Customer Service Call Template For First

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Customer Service Call Template for First-Time Callers

 Hi this is [name] from the [name of the department/company]. How are you
 Great to hear! I’m doing very well, thank you for asking. How can I help you
If the customer provides a negative response
 I’m so sorry to hear that. What can I do to help?

 So sorry about that. If you give me your full name and order number, we can go
ahead and start making the correction for you.
A large majority of ecommerce/retail questions will come down to order issues, so
you want to identify your customer and their order before moving on. 
 Sure thing. Can I get your full name, phone number, and address to check in on
that order?
 Not a problem, sir/ma’am. Do you happen to have to the order # so I can bring
up your order? 

Customer Service Phone Script Examples For Repeat

Acknowledging a returning customer is a best practice and reiterates that your brand cares
about the relationship and values each customer. Using a customer service platform that
provides this information and details of past interactions can help you add even more layers
of personal service. 

 Hey again, [Customer Name]! How can I help you today?

 Welcome back [Customer Name]! What can I do to help? 
 Hi [Customer Name]. Do you want to pick up where we left off on our last call??
 Hi [Customer Name]. Were you still having issues with [insert previous

Customer Care Scripts for Apologizing for Order

Mixups, Product Issues, and Other Concerns
The first thing you want to do when there’s any issue, regardless of who’s at fault, is
apologize and convey empathy. You want to help resolve their issue, but you also want to
make sure that their concerns are heard and understood. The scripts below will cover the
basic issues of price errors, order mix-ups, and other product-related issues. 

 When the incorrect shipping address is entered. It looks like your order shipped to
the wrong address. So sorry about that. We’re going to send another [product name]
to your address, and it should arrive within the next week. 
 When a product is never delivered: So sorry to hear that, [insert name]. Let me bring
up your order so we can see what happened and get another [product name] sent to
 I’m so sorry about the mix-up. Let’s see what we can do about correcting your order.
 When the product is received broken: I’m so sorry about that. If you send a photo of
the damaged [product name], we’ll go ahead and send out another [product name].
Of course, if you’d like a refund, we can go ahead and take care of that for you, as
 I know this is less than ideal. But I’m going to have to talk to my manager and see
what we can come up with to resolve your issue. Is it ok if I [call/email/message] you
back once we have a resolution? I promise it won’t take longer than 24 hours. 
 When the product is not what they expected: I’m so sorry that the [product name]
wasn’t what you expected. Would you like to return or exchange your
[product]? Proceed with refund/return policy. 
 When the product is a different color or size than what they ordered: I’m so sorry
about that, let me go ahead and send out the correct size/color that you initially
ordered. I’m going to email you directions for returning the product that we
mistakenly sent and send your [correct product] right now.  
 So sorry, [customer name], It seems we made a mistake and sent the invoice to the
wrong email. We’re going to go ahead and resend your notification; you should be
receiving it within 24 hours. 

Sample Customer Service Call Replies for Being Unable

to Fulfill a Request
Similar to the scenarios above, this script sequence will help you in speaking with customers
whose orders can’t be fulfilled or met.

 I am sorry, but it’s not possible to fulfill your request at this time because [provide
reason]. Is it ok if I speak to my team and reach back out when we come up with
a resolution?
 I’m sorry, but it seems that we’re out of stock of [product name] at the moment.
Would you like to check if we had it in a different size or color? 
 Let me have a look at what else I can help you with. 
 I’m so sorry, but we can’t actually customize [product name]. Whatever we have
online or in stores is what’s available for the time being. 
 It looks like we don’t have this feature at the moment. So sorry about that. But
we do have these other options that you can look at. 

Example Customer Service Phone Template to Transfer

Requests and Putting Your Customers on Hold
You may not always be in the position or have the authorization to answer some questions
or meet requests, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Delegating certain requests to other
departments or team members is a common task in customer service, and the script below
will help you transfer requests for a number of scenarios. 

 I apologize for any inconvenience. Let me transfer you to the [insert department
name] so they can help resolve the issue. 
 Please hold for a second while I transfer you to [department or staff member].
 I understand. I’m going to transfer you over to our shipping department. They’ll
be able to help complete your request. 
 Please hold for a moment while I get in touch with him/her. 
 I am sorry, but [administrator/department] is the one who can handle your
problem. Let me put you through to them.
 Can I put you on hold for a moment? I’m going to transfer you to my supervisor
so they can complete your order. 
 Would you mind being on hold for a second while I check on this with our
 Thank you for waiting. I have the details for your order. I’m going to email them
to you right now. 

Customer Service Phone Script for Billing and Credit

Card Information
 To process the order, please give the number of your credit card, CVV code, and
expiration date. 
 How would you like to pay for that order? We accept all major credit cards, debit
cards, gift cards, and PayPal. 
 Can you please give me the account number listed on the generated bill?
 Can you please give your current billing address?
 Can you please verify your address for me?
 Can you please verify your zip code please?

Customer Service Phone Scripts for Handling Angry

Customers and Complaints
While angry customers are typically the exception to the rule, you will occasionally come
across someone who is angry or verbally aggressive–whether justified or not. Start by
showing sympathy and being understanding to the customer’s concerns.

 I’m so sorry this has happened. Let me see if I find a way to fix things. 
 I’m so sorry. Can you tell me what happened so I can help?
 I’m really sorry that you weren’t happy with your purchase. Let’s see what we
can do to set things right. 
 I completely understand your frustration. I’d feel the same way. Can I please
have your order number so we can get to resolving this?
 I’m so sorry your order didn’t come in on time. Let me speak to my supervisor to
see what we can do for you. 

Customer Care Call Script for Following up With a

Customer at a Later Time
Sometimes, it isn’t possible to resolve orders or product-related issues while you’re
communicating with your customers. The following script options will help provide you with
some ways to organize a follow-up time with your customers. 

 [customer name], I just wanted to let you know that we’re still looking into how
we can replace your [product name]. Can I call you back within the next hour
when we have some options for you?
 So sorry, but we’re having some technical issues on our servers that are
preventing us from completing your order. We’re working on fixing the issue as I
speak, and everything should be resolved by tomorrow. Can I call you back then
when the order has gone through?
 Thanks for waiting, [customer name]. We got a hold of your new [product name]
and it should be sent out today. 
 Sorry, [customer name]. Can I check on some of these with my supervisor and
get back to you in the next hour?
 I’m so sorry for the mistake. Your transaction may take a couple of days to
resolve. Can I email you then?

Customer Service Call Scripts for Handling Several

Customers at the Same Time
When working with more than one customer at the same time, you don’t want to give them
the impression that you’re rushed or talking to multiple people. If necessary, tell them you
have to check on some information or confirm a product and have to put them on hold for a

 I completely understand, [customer name]. Let me go ahead and look over your
transaction history to find that order. One moment, please. 
 No problem. Give me a moment to check on that. One second, please. 
 Sounds good. Let me double check this information with my supervisor, and I’ll
be right back with you. 
 Do you mind waiting for a moment while I double check the order transaction? 
 Bear with me for one moment while I confirm this order with my supervisor. 

Customer Care Phone Script Example for Thanking

Your Customers, Wrapping up, and Upselling to Other
While it’s important to provide a cordial goodbye, ask if your customer has any other
questions, and thank them for their business, the end of the conversation is also a great
opportunity for upselling and cross selling. 

 Thank you for your call. Do you have any other questions or concerns? Great,
thank you. Have a nice day. 
 Thanks for using the 24-hour help service, and please feel free to reach out to us
if you need anything else. 
 I’m so glad we could help and that you found exactly what you were looking for.
In case you didn’t know, many of our customers who enjoy [purchased product
name] also really liked [product name]. If you’d like, I can show you [product
name] that are currently on sale.
 There might be something else I can help you with before I let you go. Our
customers love to pair [product name] with their [purchased product name]
purchase. Would you be interested in having a look at some of our [product
 While we’re on the discussion of [purchased product name], we have some
great [product name] to match your order. Mind if I share them with you?
 Is there anything else I can do to help? As I mentioned, your order should be
coming in by the end of the week. Don’t hesitate to call back or email us if you
have any other questions or concerns. 
 Again, so sorry about the mix-up. If you have any other issues with your re-order,
please let us know. Have a good day. 

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