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How is Sustainable site planning done?
Planning that has least impact on environment where various ecological cycles are
sustained. Site planning is done with three criterions in consideration.

Table reference:

Criteria 1: Green Infrastructure.

1.Compliance with Local Development Plans &Guidelines – Mandatory

Ensuring the site plan is approved by authorised government bodies.
2. Preserve biodiversity on site - Partly Mandatory -1 Point
Preserving trees, planting more trees, providing 1 tree/80sqm.
3. Sustainable transportation - 1 Point
Providing parking spaces for various transportation modes.
4. Proximity to amenities - 2 Points
Ensuring the proximity of basic amenities like health care, hospitality, institutional etc
5. Land optimization - 1 point
Assessing the built-up area assigned per capita in a building. Providing optimum areas for
each person.
Criteria 2: Low Impact Design.
Intent of this criteria is to preserve and incorporate the natural site features in project
design. This includes various strategies that can be applied to achieve the low impact.
Solar design strategies, wind design strategies, day lighting strategies, site preservation
strategies, active strategies (earth air tunnel, evaporative cooling etc)
Criteria 3: Design to mitigate UHIE
Design strategies that help in reduction of UHIE.
Reduction of exposed hard paved surface on site or providing shade over the surface.
Encouraging native tree plantation on site.

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