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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English

I. Lesson Title: Categories of Proverbs

Materials: Proverbs Strips, Worksheets

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:
A. Identify categories of proverbs;
B. Define skill in classifying proverbs according to its category; and
C. Distinguish ideas about the given proverb comprehensively.

III. Pre-Reading (Predicting)

A. Motivation
The teacher will introduce a game called “Pass the Ball”. The game will let the students
pass the ball to the other, once the music stops that last student who is holding the
paper will read and give an idea on what is the saying all about written on the paper.

“Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan, hindi makakarating sa paroroonan.”

(A person who does not remember where he came from will never reach his

Possible answer

 I think we should never forget our humble beginnings no matter how big or successful we
become. Because without it, we would not be where we are today.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Introduction of the Topic

Based from the game we played, you have any ideas about what is our lesson all about?
Possible answers

 For me, it is all about proverbs.

 I think it is all about categories of proverbs.

Okay. Do you have any idea what type of literature is proverbs?

Possible answers

 History
 Non fiction
 Folklore

Excellent. So, the game that we played earlier has connection to our lesson which is called

What do you think proverbs are?

Possible answers

 Proverbs are sayings that teach us about life.

 Proverbs reflect the wisdom of our ancestors.

Nice. Now what do you think proverbs teach?

Possible answer

 Proverbs teach us how to live and how to behave in society.

Good. Why do we need to behave accordingly in society?

Possible answer

 So that society can attain peace and order.

Besides teaching, what other things do proverbs render to us as Filipinos?

Possible answer

 It emphasizes the traditions and beliefs of the Filipino people.

Correct! As Filipinos, do we need to be proud of our Philippine proverbs?

Possible answer

 Yes, because it showcases our culture and beliefs, and reveal our real identity.

IV. While Reading (Questioning)

2. Discussion

After doing the motivation, the teacher will now discuss the lesson. The lesson is all about
“Proverbs” and “Categories of proverbs”.

Proverbs is a folk literature that reveal our ancestor’s wisdom; brief

instructive expressions that suggest a specific action, behavior, or judgment;
prescribe norms; impart lesson; emphasize traditions and beliefs in a

Proverbs or Salawikain are divided into six categories.

1. Proverbs expressing a general attitude towards life and the laws that
govern life:
Example: Ang kapalaran ko di ko man hanapin, dudulog lalapit kung talagang
akin. (Tagalog)
The good fortune which is intended for me will come even without my
seeking it.

Questions to be raised
What is the attitude of the speaker towards life?
Possible answer

 The speaker looks at life as an entity governed by fate. He has a “come what may” attitude
wherein he believes that his fate is predetermined and predestined.

Do you agree with attitude?

Possible answer

 No, because I believe that we can make our own destiny. We are bestowed by God with
freewill and the freedom to choose. If you want something, you better do something to
attain it. It won’t just appear out of the blue, you have to work for it. We make our own

2. Ethical proverbs recommending certain virtues and condemning certain

Example: Dai mo pagpaagahan an magigibo mo ngonyan. (Bikol)
Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do for today.

Questions to be raised:
Is the example recommending a virtue or condemning a vice?

Possible answer

 I think the speaker is condemning a vice. You see, some people are lazy in doing their work.
Even if they have the time to do their work on that day, they somehow leave it be and
instead work on it the next day. They waste the time they have on plain things instead on

If that’s the case, what do you think is the speaker trying to teach?

Possible answer
 The speaker is teaching us to use our time wisely. We must not waste it on silly things
especially if we have work to do.

3. Proverbs expressing a system of values:

Example: Ang mga tulo singgot sa taong mangguibuhaton paga bayran gayud
sa guihapon. (Boholano)
Every drop of perspiration of an industrious man will be rewarded

Questions to be raised:

What values does the example trying to express?

Possible answer

 It is being industrious.

Do you think a student should be industrious?

Possible answer

 Yes, a student must be industrious so that he or she can pass his homework and
assignments on time. If a student works hard and studies hard, he or she will definitely get
a good grade and possibly be part of the honor roll.

4. Proverbs expressing general truths and observations about life and

human nature:
Example: Ing mayap a babai, maiguit ya karing rubi. (Pampango)
A good woman is worth more than rubies.

Question to be raised:
What general truth can be derived from the example? Elaborate your answer.

Possible answer

 The general truth that can be derived from the example is the essence of being good, for
this case a good woman. A good person is really hard to find. If a person has a good heart,
he or she is likened to a ruby or even surpass it. Goodness is more valuable than any
jewels or gems existed.

5. Humorous proverbs:
Example: Ako kanhi cabalyero nga walay kabilinggan; pagdawat sa
matrimonio, sa hinanali ng lawas mingniwang. (Cebuano)

I was formerly a gentleman without a care at all, but when I got married, my
body shrank and became small.

Questions to be raised:
How did you find the proverb? Is it amusing?

Possible answer

 It is amusing because it makes fun of married people.

What do you think is the essence of humorous proverbs?

Possible answer

 These proverbs give us delight, and lighten our mood. It is a good stress reliever.

6. Miscellaneous proverbs (typically expressive of specific realities to a

certain area):
Example: Mapipia nu sumavat ka a maysaosaod su sagap as canu caviden mu
du calawangan q manalamad su among. (Ivatan)
It is better to go home and weave a net than to stay on the shore and watch
the fish.

Questions to be raised:
What areas or scenarios are depicted in the proverb?

Possible answer

 The proverb is depicting the work of a farmer and a fisherman.

Which one would you prefer, to be a farmer or a fisherman? Elaborate your


Possible answer

 I want to be a farmer because Filipinos love rice. And rice is the grain that farmers usually
plant. I want to help increase the production of rice so that Filipino families will have rice
to eat.

V. After Reading
This activity is called “Translation Quest.” You will be divided into five groups. Each
group will be randomly given a proverb be it in English or Tagalog. What you are going
to do is to find the English or Tagalog translation or counterpart of the proverb of your
group. After that, you merge with the group which has the translation of your proverb.
Then, you are to explain and categorize the proverb you have and share real life
experiences concerning that proverb.

Group 1: Proverb: Matibay ang walis, palighasa’y magkabigkis (Tagalog)

A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound. (English)

If people will unify themselves, they will become more formidable and efficient than
when they are divided.
(One student share his experience)
Group 2: Proverb: Hangga’t makitid ang kumot, matutong mamaluktot. (Tagalog)
While the blanket is short, learn how to bend. (English)
In order to survive and thrive in life, a person should learn how to adapt to his or her
(Group two presented their work)

Group 3: Proverb: Pag may tiyaga, may nilaga. (Tagalog)

If you persevere, you will reap the fruits of your labor. (English)

If you work hard and endure through the end, you will surely succeed. Strive hard for
success is not beyond reach.
(Group 3 presented their work)

Group 4: Proverb: Kung may tinanim, may aanihin. (Tagalog)

If you plant, you harvest. (English)

If you invest something, in due time you will get your returns. People must invest be it
time, money, or belongings for their future. They must be willing to give so that they
can receive.
(Group 4 presented their work)

Group 5: Proverb: Anuman ang gagawin, pitong beses isipin. (Tagalog)

Whatever you do, think about it seven times. (English)

In order for us to make the right decisions, we must think about it not just once, but
twice even seven times. So that we will not regret it in the end.

C. Generalization

To sum it up, learning and knowing proverbs are very important to us. They
teach us things that pertain to life and its ups and downs. But more than that, they
reveal to us the wisdom of our ancestors. Proverbs in our culture are something that
we can be proud of. They show to the world our real identity and the beauty of our
traditions and culture.

VI. Summative Assessment

I. Direction: Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions thoroughly.
Classify the following proverbs. Use the codes as your answer.
G – Stands for Govern
(Proverbs expressing general attitude towards life and the laws that govern life.)

E – Stands for Ethical

(Ethical proverbs recommending certain virtues and condemning certain vices.)
V – Stands for Values
(Proverbs expressing a system of values.)
T – Stands for Truth

(Proverbs expressing general truths and observations about life and human nature.)
H – Stands for Humorous
(Humorous proverbs.)
M – Stands for Miscellaneous
(Miscellaneous proverbs.)

___ 1. Kung ano ang puno, siya ang bunga.

Whatever the tree, so is the fruit.

___ 2. Kung may isinuksok, may madudukot.

If you save, you have something to withdraw.

___ 3. Ang hindi marunong magmahal sa sariling wika, daig pa ang malansang isda.
He who does not love the national language is worse than a smelly fish.

___4. Ang buhay ay parang gulong, minsan nasa ibabaw, minsan nasa ilalim.
Life is like a wheel; sometimes you are up; sometimes you are in the bottom.

___ 5. Ang pili ng pili, matatapat sa bungi.

One who is choosy ends up with the least attractive choice.

II. Choose one proverb from Test I and explain taking into account real life or vicarious

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