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Ministry of Higher Education

University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

Clinical Training Plan

Critical Care Nursing

Dr. Ishraga Abdelgadir

2022 - 2023

Course Name: Critical & Emergency Care Nursing

Course Code: AMNU 324

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

I. Course Description:

This course is designed for third year undergraduate nursing students at the 1st semesters in nursing program to
.provide emergency nursing skills in simulation environment
This could be safer and allow chances for several trails of skills demonstration. Then, when a nurse student comes
to the clinical area and real world, he/she can manage his/her nursing practice with patients. This represented
through identifying recognizing, and performing different Critical nursing responsibilities. It provides
individualized common sense and guidance in the area of student interest in nursing requirements.

II. Clinical Objectives:

At the end of the clinical practice, students will be able to:

 Recognized the methods of oxygen therapy (mechanical ventilation).
 Provide care of patients with endotracheal tube.
 Assist in drawing blood sample.
 Provide ECG tracing.

 Observe the nursing care of arterial line and central line.

 Observe how to deliver dosage of shock for Defibrillation, cardioversion.

 Provide the nursing management for patient post cardiac catheter.
 Observe the application of cervical collar.

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

III. Responsible person:

1. Dr. Ishraga Abdelgadir

IV. Evaluation

1. According to the checklists made for clinical training

Students’ responsibilities:

 The student is responsible for completing all skills and assignments

according to the guidelines set by the instructor.
 The student is expected to finish all skills and assignments within the time
allocated by the instructor.
 The student is expected to do his/her fair share of any group project.
 The student is responsible for making sure the work is his own.

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

Clinical Evaluation Form

Student name: Student ID: Date:
No. Allotted Graded
I. Student’s Portfolio:
A. Care plan 3 3x3= 9
B. Concept map 3 3x2= 6
C. Medication concept map 3 3x2= 6
D. Checklists folder 1 1x3= 3
E. Reflective journal 3 3 x 0.5 = 1.5
F. Personal qualities form 3 x 0.5 = 1.5

Subtotal 27
II. Student's Clinical Evaluation:
1. Attendance 10 x 0.25 = 2.5
A. Tidiness (computerized, clean) (student’s portfolio) 0. 25
B. Organizing (Table of content, divisions) (student’s portfolio) 0. 25
Subtotal 30

Student Signature: Clinical Instructor Signature:


Personal Qualities Form

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

Student name:
Student ID:

Allotted Submitted
I. Learning abilities
1. Participation 0.5
2. Shows keenness to learn 0.5
II. Writing, reading, and numerical skills
3. Understand written notes and orders 0.5
4. Calculate appropriately (e.g. medication, intake/output, 0.5
III.Communications skills
5. Listen to others and accept criticism 0.5
6. Communicate effectively with patients and healthcare 0.5
IV.Professional attitude
7. Demonstrates professional behavior: 0.5
 Compliance with hospital rules/regulations
(Uniform, Punctuality, etc.)
 Compliance with ethical and professional conduct
(Patient/family privacy, etc.)

8. Show respect to patient, families, and team members 0.5

IV. Professional skills
9. Demonstrate competent safe nursing practice and 0.5
maintain patient safety
10. Follow infection control protocols 0.5
Total score: 5

Student Signature:
Instructor Name: 5
Clinical Instructor Signature:

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

Days of submitting assignment

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Medication map
Reflective journal Care Plan
Orientation Concept Map
Personal qualities

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Medication map Medication map

Care Plan Reflective journal Care Plan Reflective journal
Concept Map Personal qualities Concept Map Personal qualities
form form

Week 9 Week 10

Final OSEC Final OSEC

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

Reflective Journal

1. Description of the experience and related feelings.

Evaluate your satisfaction regarding your perform.

2. Feedback (self-evaluation).

Ministry of Higher Education
University of Jeddah
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences
Nursing Department

3. Areas need improvement.

4. Action taken to improve yourself.

5. If it happened again, what would you do based on personal experience and evidence based
practice? (Future action plan).

Student’s Name:________________________________________ ID Number:___________________

Indication Side Effects Contraindication

Drug interaction Drug name, Generic name Nursing implication

Category Route

Student’s Signature:________________________ Date Submitted:__________________

Instructor’s Name and Signature:____________________________

Nursing Care Plan

Patient’s age: Sex: Medical Diagnosis:

Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goal/Planning Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation


Student’s Name:________________________________________ ID Number:___________________

Pathopysiologyy Clinical Manifestations

Disease Diagnostic measures & Medical Management


Nursing Management
Risk Factors

Student’s Signature:________________________ Date Submitted:__________________

Instructor’s Name and Signature:____________________________

Critical Nursing
Clinical Skills checklist

Student name: Student ID:

Instructor name:

Dr. ……………..

Basic Skills Assisted Date Performed Date
Checking vital signs

Perform hand hygiene

Wear proper PPEs

Physical examination


ABG Interpretation

Endotracheal tube ( assisting insertion / care )

Maintaining patent airway

Chest tube management


Connecting physiological monitor to the patient

Perform ECG

Arterial line management

Central venous line care

Monitoring of CVP

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Defibrillation and cardioversion

Gastric lavage

Skill assisted Date performed Date Preceptor

Administering medications



IM injection

SC injection

IV bolus

IV infusion

Eye care

Skill assisted Date performed Date

Criteria of Patient Profile (OSCE)

Items Excellent .25 Good .20 Fair .15 Poor .10 Student's

Gather all the information of the patient and presents the

patient’s profile and discuss the patient chief complaint and
history of present illness

Discuss past health history and identify contributing factors

relevant to presenting complaint (lifestyle factors, physical,
psychological, social, spiritual, and cultural factors

Discuss the etiologies and pathophysiology relating to the

patient health problem clinical manifestations of disease and
correlate it with the underlying abnormalities and physiologic

Explain the results of investigations and diagnostic studies

Discuss the medical and surgical management used for


Mention the prescribed medications and fluids including the

dosage, route, frequency, action/indications, side effects,
nursing responsibilities and drug allergies.

Acquire patient’s vital signs and apply correct interpretation of

the findings

Apply physical Assessment to the patient

Total: 2

Nursing Care Plan Excellent Good Fair Poor Student's

.25 .20 .15 .10

1. Discuss and choose right Nursing Diagnosis

2. Discuss the expected outcome

3. Discuss Interventions and rationale

4. Discuss the evaluation

Total: 3

Good luck


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