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Grade Leveling Criteria - General Instructions an

The Comp Reference Tool (CRT) is the primary, official source and system of record for grade leveling criteria. Bus
leveling criteria or career ladder descriptions that differ from the Corporate grade leveling criteria are considered
leveling criteria.
General Nature of Grade Leveling Criteria
The Intel Grade Leveling Criteria outlines general expectations for business groups on key competencies and requ
non-sales grades only). The general nature of the tool allows the grade expectations to be easily translated into a

Many business groups maintain their own internal job ladders, which offer specific grade expectations for job fam
the Intel Grade Leveling Criteria as a foundation on which to build a job ladder. Contact your BGHR representati
job ladders.
When to use the Grade Leveling Criteria
Below are some possible examples of when to use the Grade Leveling Criteria:
–  When opening a job requisition the tool can be used to gauge the desired grade level.
–  When creating a new job the tool should be used to determine the appropriate grade levels.
–  When designing business specific job ladders the tool should always be used as foundation on which to build th
–  During Rewards, the tool can be useful to understand job expectations of employees within multiple-grade tea
–  During performance reviews the tool can be used to help set job expectations for employees.
–  When working on employee development plans the tool can be used to set job growth expectations with empl

Helpful Hints on Using the Grade Leveling Criteria

– Not all job/individuals will perfectly match the criteria of any given grade. The charts should be used as a guide
– It is important to review all of the general requirements and not to focus on just one or two general requireme
– It is helpful to review the general requirements within a series of grades before making any final decisions.
– Assume that a job at any grade level is competent in the general requirements at the preceding grade levels, e

Go To Chart Types

Intel Confidential
ia - General Instructions and Helpful Hints
r grade leveling criteria. Business Groups should rely on and abide by these grade leveling criteria. Grade
eling criteria are considered unofficial but must align substantively with the official corporate grade

key competencies and requirements at each grade level, up to grade 010 (note: leveling criteria covers
o be easily translated into any job across a wide range of business groups.

ade expectations for job families within the group. However, any business specific job ladders should use
act your BGHR representative and/or operations management to see if your group uses business specific

de levels.
ndation on which to build the job ladders.
s within multiple-grade teams.
wth expectations with employees.

s should be used as a guideline when making a judgment on the appropriate grade for a job and/or individua
e or two general requirements.
king any final decisions.
e preceding grade levels, e.g., a grade 006 would be capable of the general requirements of grades 002 – 0
Chart Type Definitions and Typical Jobs
Exempt Charts
Chart Type Definition
R&D – Jobs involved in design & development of new products and/or processes (ofte
for sale). Normally requires a technical undergraduate degree. Jobs typically reside in
Technical Research groups.
R&D/Technical Individual Contributor
Tech – Jobs involved in supporting development of products or internally focused syst
Normally requires a technical undergraduate degree. Jobs typically reside in IT and M

Non-Tech – Jobs involved in supporting the operation. Normally requires a non-techn

Jobs typically reside in Finance, Legal, HR Marketing and Manufacturing groups.
Non-Technical Individual Contributor

R&D – Manager jobs involved in design & development of new products and/or proce
products for sale). Normally requires a technical undergraduate degree. Jobs typicall
Product and Technical Research groups.

R&D/Technical Management Tech – Manager jobs involved in supporting development of products or internally foc
systems. Normally requires a technical undergraduate degree. Jobs typically reside in
Manufacturing groups.

Non-Tech – Manager jobs involved in supporting the operation. Normally requires a n

Non-Technical Management degree. Jobs typically reside in Finance, Legal, HR Marketing and Manufacturing grou

Nonexempt Charts
Chart Type Definition
Grades 075-079
Jobs involved in implementation, configuration, support and maintenance of products
and related systems. Normally requires a technical certification and/or technical degr
Technical typically reside in manufacturing and IT groups.

Jobs involved in supporting the operation. Normally requires a high school or equival
Administrative Jobs reside throughout the organization.

Intel Confidential
efinitions and Typical Jobs

n Typical Jobs
products and/or processes (often products R&D - Component Design Engineer, Design Engineer, Hardware Engineer, Mark
e degree. Jobs typically reside in Product and Process Engineer, Researcher, Software Engineer, Systems Engineer

Tech - Customer Support Specialist, Data Analyst,

oducts or internally focused systems. Information Services Analyst, IT Support Specialist, Programmer Analyst, Netwo
Jobs typically reside in IT and Manufacturing Statistician, Systems Administrator, Technical Writer, Test Engineer, Web Applic

. Normally requires a non-technical degree. Accountant, Attorney, Auditor, Buyer, Communications Specialist, Customer Bus
nd Manufacturing groups. Facilities Planner, Financial Analyst, Human Resources Development Representa
Analyst, Marketing Specialist, Occupational Health Nurse, Planning Analyst, Proj
Manager, Production/Materials Support, Treasury

nt of new products and/or processes (often R&D - Engineering TD Manager, Platform Manager, Technical Marketing Engine
ergraduate degree. Jobs typically reside in
Tech - Engineering Manager, Factory Manager, Info Tech Manager, Manufacturi
Operations Manager, Shift Manager
ment of products or internally focused
e degree. Jobs typically reside in IT and

operation. Normally requires a non-technical Accounting Manager, Finance Manager, HR Business Manager, Marketing Mana
rketing and Manufacturing groups. Manager, Security Manager, Staffing Manager, Training Manager

n Typical Jobs
Technical Writer, Legal Rep
ort and maintenance of products, computer Computer Technician, Client Support Technician, Engineering Technician, Faciliti
ertification and/or technical degree. Jobs Manufacturing Technician

equires a high school or equivalent degree. Accounting Clerk/Associate, Administrative Support, Customer Service Specialis
Transaction Center Admin, Scheduler, Legal Specialist, Material Specialist

Return to General Info

Hardware Engineer, Marketing Engineers,

tems Engineer

ogrammer Analyst, Network Specialist,

Test Engineer, Web Applications

ns Specialist, Customer Business Analyst,

s Development Representative, Logistics
rse, Planning Analyst, Project/Program

echnical Marketing Engineer Manager

ech Manager, Manufacturing Manager,

Manager, Marketing Manager, Purchasing

ng Manager

neering Technician, Facilities Technician,

Customer Service Specialist, HR

, Material Specialist
Grade Level Gener

R&D/Technical Individual Contributor

Requirements 003 005

Requires proficiency in a Requires a developed working
specialized or intellectual field knowledge in a specialized or
of study such as engineering, intellectual field of study such
computer science or as engineering, computer
programing or a related field. science or programing or a
Utilizes theories, principles and related field. Applies advanced
concepts related to a specialty principles, theories and
area. concepts to one or more
Knowledge & Skills specialty areas. Expands
knowledge and skills to other
specialty areas.

Independently plans and Independently plans and

schedules own work to meet schedules own work to meet
goals and deliverables based goals and deliverables with
on general directions. little direction. Most
Work Planning & Responsible for one or more assignments are delivered in
Direction Received aspects of a project. the form of expected results.
Responsible for multiple
aspects of a project.

Regularly exercises judgment Regularly performs

and discretion in analyzing, independent analysis,
developing and recommending development and
solutions to problems in implementation of solutions to
computer science, difficult problems in computer
programming or engineering science, programming or
Problem Solving which have significant engineering which have broad
implications to project implications to project
outcomes. outcomes.

Regularly provides input and Regularly and independently

recommendations that impact makes decisions that impact
the completion of project the attainment of project
Impact of Decisions goals. Regularly makes objectives.
decisions that impact the time
and resources of other
Builds working relationships Builds productive
internally to achieve common internal/external working
goals or resolve problems. relationships. Coordinates
with members of own team
regarding planning and
Contacts objectives. Communicates
progress and achievement of
project goals to team.

Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent
Education & experience. experience.
BS BS/ 1+ Years

Intel Distribution
** 5% - 10% 20% - 25%
* Movement into the grade 010 as an R&D/Technical Individual Contributor may require approval from the group VP and/o
** "Intel Distribution" is a general guideline to help build context and understanding around the grade levels. It represents
dependent upon the business, hiring trends, size of the group, job families used, etc.
Grade Level General Requirements

Grade Level
006 007 008
Requires a thorough working Requires a advanced working Requires broad expertise or
knowledge in a specialized or knowledge in a highly unique knowledge in a highly
intellectual field of study such specialized or intellectual field specialized or intellectual field
as engineering, computer of study such as engineering, of study such as engineering,
science or programing or a computer science or computer science or
related field. Applies advanced programing or a related field. programing or a related field.
principles, theories and Widely applies advanced Integrates working knowledge
concepts to multiple specialty principles, theories and of other disciplines into
areas. concepts to most specialty innovative solutions and
areas. applications.

Plans, schedules and integrates Integrates and coordinates Plans and schedules the
a range of interrelated tasks multiple schedules to ensure development and
with limited direction. Results the timely completion of implementation of multiple
are generally shared with team several independent projects.  long-term and complex
and/or manager upon General outcome is shared projects.  Requests
completion. Recommends and upon completion. consultative direction as
proposes ways to integrate needed. Projects are typically
plans and schedules of other reviewed by a management
projects. review committee.

Regularly performs Independently develops and Utilizes depth and breadth of

independent analysis, implements practical solutions expertise in resolving issues of
development and to a broad range of complex greater significance or analysis
implementation of solutions to issues. Analysis consistently of unique issues requiring
complex problems. Resolves a requires an in-depth evaluation evaluation of intangibles.
wide range of issues in creative of a variety of factors. Designs innovative solutions to
ways. complex problems.

Regularly makes significant Decisions consistently affect Consistently makes decisions

decisions directly impacting multiple or critical projects in regarding the overall goals and
the success of one or more the business and may impact objectives of significant
projects, or adjacent external relationships. programs or segments of the
workgroups/functions. organization.
Builds productive Leads multiple or critical teams Represents the organization
internal/external working and interfaces with customers internally and externally as the
relationships. Integrates plans regarding issues impacting the primary contact on
and objectives across customer relationship. projects. Interacts with senior
workgroups or project teams Consults with senior internal and external personnel
within the organization. management. on complex or wide-spread
project issues requiring
coordination across
organizational lines.

Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent
experience. experience. experience.

BS/ 3+ Years BS/ 4+ Years BS/ 6+ Years

MS/ 2+ Years MS/ 3+ Years MS/ 4+ Years
PhD PhD/ 1+ Years PhD/ 2+ Years
20% - 25% 20% - 25% 15% - 20%
tor may require approval from the group VP and/or a review committee.
derstanding around the grade levels. It represents a distribution of grades of Intel R&D/Technical Individual Contributors. Variations will e
es used, etc.

Intel Confidential
Return to Chart Types Return to General Info

009 010 *
Requires an advanced working Requires expertise in several
knowledge in one or more highly specialized or
highly specialized or intellectual fields of study such
intellectual fields of study such as engineering, computer
as engineering, computer science or programing or a
science or programing or a related field of study. 
related field. Integrates the Integrates in-depth knowledge
advanced working knowledge of several disciplines. Leads
of other disciplines. the design, development and
Demonstrates consistent implementation of highly
innovation and creativity in advanced new technologies
approach. and approaches.

Forecasts future internal or Conducts strategic planning to

external needs and impacts determine the future direction
planning objectives and of the organization and ensure
strategies for the continued growth and
organization.   Level of success success. Level of success is
is determined through determined through
achievement of objectives. organizational goal attainment.

Consistently applies strategic Consistently uses innovative

thinking to develop and drive logic to drive state-of-the-art
solutions to a wide range of solutions to highly complex
theoretical and practical problems and extends the
problems, which require a high understanding of a given field.
degree of innovation and

Decisions consistently and Regularly makes decisions that

directly impact the have a global or long-lasting
performance and direction of impact on the business,
the organization. reputation, posture or image of
the organization.
Serves as internal consultant to Serves as an internal
senior management and consultant to senior
external spokesperson for the management and external
organization on critical projects spokesperson for the
and/or matters of company organization on matters
policy and practices. regarding policy, capability,
and strategy. May consult
executive management.

Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent
experience. experience.

BS/ 9+ Years BS/ 12+ Years

MS/ 6+ Years MS/ 8+ Years
PhD/ 4+ Years PhD/ 6+ Years
5% - 10% 1% - 3%

l Individual Contributors. Variations will exist within functional groups

Grade Level Gener

Non-Technical Individual Contributor

Requirements 003 005

Requires proficiency in a Requires a developed working
specialized , intellectual or knowledge in a specialized,
professional field of study such intellectual or professional
as business, economics, field of study such as business,
finance or related field. Applies economics, finance or a related
knowledge, theories, field.  Applies advanced
strategies and concepts to one knowledge, strategies and
or more specialty areas. concepts to specialty areas.
Knowledge & Skills Expands knowledge and skills
to other specialty areas.

Independently plans and Independently plans and

schedules own work to meet schedules own work to meet
goals and deliverables based goals and deliverables with
on general directions. Works little direction. Most
independently without close assignments are delivered in
supervision. the form of expected results.
Responsible for one or more Responsible for multiple
Work Planning & aspects of a project. aspects of a project.
Direction Received

Regularly exercises judgment Regularly performs

and discretion in analyzing, independent analysis,
developing and recommending development and
solutions to problems related implementation of solutions to
to management, general difficult problems related to
business operations or a management, general business
professional field which have operations or a professional
significant implications to field which have broad
Problem Solving project outcomes. implications to project
Regularly provides input and Regularly and independently
recommends actions or makes decisions that impact
modifications that impact the the attainment of project
completion of project goals. objectives.
Impact of Decisions Regularly makes decisions that
impact the time and resources
of other employees.

Builds working relationships Builds productive

internally to achieve common internal/external working
goals or resolve problems. relationships. Coordinates
with members of own team
regarding planning and
Contacts objectives. Communicates
progress and achievement of
project goals to team.

Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
business or job related field or business or job related field or
equivalent experience. equivalent experience.
Education &
Experience Bachelor's Degree/ Bachelor's Degree/ 1+ Years
Master’s Degree in a job
related field/

Intel Distribution 10% - 15% 20% - 25%

* Grade 010+ for Non-Technical Individual Contributors typically applies to highly specialized jobs. Movement into the grad
** "Intel Distribution" is a general guideline to help build context and understanding around the grade levels. It represents
dependent upon the business, hiring trends, size of the group, job families used, etc.
Grade Level General Requirements

Grade Level
006 007 008
Requires a thorough working Requires an advanced working Requires broad expertise or
knowledge in a specialized, knowledge in more than one unique knowledge in several
intellectual or professional highly specialized, intellectual highly specialized, intellectual,
field of study such as business, or professional fields of study or professional fields of study
economics, finance or a related such as business, economics, such as business, economics,
field. Applies advanced finance or a related finance or a related field. 
knowledge, strategies and field.  Widely applies advanced Integrates the working
concepts to multiple specialty knowledge, strategies and knowledge of other disciplines
areas. concepts to most specialty into new strategies and
areas. concepts.

Plans, schedules and integrates Integrates and coordinates Plans and schedules the
a range of interrelated tasks multiple schedules to ensure development and
with limited direction. Results the timely completion of implementation of multiple
are generally shared with team several independent long-term and complex
and/or manager upon projects. General outcome is projects. Requests consultative
completion. Responsible for shared upon completion. direction as needed. Projects
most aspects of an entire are typically reviewed by a
project. Recommends and management review
proposes ways to integrate committee.
plans and schedules of other

Regularly performs Independently develops and Consistently identifies a variety

independent analysis, implements practical solutions of issues and develops creative
development and to a wide range of complex solutions to complex problems
implementation of solutions to problems related to related to management,
complex problems related to management, general business general business operations or
management, general business operations or a professional a professional field. Designs
operations or a professional field. Analysis consistently innovative solutions to
field. Resolves a wide range of requires an in-depth evaluation complex problems.
issues in creative ways. of a variety of factors.
Regularly makes significant Decisions consistently affect Consistently makes decisions
decisions directly impacting multiple or critical projects in regarding the overall goals and
the success of one or more the business and may impact objectives of significant
projects, or adjacent relationships with the programs or segments of the
workgroups/functions. organization’s outside organization.

Builds productive Leads multiple or critical teams Represents the organization

internal/external working and internally and externally as the
relationships. Integrates plans interfaces with customers and primary contact on projects.
and objectives across outside contacts regarding Interacts with senior internal
workgroups or project teams issues impacting the external and external personnel on
within the organization. relationship. complex or wide-spread
Consults with senior project issues requiring
management. coordination across
organizational lines.

Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
business or job related field or business or job related field or business or job related field or
equivalent experience. equivalent experience. equivalent experience.

Bachelor's Degree/ 3+ Years Bachelor's Degree/ 4+ Years Bachelor's Degree/ 6+ Years

Master’s Degree in a job Master’s Degree in a job Master’s Degree in a job
related field/ 2+ Years related field/ 3+ Years related field/ 4+ Years
PhD/ PhD/ 1+ Years PhD/ 2+ Years
20% - 25% 20% - 25% 10% - 15%
to highly specialized jobs. Movement into the grade 010 as an Non-Technical Individual Contributor may require approval from the group
derstanding around the grade levels. It represents a distribution of grades of Intel Non-Technical Individual Contributors. Variations will ex
es used, etc.

Intel Confidential
Return to Chart Types Return to General Info

009 010 *
Requires advanced working Requires cutting-edge
knowledge in one or more knowledge and expertise in
highly specialized, intellectual, several highly specialized,
or professional fields of study intellectual, or professional
such as business, economics, fields of study such as
finance or a related business, economics, finance
field. Integrates the advanced or a related field. Integrates in-
working knowledge of other depth knowledge of several
disciplines into new strategies disciplines and has the ability
and concepts. Demonstrates to integrate critical information
consistent innovation and from many diverse areas.
creativity in approach.

Forecasts future internal or Conducts strategic planning

external needs and impacts and drives long term planning
planning objectives and to determine the future
strategies for the direction of the organization
organization.  Level of success and ensure continued growth
is determined through and success. Level of success is
achievement of objectives. determined through
organizational goal attainment
and often tied to corporate
goal attainment.

Consistently applies strategic Consistently uses innovative

thinking to develop and drive logic to drive & implement
solutions to a wide range of state-of-the-art solutions to
strategic and practical highly complex problems
problems related to related to management,
management, general business general business operations or
operations or a professional a professional field and
field, which require a high extends the understanding of a
degree of creativity and given specialized or
originality. Leads the planning professional field. Leads the
and development of new development and
strategies and concepts. implementation of highly
advanced new strategies and
concepts throughout the
Decisions consistently and Regularly makes decisions that
directly impact the have a global or long lasting
performance and direction of impact on the business,
the organization. reputation, posture or image of
the organization.

Serves as internal consultant to Serves as an internal

senior management and consultant to senior
external spokesperson for the management and external
organization on critical projects spokesperson for the
and/or matters of company organization on matters
policy and practices. regarding policy, capability,
and strategy. May consult
executive management.

Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
business or job related field or business or job related field or
equivalent experience. equivalent experience.

Bachelor's Degree/ 9+ Years Bachelor's Degree/ 12+ Years

Master’s Degree in a job Master’s Degree in a job
related field/ 6+ Years related field/ 8+ Years
PhD/ 4+ Years PhD/ 6+ Years
5% - 10% 0% - 1%
tor may require approval from the group VP and/or a review committee.
l Individual Contributors. Variations will exist within functional groups
Leveling Guide SMG's Commissions Grade Leveling criteria outlines general expectations for business groups on key competencies and requirements at each grade level, up to grade 86 . The general nature of this leveling guide has been created to easily translate expectations for commissionable jobs across all of the business groups within SMG. The structure of the guide assumes that each grade level builds upon the expectations and
Overview: requirements of the preceding grade levels. It also assumes that expectations are not fully exhaustive nor will they perfectly match the criteria of any given grade. This information should be used as a guideline, not a checklist, to help understand job expectations when making evaluations or judgments regarding grades for a job and/or individual. It is also important to review all of the general requirements and not to focus on just
one or two general requirements.
Grade Level - Individual Contributors
Requirements 81 82 83 84 85 86
Intel Global IC % of 10% - 15% 20% - 25% 20% - 25% 20% - 25% 10% - 15% 5% - 10%
2016 IC Market Data % <2% 10% 18% 30% 15%
of Population
• Assists in delivering tactical results with • Delivers tactical results with assigned customers or across • Delivers short term results with assigned customers or across multiple • Delivers results tied to short and medium-term objectives with assigned • Delivers results tied to medium and long term objectives with assigned customers or • Intel world wide impact
assigned customers or across multiple multiple customers customers • Strategic customers or across multiple customers across multiple customers • Initiates and leads strategic and transformational project(s)
customers • Strategic Wins are delivered with one business group/customer Wins are scaled beyond one business group/customer or within designated • Strategic Wins Scaled beyond customer both internally and with ecosystem • Anticipates long term opportunities and establishes actions to meet them • Identifies opportunities to scale and impact broader customers,
• Assists with Strategic Wins delivered with or within designated customer customer (RSG eg - scaled beyond one biz grp/customers GA eg- within partners • Leads transformative projects that may span multiple quarters and years industries and technologies (think beyond themselves)
one business group/customer or within • Assists in creating a basic account plan to identify sales strategy specific customer) • Anticipates future near term opportunities and establishes actions to meet • Achieves results by influencing others and exceptional stakeholder management • Consistently exceeds annual role expectations while mentoring and
designated customer and direction • Connects actions with outcomes them helping others achieve greater success
Expectation of Results • Creates basic account plans and drives to meeting sales strategy • Maintains a detailed account plan and drives a winning sales strategy
• Recognizes and grasps the opportunity to lead • Fully utilizes tools and resources to achieve business results (e.g. SalesForce,
• Achieves designated numbers and maintains a full pipeline Wave, IT@Intel,, etc.)

• Demonstrates foundational understanding • Demonstrates basic understanding of the customer's • Has quality relationships and interactions with customers & ecosystem • Relentless customer champion with awareness to Intel's long term strategy • • Balances customer requests without compromising Intel's long term strategy • Primarily interacts with and is a trusted advisor to C-Suite level
of the customer's organization, products, organization, products, market & roadmap partners Utilizes customer dynamics to influence key decision makers to grow Intel's • Identifies win/win opportunities between customer needs and Intel business priorities business owners & technical experts
market & roadmap • Participates in a limited scope of account management or • Seen as a trustworthy and reliable partner that delivers value to business • Responsible for end to end customer management or technical assistance • Leads global cross-functional sales teams to achieve customer needs
• Primarily interacts with internal teams; technical assistance activities customers • Participates in a broader scope of account management or technical assistance • Primarily interacts with and is a trusted advisor to executive level business owners & and strategies
building stable working relationships and • Primarily interacts with management level business owners & • Understands key business drivers and can represent Intel's solutions, activities technical experts • Identifies win/win opportunities between customer needs and Intel
networks technical experts products and capabilities to customers • Represents a comprehensive picture of Intel's products, services and • Independently works with customers requiring fully-developed negotiation and business priorities with a greater emphasis on Intel priorities
Customer Orientation • May have limited opportunity to negotiate • Consults with others to articulate customer challenges, • Understands the customer's organization, products, market & roadmap capabilities influencing skills • Viewed as a leader and expert amongst external colleagues and
(Level of engagement products, services, technical requirements priorities and needs • Primarily interacts with and is a trusted advisor to senior management level • Builds and maintains a network of colleagues and customers to share information and customers who is regularly sought out for information and competitive
may be influenced by with customers • Primarily interacts with middle management business owners & technical business owners & technical experts competitive practices practices
customer type/size) experts; may occasionally interact with senior management level • Able to identify environmental impacts on customers and proactively • Demonstrates an influential role in negotiating and influencing
leadership communicate feedback to internal Intel groups strategies and direction
• Able to clearly articulate customer challenges, priorities and needs

• Demonstrates basic awareness of Intel's • Demonstrates general understanding of simple products, • Demonstrates fundamental business, market, industry & technology • Demonstrates general broad-spectrum knowledge of business, industry & • Demonstrates advanced knowledge of business, industry & technology practices • Demonstrates expert level knowledge of business, industry &
products, services, capabilities services, capabilities knowledge technology practices • Anticipates long term business opportunities and engages Intel business units to technology practices
• Begins to understand differences between • Assists in interpreting customer goals and identifying market • Interprets customer goals and identifies market opportunities that align • Understands customer's growth and focus areas and aligns Intel's solutions to determine potential solutions • Identifies strategic business opportunities for both Intel and our
Intel's capabilities and the competition opportunities that align with Intel's value proposition with Intel's value proposition those needs • Leverages knowledge of the customer's & Intel's most complex objectives and strategies customers that influence roadmap decisions
• Assists in identifying tactical business problems and engaging • Identifies tactical business problems and engages Intel business units to • Anticipates near term business problems and engages Intel business units to to influence long term solutions and product decisions • Maintains the highest personal/professional standards
Professional Acumen • Assists in identifying tactical business Intel business units to determine potential solutions • Able to determine potential solutions determine potential solutions • Challenges the status quo internally and externally to deliver growth • Expert in the industry and well regarded within their area of
(Business, Industry, problems and investigates potential differentiate Intel's products and capabilities from the • Able to differentiate Intel's capabilities from the competition and sell the • Begins to challenge the status quo internally and externally to deliver growth • Provides leadership in the development of product knowledge, solutions, and sales expertise
Technology) solutions competition value proposition strategies that are outside their normal customer interaction • In-depth understanding of business and financial principles to build
and communicate an effective business plan

• Demonstrates basic technical knowledge • Demonstrates basic technical knowledge of Intel's solutions, • Demonstrates working technical knowledge of Intel's solutions, products, • Demonstrates in-depth technical knowledge of Intel's products, services and • Demonstrates advanced technical knowledge of Intel's products, services and capabilities • Demonstrates expert level technical knowledge of Intel's products,
with limited understanding of Intel's products, services and capabilities. services and capabilities capabilities services and capabilities
products, services and capabilities • Primarily engages customers with other technical experts to • Engages with customers independently and/or with other technical • Leverages in-depth knowledge of how customer's implement Intel technology • Influences product roadmap decisions with customers and internal Intel groups • Has proven credentials through publications or patents as an
address customer needs; Occasionally may engage customers experts to address customer needs to influence decisions • Viewed as a trusted advisor beyond their own specific area of technology or industry influential member in shaping industry standards
• Primarily engages customers with other independently • Demonstrates the requisite know-how to drive key customer projects • • Regularly engages customers on their own with technical assistance and • Often sought out by others regarding industry trends, competitive products and • Acts as a mentor able to train others on technologies
technical experts in response to customer • Demonstrates basic know-how to drive customer projects Promotes/motivates innovative technologies and solutions solutions capabilities • Advises on end to end global solutions that include both internal &
needs • Communicates customer's technology roadmap and feature needs to internal • Drives technical One Voice messages by sharing their expertise and proactively external technologies
Technical Knowledge • Demonstrates foundational project Intel groups mentoring lower levels
management know-how • Viewed as an advisor in their specific area of technology or industry • Leverages technical knowledge to investigate new undeveloped opportunities & incubate
new technologies with customers

• Works on problems of limited scope that • Works on problems of moderate scope that requires a review • Works on activities of diverse scope where evaluation of identifiable • Works on complex activities regularly requiring an in-depth evaluation of • Works on significant and unique activities that require an evaluation of intangibles • Works on strategic and long term activities that require innovation
requires a review of a variety of factors of a variety of factors factors is needed variable factors • Demonstrates advanced understanding when selecting methods and techniques that can and creativity to determine unknown variables
• Exercises judgment within general guidelines where experience • Utilizes all internal/external assets to achieve results/milestones/revenue • Demonstrates effective judgment in selecting methods and techniques that be tailored to unique situations or opportunities • Demonstrates expert level understanding by integrating working
• Exercises independent judgment on is needed to determine appropriate actions objectives optimize the efficiency of the solution or result • Responsible for complex global customer management and logistical oversight of knowledge of other disciplines into new strategies and concepts
matters related to internal processes and • Understands where to find internal/external resources to help • Demonstrates good judgment in selecting methods and techniques for • Proactively identifies process improvement opportunities that increase resultssignificant initiatives, new technologies or undiscovered opportunities • Responsible for the most complex, global initiatives or customer
group interactions achieve results/milestones/revenue objectives obtaining solutions • Identifies, escalates and champions innovative opportunities that proactively lead management requirements that directly impact Intel overall
• Able to leverage available resources to • Responsible for basic global customer management and logistical oversight of industry and customer growth • Responsible for significant revenue and milestone objectives
achieve results/milestones/revenue BU initiatives, new technologies or undiscovered opportunities • Champions a One Voice message between customers and internal Intel teams • Able to represent and strategically sell all business unit technologies
Scope & Complexity objectives • Represents multiple product lines and business units to the customer • Accountable for P&L results for specific or multiple customers or verticals •
• Plans and schedules the development and implementation of multiple long- Drives organization to lower cost and improved efficiencies
term and complex projects
• Identifies opportunities to drive the organization to lower cost and improved
efficiencies • Requests consultative direction as needed

• Regularly provides input and • Regularly influences management level customers (and internal • Regularly influences middle mgmt. level customers (and internal • Regularly influences senior management level customers (and internal • Influences executive level customers (and internal stakeholders-VPs) with solutions that • Influences C-Suite level customers (and internal stakeholders-VPs
recommendations that impact the stakeholders-Managers) with solutions that diffuse day to day stakeholders-Sr Mgrs.) with solutions that diffuse day to day stakeholders-Directors) with solutions that meet near-term opportunities meet long term opportunities and above) with solutions that meet long term & strategic
completion of basic sales or service tasks challenges/issues challenges/issues • Drives regular account planning with Intel's ecosystem partners and partner • Decisions impact broader outcomes and future investments in critical products, opportunities
• Assists with customer requests/question • Responds to customer requests/question and identifies • Anticipates the customer’s needs and identifies appropriate alternatives management that result in joint customer success and scale customers or services • Influences eco system partners to drive game changing strategies
and responds with appropriate alternatives appropriate alternatives and solutions and solutions • Decisions regularly affect multiple or critical products, customers or services • Sought after individual with strong personal brand as a Subject Matter Expert in Vertical, • Decisions impact strategic direction and future investments in critical
and solutions • Participates in driving appropriate adoption of industry • Participates in account planning with ecosystem partners to support Industry or technical areas products, customers or services
standards customer success with Intel technologies • Leverages internal Intel teams only on specific one of a kind requests • Instrumental in securing senior level execs for key events & product launches • Results at this level significantly impact customer relationships and
• Leverages internal Intel teams and resources to address and • Drives appropriate adoption of industry standards • Uses multiple sources of information (e.g. customer, market, etc.) to help • Results at this level are amplified and may have significant impact to customer future sales transactions
Sphere of Influence resolve customer requests • Leverages internal Intel teams as needed to address and resolve influence Intel's roadmap decisions • relationships and future sales transactions • Able to act as a spokesperson for Intel regarding complex issues,
customer requests Mentors others and is seen as a role model of Intel's values, culture and • Works through ambiguity, actively addresses issues and owns outcomes both positive technologies
behaviors and negative • Sought after for internal & external engagements for their expertise
• Utilizes expert level negotiation skills to sell across multiple levels of orgs and businesses

• Ability to engage in professional level • Ability to engage in management level conversations as well as • Ability to engage in senior management level conversations as well as • Ability to engage in executive level conversations as well as technical • Escalates only critical issues that require Senior level management review • Demonstrates expert level skill in preparing Exec level briefings and
conversations as well as technical technical discussions technical discussions to influence decision making discussions to influence decision making • Advanced capabilities in preparing Executive level briefings and communications communications
discussions • Effectively communicates, both written and verbally, with most • Effectively communicates in a clear and concise manner, both written and • Internally able to engage in VP level conversations to drive critical business • Proficient in reading and actively adapting to a room in order to ensure objectives of the • Expert level ability in reading and actively adapting to a room in
• Effectively communicates, both written levels of organizations (generally Directors and below) verbally, with all levels of organizations needs sales cycle continue to move forward order to ensure objectives of the sales cycle continue to move forward
and verbally, in a professional manner • Participates on virtual teams with other stakeholders for a • Assists virtual team of stakeholders for a given project • Participates in virtual teams (both internally and externally) that drive business • Expands network and connections to achieve results
• Begins to build and maintain relationships given project • Communicates effectively with internal stakeholders to deliver customer outcomes • Drives actionable outcomes and results through their communications • Able to represent Intel to the external public (key notes, blogs,
with internal stakeholders and partners • Communicates effectively with internal stakeholders to deliver value • Embraces social selling and social communication methods • Leads virtual teams (both internally and externally) that drive business outcomes commentary, etc.)
• Assists executing projects and customer value • Builds and maintains relationships with customers and partners to secure • Effectively utilizes resources from many areas of Intel as well as ecosystem • Role models collaboration with others to foster an inclusive, one team environment • Recognized as an industry topic expert and has published work
Communication & opportunities • • Begins to build and maintain relationships with customers and commitments and execute projects/ opportunities partners to drive a common customer strategy demonstrating expertise
Collaboration Actively collaborates and partners with partners • Utilizes the Executive Briefing Center to drive executive sponsorship and • Able to drive and reach consensus on challenging decisions and
others to foster an inclusive, one team • Assists in securing commitments and executing projects and thought leadership opposing view points of stakeholders (i.e. ZBB, Disagree/Commit) •
environment opportunities Consistently role models collaboration with others to foster an
inclusive, one team environment

Education & Bachelors Degree or directly related sales BS Degree & 1+ years of related sales or applicable experience BS Degree & 2-3 years of directly related sales or applicable experience BS Degree & 3-5 years of directly related sales or applicable experience BS Degree & 5-8 years of directly related sales or applicable experience BS Degree & 8-12 years of directly related sales or applicable
Experience expert experience
Note: By definition, the term "customer" includes direct customers, partners and all other applicable primary or secondary clients. FINAL 7/25/2017
Grade Level Gener

R&D/Technical Management

Requirements 003 005

Requires proficiency in a Requires a developed working
specialized or intellectual field knowledge in a specialized or
of study such as engineering, intellectual field of study such
computer science or as engineering, computer
programing or a related field. science or programing or a
Utilizes knowledge, strategies related field. Applies advanced
and applies concepts to an principles, strategies. theories
area of specialty, management and concepts to one or more
or general business operations. specialty areas, management
or general business operations.
Knowledge & Skills Expands knowledge and skills
to other specialty areas.

Regularly manages a unit of Regularly manages one or

two or more full-time more units consisting of two or
admin/technician employees more full-time
by assigning tasks and checking admin/technician employees
work at frequent intervals.  by assigning tasks, checking
Routinely exercises discretion work, and evaluating their
and independent judgment in performance at frequent
planning and coordinating intervals.  Routinely exercises
unit’s work load and schedules. discretion and independent
Management Regularly provides input and judgment in planning and
Responsibility recommendations for hiring directing the unit work load
decisions and advancement or and schedules.  Regularly
promotion in which provides input and
recommendations are recommendations for hiring
provided particular weight.   and firing decisions and
advancement or promotion in
which recommendations are
provided significant weight.  
Independently provides Independently provides
direction to two or more direction to two or more
subordinates based on broad subordinates based on broad
policies and guidelines. policies and guidelines.
Regularly and customarily Regularly and customarily
manages and coordinates the manages and coordinates the
operations of the unit with operations of the unit with
other units including solving other units including solving
Scope & Leadership non-standard work problems. non-standard work problems.

Regularly and independently Regularly and independently

makes decisions that impact makes decisions that impact
the attainment of project the attainment of project
Impact of Decisions objectives and resources of objectives and resources of
employees and customers. employees and customers.

Coordinates with members of Integrates plans and oversees

own team regarding planning the implementation of
and managing objectives of the objectives of multiple or critical
unit(s). Communicates teams of the subdivision.
progress and achievement of Assists team and/or outside
Contacts project goals to team. contacts in resolving complex

Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent
Education & experience. experience.
BS/ BS/ 1+ Years

Intel Distribution
2% - 5% 5% - 8%
* "Intel Distribution" is a general guideline to help build context and understanding around the grade levels. It represents a
upon the business, hiring trends, size of the group, job families used, etc.
Grade Level General Requirements

Grade Level
006 007 008
Requires a thorough working Requires a advanced working Requires broad expertise or
knowledge in a specialized or knowledge in a highly unique knowledge in a highly
intellectual field of study such specialized or intellectual field specialized or intellectual field
as engineering, computer of study such as engineering, of study such as engineering,
science or programing or a computer science or computer science or
related field. Applies advanced programing or a related field. programing or a related field.
principles, strategies. theories Widely applies advanced Integrates working knowledge
and concepts to multiple principles, strategies. theories of other disciplines into
specialty areas, management and concepts to multiple innovative solutions and
or general business operations. specialty areas, management applications. Determines the
or general business operations. best course of action.
Expands knowledge and skills Independently develops and Innovates and designs
to other specialty areas. implements practical solutions solutions to wide-spread
to a broad range of extremely problems.
complex issues.

Regularly manages a Consistently manages one or Consistently manages an

department subdivision of two more department subdivisions organizational department of
or more full-time supervisors, consisting of two or more full- two or more full-time
entry level time supervisors and/or supervisors and/or
professional/engineering, professional/engineering professional/engineering
and/or admin/technician employees. Routinely exercises employees.  Responsible for
employees.  Routinely discretion and independent managing the cost, method
exercises discretion and judgment in managing the and department results.  Has
independent judgment in budgets, work load, schedules, discretion to modify the
managing the work load, and performance of the structure of their department
scheduling, and performance subdivision(s).  Has authority to upon senior management
of the subdivision. Has hire, fire and promote approval. Has authority to
authority to make hiring employees in the subdivision(s) hire, fire and promote
decisions and provides independently. employees in the department
recommendations for firing independently.
decisions and advancement or
promotion in which
recommendations are
provided significant weight. 
Plans, prioritizes and directs Plans, prioritizes and directs Determines objectives, sets
work of subordinates based on work of subordinates based on goals and delegates
broad policies and broad organizational assignments to subordinates.  
management guidance.  goals. Regularly plans and is May have site or business line
Regularly and customarily responsible for the timely responsibility.  Regularly and
manages the subdivision completion of multiple independently develops and is
through guiding subordinates independent tasks and responsible for the timely
to the timely solution of projects, which involves completion of long-term
multiple tasks and problems, assessing and evaluating staff and/or complex projects.
and recommends changes to and resource requirements.  Involved in developing,
policies.   Provides periodic General outcome of projects is modifying and executing
assessments on subdivision’s shared. company policies that affect
general attainment of immediate operations and may
schedules and objectives. also have company-wide

Regularly makes significant Decisions consistently affect Consistently makes decisions

decisions directly impacting multiple or critical projects in regarding the overall goals and
the success of one or more the business and may impact objectives of significant
projects. customer relationships of the programs or segments of the
organization. organization.

Directs multiple or critical Represents the organization Serves as internal consultant to

teams and interfaces with internally and externally as the senior management and
outside contacts regarding primary contact on projects external spokesperson for the
issues of the subdivision(s) that and departmental operations.  organization on management
impact the external Interacts with senior internal of critical projects and/or
relationship. Consults with and external personnel on matters of company policy and
senior management. complex or wide-spread practices.
project issues requiring
coordination across
organizational lines.

Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent
experience. experience. experience.

BS/ 3+ Years BS/ 4+ Years BS/ 6+ Years

MS/ 2+ Years MS/ 3+ Years MS/ 4+ Years
PhD/ PhD/ 1+ Years PhD/ 2+ Years
5% - 8% 15% - 20% 20% - 25%
erstanding around the grade levels. It represents a distribution of grades of Intel R&D/Technical Management. Variations will exist within

Intel Confidential
Return to Chart Types Return to General Info

009 010 *
Requires an advanced working Requires expertise in several
knowledge in one or more highly specialized or
highly specialized or intellectual fields of study such
intellectual fields of study such as engineering, computer
as engineering, computer science or programing or a
science or programing or a related field of study. 
related field. Integrates the Integrates in depth knowledge
advanced working knowledge of several disciplines and has
of other disciplines into new the ability to integrate critical
strategies and concepts. information from many diverse
Demonstrates consistent areas. Leads the development
innovation and creativity in and implementation of highly
approach. Leads the planning, advanced new strategies and
development and concepts throughout the
implementation of highly organization.
advanced new strategies and

Consistently manages activities Consistently manages activities

of one or more organizational of a functional area consisting
departments consisting of two of two or more full-time
or more full-time managers managers and/or senior
and/or advanced or senior employees. Responsible for
employees. Responsible for managing the cost, method,
managing the cost, method and functional area results. 
and department results. Exercises discretion and
Exercises discretion and independent judgment to
independent judgment to modify structure of the
modify the structure of their functional area to meet
organizational departments. business objectives. Has
Has authority to hire, fire and authority to hire, fire and
promote employees in the promote employees in the
organizational department(s) functional area independently.
Partners with senior Conducts strategic planning to
management to create and determine the future direction
implement strategic plans and of the organization and ensure
objectives for the continued growth and success. 
organization.  Regularly Provides general direction to
assesses and evalutes internal and review of subordinate
and external needs and advises managers or staff.  Develops
subordinate managers or staff and authorizes new
in order to meet established organizational policies.  Level
plans and schedules.  Level of of success is determined
success is determined through through organizational goal
achievement of objectives. attainment.

Decisions consistently and Regularly makes decisions that

directly impact the have a global or long-lasting
performance and direction of impact on the business,
the organization. reputation, posture or image of
the organization.

Serves as an internal Consistently serves as an

consultant to senior internal consultant to senior
management and external and executive management
spokesperson for the and an external spokesperson
organization on matters for the organization on matters
regarding policy, capability, regarding policy, capability,
and strategy. and strategy.
May consult executive

Bachelors of Science and/or Bachelors of Science and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
specialized field or equivalent specialized field or equivalent
experience. experience.

BS/ 9+ Years BS/ 12+ Years

MS/ 6+ Years MS/ 8+ Years
PhD/ 4+ Years PhD/ 6+ Years
20% - 25% 10% - 15%
Management. Variations will exist within functional groups dependent
Grade Level Gener

Non-Technical Management

Requirements 003 005

Requires proficiency in a Requires a developed working
specialized , intellectual or knowledge in a specialized,
professional field of study such intellectual or professional
as business, economics, field of study such as business,
finance or related field. Utilizes economics, finance or a related
knowledge, strategies and field. Applies advanced
concepts to an area of knowledge, strategies and
specialty, management or concepts to multiple specialty
general business operations. areas, management or general
business operations. Expands
Knowledge & Skills knowledge and skills to other
specialty areas.

Regularly manages a unit of Regularly manages one or

two or more full-time more units consisting of two or
admin/technician employees more full-time
by assigning tasks and checking admin/technician employees
work at frequent intervals.  by assigning tasks, checking
Routinely exercises discretion work, and evaluating their
and independent judgment in performance at frequent
planning and coordinating intervals.  Routinely exercises
unit’s work load and schedules. discretion and independent
Management Regularly provides input and judgment in planning and
Responsibility recommendations for hiring directing the unit work load
decisions and advancement or and schedules.  Regularly
promotion in which provides input and
recommendations are recommendations for hiring
provided particular weight.   and firing decisions and
advancement or promotion in
which recommendations are
provided significant weight.  
Independently provides Independently provides
direction to two or more direction to two or more
subordinates based on broad subordinates based on broad
policies and guidelines. policies and guidelines.
Regularly and customarily Regularly and customarily
manages and coordinates the manages and coordinates the
operations of the unit with operations of the unit with
other units including solving other units including solving
Scope & Leadership non-standard work problems. non-standard work problems.

Regularly and independently Regularly and independently

makes decisions that impact makes decisions that impact
the attainment of project the attainment of project
Impact of Decisions objectives and resources of objectives and resources of
employees and customers. employees and customers.

Coordinates with members of Integrates plans and oversees

own team regarding planning the implementation of
and managing objectives of the objectives of multiple or critical
unit(s). Communicates teams of the subdivision.
progress and achievement of Assists team and/or outside
Contacts project goals to team. contacts in resolving complex

Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
business or job related field or business or job related field or
equivalent experience. equivalent experience.
Education &
Experience Bachelor's Degree/ Bachelor's Degree/ 1+ Years
Master’s Degree in a job
related field/

Intel Distribution 1% - 3% 4% - 8%
* "Intel Distribution" is a general guideline to help build context and understanding around the grade levels. It represents a
upon the business, hiring trends, size of the group, job families used, etc.
Grade Level General Requirements

Grade Level
006 007 008
Requires a thorough working Requires an advanced working Requires broad expertise or
knowledge in a specialized, knowledge in more than one unique knowledge in several
intellectual or professional highly specialized, intellectual highly specialized, intellectual,
field of study such as business, or professional fields of study or professional fields of study
economics, finance or a related such as business, economics, such as business, economics,
field. Applies advanced finance or a related finance or a related
knowledge, strategies and field.Widely applies advanced field.Integrates the working
concepts to multiple specialty knowledge, strategies and knowledge of other disciplines
areas, management or general concepts to most specialty into new strategies and
business operations. areas. Independently develops concepts. Leads the planning
and implements practical development of new strategies
solutions to a broad range of and concepts related to a
issues management or general broad range of issues
business operations. management or general
business operations.

Regularly manages a Consistently manages one or Consistently manages an

department subdivision of two more department subdivisions organizational department of
or more full-time supervisors, consisting of two or more full- two or more full-time
entry level time supervisors and/or supervisors and/or
professional/engineering, professional/engineering professional/engineering
and/or admin/technician employees. Routinely exercises employees.  Responsible for
employees.  Routinely discretion and independent managing the cost, method
exercises discretion and judgment in managing the and department results.  Has
independent judgment in budgets, work load, schedules, discretion to modify the
managing the work load, and performance of the structure of their department
scheduling, and performance subdivision(s).  Has authority to upon senior management
of the subdivision. Has hire, fire and promote approval. Has authority to
authority to make hiring employees in the subdivision(s) hire, fire and promote
decisions and provides independently. employees in the department
recommendations for firing independently.
decisions and advancement or
promotion in which
recommendations are
provided significant weight. 
Plans, prioritizes and directs Plans, prioritizes and directs Determines objectives, sets
work of subordinates based on work of subordinates based on goals and delegates
broad policies and broad organizational assignments to subordinates.  
management guidance.  goals. Regularly plans and is May have site or business line
Regularly and customarily responsible for the timely responsibility.  Regularly and
manages the subdivision completion of multiple independently develops and is
through guiding subordinates independent tasks and responsible for the timely
to the timely solution of projects, which involves completion of long-term
multiple tasks and problems, assessing and evaluating staff and/or complex projects.
and recommends changes to and resource requirements.  Involved in developing,
policies.   Provides periodic General outcome of projects is modifying and executing
assessments on subdivision’s shared. company policies that affect
general attainment of immediate operations and may
schedules and objectives. also have company-wide

Regularly makes significant Decisions consistently affect Consistently makes decisions

decisions directly impacting multiple or critical projects in regarding the overall goals and
the success of one or more the business and may impact objectives of significant
projects. customer relationships of the programs or segments of the
organization. organization.

Directs multiple or critical Represents the organization Serves as internal consultant to

teams and interfaces with internally and externally as the senior management and
outside contacts regarding primary contact on projects external spokesperson for the
issues of the subdivision(s) that and departmental operations.  organization on management
impact the external Interacts with senior internal of critical projects and/or
relationship. and external personnel on matters of company policy and
Consults with senior complex or wide-spread practices.
management. project issues requiring
coordination across
organizational lines.

Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
business or job related field or business or job related field or business or job related field or
equivalent experience. equivalent experience. equivalent experience.

Bachelor's Degree/ 3+ Years Bachelor's Degree/ 4+ Years Bachelor's Degree/ 6+ Years

Master’s Degree in a job Master’s Degree in a job Master’s Degree in a job
related field/ 2+ Years related field/ 3+ Years related field/ 4+ Years
PhD/ PhD/ 1+ Years PhD/ 2+ Years
4% - 8% 20% - 25% 20% - 25%
erstanding around the grade levels. It represents a distribution of grades of Intel Non-Technical Management. Variations will exist within

Intel Confidential
Return to Chart Types Return to General Info

009 010 *
Requires advanced working Requires cutting-edge
knowledge in one or more knowledge and expertise in
highly specialized, intellectual, several highly specialized,
or professional fields of study intellectual, or professional
such as business, economics, fields of study such as
finance or a related field. business, economics, finance
Integrates the advanced or a related field.  Integrates in
working knowledge of other depth knowledge of several
disciplines into new strategies disciplines and has the ability
and concepts. Demonstrates to integrate critical information
consistent innovation and from many diverse
creativity in approach. Leads areas. Leads the development
the planning, development and and implementation of highly
implementation of highly advanced new strategies and
advanced new strategies and concepts throughout the
concepts. organization.

Consistently manages activities Consistently manages activities

of one or more organizational of a functional area consisting
departments consisting of two of two or more full-time
or more full-time managers managers and/or senior
and/or advanced or senior employees. Responsible for
employees. Responsible for managing the cost, method,
managing the cost, method and functional area results. 
and department results. Exercises discretion and
Exercises discretion and independent judgment to
independent judgment to modify structure of the
modify the structure of their functional area to meet
organizational departments. business objectives. Has
Has authority to hire, fire and authority to hire, fire and
promote employees in the promote employees in the
organizational department(s) functional area independently.
Partners with senior Conducts strategic planning to
management to create and determine the future direction
implement strategic plans and of the organization and ensure
objectives for the continued growth and success. 
organization.  Regularly Provides general direction to
assesses and evalutes internal and review of subordinate
and external needs and advises managers or staff.  Develops
subordinate managers or staff and authorizes new
in order to meet established organizational policies.  Level
plans and schedules.  Level of of success is determined
success is determined through through organizational goal
achievement of objectives. attainment.

Decisions consistently and Regularly makes decisions that

directly impact the have a global or long-lasting
performance and direction of impact on the business,
the organization. reputation, posture or image of
the organization.

Serves as an internal Consistently serves as an

consultant to senior internal consultant to senior
management and external and executive management
spokesperson for the and an external spokesperson
organization on matters for the organization on matters
regarding policy, capability, regarding policy, capability,
and strategy. and strategy.  
May consult executive

Bachelor's Degree and/or Bachelor's Degree and/or

prolonged course of study in a prolonged course of study in a
business or job related field or business or job related field or
equivalent experience. equivalent experience.

Bachelor's Degree/ 9+ Years Bachelor's Degree/ 12+ Years

Master’s Degree in a job Master’s Degree in a job
related field/ 6+ Years related field/ 8+ Years
PhD/ 4+ Years PhD/ 6+ Years
20% - 25% 10% - 15%
Management. Variations will exist within functional groups dependent
SMG's Commissions Grade Leveling criteria outlines general expectations for business groups on key competencies an
Leveling Guide groups within SMG. The structure of the guide assumes that each grade level builds upon the expectations and requir
Overview: be used as a guideline, not a checklist, to help understand job expectations when making evaluations or judgments re

Requirements Grade 85

·  Consistently manages two or more sales or technical employees

·  Acts as an active coach and typically has IC responsibilities with

accounts along management responsibility including actively
allocating workload on team
·  Has authority to hire, performance manage, and promote
employees in the group with mgmt approval
·  Actively recruits and attracts new talent into group

·  Typically deals with front line to mid-level management in the

business to make account level decisions
·  Helps team by providing strategic support to customer for account
and Intel goals and resolves first level escalated customer issues
·  Provides the voice of the customer back to Intel and stays close to
customer concerns and issues
·  Acts as segment expert for team members who are content experts
for their accounts
·  Assigns Intel priorities to account and continues to evolve accounts
toward them
Customer Influence ·  Primarily interacts with and is a trusted advisor to first line to mid-
and Orientation level level business owners & technical experts
(Level of engagement
may be influenced by ·  Oversees that end to end customer management and technical
customer type/size) assistance is provided by direct reports

·  Builds and maintains a network of colleagues and customers to

share information and competitive practices

·  Balances customer requests without compromising Intel's long

term strategy

·  Identifies win/win opportunities between customer needs and Intel

business priorities
·  May work with customers on specific situations that requires fully-
developed negotiation and influencing skills
·  Provides leadership in the development of product knowledge,
solutions, and sales strategies outside normal customer interactions
·  General understanding of business and financial principles to build and
communicate an effective business plan

Professional Acumen
(Business, Industry,
·  Anticipates long term business opportunities and engages Intel
business units to determine potential solutions
Professional Acumen
(Business, Industry, ·  Leverages knowledge of the customer's & Intel's most complex
Technology) objectives and strategies to influence long term solutions and product
·  Provides deep account and business landscape perspective for the
territory assigned
·  Knows key account dates and deliverables for the assigned territory
·  Knows internal capabilities and resources to "go to" in order to resolve
customer problems
·  Challenges the status quo internally and externally to deliver growth

·  Has broad understanding of Intel's products, services and capabilities

·  Typically has depth in one area along with customer technical

requirements and challenges
Technical Knowledge ·  Becomes the “lighthouse” of future technology and product
opportunities and direction

·  Actively proposes solutions and recommendations to account


·  Supports and leads with SMG infrastructure and tools (e.g.

·  Provides accurate and timely quota inputs and manages commission

elements for team in a timely manner
·  Provides basic forecast and pipeline planning for own territory or
portfolio of accounts

·  Determines objectives, sets goals and delegates assignments to

·  Responsible for complex global customer management and logistical
oversight of significant initiatives, new technologies or undiscovered
Scope and opportunities
·  Identifies, escalates and champions innovative opportunities that
proactively lead industry and customer growth

·  Regularly and independently develops and is responsible for the timely

completion of long-term and/or complex projects.

·  Consistently makes decisions regarding the overall goals and objectives

of significant programs or segments of the organization.

·  Works on significant and unique activities that require an evaluation of

·  Demonstrates advanced understanding when selecting methods and
techniques that can be tailored to unique situations or opportunities

·  Influences entry and sometimes executive level customers (and

internal stakeholders-Directors) with solutions that meet long term
·  Decisions impact broader outcomes and future investments in critical
products, customers or services
·  Sought after individual with strong personal brand as a Subject Matter
Expert in Vertical, Industry or Technical areas

·  Instrumental in securing senior level execs for key events & product
Sphere of Influence launches

·  Results at this level are amplified and may have significant impact to
customer relationships and future sales transactions
·  Works through ambiguity, actively addresses issues and owns
outcomes both positive and negative
·  Utilizes expert level negotiation skills to sell across multiple levels of
orgs and businesses

·  Provides early feedback and input to senior mgmt on account issues

and concerns for customer briefings and meetings to anticipate customer
challenges and Intel positioning opportunities.
·  Proficient in reading and actively adapting to a room in order to ensure
objectives of the sales cycle continue to move forward

·  Expands network and connections to achieve results

Communication and
Collaboration ·  Drives actionable outcomes and results through their communications

·  Escalates only critical issues that require Senior level management

·  Advanced capabilities in preparing Executive level briefings and
·  Leads virtual teams (both internally and externally) that drive business
·  Role models collaboration with others to foster an inclusive, one team

Education BS Degree & 5-8 years of directly related sales or applicable experience
xpectations for business groups on key competencies and requirements at each grade level. The general nature of this leveling guide has been created to
ach grade level builds upon the expectations and requirements of the preceding grade levels. It also assumes that expectations are not fully exhaustive no
expectations when making evaluations or judgments regarding grades for a job and/or individual. It is also important to review all of the general require
Grade Level – People Managers
Grade 86

·  Consistently manages a group of five or more employees, primarily

individual contributors, but also may include 1st line managers

·  Demonstrates a commitment to building the skills and capabilities

of the group

·  Responsible for managing the revenue, goals and spending of the


·  Exercises discretion and independent judgment to modify the

structure and or accounts of the group to maximize sales results

·  Able to clearly articulate vision and customer imperatives to

maximize team understanding
·  Leverages career development conversations and opportunities to
improve the team’s abilities
·         Able to manage across organizational boundaries

·  Typically deals with mid to senior level management to make

account level decisions
·  Viewed as the go-to person by the customer; provides win/win
resolutions for the most urgent escalations
· Balances both short term goals and long term strategic
relationships in the context of a broad customer portfolio
·  Seamlessly maneuvers through internal processes to close
customer deals
·  Primarily interacts with and is a trusted advisor to C-Suite level
business owners & technical experts
·  Manages global cross-functional sales teams to achieve customer
needs and strategies
·  Proactively identifies and executes win/win opportunities between
customer needs and Intel business priorities with a greater emphasis
on Intel priorities

·  Viewed as a leader and expert amongst external colleagues and

customers who is regularly sought out for information and
competitive practices
·  Demonstrates an influential role in negotiating and influencing
strategies and direction

·  Leads the planning, development and implementation of highly

advanced strategies and concepts within their customer/account base
·  In-depth understanding of business and financial principles to build
and communicate an effective business plan
·  Identifies strategic business opportunities for both Intel and our
customers that influence roadmap decisions

·  Demonstrates expert level knowledge of business, industry &

technology practices
·  Maintains the highest personal/professional standards
·  Expert in the industry and well regarded within their area of

·  Demonstrates expert level technical knowledge of Intel's products,

services and capabilities

·  Typically has depth in more than one area that coincide with
customer’s technical requirements and challenges
·  Able to rollup, prioritize and track top issues and/or technical

·  Acts as a mentor able to train others on technologies

·  Advises on end to end global solutions that include both internal &
external technologies

·  Role models the effective use of tools and processes to efficiently

achieve organizational goals

·  Ensures team members understand and are aligned to both

internal and customer strategies

·  Recommends and justifies quota and goal targets

·  Manages long-term pipeline by aggressively looking for strategic

relationships and long-term customer commitments
·  Works on strategic and long term activities that require innovation
and creativity to determine unknown variables

·  Responsible for significant revenue and milestone objectives

·  Regularly assesses internal and external needs advising subordinate

managers or staff in order to meet forecasts and expectations

·  Manages current quarter pipeline proactively based on company

needs and availability of resources

·  Responsible for the most complex, global initiatives or customer

management requirements that directly impact Intel overall

·  Decisions consistently and directly impact the performance and

direction of the organization

·  Demonstrates expert level understanding by integrating working

knowledge of other disciplines into new strategies and concepts
·   Able to represent and strategically sell all business unit
·  Leverages external networks to foster rapport and connections to
attract future talent
·  Serves as an internal consultant to Sr. Mgmt and spokesperson for
the organization on matters regarding capabilities, technologies and
·  May consult executive management

·  Influences C-Suite level customers (and internal stakeholders-VPs)

with solutions that meet long term & strategic opportunities

·  Influences eco system partners to drive game changing strategies

·  Decisions impact strategic direction and future investments in

critical products, customers or services
·  Results at this level significantly impact customer relationships and
future sales transactions
·  Sought after for internal & external engagements for their
·  Able to effectively collaborate across multiple business groups to
drive multiple product solutions to address customer business issues

·  Coaches employees with feedback they effectively understand

(absorb & apply)
·  Expert level ability in reading and actively adapting to a room in
order to ensure objectives of the sales cycle continue to move
·  Able to represent Intel to the external public (key notes, blogs,
commentary, etc.)
·  Able to drive and reach consensus on challenging decisions and
opposing viewpoints of stakeholders (i.e. ZBB, Disagree/Commit)
·  Consistently role models collaboration with others to foster an
inclusive, one team environment
·  Demonstrates expert level skill in preparing Exec level briefings and
·  Recognized as an industry topic expert and has published work
demonstrating expertise

BS Degree & 8-12 years of directly related sales or applicable experience

ach grade level. The general nature of this leveling guide has been created to easily translate expectations for commissionable jobs across all of the busi
ding grade levels. It also assumes that expectations are not fully exhaustive nor will they perfectly match the criteria of any given grade. This information
a job and/or individual. It is also important to review all of the general requirements and not to focus on just one or two general requirements.
de Level – People Managers
Grade 87
·  Consistently manages multiple managers who have teams
supporting one or more customers/ accounts or teams/ specialists
with far reaching scope and impact

·  Develops goals and quotas that are aggressive, measurable and

aligned with SMG's forecast

·  Ensures goals are transparent, linked and shared to drive Intel’s

strategic imperatives

·  Has budgetary and P&L responsibility

·  Ensures manager accountability for direct reports

·  Typically deals with senior level management and above to make

account level decisions
·  Often consulted by Exec level customers on major strategy
decisions and direction
·  Brought in to influence and close unique or challenging sales
·  Drives customer initiatives that requires influencing both internal
and external groups or partners

·  Able to succinctly articulate Intel’s business direction, strategies

and emerging technologies
·  Leads the planning, development and implementation of highly
advanced strategies and concepts across multiple groups within SMG
·  Advanced understanding of business and financial principles that
result in comprehensive business plans and strategy

·  Possesses industry acumen and broader technical and strategic

knowledge. Actual technical knowledge may be less than individual
contributors in sales

·  Creates and maintains internal resource access and quick escalation

paths for technical issues

·  Prioritizes technical issues and drives technical vision and strategy

·  Matches Intel resources and technical skills sets to customer needs

for sales team success
·  Drives technical direction within a specific group or project area for
medium to large customers

·  Spends a significant amount of time in leadership roles with the

group and across the organization vs tactical management

·  Empowers and directs managers to manage day to day activities

·  Develops and recommends a comprehensive sales strategy

regarding opportunities for growth, market coverage/expansion, and
key target accounts
·  Conducts strategic planning and key inputs to future vision and
direction and expected results for continued growth and success
·  Provides general direction to and review of subordinate managers
or staff
·  Key escalation point for customer and account issue resolution or
direction change enablement for a specific area

·  Regularly makes decisions that have a global or long-lasting impact

on the business, reputation, posture or image of the organization

·  Directs second and first level managers covering multiple related

sub-functions, products or technical disciplines

·  Typically may lead a large country, or a role within a defined

functional discipline which has global responsibility

·  Regularly delivers customer feedback from key areas or segments

of the customer account
·  Occasionally influences MCM-1 or MCM-2 (or higher) to align on
vision, direction, or resolution of customer issues

·  Consistently represents Intel to the external public (key notes,

blogs, commentary, etc.)

·  Recognized as a leader who can represent broader Intel in their

coaching and mentoring

·  Often is called upon to develop and lead internal trainings

·  Role models collaboration within BUs and across components of


·  Delivers impactful communications upstream and down

·  Able to communicate strategy and impact with confidence,
authenticity and credibility

·  Effective “stage presence”, knows how to deliver the pitch and

adapts style to situation

BS Degree & 12+ years of directly related sales or applicable experience

to easily translate expectations for commissionable jobs across all of the business
nor will they perfectly match the criteria of any given grade. This information should
rements and not to focus on just one or two general requirements.

Grade 88

·  Manages an entire organization – leading leaders

·  Creates and nurtures the culture of the organization, ensuring

cultural vibrancy

·  Thinks like an owner

·  Recognizes and encourages individuals, teams, and parts of the

organization that exhibit greater creative energy and drive for
·  Uses individual differences in perspective, style, or behavior to
enhance the team’s discussions, decisions, and results
·  Exhibits decision leadership - knows what is needed and drives to

·  Typically deals with senior level management and above to

determine customer needs of the future
·  Identifies opportunities to contribute to the commercial success of
the enterprise
·  Applies financial assessment techniques to evaluate commercial

·  Sought out for Executive sponsorship

·  Acts on behalf of senior management at industry events

·  Leverages expertise to effectively deliver difficult messages/

information in high pressure or confrontational situations
·  Demonstrates detailed understanding of the needs and critical
issues of end users, and how value is created by Intel across different
product groups
·  Seeks market information from diverse sources and initiates
research based on end user value

·  Understands what technical issues need to be escalated and

connects with the highest levels of Intel to resolve technical problems

·  Has deep technical networks within Intel to navigate customer

technical problems
·  Matches technical skills sets to customer needs for sales org and
connects sales specialization to customer requirements
·  Drives broad technical direction (both short- and long-term) for
Intel and most important customers

·  Contributes to important organization wide initiatives and direction

setting as a key organizational leader in a “GM-like” capacity

·  Focuses on organizational capability and progress and ensuring the

right resources are in the right place to achieve strategy direction

·  Impact of decisions felt within Intel broadly

·  Thinks across SMG with an Intel stewardship hat on organizational

build/buy resourcing decisions
·  Openly questions conventional approaches or traditional ways of
doing things
·  Final “go to” point for customer and account issue resolution or
direction change enablement across the customer and/or project
·  Creates and achieves alignment for customer and/or organizational
shared vision and strategy

·  Develops manager and organizational leadership. Holds managers

and leaders fully accountable
·  Influences the highest levels of Intel to drive global strategy and
company technical direction that has a global or long-lasting impact
on the business, reputation, posture or image of the organization

·  Regularly influences MCM (or higher) to align on vision, direction,

or resolution of customer issues
·  Delivers customer feedback to Intel executive management from
the highest levels of the customer account

· Acts on behalf of SMG Staff to lead a variety of communications

·  Actively seeks or invites colleagues’ or stakeholders’ input in

decision-making, especially those of different views to get results;
·  Seeks common ground and sources of agreement between self and
diverse multiple stakeholders (internal and external), in order to
influence more broadly and effectively
·  Fosters inclusive culture by encouraging diverse points of view and

BS Degree & 15+ years of directly related sales or applicable experience

Grade Level General Requirements

Nonexempt Grades 075-079

Requirements 075 076

Requires a basic knowledge of relevant Requires a working knowledge of business
business practices and procedures in a practices and procedures in a technical or
technical or professional field.  Begins to professional field.  Exercises general
use standard principles, strategies and application of standard principles,
Knowledge & Skills concepts and integrates them to propose a strategies and concepts, and proposes a
course of action. course of action.

Independently plans and schedules based Plans and schedules own work.  Most
on general directions received.  Works with assignments are delivered in the form of
minimal day-to-day supervision.  expected results.  Work is regularly shared
Work Planning & with the team and/or manager.
Direction Received

Able to select from a number of Interprets guidelines to resolve non-

alternatives the most appropriate action or standard work problems.
Problem Solving procedure to solve the problem.

Inadequacies and erroneous decisions may Inadequacies and erroneous decisions

impact the time and/or resources of others would cause some inconvenience and
and result in inconvenience and expense.  expense.  May impact scheduling of work
Would not normally cause delay to within the unit to the extent that additional
Impact of Decisions attainment of objectives. resources and time may be required. 
Would not generally alter attainment of
project objectives.

Contacts are with immediate supervisor Contacts are primarily within the
and others in the group to provide and organization with infrequent outside
obtain basic information. contacts to provide and obtain clarification
Contacts of information. 

Associates’s Degree or equivalent Bachelor’s Degree/ 0 years

certification/0 years
Education &
Return to Chart Types

Grade Level
077 078
Requires a full working knowledge of Requires thorough knowledge of business
business practices and procedures in a practices and procedures in a technical or
technical or professional field.  Applies professional field. Widely applies principles,
principles, strategies and concepts, and strategies and concepts, and draws on a
independently determines and executes a cumulative knowledge base from previous
course of action. experiences to determine an appropriate
course of action.

Plans and schedules own work to ensure Plans and schedules to ensure the timely
the completion of interrelated tasks, with completion of several independent tasks
limited direction.   Results are generally and projects, with limited direction. 
shared with team and/or manager upon General outcome is shared upon
completion.   completion.

Develops solutions to moderately complex Proactively analyzes and evaluates existing

problems. programs.  Develops solutions to a wide
range of complex problems. 

Inadequacies and erroneous decisions Inadequacies and erroneous decisions

would cause moderate inconvenience and would cause considerable inconvenience
expense.  May impact the scheduling of and expense and would affect project
work within other organizations.  May objectives.  It may be necessary to make
impact the attainment of project adjustments to avoid affecting outside
objectives. relationships.

Contacts are inter/intra-organizational and Interacts with clients and customers to

outside the company to provide and obtain negotiate and interpret information.  May
information.   consult with senior management.  

Bachelor’s Degree/ 1+ Years Bachelor’s Degree/ 3+ Years

Master's Degree/ 0 Years Master's Degree/ 2 Years

Intel Confidential
Return to General Info

Requires advanced knowledge of a
technical or professional field, with in-
depth knowledge in one or more specialty
areas.  Drives the application of principles,
strategies and concepts and determines the
best course of action.

Plans for the effective development and

implementation of long-term and/or
complex projects.  Requests consultative
direction as needed.  Projects are typically
reviewed by a management review

Defines the issues and develops solutions

to complex problems that require
innovation and ingenuity.  

Inadequacies and erroneous decisions

would cause significant inconvenience and
expense and have considerable effect on
programs or objectives of the organization.
It may be necessary to make adjustments
to avoid affecting outside relationships.

Represents the organization as a prime

contact on projects.  Interacts with senior
internal and external personnel on project
issues often requiring coordination across
organizational lines.  

Bachelor’s Degree/ 4+ Years

Master's Degree/ 3 Years

PhD Degree/ 0 years

Grade Level Gener

Nonexempt Technical*

Requirements 051 052

Assignments are routine and Assignments are typically
repetitious in nature. Work routine in nature. Work
Job Complexity performed within narrowly performed within narrowly
defined parameters. defined parameters.

Limited judgment required in Limited degree of judgment

resolving standard problems. required in resolving non-
standard problems.
Level of Judgment

Normally receives detailed Normally receives detailed

instructions on all work. Work instructions on most work.
is typically checked and
Supervision monitored on a routine basis.

High School/ Equivalent: High School/ Equivalent:

Typical Education & No Experience 1 - 2 Years
Mimimum Related
Grade Level General Requirements

Grade Level
053 054 055
Assignments are semi-routine Assignments are somewhat Assignments are moderately
in nature. Work performed complex in nature. Work complex in nature. Work
within generally defined performed within generally performed within generally
parameters. defined parameters. defined parameters.

Some degree of judgment Judgment is required in Judgment is required in

required in resolving non- resolving moderately complex resolving complex non-
standard problems. problems. standard problems and making
routine recommendations.

Normally receives general Normally receives general Normally receives no

instructions on most work. instructions on routine work, instruction on routine work,
detailed instructions on new general instructions on new
work. assignments.

High School/ Equivalent: High School/ Equivalent: 4 -6 High School/ Equivalent: 6 - 8

2 - 4 Years Years Years
AA/AS: No Experience AA/AS: 0 - 3 Years
BS: No Experience

Intel Confidential *No specific criteria has been written for the Mask Designers in the 90's grades but the 50's
Return to Chart Types Return to General Info

056 057
Assignments are complex in Assignments are highly
nature. Work performed complex and nonstandard in
typically within broadly defined nature. Work performed within
parameters. broadly defined parameters.

Degree of judgment and High degree of judgment and

initiative is required in initiative is required in
resolving complex non- resolving highly complex
standard problems and making nonstandard problems and
recommendations. developing recommendations.

Acts independently to Acts independently to

determine methods and determine methods and
procedures on standard procedures on non standard
assignments. May provide assignments. Typically provides
guidance to lower level guidance to lower level
nonexempt employees. nonexempt employees.
High School/ Equivalent: 8 - 10 High School/ Equivalent: 10 -
Years 15 Years
AA/AS: 3 - 6 Years AA/AS: 6 - 10Years
BS: 0 - 4 Years BS: 4 - 8 Years

Designers in the 90's grades but the 50's criteria may be used for general guidance
Return to General Info

Requirements 034
Junior Administrative Support Specialist
Support office administration with associated tasks. Duties include calendar management for one or
more managers, book domestic/international travel and process expense reports. Handle request
from team associated with shifting priorities and deadlines. Requires accuracy/attention to detail.
Tactical projects, general administrative duties such as order supplies, CR coordination, generating
shipping memo, catering orders, etc.
Admin will also assist in coordinating activities across the organization, events, conferences, F2F
meetings etc.

Scope of Work

In this role the admin will provide administrative support such as maintaining manager's calendar,
receiving and screening telephone calls, assisting with visitors, scheduling internal/external
meetings, assisting with logistics for special events, and responding to inquiries.
Generic Support Level

This role requires assignments which are performed within defined parameters.

Assignment Complexity
Demonstrates the ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment and understand policies and
procedures. Required to work professionally/closely with other Senior and Executive admins to
help facilitate timely and accurate planning needs. In this role you must maintain confidentiality
using discretion and sound judgment.

The admin must role model professional behavior, contribute teamwork and collaboration across
Independence of admin community.
In this role you must maintain confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

Must learn the organizational structure and objectives of the team. Requires working with globally
diverse teams in multiple geos.

Alignment and


Leadership and
Community Advocacy

Limited degree of decision making required in resolving non-standard problems. Receives

consistent supervision.

Impact of Decisions

Normally receives detailed instructions on most work.


Typical Education & High School/ Equivalent

Minimum Related 1 - 2 Years
Return to Chart Types

Junior Administrative Support Specialist
Support office administration with associated tasks (ordering office supplies, food orders, travel,
expenses, onsite needs). Duties include calendar management for one or more managers, efficient in
booking domestic/international travel and managing expenses. Handle request from team associated
with shifting priorities and deadlines. Plan and organize meetings and off-sites; prepare agendas,
coordinate logistics. Maintain Divisional organizational charts, phone distribution list and
divisional logistic needs. Support office administration with associated tasks. Admin will also assist
in coordinating activities across the organization, events, conferences, F2F etc. This also requires a
strong accuracy/attention to detail skillset in managing busy schedules and continue taking the
initiative to manage logistics while managers are traveling. Tactical projects, general
administrative duties such as order supplies, CR coordination, generating shipping memo, etc. dmin
will also assist in coordinating activities across the organization, events, conferences, F2F etc.

Will work closely with other Senior admin to help facilitate timely and accurate planning needs.

In this role the admin will provide administrative support such as maintaining manager's calendar,
receiving and screening telephone calls, assisting with visitors, scheduling internal/external
meetings, assisting with logistics for conferences, seminars, and special events, and responding to

This role requires managing assignments which are performed within defined parameters.
Demonstrates experience in ability to multi-task in a face pace environment and have excellent
understanding of policies and procedures. Required to work professionally/closely with other
Senior and Executive admins to help facilitate timely and accurate planning needs. In this role you
must maintain confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

The admin must role model professional behavior, contribute teamwork and collaboration across
admin community.

In this role you must maintain confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

Must quickly learn the organizational structure and objectives of the team. Requires working with
globally diverse teams in multiple geos.


Limited decision making required resolving non-standard problems. Receives consistent


Typically reports to Director or head of a unit/department and or/hired for project

Normally receives general instructions on most work.

High School/ Equivalent

Minimum of 2 -3 years of administrative experience or equivalent education and experience.
Administrative Support Specialist
Duties include strong calendar management, with shifting priorities and deadlines. Able to quickly
and accurately assess the importance of a phone call, email, or document and take appropriate action
to involve the appropriate parties. This position requires strong accuracy and attention to detail while
taking the initiative to manage logistics of the department/division. Strong capability working with all
Microsoft tools, Intel tools, purchasing and finance systems. Excellent experience in booking
complex domestic/international travel, managing travel details such as Visa’s/welcome letters and
managing expenses. Maintain Divisional organizational charts, phone distribution list and divisional
logistic needs. Support office administration with associated tasks (ordering office supplies, food
orders, travel, expenses, onsite needs). Plan and organize meetings and off-sites; prepare agendas,
coordinate all logistics. Admin will also assist in coordinating activities across the organization,
events, conferences, F2F etc.

Will work closely with other Senior and Executive admins to help facilitate timely and accurate
planning needs.

This role requires managing demanding assignments which are complex and performed within
defined parameters.

In this role you must have the ability to learn quickly and understand the organizational structure and
objectives of the team. Candidate must have wide-range administrative experience, use professional
concepts and company objectives to resolve complex issues in creative and effective ways. Requires
initiative, flexibility, sound judgment, and the prioritization of multiple demands tasks by adjusting to
peaks, changes, and interruptions with a positive attitude.
The admin must be self-motivated, professional and capable of managing fast pace office demands
independently. This position requires strong accuracy and attention to detail while taking the
initiative to manage logistics of the department/division.

The admin must role model professional behavior, contribute teamwork and collaboration across
admin community.

In this role you must maintain confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

In this role you are required to work with all levels of the organization and collaborate across
business units to maintain critical logistics.


Some degree of decision making required in managing department and manager logistical needs.

Supports a Director/GM manager or head of a unit/department/division.

Limited supervision on most work, general instructions on new work or special assignments.

High School/ Equivalent

Minimum 3 to 5 years of administrative experience or equivalent education.
NE Administrative Grade Level Criteria
Senior Administrative Support Specialist
Duties include organizing and managing complex calendar schedule(s) for manager and/or
division; scheduling meetings and events; making extensive travel arrangements and preparing
expense reports; maintaining office supplies; providing support for departmental events, quarterly
events and recognition and you must maintain Divisional organizational charts, phone distribution
lists and divisional logistics. Excellent experience in booking complex domestic/international
travel, managing travel details such as Visa’s/welcome letters and managing expenses. Maintain
Divisional organizational charts, phone distribution list and divisional logistic needs. Support
office administration with associated tasks (ordering office supplies, food orders, travel, expenses,
onsite needs). Plan, coordinate and organize meetings and off-sites; prepare agendas, coordinate
all logistics. Manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Expected to work professionally with other Senior and Executive admins to help facilitate timely
and accurate planning needs. Responsibilities include coordinating activities to ensure department
goals are met, effectively mentoring and integrating new admins and ensuring all admins
understand department procedures and expectations.

This role requires managing demanding assignments which are more complex and performed
within defined parameters. This person will be the administrative point of contact between the
GM/VP Executive and internal/external clients.

The position requires a high level of initiative, the ability to anticipate next steps and must be a
strong communicator both verbally and in writing. Must have project management, problem-
solving skills, organizational and attention to details expertise and strong follow-through to meet
deadlines. Requires strong initiative, flexibility, and the prioritization of multiple tasks by
adjusting to peaks, changes, and interruptions with a positive attitude.
You must have the ability to perform well under pressure and adapts to changing priorities and
meets narrow deadlines. This role requires creating solutions to problems for the
division/managers and providing guidance and direction on process and procedures.

Must role model professional behavior in all environments, and is expected to maintain
confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment. In this role you must maintain confidentiality
using discretion and sound judgment.

One must demonstrate thorough knowledge of division goals and priorities as well as those of its
key stake holders. This role requires the ability to work both independently and as part of a global
diverse and close-working team in a fast-paced, executive-level setting.

In this role you are required to work with all levels of the organization and collaborate across
business units to maintain critical logistics, customer orientation and interactive team player

This role also requires admin team leadership skills and skills as a liaison with executive and
senior administrative assistants to handle requests and queries from senior managers.

Decision making and independent thinking is required. Manage and execute solutions for
department/division logistical demands and managers. Admin team leadership role may be

Supports multiple Senior level managers and/or leaders,GM, VP executive leader

Grade 12 VP, Fellow.
Some supervision on assignments, work is typically assigned in the form of objectives and desired
results. Executes decisions on behalf of GM Leadership Team.

High School/ Equivalent

Minimum of 5-7 years related administrative experience or equivalent education

Senior Executive Administrative Support Specialist
Duties include organizing and managing extremely complex calendar schedule(s) for manager, maintain
executive’s agenda and assist in planning appointments, customer meetings, conferences, makes extensive
travel arrangements and prepares expense reports; provides support for departmental events, quarterly events
and recognition. Ability to exercise diplomacy, tact, and judgment in interacting with a wide range of
constituents at varying levels of an organization including staff at all levels, administration staff, customers is
required. Ability to exercise diplomacy, tact, and judgment in interacting with a wide range of constituents at
varying levels of an organization including staff at all levels, administration staff, customers is required. In-
depth understanding of office management procedures and departmental and legal policies. You will work
closely with the Senior and Executive administrative staff and work productively as a team member. Expert in
handling and maintaining confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment. Effective organizational skills
to improve the efficiency of administrative processes. Responsibilities include coordinating activities to ensure
division goals are met, effectively mentoring and integrating new admins and ensuring all admins understand
department procedures and expectations. Finally, this person must possess strong customer service orientation
and use judgment/discretion in handling confidential information.

This role requires managing complex assignments which are performed within broadly defined parameters. The
administrative role will provide executive support to EVP TA or VP.

The role requires In-depth knowledge and understanding of business unit goals and priorities. Must exhibit
strong interpersonal skills, diplomacy, and accuracy to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Must have
strong project management, problem-solving skills, excellent organizational and impeccable multitasking
abilities with attention to details and strong follow-through to meet deadlines. Increased decision making for
complex problems and utilizing critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Must have excellent organization, written and verbal communications skills as well as strong interpersonal
skills and ability to manage competing priorities and work flexibly in a fast-paced environment. Ability to work
both independently and as part of a diverse and close-working team, executive-level setting requiring initiative,
flexibility, sound judgment, and the prioritization of multiple demands. Reflect ability to perform and prioritize
multiple tasks seamlessly with excellent attention to detail. Ability to take initiative and reason to problem
solving skills.

In this role you must have expertise in maintaining confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

n this role you must have knowledge of corporation contribution to the industry and in-depth knowledge of the
group, division and key stakeholders’ and their contributions to the corporation. You will work with a global
diverse team and with all levels of organization and collaborate across business units (BU) to maintain critical
logistical needs.

Must role model professional behavior in all environments and requires strong leadership skills to lead
administrative team by providing guidance and direction on process and procedures. Foster a culture that values
open communication and team-work, and encourages innovation, engagement, inclusion, and diversity.

Increased decision making for complex problems and utilizing critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Effective organizational skills to improve the efficiency of administrative processes. Interpreting program
guidelines, practices, and requirements to perform specialized administrative support functions.

Must Support a Grade 12 Executive, Grade 13 Executive, TA for EVP Office or Sr. Fellow . Minimum
supervision on assignments. Executes decisions on behalf of VP Leadership Team.
Minimal supervision on assignments. Executes decisions on behalf of VP Leadership Team.

High School/ Equivalent

Minimum of 7 - 9 years of Senior administrative experience or equivalent education.
Executive Assistant
Duties include coordinate logistics for meetings and events; organizes and manages extremely complex calendar
schedule(s) for manager, makes extensive travel arrangements and prepares expense reports; provides support for
departmental events, quarterly events and recognition. Ability to maintain accurate and detailed records, meet deadlines
and manage multiple projects and processes in support of various operating departments. Must have strong project
management, problem-solving skills, excellent organizational and impeccable multitasking abilities with attention to
details and strong follow-through to meet deadlines. Ability to maintain accurate and detailed records, meet deadlines
and manage multiple projects and processes in support of various operating departments. Receives, interprets and
evaluates the level of significance of information requests, takes appropriate responsive action, and determines when the
executive or other staff should be notified or involved. Keep abreast with all organizational changes and business
developments. The admin must anticipate the business needs of the leadership team/admin team; proactively formulate
and evaluate solutions and/or recommendations to facilitate meeting deadlines and achieving goals. The position
requires strong verbal/written communication skills, ability to work individually and as part of an executive team.
Planning and coordinating administrative procedures and devising ways to streamline processes. S/he coordinates/assists
with recruiting and staffing admin team partnering with management and Human Resources. Ability to maintain
accurate and detailed records, meet deadlines and manage multiple projects and processes in support of various operating
departments. You are required to be extremely flexible, adaptable to an evolving fast pace environment, work well under
pressure, manage assigned tasks/projects with the ability to reassess/and prioritize deadlines for upcoming commitments
and responsibilities. Assist in resolving administrative needs for improvement/problems by coordinating preparation of
reports, analyzing data, and identifying solutions working closely with management and human resources.
Responsibilities include coordinating activities to ensure organization goals are met, effectively mentoring and
integrating new admins and ensuring all admins understand organization/Intel procedures and expectations. Planning and
coordinating administrative procedures and devising ways to streamline processes. Finally, you must use discretion and
judgment to ensure applicable private/proprietary business information, data, transactions and correspondences maintain
confidentiality and sound judgement.

This role requires managing very complex and diversified assignments within broadly defined parameters to meet
dynamic deadlines. The administrative role will provide support to Corp/SVP/EVP and Management Committee

With minimal oversight, the Executive Assistant enhances an executive’s effectiveness by providing high-level
administrative support and represents the executive to internal and external communities. Expertise in decision making
for complex problems and utilizing critical thinking and creative problem solving.
Must exhibit strong interpersonal skills, diplomacy, and accuracy to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
Independent decision making for complex problems. You are required to be extremely flexible, adaptable to an evolving
fast pace environment, work well under pressure, manage assigned tasks/projects with the ability to reassess/and
prioritize deadlines for upcoming commitments and responsibilities. Independent decision making for complex
problems. Ability to take initiative, applies analysis, and reason to problem solving. Suggest more efficient ways to run
the office and troubleshoot malfunctions. Must utilize critical thinking, analysis and creative problem solving for the
group and its divisions. Independent judgment is required to plan/prioritize multiple tasks seamlessly with excellent
attention to detail. Ability to take initiative, applies analysis, and reason to problem solving.

In this role you must have expertise in maintaining confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

In this role you must have knowledge of corporation contribution to the industry and in-depth knowledge of the group,
division, key stakeholders’ and their contributions to the corporation along with understanding of office management
procedures and legal policies. The Executive Administrator must have sufficient knowledge of the organization, business
group, judgment, and self-confidence to enable him/her to act independently in the absence of direction related to setting
priorities and on-the-spot decisions. Responsibilities extend across organizational lines, working with a globally diverse
team, requiring extensive interaction and involvement throughout the organizations, administrative staff and
internal/external clients.

The position requires excellent leadership competencies. In this role you are required to role model professional behavior
in all environments and excellent skills in influencing, mentoring and leading the Executive administrative team within
the group and across the admin community to ensure corporate processes and procedures are met. Foster a culture that
values open communication and team-work, and encourages innovation, engagement, inclusion, and diversity.

Advance decision making for complex problems and utilizing critical thinking and creative problem solving. Utilizing
critical thinking, analysis and creative problem solving for the group and its divisions. Strong effective organizational
skills to improve the efficiency of administrative processes. Effective organizational skills to improve the efficiency of
administrative processes. Interpreting program guidelines, practices, and requirements to perform specialized
administrative support functions. Identifying opportunities that make a significant impact. Interpreting program
guidelines, practices, and requirements to perform specialized administrative support functions. Resolves administrative
problems by coordinating preparation of reports, analyzing data, and identifying solutions.

Must Support a grade 14+ Executive. Minimum supervision on assignments. Executes decisions on behalf
of Corp/SVP/EVP Management Committee Members. Little to no supervision on assignments. Executes
decisions on behalf of the Senior/Exec VP Executive Office)

High School/ Equivalent

Minimum of 9 - 10 years of experience as an Executive Assistant reporting directly to VP/SVP level management or
equivalent education.
Senior Executive Assistant
Duties include receiving, interprets and evaluates the level of significance of information requests, takes
appropriate responsive action, and determines when the executive or other staff should be notified or involved. The
position requires strong verbal/written/communication skills, ability to work individually and as part of an
executive teamIn the executive’s absence, ensures that requests for action or information are distributed to the
appropriate staff member. he admin must anticipate the business needs of the leadership team; proactively
formulate and evaluate solutions and/or recommendations to facilitate meeting deadlines and achieving goals.
Strong organizational skills that reflect ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks seamlessly with excellent
attention to detail. You are required to perform well under pressure, manage assigned tasks/projects, multi-tasking
and maintaining attention to detail with flexibility to reassess and prioritize deadlines/goals. Duties include
coordinate logistics for meetings and events; organizes and manages extremely complex calendar schedule(s) for
manager, makes extensive travel arrangements and prepares expense reports; provides support for departmental
events, quarterly events and recognition. Ability to take initiative, applies analysis, and reason to problem solving
skills. Ability to maintain accurate and detailed records, meet deadlines and manage multiple projects and
processes in support of various operating departments. Planning and coordinating administrative procedures and
devising ways to streamline processes. Interpreting program guidelines, practices, and requirements to perform
specialized administrative support functions. Responsibilities include coordinating activities to ensure organization
goals are met, effectively mentoring and integrating new admins and ensuring all admins understand
organization/Intel procedures and expectations. S/he coordinates/assists with recruiting and staffing admin team
partnering with management and Human Resources. Resolves administrative needs for improvement/problems by
coordinating preparation of reports, analyzing data, and identifying solutions working closely with management
and human resources.

This role requires managing extremely complex and diversified assignments with more dynamic deadlines and
deliverables. The administrative role will provide support to Executive and/or SVP Technical Assistant.

With minimal oversight, the Executive Assistant enhances an executive’s effectiveness by providing high-level
administrative support and represents the executive to internal and external communities.
Must exhibit strong interpersonal skills, diplomacy, and accuracy to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
Independent decision making for complex problems. The Executive Administrator must have sufficient knowledge
of the organization, judgment, and self-confidence to enable him/her to act independently in the absence of
direction related to setting priorities and on-the-spot decisions. Independent judgment is required to plan, prioritize
and organize diversified workload. Finally, you must use discretion and judgment to ensure applicable
private/proprietary business information, data, transactions and correspondences maintain confidentiality and sound

In this role you must have expertise in maintaining confidentiality using discretion and sound judgment.

Keep abreast with all organizational changes and business developments. Responsibilities extend across
organizational lines, working with a globally diverse team, requiring extensive interaction and involvement
throughout the organizations, administrative staff and internal/external clients. In this role you must have
knowledge of corporation contribution to the industry and in-depth knowledge of the group, division, key
stakeholders’ and their contributions to the corporation along with understanding of office management procedures
and legal policies.

The position requires excellent leadership competencies. Foster a culture that values open communication and
team-work, and encourages innovation, engagement, inclusion, and diversity. In this role you are required to role
model professional behavior in all environments and excellent skills in influencing, mentoring and leading the
Executive administrative team within the group and across the admin community to ensure corporate processes and
procedures are met. Foster a culture that values open communication and team-work, and encourages innovation,
engagement, inclusion, and diversity.

Advanced decision making for complex problems. Utilizing independent and critical thinking, analysis and
creative problem solving for the corporation and industry. Strong effective organizational skills to improve the
efficiency of administrative process. Identifying opportunities that make a significant impact. Interpreting program
guidelines, practices, and requirements to perform specialized administrative support functions. Identifying
opportunities that make a significant impact. Resolves administrative problems by coordinating preparation of
reports, analyzing data, and identifying solutions.

Must Support a Grade 16+ Executive. Little to no supervision on assignments. Executes decisions on behalf of
the Exec VP/CEO Executive Office)

High School/ Equivalent

Minimum 10+ Years Executive Experience reporting directly to a SVP or higher level management or equivalent

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