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Online learning app for

designers & animators


An online course app that helps designers and animators with the right

knowledge of what they need to learn, to get into the profession they want,

without spending time wondering what to do.

The app also provides interactive sessions with the instructor and giving EMI

options for courses (if paid), for those who cannot afford to pay in full.


No proper application for designers to find the softwares

they want to learn.

Most of the online learning apps provide only the course

videos. Even if the learners have any doubts, they have

no option to ask to the mentors directly.


Providing an app solely for the designers to find their

desired interest in a designing platform and the softwares

to learn in the current trend.

Free and paid courses for the learners and an option to

interact and chat with the instructor.

Design Process

Research I deate P rototype Desi g n

User Research

C onducted user research to gain a better understanding of users ' behaviour,

needs, and emotions through survey and interview responses

Quantitative Research

W hat is your educational W hat are you doin g currently ?

b ac kg round ?

B achelor s ’ D egree

10 th or 12 th
33.3% Studying


Masters degree
48.1% Searching for a j ob

D iploma
Self - employed

W orking


A re you interested in
W g -
g g?
hich is your o to

desi nin
plat f mf or or desi g nin g?

D esign websites 44.4%

Online courses
Y es
Offline courses

Social media

Not interested 7.4%

W hich one o f it do you H ave you used any e - learnin g

pre f ? er plat f m b f or s e ore ?

Short - term course


L ong - term course

Y es 66.7%
I can learn from

the videos
22.2% No

provided to me

I can learn from my

11.1% 33.3%
friends who know


Do you li k e to have interactive I n which lan g g ua e do you

sessions with the instructor & pre f er to learn ?

other students ?


Mostly english,

Y es sometimes native

11.1% Mostly native,
sometimes english

Only native

Qualitative Research

After the survey, these are the q uestions that were asked to few of the selected

users in the interview

C an you please introduce yourself

W hat do you like to do in your spare time

W here did you first develop an interest in design

W hich field of designing are you interested in

D o you get any language barriers while learning

If you had learnt any online course before, what is it that disappointed you

the most

Y our thoughts about the payment methods

Are you interested in having interactive sessions with the instructor

W hat are your e x pectations regarding the instructors ’ teaching methods ?

User Persona

B : io Interests :
J aganathan is a B.Sc V isual
B adminto

C ommunication student. W hile learning

W orking Ou

desktop publishing, he was inspired to

L earnin

design by his mentor and co - learners.

R iding bikes

: G :
J g
Pain Points oals

a anathan
" I can grasp things easily when “ ' I d like to have interactive

: 20

described in a video, but sessions with the instructor, and

G : ender Mal e
sometimes when I really try to it would be ideal if the instructor

Profession : Studen t
accomplish the same thing, it teaches with good e x planations

L ocation :C hennai
feels unclear. If there are any and whiteboards rather than just

q uestions, there is no way to words. ”

discuss them with the instructor. ”

Empathy Mapping

T hin k &F s eels :

Teaching with wrong e x amples feels confusin

Interactive sessions should not be done using premade

video e x planations. It ll be nice if they teach it on spo ’

There must be a way to contact the instructor when neede

Teaching according to the student s understanding capability ’

might have a better reac

Starting from the basics of the course would help in

understanding better

H ears : S ees :

C reativity, good knowledge and I see my friends and co - learners

skills are enough to enter this having interest in designin

fiel Offline classes being better to

Y ou can learn better through understand but online classes

interactive sessions than videos being cheape

C reativity in designing

S ays & Does :

Interest in designing & photograph

C ’
an t understand sometimes when they teach using j ust


I will consult my friends/ someone I know before joining a


I grasp things easily & language is not really barrier for m

G radually developed interest in designing after j oining


P ain P oints : G ain P oints :

I am afraid that I ll not get good content if I go ’ L ive sessions might help in not just interacting

for paid courses which no one from my

with the instructor but also other co - learners

that will help in clearing any doubts if we have

surroundings have done before


Information Architecture

Onboarding Screen

Sign In/Sign Up

Explore My Courses Cart Downloads P f ro ile

Search C ourse 1 My downloads D etails

Filter Course 2 Find more to

Become an instructor

C Saved for later


ownload settings

C ourses L ive Sessions

Favorite Videos

Completed courses &


Account security

Billing history


Sign out

User F low

H omepage Ex plore

Y es

L ogged
Open Mobile App
in ? Select a course


L og In
Select a live


Payment failed

Payment process Payment details I

V iew course details

Payment success
I f


Turn on notifications

Get Updates



Low -F idelity W ireframes

Sign In Page Explore Search Filter

m m m

Add Card Profile Course Preview All Videos

Name on the card

Card number

Expiry date (MM/YY)


Style G uide

Typography C olor Palette

C hapa z a

H eading 1

V erdana
#0F0F0F #043A6B #7BAF DD # D 9 9 9 D D #FFFFFF
H eading 2 B utto n

Paragraph C aption


R egular


UI Elements

Course Reviews Ab out

E x plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile

Sk etchin gf or F ashion Desi g n :

B g e inner Course

B y Piku B aner j ee

Motion Desi g n with F gm i a : D :3V

ownloaded ideos

A m ni ation & Motion raphics

B y Aaron Tahami
D elete D ownload
136 B

44 . (2 387
, ratings) ₹899

Add to cart

F lounce F b a ric P encil S hadin g

1 1:15 6
D 7:10

g3 m

Creatin D Environ ents in



y ob Abbitt

1 700
, people j oined

oin L ive

S et ti m e to learn S et g oal
Cancel pply

H igh -F idelity W ireframes

O b n oardin g
S creens g I , S i n n

and Sg U P g i n p a e

The animation of

logo, onboarding

screens and sign in/

sign up page is

shown here.

H o m epa g e

L an g ua g e Chan g er

L anguage changer button changes the

language of the whole website. Users can

change the website to their desired language

Messa g es

S earch B ar
Users can chat with the mentor and new

message notifications will appear at the

Users can search the top.

softwares, courses, the top

instructors, etc.

Cate g ories

Users can select only the course they

F ilter
want and only that course content will be


A general filter option that makes easy

for the users to find their interests.

Courses &L ive S essions

C ourses and live sessions are divided into

N oti f ications
two categories for easy navigation.

Any courses for which the notification is

enabled, will be notified here if there

Courses with B est Ratin g s

are any important updates.

The best - rated courses will be displayed


N avi g ation B ar

E x plore, My courses, Cart, D ownloads

and Account can be accessed easily.

L ive

Any free live session that is streaming when the

user opens the application will be displayed and all

the upcoming live sessions along with the topic

will also be displayed.

S earch

The user can search

any software or topic

related to design. In

order to make it easy to

locate, it is categori z ed

into popular searches,

popular topics and

popular softwares.

F ilter

There is a filter option so that the

user may sort depending on their

level, chosen language to study,

pricing range of the course/live,

ratings, language of subtitles,

course duration, and course type

based on number of hours.

Course P review

Course Reviews I nstructor

My Courses A V ll ideos Cart

O ther S creens

Co m plete B lender course : Sk etchin gf or Fashion Desi g n : g3 m

g B g
Creatin D Environ ents in

L earn 3 m D odellin e inner Course

B lender

B y R ick Naydenov B y Piku B aner j ee

gf g
y ob Abbitt

Sk F :
46 2 045 45 1 240 1 700
etchin or ashion Desi n
₹0 ₹0 j
B g
. ( , ratings) . ( , ratings)
, people oined

e inner Course

Add to cart Add to cart

J oin L ive B y Piku Baner j ee

D ownloaded :3V ideos

D elete D ownload
136 M B
Motion Desi gn with F gm
i a : Desi g n Rules P : rinciples & Maya f or Ab solute

A m ni ation & Motion G raphics P ractices o f UI Desi g n

B g e inners : Q &A session

ind m ore to download
y Aaron Tahami y Alphateach
B y Bhumika Anand

44 . 2 387
( , ratings) ₹899 ₹599 42 . ( 1 634
, ratings) ₹899 ₹449 5 500
, people j oined

Add to cart Add to cart

J oin L ive

iew more
H g
i hest Rated
iew more

I nterior Desi g :H n ow to U se

T L k P
U m gS
Colors i e a ro
op instructors

B y Shahul H ameed
pco in essions

49 . ( 41 532, ratings) ₹2 899

, ₹499
A ndrei Marsh Ab ha Kapoor

Adobe C ertified Instructor &

G raphic D esign, Adobe, Affini t
Add to cart Sk etch U p F ree 2022: A ll Y ou

Adobe C ertified E x
pert and more N eed to Know

972 , 184 students 605 , 083 students B y D aniel Simon

48 26 | 10:30 -11:30
courses courses
Feb 6 th am am

Co m plete Desi g n Masterclass

f or G raphic Desi g ners

N oti f m
y e
₹700 ₹499
y Tutorville

299 ₹599
Courses y top instructors
40 . ( 3 987
, ratings) ₹1 ,

Add to cart UX F unda m entals : P ractical

A do b e XD Me g acourse : U ser U b sa ility f or P roduct Desi g n

Experience Desi g n
B y Sushmita C haudry

B y Scholar C o.
Feb 10 th | 1:00 pm -2:00 pm

41 14 182 ₹2899 ₹449 B k oo Cover Desi g n and

f m
. ( , ratings)

A m ni ation Masterclass
oti y e

Add to cart
B y Netplus Studios

40 . ( 5 924
, ratings) ₹0
V iew more

Add to cart

E x
plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile E x
plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile E x plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile E x
plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile

Select Payment Method Select Payment Method C ard Details

V ishal S he k ar

W e accept credit & De b it cards f mVro isa , Maestro , 2901 @


UPI Mastercard Rupay & Discover

EMI (6 months) ₹75.00 Paytm

Name on the card B eco m e an I nstructor

Full payment

Card number Saved for later Favorite Videos


C C & C
Expiry date (MM/YY) ompleted ourses ertifications

Billing H istory

Add debit, credit & ATM cards

A ccount S ecurity

Other cards

hange Password

Two - Factor Authentication

O thers


B k

an ing
Net B anking
H elp

H elp and Support

Paytm W allet

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Fre q uently Asked Q uestions

Sign Out

Ma k e P m ay ent

E x
plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile

V ishal S he k ar
C hange Password C hange Password N ew Password

2901 @


E-mail/ Phone Number Enter OTP New password

B eco m e an I nstructor

Ne xt
Confirm password
Saved for later Favorite Videos

C Sign
ompleted C Out
ourses & C ertifications
S u bm it

Are you sure you want
B to
illing H sign
istory out ? u it

R emember password

A ccount S ecurity

S g O
Cancel i n ut

hange Password

Two - Factor Authentication

H elp

H elp and Support

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Fre q uently Asked Q uestions

Sign Out

E x plore My courses C art D ownloads Profile

Messages Celina


H i, I have few doubts regarding the

class I attended yesterday

Celina 6:36


Y es, It s’ my pleasure ! 1
H i Vishal, G lad to talk to you. H ow

can I help you ?


enna 4:30 PM

H i, I d ’ like to know about how...

I couldn t

’ understand

user flow and




4:43 PM

S te f an 3:00 PM
It might

be pretty

J ust

note it down


4:43 PM

Okay sure...

J enni f er 1:00 PM
4:50 PM

I have completed half of my...

1 x 1:15

4:53 PM

Chloe 12:29 PM

Thank you so much. It s’ been great

talking to you !

5:30 PM

A ndrei 9:30 AM
Yes, It s’ my pleasure !

6:36 PM

Sent a voice message 2

T ype a message...
H ardin 8:30 AM

H i, ’
I d like to know about how the...

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