Diss Communism

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Gwezza Lou A.

St. Francis de Sales

In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal") is a
philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the
establishment of a communist society, which is a socioeconomic order based on common
ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.

Various countries, including Ukraine, Belarus, and Azerbaijan, would form the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (better known as the Soviet Union). Around the world, various nations
with millions of disenfranchised citizens would revolt against oppressive governments, such as
China, and China would eventually become a communist state as well. Soon after, the United
States of America would take a stand against Russia and China by advocating democracy as an
alternative to communism. Soon, the three countries would disperse in search of allies.
Creating "proxy conflicts." One such country was the Philippines, and the proclamation of the
Philippine Communist Party, but democracy would win in the Philippines.

Communism is not applicable in the Philippines since it is a democratic country. We grew up

understanding that our nation has a Democratic Government in which we, as citizens, are
allowed to participate equally, either directly or through elected representatives, and as
children, we were not able to go deep enough into democracy and were only given the surface
information. Furthermore, because the Philippines is one of the most religious countries in the
world, it cannot be considered a communist country because communism is incompatible with
religious beliefs.

The Philippine Communist Party was renamed the NPA (or New People's Army) in its initial
incarnation, but internal conflict pitted younger, more educated members of the PKP against
older, more established members of the PKP. The Philippine Communist Party will eventually be
turned into the New People's Army. In the past, the NPA has engaged in guerilla warfare against
the Philippine Army, as well as attacks on local police units. These attacks are often carried out
by ambush attacks and directly targeting a police station, but the police station is eventually not
attacked. Previous governments treated the New People's Army differently. Some regimes see
the NPA as nothing more than an ideological terrorist organization, while others see them as a
force that understands the working man's fight.

In 2018, President Duterte directed the Philippine army to effectively exterminate all NPA
soldiers, essentially ending any diplomatic solutions, unlike past presidents, such as President
Ramos, who granted amnesty for NPA members, leading to true peace discussions and
negotiations. However, several NPA acts throughout the peace talks would bring the
negotiations to a standstill and eventually lead back to zero.

In conclusion, it is reasonable to assume that the Philippines has made significant progress
toward peace with the communist party of the Philippines and the New People's Army.
However, acts throughout the years have demonstrated that the New People's Army has a
"back and forth" attitude toward peace talks, and several splinter factions within the NPA have
thwarted any peace talks plans.

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