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degree of constriction or dilation in

arterioles and arteries.

- Baroreceptors (pressure
receptors) specialized cell on the
arch of the aorta.
A. ANTIHYPERTENSIVES - Renin - Angiotensin Aldosterone
1. ACE inhibitors system (RAAS) compensatory
2. Angiotensin ii receptor blocker mechanism when blood pressure
3. Calcium Channel Blocker within the kidney fall
4. Sympatholytics
5. Vasodilators

1. Thiazide
2. Loop
3. Potassium-Sparing
4. Osmotic

1. Nitrates
2. Non-nitrates

D. ANTIARRHYTHMIC 1. Dehydration, Na+ deficiency, or

hemorrhage (Initial stimulus: decrease
E. CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES Blood volume, decrease BP)
2. decrease in blood volume
F. DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD 3. decrease in blood pressure
1. Anticoagulants 4. JG cells or juxtaglomerular cells of
2. Hemostatics kidneys
3. Thrombolytics 5. increased renin
6. angiotensinogen from the liver
BRIEF REVIEW ANATOMY / PHYSIOLOGY 7. increased angiotensin I
a. Cardiac Output - equals the product of 8. Lungs ACE (angiotensin converting
heart rate and stroke volume enzyme)
b. Peripheral Vascular Resistance - 9. increased angiotensin II
determined by local blood flow & the 10. adrenal cortex
degree of constriction or dilation in 11. increased aldosterone
arterioles and arteries. 12. in kidneys, increased Na+ and water
- Baroreceptors (pressure reabsorption and increased secretion of
receptors) specialized cells in the K+ and H+ into urine
arch of the aorta 13. increased blood volume
14. blood pressure increases until it returns
Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System to normal
(RAAS) 15. vasoconstriction of arterioles
- Compensatory mechanism when blood 16. increased K+ in extracellular fluid
pressure within the kidneys fall
DETERMINANTS OF BP: - silent killer
a. Cardiac output - equals the product of - When a person’s blood pressure is
heart rate and stroke volume above the normal limits for a sustained
b. Peripheral vascular resistance - period
determined by local blood flow and the
Types: Step 4: Inadequate response
1. Primary or essential - No known cause - All of the above measures are continued
2. Secondary - With co-morbidities - A second or third agent or diuretic is
added if not already prescribed
Step 1: Lifestyle modification ● P - pressure (blood) monitoring
- With reduction ● R - rise slowly
- Decrease sodium intake ● E - eating must be considered
- Moderate alcohol intake ● S - stay on medication
- Smoking cessation ● S - slipping or abrupt stopping is No-No
- Increase physical exercise ● U - undesirable responses
- Take medication as prescribed ● R - remind to exercise, decrease alcohol
● E - elimination smoking
Step 2: Inadequate response
- Continue lifestyle modifications. if
measures in step 1 are not sufficient to
lower blood pressure to an acceptable
level, then drug therapy is added:
● Diuretic (decreases serum sodium
levels and blood volume)
● Beta-blocker (leads to a decrease in
heart rate and strength of contraction,
as well as
● vasodilation)
● ACE inhibitor (blocks the conversion of
angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2) Three basic processes to produce urine.
● Calcium channel blocker {which relaxes A. Filtration - the movement of water and
muscle contraction) or other autonomic solutes from the plasma in the
blockers glomerulus, across the glomerular
● Angiotensin ll-receptor blocker (blocks capsule membrane and into the
the effects of angiotensin on the blood capsular space of the Bowman’s
vessel) capsule.
B. Reabsorption - movement of molecules
Step 3: out of the tubule and into the peritubular
- Inadequate response consider change blood; 80% water, sodium, potassium,
in drug dose or class, or addition of chloride, and most other substances is
another drug for combined effects. reabsorbed.
● aliskiren with hydrochlorothiazide (Tekturna
20% of the glomerular filtrate enters the
● atenolol with chlorthalidone (Tenoretic) loop of henle.
● amiodipine with benazepril (Lotrel) - Ascending limb - Sodium is
● amlodipine with valsartan (Enforce) reabsorbed
● bisoprolol with hydrochiorothiazide (Ziac) - Distal tubule - sodium is
● candesartarn with hydrachlorothiazide (Atacand
● chiorthatidone with clonidine (Combipres) - Final reabsorption of water -
● enalapril with hydrochlorothiazide (Vaseretic) distal tubule and small tubules
● eprosartan with hydrochlorothiagide (Teveten The remaining water and solutes are now
HCT) appropriately called urine
● fosinopril with hydrochlorothiazide (Monopril
C. Secretion - movement of molecules out
● hydrochlorothiazide with benazepril (Lotensin of the peritubular blood and into the
HCT) tubule for excretion
Proximal tubule - uric acid, creatinine, Uses: Hypertension, MI
hydrogen ions, and ammonia are
secreted Eg.
Distal tubule - potassium ions, hydrogen - Benazepril (lotesin)
ions, and ammonia are secrete - Moexipril (Univasc)
- Captoril (capoten)
- Perindopril (Aceon)
- Enalapril maleate (Vasitec)
- Lisinopril
- Quinapril (Accupril)
- Ramipril
- Fosinopril (Prinivil)
- Trandora

SE (Side effects): cough, hypotension, HA,

dysgeusia (any perversion of taste perception)
insomnia. N/V, diarrhea.

AE (Adverse effects): reflex tachycardia, chest

● ACE inhibitors - block formation of pain, angina, CHF, cardiac arrhythmias, ulcers,
angiotensin II, causing vasodilation and liver and renal problem, photosensitivity,
block aldosterone secretion, decreasing hyperkalemia, neutropenia, angioedema
fluid volume
● beta blockers - decrease the heart rate DI (Drug interactions): + probenecid =
and myocardial contractility, reducing decrease elimination
cardiac output + K supplement and diuretics =
● alpha 2 agonists - decrease sympathetic hyperkalemia
impulses from the CNS to the heart and + NSAIDS = decrease hypotensive effect
arteries, causing vasodilation + Antacids = decrease absorption of the
● alpha 1 blockers - inhibit sympathetic drug
activation in arterioles, causing + Tetracycline = decrease absorption of
vasodilation tetra
● direct vasodilators - act on smooth
muscle of arterioles, causing CI (Contraindications): renal disease, severe
vasodilation NA depletion, CHF, pregnant and lactating
● calcium channel blockers - black women
calcium ion channels in arterial smooth
muscle, causing vasodilation Nursing Consideration
● angiotensin receptor blockers - prevent ● Encourage implement lifestyle changes
angiotensin II from reaching its ● Administer on an empty stomach
receptors, causing vasodilation ● Alert if patient is for surgery/
● diuretics - increase urine output and dialysis/situations which may drop the
decrease fluid volume fluid volume
● Parenteral form only if oral form is not
–––––ANTIHYPERTENSIVE––––– available
● Adjust dose if with renal failure
a. Angiotensin - Converting enzyme (ACE) ● Do not give if BP is below 90/70,
inhibitors (“pril”) monitor BP esp for 2 hours after the first
dose (hypotension)
MOA (Mechanism of Action): blocks the ● Avoid ambulation (dizziness)
conversion of angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2 ● Report cough / angioedema
● Report dysgeusia if more than 1month
B. Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist SE/AD: HA, dizziness, hypotension, syncope,
(“sartan”) reflex tachycardia, constipation, AV block,
- Selectively bind the angiotensin 2 bradycardia, peripheral
receptors in the blood vessels and
- Monitor ECG, CR, BP
Eg. - Have “E” cart available with IV
telmisartan (micardis) administration
losartan (diovan) - Position to decrease peripheral edema
- Protect drug from light and moisture
irbesartan (aprovel)
- Increase OFI and fiber in the diet
candesartan (blopress) - Avoid overexertion when anginal pain is
valsartan (cozaar) relieved
eprosartan (teveten) - may give paracetamol if with HA
- Take with meals or milk
USES: when ACE inhibitors are not tolerated - No not chew or crush sustained release
SE: HA, diarrhea, dyspepsia, cramps –––––SYMPATHOLYTIC DRUGS–––––
The sympatholytics comprise 5 five groups of
AE: angioedema, hyperkalemia drugs:
1. beta adrenergic blockers
CI: nephro dysfuction, CHF, pregnancy 2. centrally acting alpha 2 agonists
3. alpha- adrenergic blocker
Nursing considerations: 4. adrenergic neuron blocker
- unsure female patients is not pregnant (peripherally acting sympatholytics)
- Take without regard to food 5. alpha 1 and beta 1 adrenergic
Effects of ARBs
- lower (angiotensin 2 effects, 1. Beta-adrenergic blockers
aldosterone, and ADH) - Beta blockers “OLOL”/ beta - adrenergic
- Lower (resistance) blocking agents/ beta-adrenergic
- Lower (blood volume) antagonists/ beta antagonists

C. Calcium channel blocker MOA: block beta 1 (cardiac) and / or beta 2 (lung)
adrenergic receptor sites; decrease the effects of
MOA: the SNS by blocking the release of catecholamines,
thereby decreasing the HR and BP.
- prevent movement of calcium ions in the
● *Beta-one receptors Are found in the heart
myocardium and vascular smooth and kidneys. When stimulated, they
muscles. increase heart rate, AV conduction, &
- Normally: Calcium increase muscle automaticity
contractability, peripheral resistance and ● Beta1-blockers reduce heart rate, blood
BP pressure, myocardial contractility, and
myocardial oxygen consumption.
Eg. ● *Beta-two receptors Mainly in the lungs,
Amlodipine (Norvasc) gastrointestinal tract. liver, uterus, vascular
nimodipine (nimotopp) smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle. Serve
diltiazem (cardizem) to dilate bronchial and vascular smooth
felondipine (plendil)
● Beta2-receptor blockade Inhibits relaxation
nicardipine (cardene) of smooth muscle in blood vessels, bronchi,
nifedipine (procardia) the gastrointestinal system, and the
verapamil (calan) genitourinary tract

USES: angina, hypertension, atrial fibrillation

USES: hypertension, dyshythmias, angina BLOCKER
pectoris. ● B bradycardia
● L lipidemia increase, libido decrease
AE: rebound hypertension ● O bronchospasm
● C CHRonduction abnormalities
CI: (ABCDE) ● K Contriction peripheral vascular
● A asthma ● E Exhaustion motional depression
● B block (heart block) ● R reduces recognition of hypoglycemia
● C COPD - “Blocker” outlines undesirable
● D diabetes Mellitus effects of Beta Blockers
● E electrolyte imbalance (hyperkalemia)
DI: ➔ MOA: blocks alpha 1 adrenergic
+ antacids = delayed drug absorption receptors resulting in vasodilation of
+ lidocaine = increase plasma level of arteries and veins
lidocaine ◆ Decrease peripheral resistance;
+ insulin/ OHA = hypoglycemia relaxes smooth muscle of bladder
+ cardiac glycosides = addictive / prostate
bradycardia ● Enlargement prostate
+ calcium channel blockers = increase gland
pharmacologic and toxic effects of both ● BPH, benign prostatic
+ cimetidine = decrease metabolism of hypertrophy, relax smooth
beta blockers mm of bladder, so no more
+ theophylline = impaired difficulty in urination d/t
bronchodilating effects improved flow
◆ Decrease VLDL & LDL =
EG: decrease fat deposits ; increase
❖ Nonselective beta blockers HDL
- carvedilol (coreg) ● Decrease serum
- propranolol (inderal) cholesterol
- pindolol (visken) ● Hyperlipidemia
- nadolol (corgard) ◆ Does not affect glucose
- timolol (blocadren) metabolism & respiratory function
❖ Cardioselective beta blockers (B1) ● Can be given to DM
- acebutolol (sectral) patients
- betaxolol (kerlone) ◆ Causes Na & H2O retention with
- esmolol (brevibloc) edema; given with diuretics
- atenolol (tenormin) ◆ WARNINGS: renal disease,
- bisoprolol (zebeta) elderly more sensitive
- metoprolol (betaloc, cardiosta) ❖ Potent Alpha Blockers: hypertensive
crisis & severe hypertension from
Nursing Considerations: catecholamine secreting tumors of the
- Lifestyle modification adrenal medulla (pheochromocytoma)
- Compliance (rebound hypertension) ➢ Eg.
- Monitor blood sugar and diabetics ■ Phentolamine
- Monitor triglycerides and cholesterol ■ Phenoxybenzamine
level (LDL) ■ tolazoline
- Monitor BP and pulse before and after ■ Prazosin (Minipress) =
- Withhold if pulse is <60 or SBP <90 CHF
- Monitor any change in the rhythm or ● Congestive heart
signs of CHF failure
■ Doxazosin (Cardura) = ➢ Sugarless gum, sips of tepid H20,
also for BPH etc. may relieve dry mouth
■ Terazosin (Hytrin) = also ■ Not cold water
for BPH ➔ Mini's SINS
➢ Hypertensive crises ◆ S - yncope or sexual dysfunction
■ Very high BP, shoots up, ◆ I - ncreased drowsiness,
■ Alpha 1 blocker orthostatic hypotension, HR
➔ SE: orthostatic hypotension ( dizziness, ◆ N - eed to be recumbent for 3-4
faintness, increase HR) 1st dose hours after initial dose
syncope (hypotension with loss of ◆ Mini's “SINS” (minipress) are
consciousness) Nausea, drowsiness, undesirable effects of Alpha
nasal congestion, weakness, loss of Adrenergic Blockers. These
libido medications end in “SIN”
◆ Phentolamine - reflex tachycardia
● cause heart to work harder ➔ MOA:
via baroreceptors ◆ decrease sympathetic response
◆ Orthostatic hypotension from brainstem to the peripheral
● Fowler's position, dangle vessels; resulting in a decrease
legs, if no dizziness, then peripheral vascular resistance &
ambulate BP
● Do not sit up and ambulate - ✓ Stimulate the alpha2
● Do not immediately receptors:
ambulate - Decrease sympathetic
➔ DI: activity
◆ + other antihypertensive, alcohol, - Increase vagus
nitrates = increase hypotensive nerve
effects - Exert function in the brain
◆ Prazosin + anti inflammatory drug - Suppress sympathetic
= peripheral edema blood to heart
◆ Prazosin & nitroglycerin = - ✓ Decrease epinephrine,
syncope norepinephrine, renin release
➔ SE/AE:
❖ NURSING INTERVENTIONS: ◆ drowsiness, HA, dry mouth,
➢ Monitor BP frequently dizziness, bradycardia,
■ Always monitor BP and constipation, hypotension,
PR occasional edema or weight gain
■ Withhold medication and ➔ Dl: paradoxical hypertension with
inform prescriber propranol
➢ Protect from falling / injury
➢ Assess BP and HR before each
dose ➔ EG:
➢ If dose is during the day, client ◆ Methyldopa (Aldomet) (for
must remain recumbent for 3-4 ° chronic/PIH)
■ 3 - 4 hours, lie on bed ● DOC for women with PIH
■ Assist to prevent fall ● No other drugs taken by
related injuries client
➢ Assist with ambulation if client is ◆ Clonidine (Catapres) cause Na &
dizzy water retention (given with
➔ Education: diuretics)
➢ Implement safety precautions
➢ Report if edema is present
➢ Monitor baseline VS ( q30 mins ◆ labetalol (Normodyne)
until stable during initial ◆ carteolol (Cartrol)
➢ Abrupt discontinuation =
hypertensive crisis (restlessness, –––––––E. VASODILATORS–––––––
tachycardia, tremors, HA, & ➔ MOA:
increase BP) ◆ relaxes smooth muscles of blood
➢ Taper dose gradually over more vessels esp the arteries; promotes
increase blood flow to the brain &
than one week
➢ Sugarless gum, sips of tepid ◆ Direct acting arterial vasodilators
water may relieve dry mouth ● Smooth mm of arteries
➢ Weight gain ● Direct relaxation of vascular
■ Measured in pounds smooth mm
◆ Not effect on the heart
- Potent antihypertensive drugs ➔ USES: severe hypertension, emergencies
- Psychological effect ➔ EG:
❖ MOA: ◆ hydralazine (Apresoline)
➢ block norepinephrine release ◆ diazoxide ( Hyperstat)
from the sympathetic nerve ◆ minoxidil (Loniten)
endings that results in decrease ◆ nitroprusside ( Nitropress)
BP ➔ SE/ AE:
◆ hydralazine: tachycardia (beta
❖ SE:
blockers), palpitations, edema
➢ orthostatic hypotension, Na & (diuretics), HA, dizziness, Gl bleed,
water retention, vivid dreams, lupus like and neurologic symptoms
nightmares & suicidal intention minoxidil: similar effects, excess hair
(reserpine) growth, precipitates angina
❖ EG: ● Lupus like, autoimmune,
➢ reserpine (Serpasil) and antibodies attack own cells of
guanethidine the body
❖ NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: ◆ Nitroprusside & diazoxide
➢ Take with meals, no alcohol (hyperglycemia)
➢ Last drug of treatment of chronic ➔ Cl: allergy, pregnancy, lactation, cerebral
hypertension (Last resort) insufficiency
➔ DI: + other antihypertensive drugs =
5. ALPHA1 & BETA1 - ADRENERGIC additive effect
◆ blocks both alpha1 and beta1 ➢ D - irectly acts on vascular smooth
receptor sites; decrease BP & muscle
➢ I - ncrease renal and cerebral blood
moderately decrease PR.
● Check BP and apical pulse ➢ L - upus like reaction ( fever, facial
➔ SE: rash, muscle and joint pain,
◆ orthostatic hypotension, GI splenomegaly)
disturbances, nervousness, dry ➢ A - ssess peripheral edema
mouth, fatigue ➢ T - ake with food
➔ AE: heart block ➢ O - ther side effects (headache,
➔ Cl: dizziness, anorexia, Inc. Cardiac,
◆ large doses could block beta 2 Dec. Blood pressure)
receptors = increase airway ➢ R - eview BP (orthostatic
resistance in patients with asthma hypotension), blood glucose
–––––––DIURETICS––––––– ➔ DI:
➔ Produces increased urine flow by ◆ + lithium = lithium toxicity
inhibiting sodium and water reabsorption ● Lithium, bipolar disorder
◆ + digoxin = digoxin toxicity (
from the kidney tubules.
bradycardia, N/, visual changes)
➔ 2 main purposes: ● Hypokalemia
◆ To decrease hypertension ● Digitalis toxicity
● Lowers down BP, ● Antidote: digoxin immune fab
decrease fluid peripheral (Digibind)
or primary ◆ + corticosteroids, amphotericin,
◆ To decrease edema ticarcillin = hypokalemia
● Increases urine flow ◆ + sulfonamides = cross sensitivity
● Promote diuresis ➔ SE/ AE:
● Increase urine output ◆ hypokalemia, hyponatremia,
● Na and H2O, Excreted in hypomagnesemia, hypotension,
large amount, since bicarbonate loss, hypercalcemia,
inhibited reabsorption hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, N/N,
constipation, rashes, dizziness,
● I&O monitoring
weakness, increase LDL,
➔ INDICATIONS: photosensitivity, H/A, dehydration,
◆ ✓ Congestive heart failure blood dyscrasias
◆ ✓ Pulmonary edema ➔ Eg:
◆ ✓ Liver failure & cirrhosis ◆ chlorothiazide (Diuril)
◆ ✓ Renal diseases ◆ hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril)
◆ ✓ Hypertension ◆ metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
◆ ✓ Glaucom ◆ chlorthalidone (Thalitone)
➔ CONTRAINDICATIONS: ◆ indapamide ( Lozol)
◆ Allergy Fluid & electrolyte ➔ Nursing Responsibilities:
imbalances ◆ Monitor BP, wt OD, urine output,
◆ Severe renal diseases SLE DM edema
(Systemic lupus erythematosus) ◆ Monitor K, Na, Ca, blood glucose,
➔ 1kg or 2.2 lbs wt gain = 1 liter of fluid LDL, triglycerides
➔ 1st line drugs for treating Hypertension ◆ Change position slowly
◆ Fewer SE ◆ No alcohol
◆ Given in combination with anti ◆ Take with meals preferably in AM
HPN agents ◆ Eat foods high in K ( banana,
avocado, broccoli, dried fruits,
➔ *glomerulus → PCT → descending loop
oranges, nuts ,potato, prunes,
of Henle → ascending loop of Henle → tomato)
DCT → collecting duct ◆ Manage photosensitivity
◆ Signs of hypokalemia (muscle
Types: weakness, cardiac dysrhythmias,
1. Thiazide Diuretics cramps, dizziness, N/V, tingling
➔ MOA: sensation, "U" wave on the ECG
◆ increase Na & water excretion by (3.5 - 5.1 mEq/L)
inhibiting Na reabsorption in the ➔ Nursing Responsibilities THIAZIDE
distal tubule of the kidney . ◆ T - ake time to check VS
◆ ** not effective for immediate ◆ H - yperglycemia, hypokalemia,
diuresis hyperuricemia monitoring
➔ Uses: ◆ I - nstruct to weigh in daily
◆ A - void sudden position changes
◆ mild- moderate HPN, edema
◆ Z - ugar monitoring
associated with CHF, cirrhosis ◆ I - &O monitoring
with ascites Warning: decrease ◆ D - iuresis is expected: I&O
K, renal/ hepatic dysfunction, ◆ E - at potassium rich food
II. Loop Diuretics ● Promote diuresis through
➔ AKA high ceiling or K wasting diuretics osmosis
➔ Ascending and descending loop of ● Given as IV solution, when
Henle filtered by glomerulus,
➔ MOA: does not undergo
◆ inhibits Na & Cl absorption from reabsorption
the loop of henle and distal ● Osmosis, fluids move low
tubules , causes rapid diuresis, solute concentration to
little effect on glucose high solute concentration
➔ USES: ○ Solutes are not
◆ HPN, edema associated with reabsorbed
CHF, cirrhosis with ascites, ○ Osmotic force,
hypercalcemia inhibit passive
➔ DI: same with thiazide reabsorption
◆ + lithium = lithium toxicity ○ Urine flow
◆ + digoxin = digoxin toxicity ( increases
bradycardia, N/, visual changes) ● Taken as IV route
◆ + corticosteroids, amphotericin, ● Narrow angle glaucoma
ticarcillin = hypokalemia ○ Decrease
◆ + sulfonamides = cross sensitivity intraocular
➔ Eg: pressure, or lead to
◆ furosemide (Lasix) blindness
◆ torsemide ( Demadex) ➔ USES:
◆ ethacrynic acid (Edecrin) ◆ increase ICP, edema, prevention
◆ bumetanide (Bumex) of renal failure, oliguria, inducing
➔ Nursing Responsibilities: diuresis during chemotherapy
◆ Monitor VS, edema, urine output, ➔ Cl: anuria
serum K. Na, Ca, Cl, thiamine, ➔ DI:
blood glucose & platelet levels, ◆ increase hypokalemia which may
Mx of digoxin & lithium toxicity increase digoxin toxicity
● Check serum K 3.5 – 5 ml
➔ SE/ AE:
◆ Potassium rich foods
◆ Give slow IVTT (2 mins) to prevent ◆ pulmonary edema d/T rapid fluid
hearing loss shifting, NV, tachycarida,
● IV give w/in 2 mins to prevent decrease Na, K, Cl, Ca,
ototoxicity dehydration
◆ With food, in AM ➔ Eg
➔ Nursing Responsibilities CEILING ◆ mannitol (Osmitrol)
◆ C - heck for weight gain ◆ urea (Ureaphil)
◆ E - nsure VS prior to ◆ glycerin (Osmoglyn) = dec IOP
administration ◆ isosorbide (Ismotic)
◆ I - & O monitoring ➔ Nursing Responsibilities:
◆ L - aboratory values assessment ◆ Monitor VS, wt, urine output,
◆ I - nstruct to rise slowly serum NA, K, CI,
◆ N - octuria prevention: ◆ Watch for rapid increase in BP &
◆ G - ive it with meals rapid sympathetic over-activity
(increase HR, tremor, agitation) -
III. Osmotic Diuretics ◆ Assess lung and heart sounds
➔ MOA: ◆ Check skin turgor, Level of
◆ increase osmotic pressure in the consciousness, manifestations of
glomerular filtrate, preventing decrease ICP
reabsorption of water & ◆ Mannitol: check bottle or vial for
electrolytes crystallization, warm bottle &
shake vigorously to dissolve ➔ Nursing Responsibilities:
crystals, if it doesn't dissolve = ◆ Monitor VS, urine output, serum
DO NOT administer - use IV line K level
with filter - infuse for 30-60 mins. ◆ Inform client that hypotensive
● do not administer if effects may not be seen for 2
crystallized, if bottle exposed weeks
to cold env, warm not boil, IV ◆ Avoid potassium rich foods
line or needle has filter ◆ Manage photosensitivity
➔ Nursing Responsibilities OSMOTIC ◆ Avoid salt substitutes Take with
◆ O - liguria, edema, inc. meals
ICP(indication) ◆ Bluish colored urine is harmless
◆ S - tops reabsorption of water ◆ Administer in AM
◆ M - annitol
◆ O - utput of urine, electrolytes - ––––––Interventions for DIURETICS:––––––
monitor ● D - iet: decrease sodium intake
◆ T - issue dehydration ● I - ntake & output monitoring
◆ I - ncreased frequency/volume of ● U - ndesirable effects
urination ● R - eduction of edema
◆ C - irculatory overload ● E - lectrolytes review
● T - ake early in the day; with meals
IV. Potassium Sparing Diuretics ● I - nteractions:digoxin
➔ MOA: ● C - ause/aggravate diabetes
◆ acts on the distal tubule to ● S - ensitivity to sunlight
promote Na and water excretion
& prevent potassium excretion;
● Not excreting
● Preventing K excretion
➔ AKA: Aldosterone antagonist
➔ USES: HPN, edema = CHF, nephrotic
syndrome to counteract hypokalemia
caused by other diuretics
➔ Cl: severe renal disease, severe
➔ DI:
◆ + lithium = lithium toxicity
◆ + ACE inhibitor = hyperkalemia
◆ + digoxin = digoxin toxicity
◆ + K supplements (eg kalium
durule) = hyperkalemia
➔ SE/AE:
◆ hyperkalemia, N/V, diarrhea, dry
mouth, rash, dizziness,
weakness, bluish colored urine
(triamterene) hypotension,
increase potassium level result in
peaked I wave on ECG
➔ AE:
◆ HA (headache), photosensitivity,
anemia, decrease platelet Eg:
amiloride (Midamor)
spironolactone (Aldactone)
triamterene (Dyrenium)
–––––––ANTIANGINAL––––––– ○ Radiation (of pain), can the pain be
- *Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) felt in places far from the origin
○ The more muscles affected by low
- lumen of blood vessels become
oxygen, more cell death
narrow, thus blood is no longer
able to flow freely to the muscles Nitrates
- *Angina pectoris ➔ MOA
- "suffocation of the chest”, occurs ◆ SA : Dilation of the veins =
when myocardial demand for Decrease oxygen demand by
oxygen cannot be met by dilating veins, which decreases
narrowed blood vessels preload (less blood return)
- ***anginal pain: ◆ VA : Increase oxygen supply by
- chest tightness, pressure in the relaxing coronary vasospasm
center of the chest, and pain ◆ CCB: dilation of arteries = Less
radiating down the neck and left vasoconstriction and resistance
(decrease afterload)
◆ BB: Decrease oxygen demand by
- *Myocardial Infarction (MI) decreasing heart rate and
- occurs when coronary vessels is contractility
completely occluded and the cells ➔ Uses: treatment & prevention of angina,
that depend on the vessels for decrease BP
oxygen become ischemic, then ➔ SE: HA (most common) , dizziness,
necrotic and death hypotension, reflex tachycardia, decreased
- Ischemic → necrotic → cell death CR, GI distress, flushing.
- Angina Pectoris- sudden pain due to drop of ➔ AE: Some degree of hepato / nephrotoxicity.
- Ischemic - reduced blood flow NURSING CONSIDERATIONS:
- Necrotic - cells of the heart die due to ● Assess chest pain: Precipitating factors,
ischemia Quality, Radiation, Severity/ Symptoms and
Types of Angina: ● PO: take on empty stomach; undergoes
1. Classic (stable) hepatic first pass effect
a. occurs with stress exertion - Sustained release if taken per orem
2. Unstable (pre-infarction) ● SL: every 5 min X 3 doses; effect lasts for
a. occurs frequently over the course of 10minutes
a day with a progressive severity ○ Store in dry & dark bottle
3. Variant (Prinzmetal, vasospastic) ○ Check expiration date (Up to six
a. occurs during rest caused by months only)
coronary artery spasm ○ Take sips of water BEFORE
Types of Anti-Anginals: ○ Allow drug to dissolve before taking
1. Non-nitrates (beta blockers, calcium anything PO
channel blockers) ○ Burning/ Stinging sensation means
2. Nitrates: Isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur, the drug is potent
isoket, isordil); nitroglycerin (Deponit, - Sublingual every 5 mins, if after 5
Nitrostat) mins the previous med is still
present, replace with new
● Buccal : Place drug between upper lip and
gum or between cheek and gum
- improve blood flow to the heart, nitroglycerin
● IV infusion : dilute drug in glass IVF bottles
opens up (dilates) the arteries in the heart
via infusion pump, onset 1-3 minutes same
(coronary arteries), which improves
with SL
symptoms and reduces how hard the heart
- Use nitroglycerin in glass IVF bottles
has to work.
because if plastic (polyvinyl), the
● Side effect:
plastic will absorb the medication
○ headache (commonly solved with
paracetamol per doctor’s order)
● Topical Ointment : remove previous ◆ > Increase cardiac output and renal
application: spread drug over 6x6 in are on perfusion.
chest, back, upper arm, and cover with a ➔ Digitalis Toxicity:
plastic wrap ◆ anorexia, diarrhea, N/V, bradycardia,
○ Rotate site, avoid touching the cardiac dysrhythmias, HA, malaise,
ointment blurred vision, visual illusions (white,
● Patch: patch is waterproof green, yellow halos around objects),
○ apply wearing gloves at ACW, non confusion and delirium
hairy portion ◆ Antidote:
- Anterior Chest Wall and also ● Digoxin immune Fab
Thigh (intoxication with serum level
○ Removes previous, rotate sites of. 10ng/ml)
○ Remove after 12 hours to prevent ● Bind with digoxin to form
tolerance complex molecules that can
○ do not apply defibrillator paddles be excreted.
over the drug may cause burn. ➔ CI:
- Using defibrillator over drug ◆ Hypersensitivity, ventricular
can cause arrhythmia tachycardia and fibrillation, heart
● Spray: lift tongue then spray, avoid inhaling block,MI, renal insufficiency,
the drug electrolyte imbalance (increased
● General: withhold calcium, decreased K &Mg)
- Assume Myocardial Infarction (MI) if ➔ DI:
not relieved of symptoms ◆ +Verapamil, quindine, quinine,
erythromycin, tetramycin,
––––––CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES–––––– cyclosporine = increase toxic effect
● Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) - condition ◆ CONTINUATION
in which the heart fails to effectively pump
blood around the body due to damaged or NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
overworked heart muscle (myocardium). ❖ Consult prescriber about loading dose
○ Can be left sided or right sided: ❖ Monitor Apical pulse in one full minute,
○ Left side- Towards lungs affected monitor for quality and rhythm
○ Right side- Towards systemic ❖ Check dosage & preparation carefully
circulation affected (backflow) ❖ Check pediatric dose with extreme care
● Causes: Coronary artery disease, ❖ Follow dilution carefully for IV preparation
Cardiomyopathy, Hypertension, Valvular ❖ Administer Iv dose very slow over at least 5
heart disease. minutes
● Originally derived from poisonous fox-glove ❖ Weight patient
or digitalis plant ❖ Avoid administering oral drug with food or
● Used by William withering of England to antacid.
alleviate “ dropsy” - edema of extremities ❖ Maintain emergency equipment on standby
caused by cardiac and kidney insufficiency = Lidocaine (arrythmias), Phenoytoin
secondary to CHF (seizure), atropine( give if tachycardia exist
★ ICF(K) & ECF(Na) ) SO4
➔ MOA: ❖ Monitor therapeutic level of digoxin
◆ INHIBITS NA- K pump which (0.5-2ng/ml), digoxin toxicity.
increases intracellular calcium and ❖ Potassium rich foods
allow more calcium to enter ➢ Banana, avocado, broccoli, dried
myocardial cells during fruits, oranges, nuts, potato, prunes,
depolarization causing: tomato
◆ (+) inotropic action - increase ❖ Sodium rich foods
myocardial contraction ➢ Buttermilk, margarine, canned
◆ (-) Chronotropic action - decrease goods, processed foods, fast foods,
heart rate preserved foods, tomato ketchup
◆ (-) dromotropic action - decrease
conduction velocity
––––DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD–––– ● Injury or damage
● Works at various steps in the clotting ang ○ Injury/ rupture to blood vessel
clot dissolving process in order to restore ● Vessel contracts
○ Blood vessels around the wound
the balance that is needed to maintain the
constrict - reduce blood flow to the
cardiovascular system damaged area. Activated Platelets stick
◆ Prevent or promote clots to injury site
❖ ANTICOAGULANTS - drugs that interfere ● Platelet plug
with the normal coagulation process ○ Platelets become sticky and clump
❖ ANTIPLATELET - alter the formation of together to form platelet plug.
platelet plug ○ Platelets & damaged tissue release
❖ THROMBOLYTICS - breakdown the clotting factors (eg. Factor VIII)
thrombus that has been formed by ● Fibrin clot
stimulating the plasmin system ○ Blood clotting mechanism to form Fibrin
which acts like a mesh to stop the
★ Hemostasis, physiologic process by w/ch
bleeding is stopped THROMBOPLASTIN
★ Many diff ways of preventing bleeding ↓
★ Platelet aggregation, Formation of a plug to stop Acts on PROTHROMBIN & causes it to be converted into its
bleeding active form THROMBIN
★ Reinforcement with fibrin in clotting ↓
★ Activation of plasminogen to dissolve clot Acts on another blood protein FIBRINOGEN
formed ↓
When activated, it is converted to FIBRIN

Mechanisms of Blood coagulation Fibrin web forms a plug that stops flow of blood to tissues
1. Vascular Response ↓
a. Platelets release serotonin causing Platelet thromboplastin ( reinforcing fibrin network)
vasoconstriction ↓
b. If part in the body is injured, there ↓
will be a vascular response first Dissolved by a blood - borne enzyme (PLASMIN)
2. Platelet Aggregation ↓
a. Platelets form a mechanical barrier Plasmin digests the thread of fibrin by first making them
soluble & break them into small fragments
or wall to close off the break in the
★ Thrombus
b. Fibrin causes long lasting protection ○ Artery; Arterial thrombosis
3. Chemical clotting ○ Occlude artery, coagulation cascade is
a. Release of clotting factors : initiated
i. Clots - prevent blood loss ★ Embolus
ii. Clotting - chain of reaction ○ Thrombus that goes into the circulation
stimulated by the release of a ○ Travels in vascular system; Localized
chemical called
thromboplastin from injured 1. ANTICOAGULANTS
★ We need to block prothrombin ● Works by interfering the formation of vitamin K -
dependent clotting factors and prolongation of
clotting times
● PO, onset 3 days, duration 4-5 days
● Uses: AF, artificial heart valves, prevent
thrombus and embolization affecting MI and
pulmonary embolism
● ANTIDOTE: phytonadione (Aquamephyton) - a
form of vitamin K (responsible for promoting the
liver synthesis of clotting factor
● LAB:
○ prothrombin time (PT) - maintained at
1.25 - 2.5 times the laboratory control
○ International Normalized Ratio (INR)=
b. HEPARIN ○ dipyridamole (Persantine), PO
● Naturally occurring substance that inhibits ○ eptifibatide (Integrilin), IV
the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, ○ aspirin (generic), PO
thus blocking the conversion of fibrinogen to ○ cilostazol (Pletaal), PO
fibrin which is the final step of clot formation ○ clopidogrel (Plavix), PO
● SQ, IV, immediate onset, does NOT cross ○ sulfinpyrazone (Anturane), PO
the placenta and NOT enter the breast milk ○ ticlopidine (Ticlid), PO
● Uses: treatment and prevention of venous ○ tirofiban (Aggrastat)
thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, AF ● Cl: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation,
with embolization, prevent clotting of blood bleeding disorder, recent surgery
samples in dialysis and venous tubing ● AE: bleeding, Gi discomfort, HA
○ ✓ whole blood clotting time (WBCT) ○ same with Anticoagulants
2.5-3 X control
○ ✓ Activated Partial Thromboplastin 3. THROMBOLYTIC AGENTS
Time (aPTT) upto 40 sec ● MOA: converts plasminogen to plasmin to
○ ✓ Partial Thromboplastin time (PTT) dissolve clot
1.5-2.5 X control in sec ● Uses: pulmonary embolism, DVT, MI, acute
● Cl: hypersensitivity, bleeding tendencies, ischemic CVA
psychosis, diarrhea (loss of vitamin K or ● Cl: severe hypertension, active bleeding,
plasminogen) hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, GI bleed,
● AE: bleeding, warfarin = alopecia, hypersensitivity
dermatitis, prolonged & painful erections ● DI: increase bleeding with NSAIDs,
(less frequent) antiplatelet, anticoagulant
● DI: ● SE: bleeding, rash (streptokinase), febrile
○ ✓ Heparin +( aspirin, NSAID, reaction, N/V, flushing, hypotension
thrombolytics) = increase effect ● AE: hemorrhage
○ ✓ Heparin + (nitroglycerine, ● EG:
protamine) = decrease effect ○ streptokinase (Kabikinase,
○ ✓ Warfarin + (aspirin, NSAIDs, Streptase)
sulfonamides) = increase effect ○ urokinase ( Abbokinase)
○ ✓ warfarin + (oral ○ anistreplase anisoylated
contraceptives,phenitoin, rifampin = plasminogen streptokinase activator
decrease effect complex (APSAC)
○ ✓ warfarin + alcohol = increase ○ reteplase
bleeding ○ Alteplase (t- PA)
○ Avoid large amount of green leafy ● NURSING CONSIDERATIONS:
vegetables, fish, liver, coffee and ○ Check BP prior (defer if < / = 90/60)
tea; NO alcohol ○ Monitor bleeding time, hgb, platelet
○ Evaluate therapeutic levels count, APTT
○ Check for signs of bleeding ○ Monitor signs of bleeding up to 24
○ Safety precautions (electric razor, hours post the last dose
avoid contact sports, use pressure ○ Check for allergic reactions esp to
dressing, NO IM injection, inform streptokinase (Benadryl may be
dentist, soft bristled toothbrush) given prior)
○ Maintain antidote standby ○ IV drugs that are mixed should be
○ Medic alert card, do not smoke used within 24 hours , infusion pump
○ Avoid invasive procedure
2. ANTIPLATELETS ○ Apply pressure for 5-10 mins on all
● Uses: adjunct to thrombolytic therapy in the discontinued IV sites
treatment of MI & prevention of re-infarct, ○ Prevent bleeding
prevention of MI and stroke ● ANTIDOTE: aminocaproic acid (Amicar)
● Eg:
○ abciximab (ReoPro), IV
○ anagrelide (Agralyn), PO
● MOA: hasten clotting of blood by inhibiting
the substance that activate plasminogen
● Uses: to stop bleeding
● Cl: elevated BP, clotting disorders
● SE: increase BP (most common), HA, N/V,
abdominal cramps diarrhea, fatigue, muscle
● AE: intrarenal obstruction d/t clot formation,
● Dl: aminocaproic acid + oral contraceptives
= increase coagulation
● Eg:
○ Systemic hemostatic:
■ Aprotinin
■ Aminocaproic acid
■ Tranexamic acid
■ Vitamin K
■ Cabazochrome NA
■ somatostatin
○ Topical:
■ Gelfilm/gelfoam
■ Thrombin
■ Microfibrillar collagen
■ Oxidized cellulose
○ Monitor clotting time, urine output,
signs of anaphylaxis
○ Leave gelfoam until bleeding stops,
remove immediately after bleeding is
controlled & wash the site to
decrease risk for infection
○ Check BP prior (defer if > 140/90)
● Frequently prescribed for ORAL use,
available also for IM [cause pain on
injection & tissue irritation]; IV route –
treat severe infections
–––––––––TETRACYCLINES––––––––– ● Newer ORAL : DOXYCYCLINE,
AUREOFACIENS in 1948. rapidly & complete absorbed
● 1st broad spectrum antibiotics effective ● Not to be taken with MAGNESIUM and
against gram (+) bacteria & many ALUMINUM preparation (antacids)
organisms [mycobacterium, rickettsiae, ● MILK-PRODUCTS containing calcium or
spirochetes, chlamydiae] Iron containing drugs == prevent
● Not effective against S. aureus, absorption of the drug
Pseudomonas or Proteus ● TAKEN on EMPTY STOMACH – 1 hr ac
● Can be used against Mycoplasma or 2 hrs pc (except doxycycline &
pneumoniae. minocycline)
● + Metronidazole and bismuth
subsalicylate == useful in treating SIDE EFFECTS and ADVERSE REACTIONS:
Helicobacter pylori (peptic Ulcer) 1. GI - NVD {mgt: SFF, ice chips,
● ORAL and TOPICAL tetracycline – used replace fluids}
to treat severe acne vulgaris 2. PHOTOSENSITIVITY – sunburn
reaction {sunblock, clothing}
- INHIBIT BACTERIAL PROTEIN 1st trimester – PC (pregnancy
SYNTHESIS {Bacteriostatic} category): D
- Continuous use of tetracyclines – 4. Discolors teeth (irreversible) == not
resulted in bacterial resistance; taken last trimester & children < 8yrs
increased resistance in the treatment of 5. Balance difficulty – damage to
pneumococci & gonococci infections vestibular part of the inner ear
(minocycline) {safety}
○ a.) Tetracycline {Tetracyn, 7. SUPERINFECTION – disrupt
Panmycin} microbial flora {oral hygiene}
■ >gram (+), gram (-), RT,
skin disorders, chlamydial, NURSING EDUCATION: STOP
gonorrhea, syphilis, *S - unlight sensitivity-[decomposes in
ricketssial light/heat = TOXIC- store out of light &
■ >[t ½ = 6-12 hrs] extreme heat]
○ b.) Oxytetracycline Hcl * T - ake full glass of H20
{terramycin} * NO - antacid, IRON & MILK
■ > UTI * P - ut drug into empty stomach
○ Demeclocycline HCl DRUG INTERACTIONS:
(Declomycin) ● ANTACIDS, IRON containing drugs,
■ > broad spectrum MILK – prevent absorption of Tetra {take
■ >[t ½ = 10-17 hrs] 2 hrs apart}
● LONG-ACTING (to be taken with food) ● ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES (OCP) –
○ a.) doxycycline hyclate lessened effect of OCP
(Vibramycin) ● PENICILLIN – decreased activity of
■ bacterial infection & acne Penicillin
○ b.) minocycline HCl (Minocin); [t ● AMINOGLYCOSIDES – increased risk
½ = 11-20 hrs] Nephrotoxicity
● ACT by inhibiting bacterial protein - GI - NAV; rash, numbness, tremors,
synthesis (Bactericidal) visual disturbances, tinnitus, muscle
● Used against serious infections caused cramps or weakness, photosensitivity
by gram (-) bacteria [E. coli, Proteus,
Pseudomonas & Serratia] ADVERSE REACTIONS:
● Cannot be absorbed in the GIT, cannot - URTICARIA, PALPITATIONS;
cross CSF (in adults only) Thrombocytopenia; Superinfections-
● Primarily administered IV agranulocytosis; Liver damage
● DOC: Tularemia & Bubonic Plague Most serious:
● 1st aminoglycosides - STREPTOMYCIN ● OTOXICITY – 8 th cranial nerve
SULFATE – used in treatment of TB; damage {safety}
derived from bacterium Streptomyces ● NEPHROTOXICITY – oliguria {slowly
griseus in 1944, administered administered}
● NEUROTOXICITY- neuromuscular
IV ORAL PREPARATIONS: blockade, numbness
- given to decrease bacteria in the bowel
1) paromomycin- useful in treating DRUG INTERACTIONS:
intestinal amebiasis & tapeworm ● Penicillin – less effective aminoglycoside
2) neomycin- used as preoperative ● Anticoagulant (Warfarin)– increased its
bowel antiseptic activity
- OTHERS: (treat pseudomonas)
● Gentamycin (1963) [IM/IV] = against NURSING INTERVENTIONS
gram (-) pseudomonas ● Monitor periodical audiograms,
● Kanamycin [PO/IM/IV] = for hepatic BUN/creatinine & vestibule function
coma • Tobramycin (1970) [IM/IV] = kill studies over 10 days therapy
Pseudomonas ● Adjust renal insufficiency
● Amikacin (1970) [IM/IV] = effective ● Monitor VS, peak and serum levels
against Pseudo esp. if resistant to ● For IV admin., dilute and administer
gentamicin & tobramycin slowly to prevent toxicity
● Netilmicin (1980) [IM/IV] = less toxic ● Monitor I & O, hydrate well before and
compared to other aminoglycosides during therapy (flush in between)
● If anorexia or nausea occurs, SFF
PHARMACOKINETICS: Gentamycin meals
● Establish plan for safely if vestibular
PREGNANCY CATEGORY: C (can’t rule out) nerve effects occur.
● Netilmicin: D (+) Risk ● Administer other antibiotics 1 hour
● [A or absorbtion}: IM,IV before/after amino
● [M or metabolism]: T ½ short (SHL) - ● Recommend using sunblock &
3-4X a day, CHON bound-low protective clothing when exposed to the
● [E or excretion)]: unchanged in URINE sun.

● Macrolides, Vancomycin, Lincosamides,
Ketolides - similar spectrum although
differ in structure
● Mild to moderate infections of the
respiratory tract, sinuses, GIT, skin, soft
tissues; diphtheriae, impetigo, STD
● ERYTHROMYCIN (1950s) (Erythrocin,
● Derived from Streptomyces erytheus • ● ↑ Effect of DIGOXIN,
Most commonly prescribed if with CARBAMAZEPINE, THEOPHYLLINE,
allergy to penicillin CYCLOSPORINE, WARFARIN,
● Effective against gram (+) and some TRIAZOLAM
gram (-) except S. aureus ● ↓ Effect of PCN, CLINDAMYCIN
● DRUG OF CHOICE: Mycoplasma P., ● ↓ absorption if taken with ANTACIDS
Leggionaire’s disease ● Erythromycin + Verapami, Diltiazem,
● Prevention of Rheumatic Fever Clarithromycin, Fluconazole = elevate
Erythro concentration = leading to
Pregnancy Category: B (no risk evident) cardiac death


(high dose) a. Indications: mild-moderate
streptomycin infection, RTI,
Contraindications: Hepatic disease, Lactation gonorrhea, chancroid {STD}, H.
influenzae, Strep. , S. aureus
PHARMACOKINETICS: b. Pregnancy Category (PC):C
- PO form is well-absorbed in the (can’t be ruled out)
duodenum; ACID resistant salts c. A: PO – once a day x 5 days –
- (ETHYLSUCCINATE STEARATE, incompletely absorbed in the GIT
ESTOLATE) are added to decrease d. D (distribution): t ½: 40-50 hrs;
dissolution, increase absorption in the only 37% reaches in the systemic
intestines; FOOD does not hamper circulation
absorption of ACID resistant macrolides. e. E: bile, feces & urine (less)
- NO IM, IV (too painful) – if ever, give f. Side Effects:
slowly to prevent PHLEBITIS i. NAVDA is uncommon, give
- Protein Bound : 65% AC./ 1 hr ac or 2 hr pc + 1
- t½: PO (1-2 hr), IV (35 hr) glass of water not FRUIT
- Excreted: through the BILE, FECES & JUICE
small amounts through the urine. g. IV PREP – must be diluted in
NSS or D5W – to prevent
➔ PO 2. Clarithromycin (KLARICID)
➔ Onset : 1 hr a. Indications: RTI, gram (-) & (+),
➔ Peak : 4 hrs tissue infections, H. pylori
➔ Duration : 6 hrs b. PC: C
c. A: PO
SIDE EFFECTS: NAVDA (nausea, vomiting, d. D: t ½ : 3-6 hrs ==== 2 x a day
diarrhea), pruritus, rash, tinnitus e. M: PB = 65-75%
f. E: bile
g. Side Effects:
- Superinfections, Urticaria, Hearing loss, with MILK/MEAL
Hepatotoxicity [“yellow sclera”], 3. dirithromycin (DYNABAC)
Anaphylaxis a. Indications: CHRONIC
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Infections, H. pylori, Legionnaire’s
● Acetaminophen, Phenothiazine, disease, Chlamydia
Sulfonamide -----↑ HEPATOTOXICITY b. PC: C
(reversible) c. A: PO x 5 days
d. D: t ½ : 20-50 hrs
e. M: PB = uk LINCOMYCIN (Lincocin)
f. E: bile, feces To treat severe infections when penicillin cannot be
g. Side Effects: given
i. NAVDA is common, TAKE ● [A] rapidly absorb in GIT or from IM
with FOOD, or within 1 hr
● [D] t ½ = 5 hrs
of eating ● [M] liver – caution – hepatic & renal
NURSING CARE: ● [E] urine & feces
● Do not refrigerate suspension form of
Klarithromycin TOXIC EFFECTS: GI reaction, Pain, Skin infection,
● Monitor liver enymes – signs & BM depression
symptoms of hepatotoxicity
● Administer IV slowly NSG CARE:
● Give IM into deep muscle ● SAME WITH MACROLIDES – CAREFUL
● Avoid fruit juices MONITORING
● GI activity & fluid balance
● Manage NAVDA
● STOP if with bloody diarrhea
● Check for superinfections. Give
––––––VANCOMYCIN HC1 (Vancocin)–––––
● Check drug interactions. ● ALMOST abandoned = nephrotoxicity &
● Evaluate effectiveness: WBC level , ototoxicity (damage auditory or vestibular
temperature, cultures [CN 8])
● Glycopeptide bactericidal antibiotic (1950s);
THE MACROLIDE GIRL against staphylococcal infxns used against
● G - GI disturbances ( undesirable drug-resistant S. aureus and in cardiac
effects) surgical prophylaxis with PEN allergies;
● I - V site ( check irritation) potentially life threatening infections not
● R - reduces activity of med if given with responding to other less toxic antibiotics.
acids (fruit juices) or food
● L - liver function test
bacterial cell wall synthesis
● Similar to macrolides but more toxic
- ORAL – not absorbed systemically,
● Change CHON function & prevent cell
excreted in the feces
division or cause cell death (both)
- IV – for severe infections due to MRSA,
septicemia, bone, skin and lower respiratory
● Widely prescribed against most gram (+)
tract infections that are resistant to other
organism; absorbed better, more effective
fewer toxic
- excreted in the urine
● For severe infections caused by same
- PB: 30%
strains of bacteria that are susceptible to
- Half-life : 6 hours
● Drug-drug = if with amphotericin B,
PHARMACOKINETICS: polymycin, furosemide, cisplatin -
● [A] rapidly absorbed from GIT or from IM ● ↑ NEPHROTOXICITY = if with methotrexate
injections - ↑ methotrexate toxicity
● [D] t ½ = 2-3 hrs – PB: 94%; crosses the
placenta & enters breastmilk PC : B; only if SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS:
benefit clearly outweighs risk - chills, dizziness, fever, rashes, nausea,
● [M] liver – caution – HEPATIC & RENAL vomiting, thrombophlebitis @ injection site
● [E] urine & feces DOSE RELATED TOXICITY: tinnitus, high tone
deafness, hearing loss & nephrotoxicity.
SIDE EFFECTS: GI reaction - pseudomembranous
colitis; GI irritation
“RED-NECK or RED MAN SYNDROME” resulting MOXIFLOXACIN (Avelox) = 1999
in Histamine release & chills, fever, tachycardia, ● OD dosing more active than
profound fall in BP, pruritus or red nose/ neck/ Levofloxacin against S. pneumoniae
arms/ back.

Side Effects:
● Refrigerate IV solution after reconstruction, ● Photosensitivity -use sunglasses,
use within 96 hrs. sunblock, protective clothing
● Flush IV line in between antibacterials. ● Dizziness, N/V, diarrhea, flatulence,
Evaluate IV site for phlebitis, avoid abdominal cramps, tinnitus, rash
● Check baseline hearing. Refer to EENT. ● Assess RENAL function : I/O, BUN,
Report ringing in ears or hearing loss, fever Creatinine • Drug & diet history
and sore throat. ● Avoid caffeine
● Monitor blood pressure during
● Antacids & Iron prep = decreases
● Monitor renal function tests- Creatinine,
absorption of Fluoroquinolones
BUN and urine output ;and Liver enzymes ● Monitor serum theophylline & blood
● Yogurt for superinfection. glucose levels- with Theo, caffeine, Oral
● Check for pregnancy & lactation hypoglycemics = INCREASE their
Rudolf the Red – Neck reindeer ● With NSAIDS = CNS reactions = seizure
Rudolf the red – neck reindeer • Administer 2 hrs ac or after antacids
Had an adverse side effect From the Drug ● With IRON preparation = give with full
Vancomycin Must keep all labs in check glass of water
Caution with renal failure, Hearing Loss and ● IV – infuse over 30 mins, dilute with
allergies, Take a temp and blood cultures,
approximate amount • Check S/S of
‘Specially a CBC!!!
SUPERINFECTIONS (stomatitis, furry
––––––FLUOROQUINOLONES–––––– black tongue, genital discharge, itching)
MODE OF ACTION: interfere with the enzyme ● Check symptoms of CNS stimulation =
DNA gyrase (needed to synthesize bacterial nervousness, insomnia, anxiety &
DNA) = Broad spectrum bactericidal tachycardia >>> avoid hazardous
(Cinobac) - “sulfa drugs”
● Prescribed primarily for UTI by gram (-) - One of the oldest antibacterial agents;
E.coli, LRTI, skin, soft tissue, bone & when PCN (miracle drug) was initially
joint infxns marketed, sulfa was not prescribed
II. CIPROFLOXACIN (Cipro) / - First isolated from a COAL TAR
NORFLOXACIN (Noroxin) derivative compound in early 1900;
● Broad spectrum targeting P. aeruginosa produced for clinical use against coccal
6 infections in 1935.
III. LEVOFLOXACIN (Levaquin)/ - First group of drugs used against
SPARFLOXACIN (Zagam)/ bacteria
TROVAFLOXACIN (Trovan) = new - Not classified as an antibiotic because
● Treat respiratory problems CAP, chronic they were not obtained from biologic
bronchitis, acute sinusitis, UTI & skin substances.
● Absorbed from GIT, low PB, moderately MODE OF ACTION
short half-life, 75% excreted in the urine ● Inhibit bacterial synthesis of FOLIC
ACID, essential for bacterial growth,
necessary for synthesis of PURINE & A. SULFAMETHOXAZOLE (Gantanol)
PYRIMIDINES, which are precursors of - poorer water solubility than
RNA & DNA Sulfisoxazole
● For cells to grow and reproduce, they B. SULFASALAZINE (Azulfidine)
require Folic acid (FA); human cannot - used to treat ULCERATIVE COLITIS
synthesize FA but depend on folate from and CROHN’s disease
the diet. Bacteria are impermeable to FA - carried by AMINOSALICYLIC ACID
& must synthesize it inside the cell (Aspirin)
● Remain inexpensive & effective against - rapidly absorbed from GIT, peak levels
UTI, trachoma, ear infection, newborn 2-6 hrs
eye prophylaxis - Metabolized in the liver
● 90% effective against E. coli; useful in - excreted – urine; t ½ 5-10 hrs
treatment of meningococcal meningitis C. COTRIMOXAZOLE (Septra, Bactrim)
& against organisms Chlamydia & - combination drug of Sulfamethoxazole &
Toxoplasma gondii; not effective against trimethoprim (synergistic effect)
viruses & fungi - effective in treating otitis media,
bronchitis, UTI and pneumonitis by
PHARMACOKINETICS: Penumocystis Carinii
● [A] well absorbed by the GIT; - DOC: Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
● [M] liver (PCP)
● [D] well distributed to body tissues and - infused over 60-90 minutes; no IM
brain [E] urine - [A] rapidly from the GIT; peak 2 hrs
- [M] liver
PHARMACODYNAMICS: - [E] urine; t ½ 7-12 hrs
● Many for ORAL administration - PC: Teratogenic- birth defects -
● Also in solution & ointment for Kernicterus ; distributed into breastmilk
ophthalmic use and in cream form = = diarrhea & rash on infant
● Most – highly protein bound & displaced ● Competitively block PARA-AMINOBENZOIC
ACID(PABA) to prevent synthesis of Folic
other drugs by competing for CHON
acid in susceptible bacteria that synthesize
sites their own folates for production of DNA &
● Rash, itching
● BLOOD : hemolytic anemia, aplastic
- slowly absorbed from GIT, peak 3-6 hr
anemia, pancytopenia (prolonged and
- poorly soluble in urine, cause
high dosages)- due to BM depression
crystallization; can damage kidneys if <
● GI : anorexia, N/V {SFF} •
H20 intake
● CRYSTALLURIA (crystals in urine);
- broad spectrum; recommended by CDC hemturia (sulfonamides are insoluble in
for treatment of STD acid urine) {Increase OFI – dilutes the
- useful with Sulfadiazine in prophylactic drug}
treatment of streptococcal infection- ● Photosensitivity {AVOID sunbathing &
Rheumatic fever; hypersensitive to excess UV light}
Penicillin ● Cross-sensitivity – with different
- rapidly absorbed from GIT, peak 2 hrl; sulfonamides
excreted in urine, t ½ = 4.5 -7.8 hrs 7 II. ● Hepatotoxicity & nephrotoxicity

● Superinfections {frequent oral care, ice ● MOA: BACTERIOSTATIC – inhibits
chips, sugarless candy- to relieve bacterial protein synthesis
discomfort) ● SPECTRUM: BROAD – especially
● Hypersensitivity reaction = STEVEN’S against rickettsiae, mycoplasma, H.
JOHNSONS SYNDROME {D/C drug} influenzae
● CNS effects : HA, dizziness, vertigo, ● USES: serious infections of SKIN,
ataxia, convulsions, depressions (d/t SOFT TISSUE, CNS infections –
effect to nerves) including meningitis, ophthalmic
infections --- when less toxic drugs
DRUG INTERACTIONS: cannot be used; t ½ = 1.5-4 hrs
● Increase effects of Warfarin ● PC : C
● Decrease absorption if taken with ● PB – 50-60%
antacids ● SIDE EFFECTS:
● Increase hypoglycemic effect of ● BM depression – blood dyscrasias
sulfonylureas ● NEURO – confusion, peripheral neuritis,
● Decrease effectiveness of depression
contraceptives ● GRAY SYNDROME – in newborn
characterized by : abdominal distention,
NURSING CARE: vomiting, pallor, cyanosis; NB may die
● Baseline S. crea, BUN, urine output due to immature liver function.
(should be 1,200 ml/day) ● NURSING CARE:
● Increase OFI- 2,000 ml/day or >; ○ Monitor infection, bleeding
administer with full glass of H20 ○ Monitor for anemia, CBC
● Baseline CBC, liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ○ Monitor level of consciousness
alkaline phosphatase); monitor for (LOC)
jaundice, icteric sclera
● Monitor VS, check for fever & bleeding SPECTINOMYCIN HYDROCHLORIDE
● Observe for hematologic reaction that (Trobicin)
may lead to life-threatening anemias; ● Introduced in 1971 against Neisseria
monitor signs of sorethroat, purpura gonorrhea (GONORRHEA)
● Check for signs of superinfections ● For allergic to PCN, Cephalosporins,
● Administer 1 hr ac or 2 hrs pc with 1 Tetracycline
glass of water ● Administered IM single dose
● Avoid/limit sun exposure, use sunblock –BACTERIOSTATICS
● Use clinistix to monitor urine sugar & ● PC : B
ketones in diabetic patients (not clinitest ● PROTEIN BOUND – 10%; t ½ = 1-3 hrs
● Not to be taken with antacids QUINUPRISTIN / DALFOPRISTIN (Synercid)
● Avoid during last trimester of pregnancy ● Treat VREF – Vancomycin-resistant
Enterococcus faecium bacteremia &
SULFA: skin infected by S. eus & S. pyrogenes
● S - unlight sensitivity ● Disrupts CHON synthesis of the
● U - ndesirable effects – RASH, RENAL organism
TOXICITY ● When administered through peripheral
● L - ook for urine output, fever, sore IV line = PAIN, EDEMA & phlebitis
throat & bleeding ● SE: N/V, diarrhea, pseudomembranous
● F - luids galore colitis, Headache, anaphylaxis, elevated
● A - norexia, anemia AST & ALT


CHLORAMPHENICOL (Chloromycetin) ○ Check for DHN, monitor stools •
● Discovered in 1947 Check for patency of IV line;
infuse over 1 hr in D5W
○ Check for S/S of anaphylaxis
○ Monitor ALT, AST, jaundice,
icteric sclerae
○ Give ice chips, SFF

● derived from cultures of bacillus subtilis
● Interferes with cellular membrane
● Bactericidal
● Affects gram (-) like E. coli, P.
auruginosa, klebsiella, shigella
● Not absorbed orally
● IM causes pain
● Best given slow IV
● SE: dizziness
● AE: nephrotoxicity/ neurotoxicity

● Inhibits cell wall synthesis
● Bactericidal/ bacteriostatic
● Most gram (+), some gram (-), can treat
● Not absorbed by GIT
● Given IM/IV
● SE: N/V
● AE: nephrotoxicity, respiratory paralysis,
blood dyscrasia, anaphylaxis.
● Acyclovir (Zovirax), Famciclovir
(Famvir), Valacyclovir (Valtrex) - herpes;
➢ More difficult to treat than bacterial ● Cidofovir (Vistide) - IV = CMV in AIDS
infections because virus depends on ● Foscarnet (Foscavir) = both; IV
biochemical processor of the host cells ● Ganciclovir (Cytovene) = long term
for its replication treatment and prevention of CMV; IV
➢ Drugs that interfere with virus may also
damage cells CI: CNS disorders, allergy, pregnancy and
➢ MOA: inhibit viral replication by lactation, renal diseases
interfering viral nucleic acid synthesis in
the cell SE: N/V, HA, depression, rash, hair loss.
Inflammation and burning sensation at the site
AGENTS FOR INFLUENZA AND of injection and topical
● Amantadine (Symmetrel) - PO AE: renal dysfunction
● Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) - PO
● Ribavirin (Virazole) - aerosol inhalation DI:
● Rimantadine (Flumadine) - PO ● + other nephrotoxic meds = inc toxicity
● + zidovudine = inc drowsiness
CI: allergy, pregnancy & lactation, renal and
- Idoxuridine
AE: lightheadedness, dizziness, insomnia, - Penciclovir
nausea, orthostatic hypotension, & urinary - Trifluridine
Nursing Considerations:
DI: with anticholinergic drugs = increases ➢ Extreme caution to children
atropine like effect (carcinogenic); foscarnet (affect bone
growth development)
Nursing Considerations: ➢ Good hydration (decrease toxic effects
- Start regimen as soon after the of the kidney)
exposure to the virus as possible ➢ Administer as soon as possible,
(achieve best effectiveness and compliance
decrease the risk of complications) ➢ Wear protective gloves when applying
- Administer the full course of drug the dug topically (decrease risk of
- Provide safety measures (protect patient exposure to the drug and inadvertent
from injury) absorption)
➢ Safety precautions = CNS effects
–––––AGENTS FOR HERPES–––– (orientation, side rails, lighting,
Herpes viruses assistance)
- Herpes simplex virus type 1 ➢ Warn that GI upset, N/V can occur
- HSV2 (prevent undue anxiety, increase
- HSV3: Varicella-zpster (chickenpox or awareness of the importance of nutrition
shingles) ➢ Monitor renal function
- HSV4: Epstein - Barr virus ➢ Avoid sexual intercourse if with genital
- CMV: cytomegalovirus herpes
➢ Avoid driving and hazardous tasks if
Herpes lesion: found on the shaft of penis with dizziness and drowsiness
(male), vagina, vulva, cervix, (female), and
around anus.
AGENTS for HIV & AIDS Nursing Considerations:
- Should be taken with food except
didanosine (60 min AC or 2 hours PC)
- Requires dosage adjustment except
abacavir (creatinine clearance < 50 mL/min)
- Fixed dose avoided if with renal


MOA: act at the end of the HIV cycle to inhibit the

production of infectious HIV virus
● Lopinavir / ritonavir (first line)
● Atazanavir
● Fosamprenavir (second either boosted with
ritonavir or not)
● Amprenavir
Enzymes needed by viruses:
● Tipranavir
● Reverse transcriptase - helps uncoat the
● Darunavir
virus; single stranded viral RNA is converted
● Saquinavir
into DNA
● Indinavir
● Integrase - helps viral DNA migrates into the
● Ritonavir
nucleus of the cell, where is spliced into the
● Nelfinavir
host DNA (provirus) => duplicated together
with the cell genes every time the cell
- Ritonavir boosting - mainstay of PI therapy
● Protease - assists in the assembly of newly
(potent inhibitory effect)
formed viral particles
- Take with food
- + didanosine = one hour before or two
Nucleoside / Nucleotide Reverse
hours after ritonavir
Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)
MOA: blocks the reverse transcriptase enzyme
MOA: prevents HIV cell entry (fusion of HIV and
needed for viral replication
➔ Zidovudine (Retrovir)
● Enfuvirtide - the only agent approved
➔ Didanosine (Videx)
- Indicated with 3-5 other ant-retroviral agents
➔ Stavudine (Zerit)
(for clients with limited tx option)
➔ Lamivudine (Epivir)
- Expensive. 90 mg Sub-Q. BID.
➔ Abacavir (Ziagen)
● Injection site reaction:
➔ Tenofovir (Viread)
- Subcutaneous nodules, redness
➔ Emtricitabine (emtriva)
- Others: rash, diarrhea, serious allergic
reaction (anaphylaxis)
Fixed Dose:
- lamivudine/zidovudine (Combivir)
- Abacavir / lamivudine / zidovudine (Trizivir)
- Abacavir / lamivudine (Epzicom)
- Efavirenz / emtricitabine / tenofovir (Atripla)
- Emtricitabine / tenofovir (Truvasa)

SE (less tenofovir - renal toxicity):

- GI: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain
(transient - 2 weeks)
- Mitochondrial toxicity; lactic acidosis,
peripheral neuropathy, myopathy,
pancreatitis, lipoatrophy (wasting of fats in
face, buttocks, and extremities)

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