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Fiona Soh Ying Xin 2013



1. We (sleep / sleeps / slept / sleeping) late every Saturday.

2. Zaimy (do / did / does / done) ask for permission before he went to the library.
3. The tigress gives ( its / his / their) cub the meat.
4. The train is going ( to / in / through / between) the tunnel.
5. (Besides / Although / Therefore / Furthermore) Farah was tired, she still helped her
6. Yoong got the (less / least / little) marks in Mathematics.
7. He stood ( in / by /under / across) the post box and waited for the postman.
8. Salmah bought a book, pen and pencil case because ( it / we / she / they) were cheap.
9. Yasmin understood the message because Chan spoke ( softly /clearly / quickly / hurriedly).
10. It had been raining heavily ( so / but / because / although) the village was flooded.
11. The boy ( sadly / politely / happily / quickly ) took some money from his mother and ran
out ( carefully / lightly / quickly / tiredly) to buy an ice-cream.
12. The durian is a fruit with ( soft / sharp / short / broken) thorns and (long / hard / smooth /
rough) skin.
13. Father : Do you have ( any / many / a few / a little) homework today
Ravi : Yes, I do.
14. The weather today is (hot / hotter / hotting / hottest) than yesterday but last week was the
( hotter / hottest / hot / hotting) .
15. Mother : How did you break the vase, Husna?
Husna : I ( break / broke / breaks / breaking) it while I was wiping the table.
16. Kevin did his English test ( badly / quickly / carefully / angrily) and he promised to do it
better the next time.
17. Arif collected the ( most / more / many / much) number of old newspapers for the recycling
campaign in his school.
Fiona Soh Ying Xin 2013
18. You must finish your work ( of / or / but) you cannot watch television.
19. Mpther : ( Has / Had / Do / Have) you taken your bath, Bala?
Bala : Yes, I ( has / had / do / have).
20.“Adam, please pay attention. You must (listen / listens / listened / listening) to me when
I’m teaching,” said the teacher.
21. They live in (a / an / the) beautiful house on ( the / a / an) island.
22.They worked very hard for the examination, (do / did / don’t / didn’t) they?
23.He ( is / are / was / were) running to the canteen he fell.
24.The spectators were leaning ( along / against / around / above) the fence while watching
the football match.
25.I would like to buy that watch ( if / so / because / although) it is expensive.
26.The ladies are busy hanging ( a / an / the) curtains for ( an / the / a) wedding.
27.Tina and Farid will ( take / takes / taking / took) taxi to the airport.
28.Wani and her sister ( liking / likes / liked / like) eating vegetables.
29. The children continued to play ( whether / because / although / therefore) it was
raining heavily.
30.(That / This / Those / These) pencils which I am using belong to my sister.
31. (Where / Whose / Whom / Which) did you give the umbrella to?
32.The zookeepers ( is / are / was / were) feeding the elephants just now.
33. There isn’t ( some / any / a little / plenty of) sugar left in the jar.
34.How (much / many / little / some) time do you need to paint the wall?
35.Rafie fell and (break / broke / breaks / broken) his spectacles..
36.En. Muzaffar walks ( over / among / towards / across) his new car.
37.Please put the boxes of crockery (heavily / lightly / kindly / gently) on the floor.
38.Look at (this / that / these / those) ducks swimming in the pond over there.
39.Mei Ling’s handwriting is (clear / sharp / neat / fast) and tidy.
40. Teacher : Ramlan, you ( should / could / will / do) not be late for school.
Ramlan : Yes, I know teacher. I’m sorry.
Fiona Soh Ying Xin 2013

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