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This chapter is represented in four sections. The first section contributes to an

overall summary of the study followed by the summary of the findings and their

conclusions. Subsequent to this are the implications of the study and followed

by recommendations for future research.


Solid Waste Managament in Schools is a learning resource which helps children identify different types
of waste, understand how each type can be recycled and learn how the waste can be used productively
– for horticulture purposes or to make money. As well as sound hygiene lessons it also helps children to
develop analytical skills, learn to cooperate in small groups, protect themselves and others from harmful
waste and even start up their own recycling business.The concept, integrated waste management,
involves both the technical and non-technical components of waste management; where waste
treatment plant set-up, technological advancement, chemical treatment, etc. are components of
technical attributes of integrated waste management and policy adoption, awareness campaigns, etc.
are part of non-technical components of integrated waste management.

Nowadays, integrated waste management is an emerging field of waste management, as adoption of

certain technologies cannot solve the waste-related issues sustainably, unless other suitable non-
technical measurements are not adopted simultaneously. However, as the extent of integrated waste
management strategies is expanding day by day, the complexity involved with smooth implementation
of integrated waste management strategies is also increasing gradually causing an urgent need to design
a sustainable framework of effective integrated waste management strategies.

The purpose of this research project was to prove that waste management is a cause. This study is
carried out of San Andres National Highschool.Waste management strategies can be significantly
beneficial and impactful in multiple ways comparing with the outcomes of traditional isolated initiatives
of waste management.

Only the schools in Barangay San Andres, Kadingilan, Bukidnon were included in the empirical study.
Focus group interviews with high school students were done to gather qualitative data. The main focus
of chapter one was the research study's objective. It introduced the planned study that needed to be
investigated and explaining in how they applied to the study.

Among many of the positive outcomes of such waste management strategies, it was found that
efficiency in recycling is multiplied by integrating various components of integrated waste management.

Waste management is a matter of concern and will be in the future generations. As long as we wish to
see sustainable development in practice, waste management is always in demand. Also, to make both of
the ends of lives sustaining on this planet meet, we need to manage the accumulation of waste. The
technological waste management is put in practice, usage of IoT and other practices would be of a
greater help among all the corners of the world.

Additionally, the increase in population would affect in a more dangerous way. While, the interlink of
survival of animals is a concern, it is our primary concern to make sure, earth is a better place for
survival of not just humans but other life forms too. Several strategies, planning, making awareness,
avoiding irresponsible discarding methods, implementation of eco-friendly recycling processes,
association with private sectors are encouraged to prevent the hazardous effects due waste and to
maintain the natural resources and transformation should start locally and help the global growth to
meet sustainable development for future needs.

Various waste management initiatives taken for human well-being and to improve the TWM practices
were broadly discussed in this chapter. The parameters that influence the technology and economic
aspects of waste management were also discussed clearly. Different types of barrier in TWM, such as
economic hitches, political issues, legislative disputes, informative and managerial as well as solutions
and success factors for implementing an effective management of toxic organic waste within a globular
context, were also discussed giving some real examples. The effect of urbanization on the environmental
degradation and economic growth was also discussed.


Effective solid waste management mitigates adverse health and environmental impacts, conserves
resources, and improves the livability of cities. However, unsus- tainable solid waste management
practices, exacerbated by rapid urbanization and financial and institutional limita- tions, negatively
impact public health and environmental sustainability.Functional, elements of ISWM are waste
prevention, reduction, reuse and recovery, recycling, composting, incineration with and without
recovery of energy and disposal in sanitary landfills.

In addition, poor waste management contributes to climate change and air pollution, and directly affects
many ecosystems and species. Landfills, considered the last resort in the waste hierarchy, release
methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change.Proper waste removal helps improve
air and water quality as well as reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It helps in minimising the extraction
of resources along with reducing pollution and energy consumption which is associated with
manufacturing new materials.

This research has improved knowledge of students values as demonstrated by their usage of
language in a mix learning setting. As the investigations went on, a few location emerged as potential
areas for further research. The following are the suggestions.

1. The interactions between 30 individuals where the main focus of this investigation. Reusing involves
the repeated use of items or parts of items which still have usable aspects. Recycling means the use of
waste itself as resources. Waste minimization can be achieved in an efficient way by focusing primarily
on the first of the 3Rs, "reduce," followed by "reuse" and then "recycle."

2. Proper waste disposal and management can be done by applying the 3R – Reduce, Reuse and
Recycle. Reducing means lessening the amount of trash/garbage produced. Reusing refers to using
materials more than once while recycling means creating new material or product out of trash/garbage.

3. The success of the separate collection system which will be simultaneously

introduced with composting and sorting, will significantly influence the success

of the compost and sorting plants.


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