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( KUD ) Computer Concepts 66 1.

12 Software Software Categories Computer Softwares can be classified into two major
> SYSTEM SOFTWARE > APPLICATION SOFTWARE ET Further System Software can be sub -
divided into two kinds of programs 1.
System Management Programs Examples:
Operating System, Device Drivers, Utility programs PMS - DOS Prompt 16X DEGA Auto
A set of instructions expressed using a precise notation ( i.
, programming language ) to carry out these functions is called a program.
A collection of such programs that are put together into a computer to operate and
control its operations or activities is called the SOFTWARE.
Usually these software programs or software package ( when loaded ) resides in the
internal memory of the computer in order to perform the specified task and to
achieve the useful results.
Hardware -Software Interaction in a Computer System ( PC ) User communicates with
personal computers through his applica tion programs and basic OS ( Operating
System ) commands for any clarifications or particular task to be performed by a
personal computer Thus Execution of a program and communication between user and
computer involve a timely interaction of hardware and software.
, the relevant softwares have to be run on a Dumb machine - PC hardware in order to
achieve the said communication or fruitful computational results by a computer
The following figure depicts Relationship between Software and Hardware as USER -
OS - BIOS - PC HARDWARE A 3 - tier inter action Microsoft ( R ) 98 < C > Copyright
Microsoft Comp.
1981-1999 CINWINDOWS Surin You are already running Windows.
Press ALT ENTER to switch this MS - DOS prompt between window and full - screen
Type Exit and press Enter to quit thas MS DOS prompt and return to Windows.
TAB to switch to Windows or another application.
CENWINDOWS > A Command Prompt C:
\ > - of MS - DOS OS 2.
System Development Programs Examples Compilers, Interpreters.
Assemblers, Loaders, Linkers including programming languages used to develop these
tools ( programs ).
User commands ( OS, commands ) OS Function calls to BIOS routines U S OS BIOS R OS
- BIOS interaction BIOS & hardware interaction return results PC hardware PRO MI
Windows OS Desk Top ( GUI ) Screen

67 " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts 68 6 My Computer A Windows OS GUI Desktop c dit Run
Compile Project Options Debug Break / watch Linaloolt test Intent Tab Fun unindent
13 System Software System softwares are language processors or system programs
written for the computer system ( hardware ) which provide the environment to
facilitate the writing, entering and execution of application programs, more
System software in general create an user friendly or easy - to - use environment
of the computer hardware when it is executed by the computer itself.
System softwares are the language translators, loader, editors, Assembler,
compilers that prepares the application programs for execution on machines ( i.
, translation and loading ) 4.
Examples of system programs include = > Editors .
> 0 Turbo C Editor, Norton's Edi tor, vi or ed screen or line editors Notepad,
Wordpad, MS - Word editors.
> Assemblers .
MASM / TASM for 8086 micro processor IBM 360/370 Assemblers Compilers .
) 5 FORTRAN WATFOR compiler Turbo C compiler Borland's IDE C ++ Compiler
) 3 LISP, BASIC, JAVA language Interpreters.
Macroprocessors = > Linkers - > Loaders Operating Systems.
MS - DOS 6.
22 / 7.
Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / ME XP / Vista / Windows 7 OS a a Editor Window Cong 1987
198 by Message We status bar STEF - tep Mie F10 - Menu A IDE Screen of Turbo C
Compiler 0 RED MLNOTE 6 PRO MI

69 " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts 70 Windows NT Server OS GSCO UNIX OS J BSD UNIX OS LINUX
( Red Hat Linux ) o Novell Netware OS 4.
X / 6.
X Sun's Solaris OS o Super UX OS iRMX, PSOS RTOS To conclude, the performance of
the dumb machine the computer hardware is heavily dependent on the effectiveness
and efficiency of all these system softwares listed as above.
14 Application Software Application software is a set of inter related programs
that carry out operations or manipulations for a specified task.
These programs makes the hardware to do useful work.
Application software packages are written and developed by professional
programmers software engineers of Software Development field / IT industry.
Examples of application software packages include pay roll package to compute
salary of employees of an organisation Application software is a collection of
general purpose programs normally written by programmers / users for the purpose of
solving a particular problem.
When system programs tailor the computer machine to function properly, the
application programs make the computer machine to do some useful work and to
generate some useful results.
Some Application programs are common for almost all organisations / institutions.
For example, Pay roll program payroll Package ) - computes the salaries of ployees
of an organization, prints the pay bill, tax - deduction, savings details, balance
sheet etc.
on regular intervals say monthly salary report, weekly wages report, annual income
report etc.
of mp RED MINO TE PR anisation.
Organisation may be MI an educational institute, business agency, finance
corporations, bank or a factory or a hospital too.
Similarly Accounting packages, Inventory control software packages, library
management software, Word processing Programs, are all application programs.
These are ready - to - use, built in software packages prepared by software
development companies.
They have been written to suit the particular application needs.
For example " Accounting application program, for banking to keep the ledgers up -
to - date and to maintain different accounts, bank balances ( deposits ) of various
Ofcourse the hardware level ( conversation ) system needs of an executing
application software will be governed by one or more system softwares including the
OS Operating System ) layer.
To conclude visibility of a working computer is realized with variety of
application programs / softwares when loaded on a given computer system and called
for execution An average end - user can appreciate the computer and or have feel of
its computational power if and only if he / she is exposed to the effects
( result ) of executions of such application softwares that are readily helpful in
their domestic ( day - today ) activities More examples on Application Software
Packages .
• Word Processor Packages - MS - Word, NotePad, WordPad, Word Perfect etc
Accounting Packages Tally • Spread sheets MS - Excel, Lotus 1-2-3.
Presentation tools - MS - Power Point ( for slide - show presentation ) Web
Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer NetScape Navigator & Commu nicator Multimedia
packages • DTP packages - Page Maker, Ventura

71 " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts * To summarise, an application software package can be
developed to support various activities such as >> Business data processing ►
Communication & entertainment ( Internet Explorer ) > Office Automation tool ( MS -
word ) ► Multimedia applications ( Games & Cartoon movies ) > Personal Accounting /
Taxation > Home & Educational applications ( MS - Power Point ) A Bag A MS Excel A
Web Browser:
The Microsoft Internet Explorer ( IE ) screen.
Wat Bro REDMI NOTE OPARD Home page ) screen.
MI A MS- Word

73 Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts 74 Thus following figures illustrate working on a
Computer System ( A PC - personal computer ) that engage both hardware and software
for appropriate interactions Thus an overall classification of software categories
can be detailed schematically as shown below COMPUTER SOFTWARES APPLICATION
into various Softwares Categories An Overall Classification of Software Categories
A set of instructions expressed using a precise notation ( i.
, programming language ) to carry out specific tasks is called a program.
A collection of such program that are put together into a computer's memory to
operate and control its activities or operations is termed Software.
Thus software is the basic ingredient required for any computing system which is
responsible, to better adopt the computer hardware to an average user's computing
PRO MIDUAL - CAMERA Two Flavours ( types ) of Application Softwares Custom - made
Software Custom - made softwares are also referred to as Customised prod ucts or
Bespoke products.
These software products are not available on open - market.
They ОО

75 p " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts Where as Custom - made softwares are specifically
developed on order / contracted basis by a designated software Development Con
tractors / Developers.
are developed exclusively for computerization of a particular organization's
activities and to meet specific ( individual needs ) requirements of customers of
that organization.
Such software systems are commissioned by a particular customer and maintained by
the software development company who has developed and handed over the same ( on
Build - operate - Transfer BOT - contract + Maintenance if required ) E Examples
Banking and Insurance company softwares, air traffic control and surveillance
system etc.
- Custom - made softwares can be tuned to the changing requirement of valued -
customers and modified to match with the exact user specifications especially end -
user or consumer needs.
To develop customised software packages - distinct phases of soft ware engineering
( like Problem Definition, Requirement Analysis, System Design, Coding Analysis &
Program Generation, Program Testing, Implementation and Maintenance ) will be
followed meticu lously.
This ensures software quality product.
→ Shrinkwrapped Software These softwares are also termed as Generic Software
They are stand alone, commercial, off - the - shelf software systems ( packaged
CD's ) sold in retail, in open market.
Indeed, Shrinkwrapped Softwares were on CD - ROM disks that are boxed ( housed or
packaged ) and shrinkwrapped and solf in stores.
- In otherwords - shrinkwrapped softwares as general purpose appli cation packages
are sold on the open market to any customer who are willing to buy it.
Examples of Shrinkwrapped Software Packages include:
- Anti - Virus packages say ESSET NOD32, NAV, Quick Heal etc.
- Data Base Products 1.
15 Machine Language Computer being an electronic machine has its own programming
language called Machine language.
Any communication with the com puter for problem - solving must be in its machine
Now computer can interpret and execute a set of binary coded instructions called
its machine language instruction.
Writing a program for a com puter machine consists of specifying directly or
indirectly, a sequence of machine instructions.
Machine instructions inside the computer forma binary pattern of O's and l's which
is difficult for people to work with and understand the machine language
programming > Machine Language Programming Programming in machine language involve
writing of computer programs that consists of series of binary code patterns.
These binary streams of O's and l's forming a machine instruction consists of
instruction code also called the operation code and the operand address that
specify memory location.
For example con sider the following program segment.
It consists of 3 machine instruction, to add two numbers and to store the result
in a specified memory location A Machine Language Program Segment Machine Operation
Operand Meaning of machine instruction Instructions code address # 1 -:
01010 Ooioi 11 Load into * processor register A the data stored in a memory
location # 2 -:
01001 obio1000:
Add the contents of processor register A with the data stored in next memory
location # 3 - olow 00101001 Store the sum in a specified memory location - CASE
tools CAD tools Utilit PRO MI processor register A is a location in the central
processing unit of a Corp where all arithmetic and logical operations can be
carried out ( ALU ).

77 1 " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts By looking at the above example, one can conclude that i
) we should remember a series of binary code patterns that represent operation code
ii ) also we must keep track of all the memory location's binary addresses where
the data or operand can be stored .
- Practically, it is very difficult job to remember all these binary patterns
representing machine language of that computer.
Because for any given computer there would be more than 90 machine instruction
codes ( Operation codes ) and thousands together memory locations and their binary
addresses !!! The program written as above make use of machine language formats as
shown below:
Opcode Operand A Machine Instruction Accordingly, one part of the memory word
specify an operation code instruction itself ) and second part specify either the
operand itself or address of the operand.
J A machine instruction format in 16 - bit memory words are as shown below:
No expensive translation and conversion times ( Translation Free ).
• Developing program logic in machine language is straight forward.
• Machine level language programs occupy lesser main memory space Disadvantages of
Writing Programs in Machine Language ( Demerits ) Machine language consists of
binary codes and it is very difficult to understand and remember the various
grouping of O's and I's.
( Machine Dependent ) Thus writing a correct machine language program by an
average person is almost impossible! If at all possible, the writing of a program
in machine language is a very slow process and takes lot of time to complete it.
( Complex language ).
Each of the newly designed computer machine has its own, separate machine language
therefore one cannot remember many machine language ( Error Prone ).
• With machine language programming, it is very difficult to point out the
mistakes in the program.
( Tedious- introduce Boredum ).
E The draw backs of the machine language can be eliminated with the design of
Assembly and High level languages Machine language A binary O's and I's string
pattern That is 8 - bit 8 - bit OPCODE OPERAND / S address in Memory Location ) The
format of an instruction is usually shown in a rectangular box symbolising the bits
of the instruction as they appear in memory words or in processor registers.
For instance the following figure depict simple instruction formats ( RR - type
instruction format in IBM 360 / 370 computer where two operands are available in
registers 3 and 4 ).
2 bytes OPCODE RI R2 0001 1010 0011 0100 ST 1, TEMPO OR ST 1, 230 ( 0, 3 )
01010000 0001 0000 0011 0000 1110 0110 V Mnemonic form of Machine language Add
Register Advantages of Writing Programs in Machine Language ( Merits ) xecution of
programs written is machine language is faster ( High Speed EXMU instruction
( Intermediate Form ) Shut .
tedious tired What's this?
how to remember this binary world of only O's and I's?
( Machine Languages )

79 P " Sem BCA Computer Concepts Prog.

( KUD Computer Concepts 1.
16 Assembly Language Assembly language uses mnemonic codes.
These mnemonic codes are also called as symbolic codes or symbolic instructions.
Basically each mnemonic code consists of alphabetical symbols ( letters or
numerals special characters ) grouped together to denote the corresponding binary
coded instruction or machine operation code.
Therefore every line of Assembly nuage program has symbolic code called mnemonics
to rupresent Operation code and symbol address of memory location to represent oper
nd address For example the mnemonic Add or A may be used to represent a binary
operation code ( Machine code ) 01001 for Add operation.
Similarly the symbolic code LOAD or L or LDA can be used to represent a machine
code 01010 for Load operation.
Now memory locations containing operands or data are given symbolic names such as
data2, num, sum etc.
which represent symbolic addresses of memory locations .
- For example consider a program written in assembly language of IBM 360/370
assembly language ) to add two numbers.
NI here in this program А 1.
N2 the mnemonic L means LOAD ST 1.
SUM А means ADD NI DC F'S N2 DC F6 ST means STORE SUM DS IF > These mnemonic
represent sym END bolic operation codes.
But all these symbolic machine codes and symbolic addresses memory location are
designated to suit a particular machine processor architecture ( internal structure
), therefore assembly las guage is Machine - Dependent language and thus known as L
level language - Writing a program in an Assembly language involve knowing the
details of number of instructions ( operation codes ) supported by a particular
computer machine and its usable memory size, starting address and end address
( user memory to stores program and data ) and various registers ( tiny storage
elements ) supported by the machines hardware architecture.
- Disadvantages of Assembly Language ( Demerits ) • The assembly language is low
level machine dependent language, therefore the program has to be different for
different computer ( architectural models ) machines, although the problem to be
solved is one and the same.
Thus programmer who writes an assembly language program must remember machine
characteristics like memory size, starting and end address, Registers .
The orientation towards machine's internal structure ( for example concentrating
on memory size ) makes writing of a program in assembly language much more
difficult and a slow process.
At this stage the user or programmer cannot concentrate completely on problem
solving specification and results to be computed.
Computer cannot understand programs written in assembly la guage.
It requires a translator that can translate, assembly language program into
equivalent machine language program.
The translator is called an assembler.
► Similarly Ni and N2 are symbolic addresses of memory location which contain the
operands 5 and 6 respectively.
SUM is also symbolic address of memory location.
Where the result 5 + 6 = 11 is expected to be stored Therefore assembly language
is designed to replace each and every binary machine code with easy understandable
mnemonic ( or symbolic code ) and each binary address or memory location with a
simple string of alphanumeric characters.
> Advantages of Assembly Language ( Merits ).
The user / programmer is relieved from remembering long quences of binary strings
( 0's and I's ) that represent binars PRO MI

em Computer Concepts & C Prog.

( KUD ) Computer Concepts operation code.
Since binary machine codes are all replaced by symbolic codes or mnemonics.
( Easy to use and understand ) • Similarly all memory address that are in strings
of binary O's and l's ) are now represented by symbolic names called symbolic
address of memory location that denote operand address.
( Less Error Prone and More Control on Hardware ) 1.
17 High - Level Language High level programming languages are special languages
intended to communicate with the computer for problem solving.
These languages are also called procedure oriented languages since they permit the
user / programmer to concentrate more on the procedure or method of problem solving
and its specifications rather than knowing the functional behaviour of computer
machine and its hardware details.
These languages consists of a set of words and symbols.
Symbols can be alphabets, numbers, operators, special symbols like.
, +, *.
/ etc.
The instructions or statements of this language matches with usual English
language statements.
High level programming languages like any other natural language ( Kannada,
Marathi, Telugu, Tamil etc.
) has two distinct parts:
- Syntax refers to the rules which are to be followed to form languages constructs
like words, statements, sentences etc.
that are grammatically correct.
In other words the syntax refers to the GRAMMAR of the language.
- Semantics assign a useful meaning to the valid syntactic ( gram matical )
constructs of that language.
For instance consider the following two statements:
Padma plays piano .
( 1 ) Piano plays padma .
( 2 ) Both statements are grammatically correct in English language but SCOREDMI
NOTE PRÓly wrong since piano a music nerMFerate the person padma.
But in high level language programming each and every gram matically ( syntax )
correct language construct should have one and only one useful meaning ( called
semantics ).
• A high level programming language can be designed so that it can be used on
computers of different make and having different machine structures.
- In other words a program written in high level programming language can be
executed on all computers irrespective of their model and internal structure.
Such an interesting property of high level language is used to call it as a
machine independent language.
With this feature programs written in high level language for one computer machine
can be run on some other machine without any modifications to the original program!
Examples of High Level Programming Language High level programming languages were
developed towards the end of the year 1955-56.
Example include the FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, BASIC, C language, C ++, PASCAL, LISP,
PROLOG, PL / I, JAVA programming language, C # ( C - sharp ).
Example programs in high level languages We shall now write a program to add two
number and to print the sum.
Program in BASIC language:
SUM - N1 N2 50 PRINT " SUM OF TWO NUMBER IS "; 60 END + SUM Here, Ni and N2 are the
symbols that represent memory locations to hold two numbers.
SUM is another symbol that hold the result

your concepts & Prog:

( KUD ) Computer Concepts of addition NI + N2 in another memory location.
The program ask the user to type in two numbers to be added and then it reads the
numbers and prints the sum after addition 2.
Program in C language:
main ( ) MI PR int nl, n2, sum; printf ( " Type in two number \ n " ); scanf ( "
% d8d ", & nl, & n2 ); sum- nl + n2; printf ( " sum of two numbers is = % d \ n ",
sum ); be readily carried out with high level languages.
( Easy Documen tation ) Disadvantages of High Level Languages ( Demerits ).
Computer cannot understand programs written in high level lan guages therefore a
translator is required to translate hence written programs in H.
to the equivalent machine language programs Here the translator is called a
Compiler or an Interpreter.
( Poor or Little Control on Machine Hardware ).
Therefore programs written in H.
cannot be implemented directly and the use of translator take up extra time for
• Many times the programs written in H.
L consume more memory space and can take more processor's time therefore they are
less efficient as compared to machine language and assembly language programs!
( Less Efficient ) Use of translator / s is expensive and require additional memory
to store it of Note that writing programs in high level language is much easier
task and each and every statement look like our usual English statement except a
few notations and symbols.
The user or programmer need not worry about binary operation code, memory size -
like starting address and end address names of registers etc.
as in case of both machine language and assembly language.
> Advantages of High Level Languages ( Merits ) • High level languages are
completely machine - independent since with H.
L programming, there is no need to remember the characteristics of the machines or
behaviour of the machine and machine details like memory specification etc.
( More Readability ) • High level language are procedure oriented which
concentrate and facilitate much on the user's problem to be solved rather than
machine's hardware details.
• Programming with the use of H.
is almost easy and program written on one machine can be run on some other machine
that has different model ( machine independent.
) ( Easy to debug and Main 1.
18 Assemblers Translator programs are also called as Language translators or
Language Processors.
Use of a translator is significant since computer cannot understand a program
written either using a assembly language or High level language.
These translators are generally classified into two groups:
Assemblers 2.
Interpreter and Compiler Assembler is a language translator for low level assembly
language Assembler is a system program or translator program that translates
( converts ) input source program written in Assembly language into output object
program that consists machine language binary codes ( O's and l's ).
Examples of Assemblers include Macro Assembler ( MASM ).
Turbo Assembler ( TASM ) - for Intel 8086 microprocessor's assembly language
tain ).
It is quite easy to learn high level languages:
writing a program, modifying a program, implementation are all simple tasks that

! " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts 86 Program written in Assembly > Examples of compiler
program include:
FORTRAN WATFOR compiler, Borland's IDE C ++ compiler, Turbo C compiler etc.
, The following figure shows a compiler.
Input Output Language Program translated into machine Language O's and l's
Assembler O MI Source program Object program Fig.
A Translator - Assembler m An object program is always in a machine language of
the a computer where as source program is either in Assembly language or High Level
Language ( other than machine language ).
Every assembly language require a separate assembler.
For exam ple 8085 Assembly language translator is different from IBM 360 / 370
assembly language translator ( Assembler ) but all assemblers ( translators ) have
to produce only one output i.
, machine lan guage program 1.
19 Compilers A compiler is a language translator ( or system program ) which
translate input high level language source program into equivalent machine language
program ( called object program ).
The whole program is translated into equivalent machine language if there are no
syntax errors, but there is no immediate execution of instruction by instruction as
in case of interpreter.
> So a compiler outputs a separate intermediate copy called object program ( obj
file ) or machine language program which inturn has to be executed separately.
> This kind of translation is known as compilation, Therefore in compilation
process translation of complete program takes place at a time and object am is
generato if there is no single error.
Otherwise all possible errors in that program will be displayed at a time and
translation into machine language will not take place.
Compiler programs require more memory space.
Here the compi lation and execution of the program are two separate processes.
LEVEL LANGUAGE Translator LANGUAGE O's and 1's Fig.
A Compiler > So far many high level languages were developed to suit the
particular application or the environment in which computer is employed to work.
For example Basic for Beginners, Pascal, C, Fortran for Scientists, Engineers and
Mathematicians in Science and Engineering applications.
Cobol for Business applications, Prolog Lisp language in Artificial Intelligence
based applications For each of these languages there must be a separate interpreter
or compiler to undertake translation work.
Because ultimately the programs must be in machine language that is what the
computer demands and all translator can do the translation to produce the only
output the machine language equivalent ( program ).
Therefore for me example BASIC interpreter can understand, Basic language program
only and translate it to produce machine language program.
> Similarly a C - language compiler can understand the source programs written in
C language only and translate it to produce machine language program and so on >
For instance a Fortran compiler cannot understand a source program written in Cobol
language and a Cobol Compiler cannot accept a source program written in Fortran
► Therefore individual language program can be processed only by their respective
compilers or Interpreters to produce the equivalent machine language program for
the computer machine.
> It is the machine language program that gets loaded in to the computer's main
memory and executed by the processor to produce computed results.

87 " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts MI Interpreter Interpreter and Compilers are the
language translators for high level languages.
Although Interpreter and Compiler are used for high level language translation,
they differ basically in their operating mmodes:
An interpreter is a language translator ( or system program ) which translate
input high level language program line line or instruction by instruction ) into
equivalent machine language instruc tions and immediately execute each instruction
if they are free from errors mif there are no grammatical mistakes ).
This kind of translation is called as Interpretation.
During Interpretation, if errors are present in the program the interpretation
into ouchine language instructions and hence their execution stops on the specified
line or instruction where error is detected and error message is displayed by the
interpreter program.
Examples of Interpreter programs include:
LISP, BASIC, & JAVA interpreters Interpreter program requires lesser memory space
but process of elimination of errors called debugging is time consuming.
Once the first error is noticed, program interpretation and execution will not be
continued and after eliminating the error, interpretation is resumed from the
Interpreter is shown in figure below.
We have wide variety of editors available on different operating system working
environments / Platforms.
For instance Turbo C Editor, Norton's Editor on MS - DOS vi or ed a screen or line
editor respectively on UNIX MS - WORD, Notepad etc.
, word processing packages on win.
dows Now a days majority of software packages have their own built - in editor
Thus allowing user or programmer to customise their documents, letters and
programs to be typed in and stored for future use.
For instance Turbo C, Borland C and C ++ compiler packages comes with built - in
IDE screen comprising editor pro gram too.
INPUT INTERPRETER OUTPUTA program written in Interprets each Results will be
printed high level language instruction one after if the interpreted is input
another and executes instructions are free ( Source program immediately from errors
Interpreter 1.
20 Editors It is a system program that allows the user to feed his program
instruction and data into the computer memory.
It also allows him to make modifications like inserting a character / line,
deleting, a word and to store the modified program or text.
21 OS - Operating System An operating system or OS in short, is an example of
system software that controls hardware resources of a PC and provides an interface
( user interface - to interact with electronic hardware of the PC system ) to
interact with users and application softwares OS provides necessary tools and
English like language commands that enable the user or programmer to converse or to
interact with his PC ( hardware ).
► Whenever end - user issues a command ( either by typing the com mand syntax or
by a Mouse Click to invoke command action ), the Os translates or interprets this
command into system call or specific set of machine - ( O's & 1's ) codes
Accordingly, machine hardware can be triggered into electronic actions.
The result of which, the OS ensures, inturn, with the display of response to
commands, error messages if any, the possible outputs etc, on the display screen of
CRT Monitor, The formal definition of OS " An operating system is a system software
concerned with the allocation of hardware resources and services such as - memory
processors, devices ( I / O and storage ) and information ( file service )

P " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & Prog- ( RUD ) Computer Concepts 90.
MI PRO to the user programs ( application softwares ) during programs execution.
" For which, operating system consists the corresponding set of system programs to
manage these hardware resources.
For instance set of OS programs might be for memory manage ment, Job scheduler /
Process Scheduler, Program 1/0 traffic con troller / scheduler program etc.
To conclude, OS can be termed as:
It's manager of resources of a computer system.
( to allocate and reclaim the resource after its use ) Its master control program
of a computer system.
( Primary controlling mechanism for the PC hardware ) Functions of Operating
System ( OS ) The operating system performs the following four primary functions:
Providing User Interface That is display the Command prompt ( A:
\ >, 0rB:
\ >, orC:
\ >, orD:
\ > in case of DOS ) or display the on - screen graphical objects / elements
( icons / short cuts on the desktop screen ) that enable the user to issue a
command and / or interact with the computer.
( via GUI - Graphical User Interface or command Line Interface ) - Provide for
loading user programs / applications into Computer's main memory so that user can
utilise the results of successful execution.
- Provide for coordination as to how user's programs / applications interact with
underlying hardware and other softwares.
( via system calls ( to BIOS and drivers ) and interrupts ) - Providing for the
information storage and retrieval of already stored information ( data and program
files ) from disks.
Now let's summarise Os definition and functions of OS Operating system acts as an
interface between the hardware resources and the user programs such that it creates
an easy - to access environment to facilitate the execution of user programs.
-Functions of operating systems can be summarised as • Manage computer equipment
resources viz memory, processor, I / O devices, files ( or Information ).
Allocate resources such as memory, I / O devices & processor to various jobs or
programs as per allocation / scheduling algo rithm.
• Keep track of these resources and reclaim them when they are not in use! •
Enforce security features to allow authorised user to access OS services • Provide
other utility services such as to record login time period for billing charges etc.
• Provide program development environment and / or support such tools to enter and
execute programs and to avail other useful services.
+ Examples of popular operating systems include:
Proprietor OS For Mainframe & Super computers ( multi user ) For example.
Sun's Solaris ( For mini computers ) lunar OS • Super - UX ( for NEC's SX - series
super computers.
) MVS ( For mainframes ) NOS:
Networking OS For computers on LAN, MAN, WAN ( multi - user ) For example SCO Open
server & SCO Unix Ware Novell NetWare 4.
X / 6.
X Windows NT Server 4.
0 • Windows 200 2008 Red Hat Linux Free BSD.
Mac OS X ( 8 )

91 p ' Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) Computer Concepts 92 O MI PRO Unix OS - For Mini Computers ( Multi user )
For example.
BSD UNIX • SCO UNIX • LINUX - CPM OS - For Micro Computers ( Single User ) ( For
single board computers / Home Computers ) DOS & Windows OS > For Personal Computers
( Single user ) For example.
22 / MS DOS 7.
0 • Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / Win 7 ( For Single / multi - user
Multi tasking ) • LINUX RTOS:
Real Time OS ) For Computers employed for specific real time applications For
example iRMS • PSOS • CMX QNX / Win - CE • Providing a User Interface In essence,
we have two kinds of user interfaces:
► GUI - Graphical User Interface ( Graphical Mode ) offered by Windows, macintosh,
Mac OS and some versions of UNIX ( SCO - UNIX ) and Linux OS.
> CUI - Cursor / Character User Interface ( Character Mode ) It's a command - line
or text - based user interface offered by MS - DOS, some versions of UNIX ( BSD -
UNIX ) and Linux OSs.
We shall discuss these two user interfaces now.
+ Graphical User Interface ( GUI ).
It's a user friendly interface.
When your PC has any version of Windows OS, it would display tiny icons
( graphical objects ) on its desktop screen.
Using Mouse, one can point and click enable these graphical objects.
They normally represent applications, com mands, documents, and other tools and
In other words, GUI permits us to issue or invoke different command executions not
by typing command syntax! but by simply selecting visual objects.
1 - As we know that one of the primitive functions of OS is to provide the user
interface - a means with which user or operator converse or interact with PC
( In short OS presents its existence to an end user via a desktop screen! ) -
Accordingly, user interface realise the typing and invoking of commands, enabling
execution of some applications simply by a Mouse click ( point and click start the
execution ), prompting of messages, dialog, Menus etc.
Thus GUI relieves us from remembering and calling from memory the different sets
of English like command words and even there is no need to type them! Hence user -
friendly OS environment.
Also, the icons on the Windows desktop are often called Shortcuts representing
links to the software and hardware resources of a PC.
They denote files, folders, programs, printers, and tools and shortcuts Using
Mouse pointer movements these icons can be activated When a particular shortcut
representing say IE - Internet Explorer is selected by a Mouse click ( point
( select ) and click ) - windows OS realises the command or resource to be put to
operation or to launch that program.
In this case, IE - a browser software to navigate to surf through the Internet, is
to be invoked and / or called for its operation / execution.
Thus you'll get IE screen open and operational on your PC monitor

93 " Sem RCA Computer Concepts & Prog ( KUD ) Similarly, you can click start MS
word shortcut icon for typing and editing text documents, office letters etc MI O
PRO C > Command - Line Interface ( CUI ) It allows and expect users to type command
syntax at the command prompt in order to execute programs and invoke applications.
Thus, a command line interface display in character or text mode using alphanus
meric characters and other special symbols.
• Accordingly, user must remember ( or recall from his memory ) the commands and
type the strings of characters as command syntaxa a prompt ( say DOS prompt ci > or
> ) In DOS, the command prompt reveals the identify of active hard disk / Floppy
disk drive ( a letter followed by a colon symbol ) as or D:
, and a backslash ( 1 ) symbol and greater than symbol ( > ) follows this letter.
There will be a blinking cursor like 1, character in front of prompt and runs away
character by character as you type command strings The command line interface is
visualised on the screen as follows:
SOLO Windows OS Desk Top ( GUI ) Screen MS - DOS Prompt Auto B My Computer link
Microsoft CR ) Windows 98 CC ) Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1999.
CEWWINDOWS > uin You are already running Windows Press ALT + ENTER to switch this
MC - DOS prompt betueen windowed and full - screen display.
Type Exit and press Enter to quit this MS - DOS prompt and Press ALT TAB to quite
to Windows or another application.
\ WINDOUS > S TH • The command prompt is a basic user interface that allows to
type command, executes that command triggered by typing an Enter key ( press Enter
or Return key ) and return control to the user once again as command prompt with
blinking cursor.
Blinking cursor denote the spot at which user has to start typing the command
A Windows OS GUI Desktop

95 " Sem.
BCA Comwer Concepts & C Prog:
IKUD ) Computer Concepts O REDMI NOTEM PRO - Windows OS versions also consist of a
limited command - line interface version option of DOS called command prompr.
This can be used either as a stand - alone environment or run within a windows
back ground.
But this command prompt is not full - fledge DOS and is usually invoked to execute
non - GUI application, compilers and interpreters and to manage trouble shooting of
Windows etc.
• To conclude, inspite of advent of new GUI's knowledge of com mand line interface
and executing DOS commands at command prompt ( DOS command prompir operations ) is
the need of the hour and a necessary skill for trouble shooting PC hardware
Types of Operating Systems Operating systems can be classified into four major
They are • Real time OS - Single user - Single Tasking OS Single User Multitasking
OS • Multi User Multitasking OS Let's be familiar with each of them along with
example OS's.
Real Time OS ( RTOS ) When computers are employed for computing in a specific real
time applications - a real - time operating system is required.
A real time OS is small, speedy designed to respond.
Also, real time OS may be embedded one, that is built in to the control and
operational circuitry of the device that monitors a Real time system.
Examples of real time systems where real time OS is required to run real time
applications are listed as below:
- Medical imaging systems Real Time refers to - Life support systems actual time
at which - Industrial control systems the physical system Medical diagnosis
instruments is in operation and Weapon systems:
Missile launching and is in need of timely Tracking system response ( i.
, ac tion ) - Home appliance controllers systems - Automobile engine fuel -
injection systems.
Note that a real time system running a real - time application is driven by
( supervised by ) Real - time operating system and functions correctly if and only
if it returns the appropriate results well within its time constraints.
Single - User / Single - Tasking OS → Single - user / single - tasking OS allow
one user at a time to perform one task at a time on his computer.
+ Example of such OS is MS - DOS ( Microsoft - Disk Operating Sys tem ) and the
Palm OS used in Palm Top - a hand held / computer → For a user a task is a small
function / command to be carried out distinctly.
For instance copy a file, print results, download a datafile from Network server,
edit a word document etc.
+ For OS, such tasks are individual processes executed one at a time in a single -
tasking OS environment.
→ Single - User / Single - Tasking OS's are small, simple occupy lesser memory and
need not demand a high - end computer system ( com puter with higher
configuration ).
Single - User / Multitasking OS Accordingly, a real - time OS is used for real
time systems when rigid time requirements have been placed on the operation of a
processor or the flow of data.
- Single - user / Multitasking OS allow single user on his machine 10 work with
two or more applications ( two or more functions commands ) simultaneously, ( at
), by switching among them

Computer Concepts 98 O + Examples of such OS include UNIX ( For Mini Computers )

VAX - VMS MVS ( For Main frame computers ) + Working of Terminal Server is totally
different from Network servers.
MI PRO 97! " Sem.
BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) For which, such OS is developed with virtual memory management and
provisions for keeping two or more tasks in running state.
Examples of such OS include the most familiar and popular MS Windows and Macintosh
( MAC OS ) Multitasking capabilities for a single user enhance productivity at
large as he / she can attend the job works such as ► download a file from Internet
send a file to a printer for hard copy output keeping typing and sending e - mails
attend copy - paste word processing from an excel spread sheet to an ms word
All at once, simply by switching on them on a task bar with the help of an instant
mouse clicks.
Multi - user / Multitasking OS - Multi - user / Multitasking OS ensures multiple
user's programs or applications to execute simultaneously on a single network
server termed as terminal server.
- A multi - user, multitasking OS on terminal server offers individual users ( who
connects to single terminal server with his terminal client comprising monitor,
mouse and keyboard and no local processing facilities ) separate and independent
computing sessions called user sessions that could be logged on with their distinct
user - id and passward ).
→ Accordingly, each users application will be executed within their user sessions
( on time - sharing basis at the respective time slices ) on the terminal server.
→ The software that emulates this facility is termed terminal client.
Therefore, in a conventional multi - user, multitasking / environments, almost all
computing takes place at the terminal server only for multiple simultaneously So
the user's work with their client terminals simply for 1/0 only! as they need not
carry local processor / PC Motherboard hardware.
Review Questions:
List Input Devices of Computer 2.
List Output Devices of Computer, 3.
Write the functions of keyboard.
Write the functions of Input Unit.
Write the functions of Output Unit.
What is the use of Joystick and light pen?
What is the use of Scanner?
What is the use of Mouse?
List the applications of scanner and light pen.
What is Impact and Non - Impact Printers?
Write short note on Dot Matrix Printer.
Write short note on Laser Printer 13.
Write short note on Inkjet Printer.
Explain the working principle of Keyboard.
Explain the keyboard layout.
Explain the working principle of Mouse.
Write the advantages and disadvantages of Dot - Matrix Printer.
" 18.
Write the advantages and disadvantages of Laser Printer.
Write the advantages and disadvantages of Inkjet Printer 20.
Write advantages and disadvantages of Impact Printer and Non Impact Printer 21.
Explain with a neat block diagram the computer system and its structure

99 [ " ' Sem.

BCA Computer Concepts & C Prog.
( KUD ) 22.
Distinguish between ALU and CU and Main Memory.
Explain briefly Input / Output Units.
Describe Plotters and its types.
Define Operating System and its functions.
Distinguish between Compiler and Assembler functions.
Explain briefly Machine language, its Merits and Demerits.
What are the uses of an Editor?
Discuss briefly Assembly language, its Merits and Demerits.
Explain High level programming language and its advantages and disadvantages.
Write short note on software and its types.
Distinguish between System Software and Application Software.
Write functions of Central Processing Unit ( CPU ).
Define a ) Editor b ) Assembler c ) Compiler.

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