Sample Test Items Media and Information Literacy

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I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the letter that best describes and responds to the questions asked in the
following statements.

1. Some educational influencers like teachers use Tiktok in sharing lessons or concepts through
short video clips. This is an example of ____________.
a. microlearning
b. brief acquiring
c. quick recap
d. mini-learning

2. Kahoot, Quizalize and Quizizz are examples of applications used in a learning approach that
incorporates features of games in a non-game environment. This approach to learning is called
a. gamification
b. game-based thinking
c. neither gamification nor game-based thinking
d. both gamification and game-based thinking

3. Media and information allows the community to see how government officials use their power
during their terms and how they take full responsibility for their actions. Which of the following
best describes this?
a. media and information promotes accountability and equity.
b. media and information promotes transparency and accountability.
c. media and information promotes transparency and equity.
d. media and information promotes responsibility and accountability.

4. Nowadays, there are several transactions which can be completed through the use of online
payment and cryptocurrency. This is a manifestation that ____________.
a. media and information promotes economic accessibility.
b. media and information promotes the existence of new mode of documentation.
c. media and information promotes the existence of a new economic environment
d. media and information promotes new marketing strategy.

5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a multimedia system?

a. The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive.
b. Multimedia systems must be human-controlled.
c. The information they handle must be presented digitally.
d. Multimedia systems are integrated

Answers Key:

1. a 3. c 5. c
2. b 4. b

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