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Lesson 2: Assumptions about Art
Top 10 Questions on our Assumptions about Art
10. Why do we assume that art is always something intended for public display?
11. Why do we assume that art should be collectible?
12. Why do we assume that art should be intelligent or explainable or intended to impress?
13. Why should we assume that art has any particular consistent and persistent qualities at
14. Why do we assume that art should be interpreted without context?
15. Why do we assume that serious art has more significance or greater value than a
     which only you seem to appreciate?
4. Why do we assume that art is something that can be defined?
5. Why do we assume that popularity is the ultimate indicator of good art when it is in
     with your own taste in art?
2. Why do we assume that art should be art?
3. Why do we assume that this list of questions about some basic assumptions of art has
     have a coherent message and a sound ending?

ASS   U   ME “And Yet Another Reason Why We Shouldn’t Assume,” Stacey Neil (2014)

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