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HeTgaR TET TST Maciver and Page & aGUR WAT wrnre tary & fea 4 8 were } oa ora BF want wed 3] “Sociology is about social relationships, the network of relationships, we call society". UTATA Johnson } SURAT UTAH TARY BT faa 2 arate was arntire ora, fens a ye a lology is the Science of social groups-A social Group is a system social interactions", HF. Ward Oper “AATURIRA WA a ten se er L “Sociology Is a scientific study of society". © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 10 TS 4 ore OT fava al ology TT AA WAT VT g sae ae a 8 aay ye re i aA HT FOI FT may & at ge em BI 1. WASRIA BT fiat | Theory A WRT Sociotogles” ai ; aa ty SRE Fea my WfererR storical SoClolOgy 0 ae een ae FAT Fy SERA fear ora 21 3. URaTe ay Gararerrea Sociology of Family ae uRtare ob gee rer IAT MEME TT eB FEF 8] 4. wy or WAI Sociology of Community SAA Community HT SeATT mf 31 5. 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