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Topic Sustainable living

Question as a title Is sustainable living really sustainable?

Background Our world today suffers from the effects of climate change from the
effects of pollution. As a progressing society, many of us have come
to realize that sustainable living is the right way to go in order to
stop and lessen the effects of climate change. According to UNEP,
sustainable living means understanding how our lifestyle choices
impact the world around us and finding ways for everyone to live
better and lighter. However, as easy as it seems, it may be hard for
some people, depending on their quality of life.
Issue 1 It may be too expensive for some people to afford living
sustainably. No matter how beneficial it could be, it really isn’t
cheap, and this especially goes to those facing economic difficulties.
Of course there would be a reason why they are expensive,
however, many companies tend to make their products overpriced,
making people have less motivation to live more sustainably.
Issue 2 As of now, there isn’t much availability on sustainable shops. Some
areas in big countries have started implementing the idea of
sustainable shops, in which you only need to bring containers to fill
up your desired product (e.g. cereal, etc). However, most countries
haven’t even grasped upon the topic of sustainable living, making it
impossible for someone to switch even if they really wanted to.
Personal perspective Sustainable living is definitely something that can make our
environment a better place, but it may not be suitable for everyone
right now because there are many setbacks and limitations.
However, as we progress as a society, I think that it is very possible
to switch to sustainable living.
Course of action Bring more awareness on climate change & sustainable living,
suggest the government to support sustainable shops, making more
affordable eco-friendly products
Sources 

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