuss progress made by the
001227 Deputy Chairman Transport and Logistics Bureau and the
Environment and Ecology Bureau in promoting
the development of green transport

001228 – Chairman Suggests to discuss:

001334 Mr Stanley LI - promotion of electric vehicles; and

- improving the designs of and facilities at

pavements and roads

001335 – Chairman Suggests to discuss:

001504 Mr CHAN Hok-fung
- planning and alignments of railways and
major roads connecting Kau Yi Chau
Artificial Islands;

- enhancing the financial sustainability of

outlying island ferry services; and

- opening up data of public and private car

parks for public use to bring convenience to

001505 – Chairman Suggests to discuss:

001600 Ir Mr Gary ZHANG
- development of service and safety indicators
for public transport services; and

- vehicle examination and insurance issues

related to cross-boundary vehicles

001601 – Chairman Suggests to discuss different means of

001646 Mr LUK Chung-hun assistance to improve the business environment
of public transport operators

001647 – Chairman Suggests to discuss:

001726 Mr Dominic LEE
- the recommendations of the “Strategic
Studies on Railways and Major Roads beyond
2030”; and

- congestion problem caused by cross-

boundary traffic

001727 – Chairman Suggests to discuss ways to solve the problem

001833 Mr YIU Pak-leung of inadequate ancillary transport facilities for
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Time Action
Speaker(s) Subject(s)
marker required
001834 – Chairman Conclusion
Discussion between the Chairman, Deputy
Chairman and the Administration on the work
plan of the Panel in the 2023 session

Agenda item IV – Any other business

001852 – Chairman Closing remarks

Council Business Division 4

Legislative Council Secretariat
31 January 2023

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