Life and Works of Jose Rizal - Quiz

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Life and Works of Jose Rizal


Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________

Course/Year/Section: ________________

I. True or False: Write the word TRUE if the statement if correct and the word FALSE if the
statement is incorrect.
____________1. Rizal enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid in two courses- Medicine and Philosophy and
____________2. March 1883- Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge Acacia in Madrid under his Masonic
name Taga-Ilog.
____________3. Rizal travelled and observed European life and customs in Paris, Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Berlin.
Also to specialize in Opthalmology.
____________4. June 21, 1884- conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine. The University also awarded his
diploma after completing his thesis.
____________5. Rizal observed that German woman is serious, diligent, educated, and friendly.
____________6. March 21, 1887- the El Filibusterismo came off the press. The title El Filibusterismo is a Latin
phrase which means “Touch Me Not”.
____________7. Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines—“To My Fatherland”
____________8. Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales - Rizal also translated this in Tagalog for his children.
____________9. Because of his knowledge of German, Spanish, and other European languages,
Rizal worked as proof-reader in a publishing firm.
____________10. According to Rizal “Paris is one of the cheapest capital in Europe.” Prices of food, drinks, theatre,
laundry, hotels and transportation were cheap.

II. Multiple choice. Write the letter of the correct answer.

________11. He had four reasons for returning to the Philippines (1887-1888): The following are the
reasons for his return in the Philippines except:
A. To perform an operation on Dona Teodora’s eyes;
B. To defend his oppressed countrymen more effectively than doing so in a foreign land;
C. To find out how his Noli was received by the Filipinos and Spaniards
D. To know the reason for Josephine Bracken’s long silence
________12. Governor General Emilio Terrero assigned a bodyguard to Rizal during his first return in the
Philippines. He’s bodyguard was:
A. Jose Taviel de Andrade C. Emilio Terrero
B. Juanito Pelaez D. Ramon Blanco
________13. What was the reaction and opinion of the Spanish friars towards the Novel Noli Me
A. “interesting, funny, and the depiction of friars are respectable. The Spanish government was
very much delighted with this piece of literature”
B. “heretical, impious, and scandalous in the religious order and anti-patriotic, subversive of
public order, injurious to the government of Spain”
C. “dark, vengeful, and full of evil twist. The government was portrayed in a humorous at the
same time honest demeanor.
D. None of the Above
________14. While in Hong Kong, Rizal engaged in cultural activities. Among the experiences
while he observed were the following except:
A. The Chinese way of celebrating their New Year, which included making noise and exploding
firecrackers to drive away evil spirits;
B. Chinese lauriat parties, where they served many different types of dishes;
C. Chinese theatres which used symbolisms and noisy music to entertain an equally
D. Chinese manufacturing and mass production of different goods and products
________15. What was Rizals bad impression of America when he visited the country in April and May
A. the material progress of the country as shown in the great cities, huge farms,
B. the drive and energy of the American People
C. the lack of racial equality
D. the high standard of living;
________16. Rizal spent ten months (10) in the reading room of the British Museum deeply immersed in
his historical studies in London. This was the greatest achievement of Rizal in London, the annotating of
Morga’s book. What was the title of this book?
A. Doctrina Christiana
B. Libro de los Cuatro Postprimeras de Hombre
C. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
D. Urbana y Felisa
________17. On September 18, 1891, Rizal’s was able to published and released this equally famous
literary piece.
A. Noli Me Tangere C. Sobre la Indolencia de los filipinos
B. El Filibusterismo D. Filipinas Dentro de Cien Anos
________18. During Rizal’s stay in Calamba in 1887, he was able to accomplished the following activities
except for:
A. He opened a medical clinic and restored his mother’s vision
B. He opened a gymnasium for young folks, where he introduced European sports to
discourage his town mates from idleness and gambling.
C. Won in a lottery and use the money to buy tract of land in Calamba
D. He also took part in Calamba’s civic affairs and on his spare time made paintings of the
towns landscapes.
________19. In 1890-1891, Rizal experienced several misfortunes while staying in Madrid, Spain. The
following unfortunate events are true except:
A. Francisco Rizal (Rizal’s Father) and other tenants were forcibly evicted from Calamba by
Governor General Valeriano Weyler.
B. December 1890, Rizal received a letter from Leonor Rivera announcing her coming marriage
to Henry Kipping, an Englishman
C. the Marcelo H. del Pilar-Jose Rizal rivalry for leadership in the Asociacion Hispano Filipino
D. Rizal was constantly followed by a spy in the name of Jose Sainz de Varranda
_________20. What was the reason Rizal decided to retire from La Solidaridad?
A. To Finish his novel Noli Me Tangere
B. To go back to the Philippines specially in Dapitan
C. He considered it important to the party that there be unity in the work
D. He wants to focus on his relationship with Leonor Rivera

III. Identification. Choose the correct answer from the box. Write your answer in the space
provided before the number.

 Valentin Ventura * Borneo

 Indolence of the Filipinos * Hongkong
 Marcelo Del Pilar * Maximo Viola
 Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters * Laong Laan
 Licentiate in Medicine * Taga - Ilog
 Land Surveying and Assessment
 Ferdinand Blumentritt,
_________________21. The Land where Rizal plans to relocate the landless Filipinos. He called it the ‘New
_________________22. – An article written by Rizal where he defended the alleged laziness of the Filipinos.
_________________23. He was considered the savior of the Novel El Filibusterismo because he gave the
necessary funds for the printing of the novel.
_________________24. Rizal stayed in this part of Asia where he and his family had a family reunion before he
came back to the Philippines for the second time.
_________________25. Rizal’s supposed rival in the leadership in Asociacion Hispano Filipino.
_________________26. He was considered the savior of the Novel Noli Me Tangere because he loaned Rizal
P300 for the printing of the novel.
_________________27. – 28. Two courses which Rizal was able to finished in Madrid, Spain
_________________29. A German Professor whom Rizal considered best friend and brother.
_________________30. One of Rizal’s pen name which he uses during his article writings in La Solidaridad.

IV. Essay. (10pts)

1. Discuss the reasons why Rizal decided to travel abroad. Was he able to achieved his
objectives? Explain.

2. Elaborate on the life experiences of Rizal during his exile in Dapitan. Enumerate his
achievements, activities and accomplishments during his years of stay in this particular

3. Explain the significance of the novels Noli and El Fili in Philippine history particularly
during the time of Jose Rizal.

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