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Stop Antisemitism 

This project’s goal is to bring awareness to the acts of antisemitism done

in both the past and present. Jewish people were treated as outcasts.
They were beaten, abused, assaulted, and etc. during the holocaust,
where millions of Jews were killed. Even today, some acts of anti-
semitism are still done by people. An example of that are the people who
still support Hitler and/or condone his actions. As a result, many jews
today still live in fear of being discriminated, even though it has been
decades since the holocaust ended.

39% of American jews have changed their behaviour due to fear of

experiencing anti-semitism. They avoid online content and change the
way they dress to avoid “looking jewish”. Research has shown that about
2,717 incidents of anti-semitism have been found in 2021.

For the outcome of our project, our team has decided to work on a
poster. In the poster, you will be able to see 2 women, on the left is a
victim of the holocaust (reference was taken from an old photograph),
and on the right is a lady living in the 21st century, with a pin of the Star
of David to symbolize Jewish identity. The motto in our poster is “Stand
up for Jews. End antisemitism.” Through this poster, we would like to
give an image of how Jewish people still struggle with being included,
both in the past and present, and therefore we have to stand up for


 1 in 4 American Jews say they experienced antisemitism in the last year  

 Antisemitic incidents hit a record high in 2021. What’s behind the rise in hate?
| PBS NewsHour 

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