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Name:Yanga Mark Alvin A. Date:Feb.

1 2023
Course/Year:Fc1-Crim1-13 Instructor:Richard M. Sanita

1.) What do you think is the importance of the factors

discussed in our life as Filipinos nowadays?

The Philippines’ cultural, political, and national history is unique

special in its own right. The importance of its promulgation across
the citizens and residents of the Islands is important so all may
know the story of how the nation came to be.
I have been a long time resident of the Philippines and I must say
that the backstory behind the country is absolutely astonishing and
interesting. Being a melting pot of influence, the Philippines has
created its own identity and derives it from the lengthy history it
has with its own people, with other nations, and with contemporary
movements and philosophies.
Studying the history of such a country gives a person more insight
not only into the civic and daily life of the Filipino, but also into their
own civic lives. This is not unique to the Philippines, but also with
other nations.
Whether you are a student or a teacher, or someone else curious
about Philippine history, I wish you the best and I hope that you
learn from the records and the past of the Filipino people.

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