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Tips for adaptation:

We all go through changes, at least once in our lifetime. It’s either to

transfer to another school, or to change a workplace, new teacher, new
boss, even to move to another country. All of this could be
overwhelming for a person, causing them stress and other health
related problems. That’s why today I’m going to show you 5 tips to
adapt to changes.

Tips number 1: Accept the change

Understand that change is a natural part of life. By learning to accept
that change is a natural occurrence in life, we can more quickly adapt
when it happens. Remind yourself that many of the best opportunities
in life show up when we are open to change. Let go of the way things
used to be, whether it was the processes the company used, the people
you worked with or the supervisors you worked for. Remind yourself
that change means there could be enormous opportunities coming.

Tips number 2: Get a fresh perspective

Getting an outside perspective from friends or family members
outside of your workplace can have a powerful effect on how
quickly you adapt. These conversations can help you realize how
rapidly other workplaces change as well. They’re also able to offer
advice on how to better cope with the changing environment at
your workplace too.

Tips number 3: Talk about the problems

What is the change? Let’s talk about it minus the
feelings. Research finds that actively and repeatedly broadcasting
negative emotions about the change hinders our adaptation to the
change. This is not to say just “suck it up” and ignore the feelings.
Instead, speak about the anxiety and anger at the onset of the change
so that you are aware of how it might cloud your thinking or disrupt the
change. Then, look for practical advice about how to move forward.
This will allow you to zone in on the problem and change needed rather
than a focus on your feelings. 

Tips number 4: Stay positive

Even though you may find it a tough task, focusing on the positives can
really help you manage change. Having a healthy and happy mindset
can get you through any hardships. For instance, you can make a list of
goals. Every time you mark off a finished goal, you always feel better
about yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back, a walk around the
block, or a small treat to celebrate movement towards change. It keeps
you feel positive and motivated, thus pushing you forward.

And the last tips: Connect with your peers

It’s always the best to talk about your problems with someone as same
age. To maintain your productivity, it’s important to stay connected
socially. There are various ways to socialize stay in touch with our
peers. It’s either through group works, or group projects, pairs activity,
or just everyday interaction. Become good at asking questions, because
the more you know about what is going on in your current workplace,
the more confident you will feel. Talking to others can help you
maintain your positivity, boost your spirits, and increase your energy.

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