Save The Philippine Eagle

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Save the Philippine Eagle!

Despite being heralded as the country’s national bird, the Philippine Eagle is threatened
by destruction of nesting sites as result of deforestation, accidental capture in traps set for wild
pigs and illegal hunting by farmers in retaliation to predation of domestic animals and livestock.
The Philippine Eagle is a national symbol for the rich Filipino heritage that epitomizes
the Filipinos’ tenacity and resilience in overcoming the odds to achieve its goals, soaring high as
our eagles amidst all adversities. The Philippine Eagle and other raptors regulate the population
of smaller animals that can pose danger to humans like snakes, and cause damage to agriculture
crops such as rats. The presence of the eagles in the forests is an ecological indicator that
connotes a rich and biodiverse environment.
We can save and protect the Philippine Eagles by telling the people the importance of
conserving wildlife. We can support the rehabilitation of the forest habitats by planting more
trees. And we must protect the monkeys and civets and other animals they need for food, the
plants and animals that monkeys and civets feed on, and the trees that Philippine Eagles nest in,
which helps the other animals that use these trees or food, shelter, and space. And also notify
your local state wildlife agency if you notice a disturbance of an eagle nest habitat area by an
individual or a corporation.

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