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Ellen’s show

Our next guest is sitting in the audience right now. And it could be you. Everybody
stand up. All right. And you have to be honest here. Stay standing if you watch my
show every day. Every day. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Stay standing if
you have written me over 30 letters. Stay standing if you are originally from the
Dominican Republic. Stay standing if you’ve learned English by watching my
show. Diana, come on down.
-Diana Aquino, right?
-I love you
-I love you too. You’re very sweet. So, first of all, it was a great way to find out
who watches my show every day. So when did you move here from the Dominican
-I moved here on May of 2011.
-And you didn’t speak any English at all?
-No. I literally spoke two words. It was hello and goodbye.
- The most important words here. Really
-Of course
-All right. And so you learned English from watching my show. And how did you
do that?
-Oh, ok. That’s a funny story. I was just flipping through the channels, just flipping
through it. And I just came to your face. You were there and I asked my mom,
“Who is that?” And my mom was like, “She’s Ellen”. She is really funny. Just
watch the show. You will love her. I was like, “But I don’t understand what she is
saying” . She was like, “Me either. But just watch it. She is hilarious. And then I
was like, “OK, I’ll watch it”. I didn’t understand anything you were saying,
literally. I’m sorry, but I didn’t. And then at the end of the show, it was like, there
was just this word that you say. You say, “Be kind”. And then that word stuck with
me. You know when you get this word that you really want to see what it is. I got
my dictionary , I looked it up. And I kept looking at the wrong word, with the C
instead of the K. Oh my God. But I got it. And I saw how the word kind, and it
means kindness, to be good to other people. And that stuck with me forever,
because I’m loud. I’m affectionate. I like to be kind to everyone. So that just stuck
with me to be who I am, with myself. So yeah

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