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Do you recognize these two celebrities?

What do these
two men have in

Task 1
For the final result your task is to plan and run an enterprise project. This coursework is
divided into 4 Task to be completed before the final exam.

You need to be able to present appropriate evidence that serious consideration has gone
into the choice of an appropriate project. You should not simply choose the first idea that
you think of. Instead, a great deal of deliberation needs to go into choosing one, rather
than another, enterprise project.

You will need to show appropriate evidence that you have evaluated several
possible projects before coming to a decision about which one is to be chosen.
There needs to be evidence of thorough evaluation of different possibilities before
one has been selected.

The purpose of your first task is to write a report on all

processes and aspects of identifying a suitable project.

Keep a journal of every step you take in determining a suitable project.

Step 1
Identifying a suitable project
You should carry out your own enterprise project. This could either be on your own or as a member of a group.
Groups can vary in size, but they do not usually consist of more than six people.

Possible topics for learners working alone Possible topics for groups working together
 Gardening/grass cutting/ tidying up the yard  producing items for sale such as printed tee
 late setting/dog walking/any activity caring for  providing a snack shop or similar catering
an animal service in school
 Babysitting  recycling clothes
 call washing/valeting  producing candles
 Tutoring  producing party decorations
 making and selling small items such as  producing calendars
 producing greeting cards stationary  staging events
 selling flower baskets  producing an instructional manual, newsletter
or children's book
 producing picture frames  organising a market stall for a day
 producing wooden ornaments  organising an exhibition at the trade fair
 small scale community and environmental  producing play equipment
projects such as recycling
  producing cushions or bean bags
  producing bed boxes
  producing clocks
  repairing and servicing bicycles

Open the document called Task 1 Step 1.docx that has been set up as a guide to help you with Step
1 of Task 1. Keep in mind it is a guide and by no means an exhausted list of what can be done to set
up your specific enterprise. Be creative and innovative … be an entrepreneur!!

✓ Fill in the 3 possible projects you want to consider. Give an explanation as to why you want to
consider each option as a possible enterprise.
✓ List the various factors that need to be considered when choosing an appropriate project for
your coursework.
✓ Read the project prompts to be found on pages 8, 15, 20, 32 in your textbook to guide you in
this step of your coursework.
✓ Complete the list of skills you possess that would be needed in setting up and running your
specific enterprise.

Hand in the document and rename by adding your name at the front e.g. Helen Task 1 Step 1.docx and hand in
on Google classroom.
Step 2
1. Evaluation of options

Step 3
2. For each option:
a. Summary of idea
b. Research findings
c. Analysis PEST, SWOT
d. Evaluative comment

Step 4
3. Conclusion and summary of option chosen.

Step 5
4. Supporting documents
a. Mind map
b. Storyboard from brainstorming

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