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Judge JoE-eph Flores retired as one nection with a murder which took place
of Her Majesty's judges on Saturday, at Gold it·Taf a.I in 1944.
January 15th 1972. His farewe~l cere· Dr Fl·ores was nominated judge on
mony which was held in the Criminal the 9th December 1955 when it was
Hall at the Law Courts Valletta was found necessary to increase the num·
attended by a large crowd which includ. ber of judges to eight. He presided over
ed H.M. Judges, the Minister of Justice, both the Civil and Criminal Court. In
Magistrates, the acting Crown Advo· August 1971 Judge Flores was appoint.
cate General, Lawyers and other mem- ed Vice President of the Constitutional
bers of the legal profession. Court.
Judge Fliores was born at Ham run
on the 17th January 1907. He was edu.
cated at Flores College which was by PAUL A. -GAUCI MAISTRE
founded by his grandfather. In 1924 he
joined the law course at the Royal Uni-
versity of Malta. As a student he was Judge Fliores was ailso a one time
very active and sat on the Permanent politician. He joined the Malta Lasbour
Committee (nowadays known as the Party in 1950 and soon after became
Student's Representative Council) for its deputy leader. He contested the
seven consecutive years. He graduated elections .and was sucessful on three oc-
Doctor C1f Laws in 1931 -a nd 3 years af- casions in both the 8th,. and 9th dis-
ter as Bachelor in Cannon Law in which tricts. He was appointed Speaker to
subject he was appointed lecturer at the Legislative Assembly till the 5th
the R.U.M. December 1955.
As a lawyer, Dr Flores wiH always Recently I met Judge Flores and
be remembered as a colossal figure who, took the opportunity to get his opinion
during, his career, defended in all, 26 on some aspects of our law. He agreed
capital trials. This set up a record that an overall revision of the Criminal
wilich is still unbroken. One should Law is necessary •because times had
n~te that in all these trials by jury changed but our laws had not kept
none of Dr F'lores's clients received pace. In sentendng the guilty party,
capital punishment. Dr Carmelo Maria- special attention should be given to the
ni defended at 20 such trials but six of treatment -0f the yol.Ulg offender. From
his clients received capital punish- his own experience :b oth as a lawyer
ment. Dr Flores was also a member of and as a judge, Judge Flores considers
the Malta Arbitration Tribunal and that crime has increased in one way
Vice President of the chamber of advo- because of the increase in population,
cates. He was the first lawyer to appeal in .another, because the individual who
sucessfully to the Privy Council against is by nature imitative craves for a
a judgement in which his client P.C. J . higher standard of .Jiving, som<etimes
Connel was sentenced to death in con- beyond his reach. Crime is committed
mostly by persons whose ages range stressed. Loss of liberty and seclusion
from 16-40 years. Such people normal- from society for a period are the hJrrd-
ly come from broken families and thus est f.orms of punishment. With regard
do not receive an appropriate educa- to probation, Judge Flores said th3.t
tion during the f orm.ative years of their this has proved to be 85% successful,
childhood. Crime is not prevented by and it has rarely happened that offen-
infiicting harsh penalties for this will ders who have been conditionalily re-
only ·breed a subconscious vindictive at- leased became relapsers.
t itude towards society: "Punishment Judge Flores concluded by say1ng
should have for its object only the dis- that he will persist in increasing his
couragement of crime but also the re- knowledge of crime and the criminal.
formation of the offender". Judge Flores

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