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A Laser Surface Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing

Article  in  Tribology Transactions · July 2003

DOI: 10.1080/10402000308982643


461 803

3 authors:

Victor Brizmer Yuri Kligerman

SKF Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


I. Etsion
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


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Vol. 46 (2003), 3, 397-403

A Laser Surface Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Haifa, 32000, Israel

The potential use of a new technology of laser surface textur- surface structure of different types. These include, for example,
ing (LST) in parallel thrust bearings is theoretically investigated. waviness (Salama, (17)), and protruding micro-asperities
The surface texture has the form of micro-dimples with pre-select- (Hamilton, et al., (11)), Anno, et al., (1), (2)). A good literature
ed diameter, depth, and area density. It can be applied to only a review on the subject can be found in Rodkiewicz and Sinha, (15).
portion of the bearing area (partial LST) or the full bearing area More recently laser surface texturing (LST) (Etsion and Burstein,
(5), Etsion, et al., (8), Ronen, et al., (16), Kligerman and Etsion,
(full LST). Optimum parameters of the dimples, and best LST
(12)), as well as inlet roughening by longitudinal or transverse
mode, are found in order to obtain maximum load carrying capac-
grooves Tonder, (20), were suggested for providing load capacity
ity for a thrust bearing having parallel mating surfaces. A com-
in parallel sliding. The inlet roughness concept of (Tonder, (20))
parison is made with optimum linear and stepped sliders showing is based on “effective clearance” reduction in the sliding direction.
that parallel LST sliders can provide similar load carrying capac- It is identical to the partial LST concept described in Etsion and
ity. Halperin, (7) for generating a hydrostatic effect in high-pressure
mechanical seals.
KEY WORDS Of all the above options, laser texturing of parallel sliding sur-
Bearings; Hydrodynamic Bearings; Slider Bearings; Parallel faces offers a simple and practical design. This is because the laser
Sliders; Surface Texturing is extremely fast, clean to the environment, and provides excellent
control of the shape and size of the dimples that allows realization
INTRODUCTION of optimum parameters. Two different LST concepts can be used
The classical theory of hydrodynamic lubrication yields linear to produce load carrying capacity in parallel sliding. These con-
(Couette) velocity distribution with zero pressure gradients cepts are the full width LST that is based on an individual dimple
between smooth parallel surfaces under steady state sliding. This effect (local cavitation in each dimple, see Etsion, et al., (8)), or
results in an unstable hydrodynamic film that would collapse the partial LST that is based on a “collective effect” of the dim-
under any external force acting normal to the surfaces. However, ples (average clearance, converging in the velocity, or pressure
experience shows that stable lubricating films can develop gradient, direction, see Tonder, (20), Etsion and Halperin, (7)).
between parallel sliding surfaces, generally because of some The main goal of the analysis in the present work is to compare
mechanism, which relaxes one or more of the assumptions of the the two effects mentioned above and to examine which one yields
classical theory. Many investigators have considered various load- better results (i.e. higher load carrying capacity) under given oper-
support mechanisms with parallel surfaces. These mechanisms ating conditions.
include lubricant density change (Fogg, (9)), wobble and bounce
(Navahandi and Osterie, (13)), non-Newtonian effects (Tanner, ANALYTICAL MODEL
(19)), and surface roughness (Davies, (3)). A schematic representation of the parallel thrust bearing con-
Stable fluid films with sufficient load carrying capacity in par- sidered in this paper is shown in Fig. 1. A plain disk (D) is rotat-
allel sliding surfaces can also be obtained with macro or micro ing relative to a number of identical stationary pads (P). Each pad,
when properly textured, develops the same hydrodynamic force.
Hence, in order to evaluate the load carrying capacity of the com-
Scheduled for Presentation at the 58th Annual Meeting plete parallel thrust bearing it is sufficient to determine the hydro-
in New York City
dynamic pressure distribution over a single pad. A simplified geo-
April 28-May 1, 2003
Final manuscript approved March 12, 2003 metrical model of a single pad in the form of a rectangular paral-
Review led by Itzhak Green lel slider is displayed in Figs. 2 and 3. The dimples are regularly

NOMENCLATURE r1∗ , r2∗ = imaginary dimple cell dimensions

Sp = area density of dimples, πrp∗2 /4κr1∗2
B* = slider width U = sliding velocity
B = dimensionless slider width, Bp∗ /rp∗ W* = load carrying capacity
Bp∗ = laser treated width W̄ = dimensionless load carrying capacity, 2W ∗ /3µU rp∗
h* = local clearance W = dimensionless load carrying capacity, W ∗ h∗20 /µU L B
∗ ∗2

h = dimensionless local clearance, h∗ /h∗0 x*, z* = Cartesian coordinates

h∗0 = minimum clearance x, z = dimensionless Cartesian coordinates, x∗ /rp∗ , z ∗ /rp∗
h∗l = maximum clearance x∗s = step location in step slider
h∗p = dimple depth α = textured portion of slider width, Bp∗ /B ∗ (x∗s /B ∗ in step
hp = dimensionless dimple depth, h∗p /h∗0 slider)
L* = slider length δ = dimensionless clearance, h∗0 /2rp∗
L = dimensionless slider length, L∗ /rp∗ κ = aspect ratio of the imaginary dimple cell, r2∗ /r1∗
p* = local pressure Λ = bearing number, 3µU/2rp∗ p∗a
p∗a = ambient pressure µ = dynamic viscosity
p = dimensionless local pressure, (p∗ − p∗a )/Λp∗a
rp∗ = base radius of dimple

Fig. 2—A model of a partially laser surface textured slider.

Fig. 3—A cross section of a partially laser surface textured parallel slid-
Fig. 1—Schematic of a parallel thrust bearing. er.

distributed over a portion, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, of the slider width, B*, in the

∂ ∂p∗ ∂ ∂p∗ ∂h∗
sliding direction, x*, and over the full slider length, L*, as shown

(h∗3 ∗ ) + ∗ (h∗3 ∗ ) = 6µU ∗ [1]
in Fig. 2. Each dimple is modeled by a spherical segment (see ∂x ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂x
Etsion at. al., (6)) with a base radius rp∗ , and depth h∗p , and it is where x* and z* are the Cartesian coordinates, parallel and nor-
located in the center of an imaginary rectangular cell of sides mal to the sliding direction, respectively. h* and p* are the local
2r1∗ × 2r2∗ (see Fig. 2). The dimensionless parameter κ = r2∗ /r1∗ film thickness and the pressure at a specific point of the slider,
characterizes the cell shape and the area density of dimples is respectively.
given by Sp = (πrp∗2 /4κr1∗2 ) . In order to reduce Eq. [1] to a dimensionless form, the dimen-
The two-dimensional, steady-state form of the Reynolds equa- sionless coordinates x and z, dimensionless local film thickness, h,
tion for an incompressible Newtonian fluid in a laminar flow is and dimensionless local pressure, p, are defined as follows:
given by:
A Laser Surface Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing 399

h = 1 for x2l + zl2 > 1

where xl, zl are local dimensionless coordinates with their origin at

the center of a single dimple cell, given by:
x∗l z∗
xl = ∗
; zl = l∗ [7]
rp rp
The pressure along the slider boundaries is equal to the ambi-
ent pressure p∗a that by the definitions in Eq. [2] corresponds to
zero dimensionless pressure. In the subsequent analysis the fol-
lowing boundary conditions will be used (see Fig. 2):

p(0, z) = p(B, z) = p(x, −L/2) = p(x, L/2) = 0 [8]

The boundary conditions Eq. [8] should be complemented by

the conditions at the boundaries of possible cavitation regions
associated with each individual dimple. In the present work the
Reynolds condition (also known as the Swift-Stieber or continuity
boundary condition) implies that, on the boundary of the cavita-
tion zone, the pressure gradient with respect to the direction nor-
Fig. 4—A single dimples column of an infinitely long slider and its mal to the boundary is zero and the dimensionless pressure inside
boundary conditions. the cavitation zone is retained as zero (Dowson and Taylor, (4)).
Using an iterative solution, it is simple to apply this condition to
the Reynolds Eq. [4]. If negative (sub-ambient) pressures are
changed to zero in each iterative cycle, the process converges, by
x∗ z∗ h∗ 1 p∗ numerical diffusion, to the required Reynolds condition (Szeri,
x= ; z = ; h = ; p = ( − 1) [2] (18)).
rp∗ rp∗ h∗0 Λ p∗a
The presented analytical model is valid for all values of slider
where p∗a is the ambient pressure, h∗0 is the bearing clearance (see length, L, and width, B. However, if the slider is long enough in
Fig. 3) and Λ is the dimensionless bearing number, given as: the z direction (normal to the sliding velocity), with a ratio L*/B*
3µU > 4, the end effects in this direction can be neglected. In this spe-
Λ= [3] cial case the pressure distribution is periodical in the z direction
2rp∗ p∗a
with a period equal to the imaginary cell size 2r2. Hence, because
Substituting Eqs. [2] and [3] into [1] yields the Reynolds equa- of this periodicity, it is sufficient to consider a single column of
tion in its dimensionless form: dimples along the x direction. Due to symmetry of the dimples
∂ 3 ∂p ∂ 3 ∂p 1 ∂h column about its x* axis (see Fig. 4), the pressure distribution will
(h )+ (h )= 2 [4] also be symmetric about this axis. Therefore, for the complete
∂x ∂x ∂z ∂z δ ∂x
pressure distribution it is sufficient to consider only one half of the
where δ is the dimensionless clearance, defined as: dimples column with z varying from 0 to r2 (see Fig. 4). From the
h∗0 periodicity, symmetry and continuity of the pressure distribution,
δ= [5] it follows that:
∂p ∂p
By specifying the film thickness distribution h(x, z) and the rel- (x, 0) = (x, r2 ) = 0 [9]
evant boundary conditions, the Reynolds Eq. [4] can be solved for ∂z ∂z
the pressure distribution in the lubricating film. Integrating this The Reynolds Eq. [4] with its appropriate boundary condi-
pressure over the slider area yields the hydrodynamic force acting tions, Eq. [8] for a finite or Eq. [9], for an infinitely long slider
in the axial direction on one pad. was solved by a finite differences method using a nonuniform grid
Based on the assumption of spherical dimples the dimension- over the imaginary dimple cell with a denser mesh within the dim-
less film thickness at a specific point of the textured surface is ples area (about five times denser than outside the dimples, see
given by: Etsion, et al., (8)). Discretization of the Reynolds equation, using
 finite differences, leads to a set of linear algebraic equations for
1 1 2 + zl2 ) − ( 8h1p δ2 −
h hp
h=1+ ( 2p + 8hp δ 2 ) − 4δ 2 (xl 2 ) the nodal values of the pressure. These equations were solved
using the successive over-relaxation Gauss-Seidel iterative
method, (Gerald and Wheatley, (10)). Although the iterative algo-
for x2l + zl2 ≤ 1; [6] rithm of Gauss-Seidel is not always the most effective one, it is
convenient for evaluation of the pressure distribution with previ-
and ously unknown cavitation zones.

From a large number of numerical simulations it was found

that the cell aspect ratio, κ, has an adverse effect on load capacity
if larger than 1, hence, the analysis was restricted to κ ≤ 1. In this
range it was found that κ has a negligible effect on the load carry-
ing capacity. Therefore, a typical value of this parameter κ = 1 (a
square dimple cell) was selected. Similarly, it was found that
increasing the parameter B above the value of B = 50 has a negli-
gible effect on W and hence, for the interest of saving computing
time, the value B = 50 was selected as representing the whole
range of practical sliders width. Investigation of the parameter δ
showed that it has very little effect on the dimensionless load car-
rying capacity. The parameters that were found most important in
affecting the load carrying capacity are: L/B that characterizes the
slider geometry, and the parameters α, hp, and Sp, which charac-
terize the surface texturing.
Fig. 5—Typical distributions of local pressure for partial and full textur-
ing, B = 25, hp = 1.3. Two different effects of the dimples were found corresponding
to the cases of partial texturing, α < 1, and full texturing, α = 1. In
the case of partial texturing no optimum of the dimples density Sp
was observed. In this case the load carrying capacity increases
Following completion of the iterative solution, the dimension- with increasing area density of the dimples. This would be expect-
less pressure p(x, z) is numerically integrated over the slider area ed since the limiting case Sp = 1 corresponds to a step slider, which
yielding the dimensionless load carrying capacity: is the optimum known geometry for a slider bearing (Pinkus and
 B  L/2 Sternlicht, (14)). In the case of full texturing there exists an opti-
W̄ = 2 ( pdz)dx [10] mum value of the area density of the dimples: Sp = 0.13.
0 0
The above two different effects are demonstrated in Fig. 5 that
Or, in case of the “infinitely long” slider: shows typical distributions of the local pressure along the center-
 B  r2 line of a single column of dimples for the two cases of partial (α
W̄ = ( pdz)dx [11] = 0.6) and full (α = 1) texturing. The results in Fig. 5 were
r2 0 0
obtained for an infinitely long slider having a dimensionless width
where, by Eqs. [2] and [3], W̄ is related to the dimensional load B = 25 and a dimensionless dimple depth hp = 1.3. The dimples in
carrying capacity W* in the form: the partial texturing case have an area density Sp = 0.5 and, as is
2W ∗ clearly seen from the Figure, each dimple strongly affects its
W̄ = [12] neighboring dimples (a collective dimples effect). This collective
3µU rp∗
effect results in a step-like pressure distribution over the textured
In the hydrodynamic lubrication literature the dimensional portion of the slider with a maximum dimensionless pressure p =
load carrying capacity W* is usually normalized in the form: 275 at x = Bp = 15 corresponding to α = 0.6. The dimples in the
W ∗ h∗2
full texturing case do not interact (an individual dimple effect)
W = [13] resulting in a periodic pressure distribution with local cavitation
µU L∗ B ∗2
zones (p = 0). The optimum area density of the dimples in this
Hence, by Eqs. [12] and [13], the relation between the two case for maximum pressure and load capacity was Sp = 0.13 and
dimensionless load carrying capacity forms W and W̄ is: the maximum local pressure in this case is p = 75.
6δ 2 A significantly different behavior of finite and infinitely long
W = W̄ [14] sliders was observed, and, hence, they will be discussed separate-
LB 2
ly in the following.
A parametric analysis was performed to investigate the effect INFINITELY LONG SLIDER
of the various dimensionless parameters of the problem on the A typical case of an infinitely long slider was selected to
load carrying capacity of parallel sliders. These parameters, and demonstrate the effect of the various important texturing parame-
the range in which they were varied, include: ters on the load carrying capacity. Figure 6 presents the effect of
the textured portion, α, at different values of dimensionless dim-
Dimensionless treated portion of the slider: 0≤α≤1 ple depth, hp. A dimple area density Sp = 0.5, which is high enough
Dimple aspect ratio: 0 < ε ≤ 0.25 to produce substantial load carrying capacity, and is also practica-
Dimensionless clearance: 0.02 ≤ δ ≤ 0.5 ble technologically to avoid dimples overlapping, was selected for
Cell aspect ratio: 0.4 ≤ κ ≤ 1 this case. Figure 6 shows zero load carrying capacity for α = 0 as
Area density of the dimples: 0 < Sp ≤ 0.8 would be expected with a non-textured parallel slider. At α = 1
Slider length over width ratio: 0.1 ≤ L/B < ∞ (fully textured slider), a certain load carrying capacity exists (due
Dimensionless slider width: 25 ≤ B ≤ 200 to the individual dimple effect), but it is quite low.
A Laser Surface Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing 401

Fig. 8—The effect of dimple area density, Sp, on the dimensionless load
Fig. 6—The effect of the textured portion, α, on the dimensionless load carrying capacity of an infinitely long parallel slider with opti-
carrying capacity of an infinitely long parallel slider at various mum value of textured portion α = 0.6, and various dimension-
dimensionless dimple depths, hp. less dimple depths, hp.

an empirical relation for the best load carrying capacity of an infi-

nitely long textured slider can be found in the form:

W = 0.16 Sp [15]

Equation [15] is valid in the range of textured portion α from

0.5 to 0.65, dimensionless dimple depth hp from 1 to 2, and dim-
ple density 0.4 < Sp < 0.8.
A comparison of the optimum parameters and corresponding
maximum load carrying capacity of an infinitely long, textured
parallel slider with plane and stepped sliders (Pinkus and
Sternlicht, (14)) is presented in Table 1. As can be seen from the
table the optimum parameters and load capacities of all these slid-
ers are similar. Note that for the surface textured slider with opti-
mum dimple depth hp, the optimum “effective” clearance ratio is:

Fig. 7—The effect of the dimensionless dimple depths, hp, on the dimen- (h∗l /h∗0 ) = 1 + hp
sionless load carrying capacity of an infinitely long parallel slid-
er with optimum value of textured portion α = 0.6, and various
densities, Sp. Also note that with Sp = 0.64 the load carrying capacity of a
parallel textured slider is reaching 0.5 of that for the optimum step
slider. The typical pressure distributions for the three slider
An interesting finding in Fig. 6 is the existence of a distinct geometries of Table 1 are shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen the pres-
optimum at α = 0.6 and hp = 1.3 that maximizes the load carrying sure behavior in cases 2 and 3 is similar with a maximum at the
capacity. As can be seen this maximum load carrying capacity is step, or at the end of the textured portion, followed by a linear
an order of magnitude higher than the load capacity for α = 1. drop to the slider end. In the case of the surface textured parallel
Hence, for infinitely long sliders it is clearly preferable to use the slider, local pressure oscillations exist over the textured portion
collective dimple effect, and not the individual one. due to local convergence - divergence of the clearance at the dim-
Figure 7 presents the effect of hp on the load carrying capaci- ples. The typical similar pressure variation shown in Fig. 9 means
ty, W, at various Sp values. As can be seen an optimum for hp, that that the partial LST of infinitely long parallel slider provides the
is almost independent of Sp, does exist in the range 0.5 ≤ hp ≤ 2. same source for the load carrying capacity as with the other
This optimum is close to hp = 1.3, however, it is very weak, so that geometries namely, average clearance converging in the sliding
in the range of values 1 ≤ hp ≤ 2 the load carrying capacity at a direction.
given Sp is nearly constant.
Figure 8 shows that the load carrying capacity is nearly pro- FINITE SLIDER
portional to the area density of the dimples, Sp. In fact the maxi- A wide range of L/B ratio was investigated for the case of a
mum load carrying capacity is obtained with the maximum possi- finite slider. An optimum value of hp = 1.25 was found for the
ble area density. Hence, it can be concluded that at α = 0.6 the tex- maximum load carrying capacity. This optimum, as in the case of
tured infinitely long slider behaves in the same manner as a step the infinitely long slider, is weak and, in the range of 1 ≤ hp ≤ 1.5,
slider (Pinkus and Sternlicht, (14)). Using Fig. 8 (for hp = 1.25), the load carrying capacity is almost constant.




(h∗l /h∗0 )opt 1.87 2.2 2.3
αopt 0.72 - 0.6
Wmax 0.205 0.16 0.16 Sp
Wmax /Wmax 1 0.78 0.78 Sp

Fig. 11—The effects of textured portion α and slider aspect ratio L/B on
the dimensionless load carrying capacity of finite parallel slid-
Fig. 9—Typical pressure distribution in three slider bearing configura- ers.
tions of: 1 - plane slider, 2 - stepped slider, 3 - surface textured
parallel slider.

Reducing the ratio L/B has a pronounced effect on the load car-
rying capacity as can be seen from Fig. 11. Here again Sp = 0.13
was selected as a common basis for comparison to allow inclusion
of the full LST case with α = 1. It should be remembered though
that higher loads could be obtained with partial LST (α < 1) at
higher Sp values for L/B > 1. Figure 11 shows substantial reduc-
tion of the load carrying capacity with diminishing L/B ratio over
the whole range of α. This reduction is more pronounced for α
between 0.5 and 0.6. The reason for the reduced load capacity is
the increasing side leakage in short sliders, which prevents
buildup of high hydrodynamic pressure and suppresses the “col-
lective effect” in partial LST. As can be seen from Fig. 11 the
“individual effect” (local cavitation) in the case of full LST when
α = 1 is almost unaffected by the leakage, and sliders with sub-
stantially different L/B values have very similar load capacities.
Note the gradual increase of the optimum α value for maximum
W as L/B decreases from infinite to L/B = 1. At L/B ratio equal or
Fig. 10—The effect of slider aspect ratio L/B on the optimum value of lower than 0.5 the maximum load carrying capacity corresponds
textured portion αopt for maximum load carrying capacity of
finite parallel sliders.
to the value of α = 1. In this case the optimum density is Sp = 0.13.


Another interesting finding is that, contrary to the long slider The potential of laser surface texturing in the form of regular
case, for L/B ≤ 0.5 it is better to texture the full width (α = 1) of micro-dimples for providing load carrying capacity with parallel
the slider rather than just a portion of it (α < 1). In this case the thrust bearings was demonstrated. A model of a textured parallel
optimum dimple density is Sp = 0.13 and the individual dimple slider was developed and the effect of surface texturing on load
effect with local cavitation is dominant. As the ratio L/B increases carrying capacity was analyzed. The optimum parameters of the
above 0.5 the optimum value of α drops sharply, and at about L/B dimples were found in order to obtain maximum load carrying
= 1.5 it retains the optimum value of about 0.6 that is typical of capacity. Two physical mechanisms for generating hydrodynamic
long sliders. The relation between optimum α values and the ratio pressure in a parallel thrust bearing with textured surfaces were
L/B is shown in Fig. 10 for hp = 1.25 and Sp = 0.13. This area den- presented.
sity, which is the optimum for L/B < 0.5 (whenever αopt = 1), was
maintained as a common basis for comparison throughout the L/B 1. The micro-dimple “individual effect”, which corresponds to
range although it is not the best for L/B > 0.5. The differences, full width texturing (α = 1) and is not useful for developing
however are relatively small and at L/B = 2 and Sp = 0.5, for exam- the large load carrying capacity expected from a hydrody-
ple, the optimum value is αopt = 0.58 instead of αopt = 0.54 for Sp namic thrust bearing. It can, however, be beneficial in very
= 0.13. short slider bearings as is the case with mechanical seals,
A Laser Surface Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing 403

for example. The optimum area density of the dimples in (7) Etsion, I. and Halperin, G. (2002), “A Laser Surface Textured Hydrostatic
Mechanical Seal,” Trib. Trans., 45, pp 430-434.
this case was found to be Sp = 0.13. (8) Etsion, I., Kligerman, Y. and Halperin, G. (1999), “Analytical and Experimental
2. The micro-dimple “collective effect”, which corresponds to Investigation of Laser-Textured Mechanical Seal Faces,” Trib. Trans., 42, pp
partial width texturing (α < 1) and is capable of generating 511-516.
(9) Fogg, A. (1946), “Film Lubrication of Parallel Thrust Bearings,” in Proc. of the
substantial load carrying capacity, approaching that of opti- Jour. of Mech. Eng., 155, pp 49-53.
mum conventional thrust bearings. This effect is useful in (10) Gerald, C. F. and Wheatley, P. O. (1994), Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-
finite and long sliders with L/B ≥ 0.5. In this case the opti- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., New York.
(11) Hamilton, D. B., Walowit, J. A. and Allen, C. M. (1966), “A Theory of
mum α value is about 0.6 and the maximum dimensionless Lubrication by Microirregularities,” Trans. ASME, Jour. of Basic Eng., 88, pp
load carrying capacity is W = 0.16 Sp. Hence, the maximum 177-185.
practical density that can be produced by the laser textur- (12) Kligerman, Y. and Etsion, I. (2001), “Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Effects in
a Surface Textured Circumferential Gas Seal,” Trib. Trans., 44, pp 472-478.
ing is desired in this case. (13) Navahandi, A. and Osterie, F. (1953), “The Effect of Vibration on the Load-
Carrying Capacity of Parallel Surface Thrust Bearings,” ASME Paper No. 60-
Another interesting finding is that over the entire range of L/B Lub 53.
(14) Pinkus, O. and Sternlicht, B. (1961), Theory of Hydrodynamic Lubrication,
ratios the dimple depth should be about the same as that of the McGraw-Hill Inc., New-York.
film thickness for best performance of the bearing. (15) Rodkiewicz, C. M. and Sinha, P. (1993), “On The Lubrication Theory - A
Mechanism Responsible for Generation of the Parallel Bearing Load-Capacity,”
Trans. ASME, Jour. of Trib., 115, pp 584-590.
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