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TRPLSC 1615 No.

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Forum Two approaches have been employed for stress responses into a single readout.
Can Peroxisomes breeding more stress-tolerant crops [3].
First, the ‘bottom-up’ approach, relies on
Because peroxisomes play a key role in
stress responses, I hypothesize they are
Inform Cellular modifications of individual genes that are the ideal candidate for such a cellular

Response to already known to be part of the tolerance

mechanism. The outcome of this
parameter that could be used to improve
current phenotyping strategies.
Drought? approach may not meet expectations
because yield is a genetically complex Peroxisomes Alleviate Oxidative
Andrei Smertenko1,* trait controlled by a hierarchical, intercon- Damage [90_TD$IF]under Stress
nected network of multiple genes. A suc- Peroxisomes are ubiquitous eukaryotic
Although plant germplasm con- cessful outcome results from the organelles that are surrounded by a single
tains numerous unknown traits combined output of many interactions, boundary membrane [4]. Among their
for drought-tolerance, the ability although the contribution of individual many roles are photorespiration (as part
to phenotype this material genes and/or interactions could be rela- of glycolate cycle), b-oxidation of fatty
tively small. Furthermore, the potential acids, and the synthesis of hormones
remains challenging. I propose
effect from changing the activity of one indole-3-acetic acid and jasmonic acid
that peroxisome abundance may
or several genes can be abrogated if other [4]. Moreover, the bulk of reactive oxygen
be a viable parameter for the eval- members of the network behave differ- species (ROS) metabolism takes place in
uation of drought response at the ently due to the variability of seasonal and peroxisomes [5]. The high concentration
cellular level, and hence could be geographic growth conditions, or as a of ROS exposes peroxisomal compo-
useful to improve phenotyping consequence of the trade-off effect on nents to risk from oxidative damage,
efforts. the yield. which is averted by ROS scavengers such
as (i) the antioxidants ascorbate and glu-
Strategies for Breeding Drought- Second, the ‘top-down’ approach, tathione (GSH) and (ii) a diverse cadre of
Tolerant Crops encompasses screening for desired traits enzymes including catalase (CAT),
The productivity of agricultural systems is in a genetically diverse population. An [92_TD$IF]monodehydroascorbate reductase,
proportional to the amount of accessible important advantage of this approach is GSH reductase, ascorbate peroxidase,
soil moisture [1]. Currently, water deficit the potential to identify novel traits for peroxiredoxins, and superoxide dismut-
restricts yield in over one quarter of all drought-tolerance in germplasm. How- ase (SOD).
arable land worldwide [2]. Climate ever, phenotyping of large germplasm
change is predicted to reduce water collections for drought responses These peroxisomal components play a
availability in many agricultural areas remains challenging due to marked vari- key role in several avenues of the stress
where it is already a limiting factor. Apart ability in (i) life cycle (e.g., early or late response. For example, the activity of
from reducing yield, drought also exac- flowering), (ii) morphology (e.g., root SOD and ascorbate peroxidase increases
erbates the impact of other biotic and architecture or plant size), and (iii) cellular during drought in peas [6], and drought-
abiotic stressors including soil salinity, ultrastructure (e.g., cell wall thickness and tolerant rice varieties consistently contain
extremes in temperature, and pests/ composition). This variability prevents the less H2O2 and exhibit higher activities of
pathogens, among others. While irriga- normalized application of different stress- CAT, SOD, and ascorbate peroxidase [7].
tion can compensate for low rainfall, the ors to a specific life-cycle stage across all In addition to upregulation of ROS scav-
growing demand for water from industrial accessions. Hence, the efficacy of ‘top- engers/enzymes, the total number of per-
and domestic users decreases the fea- down’ programs largely depends on a oxisomes in cells can increase during
sibility of this option in many parts of the battery of phenotyping tools that can sen- abiotic stress ([8] and citations therein).
world, particularly in those with arid cli- sitively and selectively capture drought This increase is accompanied by upregu-
mates. Traditionally, greater efficiency in responses on the population level. Cur- lation of peroxisome biogenesis genes in
water use has been achieved through rent tools used to phenotype plant mor- Arabidopsis, including PEX1, PEX10, and
optimizing water management and agri- phology, physiology, and yield [2] have PEX11 [9]. Drought stress also increases
cultural practices [3]. Looking to the poor resolution for probing cellular transcription of the peroxisome biogene-
future, further improvements in water responses; however, these cellular sis gene PEX11c in Arabidopsis [10].
use efficiency will likely depend on the parameters could improve the sensitivity Finally, the application of exogenous
development of new crop varieties with and discrimination of phenotyping efforts H2O2 triggers the proliferation of peroxi-
the innate ability to sustain themselves in because they integrate the complexity of somes ([8] and citations therein), demon-
a low-moisture environment. diverse molecular interactions underlying strating a positive feedback loop between

Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 1

TRPLSC 1615 No. of Pages 3

ROS accumulation and peroxisome

abundance. Thus, changes of ROS Reducon of soil moisture content
homeostasis in response to water deficit 1
could modulate peroxisome abundance
in cells, although direct experimental evi- ABA synthesis in roots
dence to support this interaction is still ABA moves to shoots 1
lacking. Below I propose a hypothetical
model for the impact of drought on per-
oxisome abundance. The production of
Stomata closure
ROS under other abiotic stress factors 2 2
such as salinity, heavy metals, tempera-
ture, etc. could also impact on peroxi- Chloroplast
some proliferation. The signal Light
transduction pathways in those cases DNA
would likely differ from [93_TD$IF]my model.
ROS-scavengers 2
Peroxisome Abundance May and peroxisome 3
Inform Responses to Drought biogenesis genes 2 CO2
Stress 5 fixaon
Water deficiency is thought to be first
perceived by the root system (Figure 1). 4
Roots relay this signal to shoots through
the synthesis of abscisic acid (ABA),
3Lipids 4
6 3
which moves to leaves via the xylem Peroxisomes
sap. Upon reaching the leaves, ABA indu- proliferaon RNA Enzymes
ces closure of the stomata, thus reducing
water loss through transpiration. Stomata 6
closure limits the intake of CO2 and inhib- Synthesis of ROS
its carbon fixation. Consequently, residual
light energy that is not used in CO2 fixation
scavengers Cytoplasm
becomes converted into ROS through (i)
oxygen photoreduction by photosystems
I and II; (ii) the formation of singlet oxygen Figure 1. [90_TD$IF]Model of Crosstalk between Peroxisome Abundance and Reactive Oxygen Species
(1[91_TD$IF]O2), which results from transfer of light (ROS) Homeostasis under Drought. (1) Roots perceive reduced soil moisture content and produce
abscisic acid (ABA), which is transported to shoots. After reaching the shoots, ABA induces stomata closure.
energy from exited chlorophyll to ground- (2) Stomata closure reduces CO fixation and, as a consequence, more light energy collected by the
state oxygen; and (iii) an increase in chloroplast is converted to ROS. (3) ROS damage lipids, structural proteins, and enzymes, as well as
photorespiration. RNA and DNA, in all cellular compartments. (4) Damage to lipids and proteins further compromises CO2
fixation as well as other chemical reactions in the cell, and ROS production increases. (5) ROS activate the
expression of ROS scavengers and peroxisome biogenesis factors. (6) ROS neutralization alleviates oxidative
ROS can damage multiple cellular struc- damage to the cellular components. Consequently, the chances of cell survival during stress recovery would
tures through different mechanisms [11]: increase.
modification of guanine to form 8-hydrox-
yguanine by 1O2, which leads to muta- above types of damage inhibit photosyn- damage, and consequentially increase
tions in DNA and RNA; peroxidation of thesis, which in turn causes even higher the chances of plant survival following
polyunsaturated fatty acids by 1O2 and ROS production[94_TD$IF]. If it becomes too exten- drought.
hydroxyl radical, which causes a reduc- sive, the oxidative damage will further
tion in membrane fluidity and permeabil- compromise recovery from the stress Given this knowledge, my model pro-
ity, and perturbs the function of integral and may eventually lead to cell death. poses that
membrane proteins; and modification of Under conditions of severe water loss,
amino acids through nitrosylation, car- the only known intervention is the produc- [95_TD$IF](i) peroxisome abundance in cells and
bonylation, and/or oxidation, which tion of the ROS scavengers and the pro- organs can be used as a proxy of ROS
results in protein damage and inhibition liferation of peroxisomes, which may homeostasis: higher abundance would
of enzymes [11,12]. Collectively, the neutralize ROS, alleviate the oxidative be indicative of less efficient ROS

2 Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

TRPLSC 1615 No. of Pages 3

Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement

homeostasis and vice versa. Measuring variability of the drought-adaptation (Kijne, J.W., ed.), pp. 1–18, CABI
ROS homeostasis to test this hypothesis strategies, some genotypes could 2. Salekdeh, G.H. et al. (2009) Conceptual framework for
on a large scale, however, has been com- scavenge the excess of ROS through drought phenotyping during molecular breeding. Trends
Plant Sci. 14, 488–496
plicated by the chemical diversity of ROS a peroxisome-independent mechanism, 3. Sinclair, T.R. (2011) Challenges in breeding for yield
and ROS scavengers, which requires whereas other may avoid ROS increase for drought. Trends Plant Sci. 16, 289–293

individualized techniques for the detec- production. Further experimental work 4. Hu, J. et al. (2012) Plant peroxisomes: biogenesis and
function. Plant cell 24, 2279–2303
tion and quantification of each class of would help to determine whether perox- 5. Foyer, C.H. and Noctor, G. (2003) Redox sensing and
molecules. For the same reason, high- isomes play an active role in enhancing signalling associated with reactive oxygen in chloroplasts,
peroxisomes and mitochondria. Physiol. Plant. 119,
throughput assays for ROS have not drought tolerance (and can therefore be 355–364
proved feasible. These challenges could manipulated for increased performance) 6. Mittler, R. and Zilinskas, B.A. (1994) Regulation of
be overcome using a fluorescent probe or are simply reporters that inform the pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase and other antioxidant
enzymes during the progression of drought stress
such as N-BODIPY to measure the abun- current state of ROS homeostasis in and following recovery from drought. Plant J. 5,
dance of peroxisomes in a semi high- the plant. 397–405
7. Guo, Z. et al. (2006) Differential responses of antioxidative
throughput format [8], and system to chilling and drought in four rice cultivars differing
Acknowledgments in sensitivity. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 44, 828–836

[96_TD$IF](ii) efficient ROS-scavenging systems in a I appreciate the help of Mark Hubbard in writing 8. Fahy, D. et al. (2017) Impact of salt stress, cell death, and
autophagy on peroxisomes: quantitative and morphologi-
given genotype may correlate with this manuscript. The laboratory of A.S. is supported
cal analyses using small fluorescent probe N-BODIPY. Sci.
improved performance under drought. by the US Department of Agriculture (grant Rep. 7, 39069
WNPO3826), a Dr OA Vogel Foundation award, a 9. Charlton, W.L. et al. (2005) Salt-induced expression of
Relatively fewer peroxisomes under peroxisome-associated genes requires components of
Washington State University (WSU) New Faculty Seed
drought stress would be indicative of the ethylene, jasmonate and abscisic acid signalling path-
Grant, the WSU BioAg fund, and a CRDF award (grant ways. Plant Cell Environ. 28, 513–524
reduced ROS content and better cellular
62765). 10. Li, J. and Hu, J. (2015) Using co-expression analysis and
fitness. Higher peroxisome abundance stress-based screens to uncover Arabidopsis peroxisomal
would represent ROS overproduction Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State proteins involved in drought response. PLoS One 10,
University, Pullman, WA 99163, USA e0137762
and poor fitness. 11. Moller, I.M. et al. (2007) Oxidative modifications to cellular
*Correspondence: components in plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 58,
Systematic analyses of the correlation (A. Smertenko).
12. Apel, K. and Hirt, H. (2004) Reactive oxygen species:
between peroxisome abundance and
metabolism, oxidative stress, and signal transduction.
yield traits [97_TD$IF]under drought stress would Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 55, 373–399
demonstrate the agricultural usefulness 1. Molden, D. et al. (2003) A water-productivity framework for
of this parameter. Considering the understanding and action. In Water Productivity in

Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 3

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