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1)Làm sao để giữ nhân viên lại?

I would like to discuss a plan on how to

keep employees for the company.
The first problem is salary
Tăng lương everybody (We should offer a competitive salary for everyone
in the company.)
-1 mức lương đầy cạnh tranh – competitive salary who has target get
higher salary
- tăng bao nhiu - 30% more hard-working get higher, I propose a 30%
increase in wages for those who achieve their goals.
- giảm cho những ng ko đạt mục tiêu cho kế hoạch của năm (Salary
reduction for those who do not meet the target for the plan of the year.)
leader: tôi sẽ chốt ý chúng ta sẽ tăng 20-30% cho những ng hoàn thành tốt
mục tiêu còn những ng ko hoàn thành thì chỉ lấy lương cơ bản chứ ko đc
hưởng lương thưởng thêm. (I will conclude that we will increase 20-30%
for those who complete the goal well, and those who don't, just get the
basic salary, no bonus.)
BENEFIT In my opinion, they need more benefits
flexible working hour (thgian làm việc linh động )
you can go early leave late or go late leave early it’s okay but you have the
target and you have to fulfil the target, get the target
ngoài giờ làm outside work, we have pleasure time like traveling, going on
a picnic for everyone to make relationships between staff and motivating
their working
leader: ok chúng ta sẽ chốt ý này ngay trong tháng tiếp theo (ok we will do
so next month)
It’s been nice talking to you.
2) Event: công ty có lễ kỉ niệm 10 năm thành lập 10 year – company anni,
lễ ra mắt sản phẩm, year end party , lễ sinh nhật hoặc chào mừng nhưng có
1 problem xảy ra trong lúc cb sự kiện
- kịp tiến độ/ trễ tiến độ
- vượt ngân sách/ thủng ngân sách/ đạt ngân sách
- Mời ca sĩ khác
- bỏ luôn tiết mục đó
-đưa ra xin lỗi
agree/ disagree
- What is the purpose and size of the event?

The purpose of gratitude to partners, customers, suppliers, employees, and

attendees. Everyone present at the party feels appreciated. It is essentially
a celebration and thank-you party, so it is often cheerful, warm, and

Not only for gratitude, depending on the business, they also have the
purpose of integrating into the launch of a brand or new product.

- Who is the target audience for the anniversary event? How many people?

There are mainly close customers of the company, investors, and major
partners. So let's prepare suitable seats, to avoid in case guests feeling lost
and uncomfortable in the event.

- Where is the party venue? Will the event take place indoors or outdoors?

The event will take place in a convention center. It will be held in a cold
room so that the guests feel most comfortable.

- When is the event time?

I think it's best in the evening time so that everyone can attend specifically
at 6 pm

But there is a big problem that we still don't have the decoration ideas for
the party and we have not chosen the menu yet. How to decorate and
prepare food- drink for the anniversary event?

We will decorate many colorful flowers and glitter, and billboards printed
in embossed letters to put in front. Moreover, we will set up musical
performances while customers wait for the food. The food and drink menu
will include seafood, chicken, and desserts.
3) Ấn tượng về apple store để trải nghiệm iphone 13
I went to the apple store to experience the store's product, which is iphone
13 promax. It looks so luxurious and fabuluos than I imagined. It is very
thin in the hand and the operating system is extremely smooth. But it has a
pretty hefty price tag so I'll save money so I can get it in the future.

4) Recently, customers have given some complains about the company’s

customer services. A manager conducts a meeting with two employees to
find out what the problems are and how to solve the problems.
Today, we organize the meeting to listen to the customer’s complains and
figure out some solutions
Unavailable or Out of Stock Product

It's usually a good sign when a product goes out of stock, but customers
can become impatient for its return if it stays out of stock.

Service reps should encourage customers to remain patient and let them
know that they'll reach out when the shipment arrives. This type of
proactive customer service will assure customers that you're aware of their
time-sensitive needs.

Poor Product or Service

When your product breaks, you can expect the customer to complain. In
some cases, the product isn't broken, rather, the customer doesn't
understand how to use it. Other times, customers aren't a good fit for your
product or service but blame your company for failing to fulfill their

If the product isn't broken, educate the customer. Find out what their goals
and needs are, then teach them how they can use the product to achieve
success. If the product is broken, provide options for immediate
replacement and try to determine how it broke. If it was a user error,
gently point out to the customer how they can avoid this outcome in the

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