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The Hero and the Fool

2. Review Question: We have seen examples of God-appointed heroes (Othniel, Ehud,

Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon) and a self-appointed hero (Abimelech). Besides the fact that God
was behind His heroes, why did they succeed where Abimelech failed?
They succeeded because they listened to what God said and they did their part as heroes
while Abimelech did not please God.

3. Have you ever started something with good intentions only to have it lead to negative
consequences? Share an example.
Yes, example is cleaning or studying. I end up doing a bit or doing nothing at all.

4. Why do we remember actions instead of intentions?

Because we don’t really know the real intention of someone but we can see their actions.

8. Jephthah was an outcast, the son of a prostitute. What can we learn from the fact that God
still saw him as a future hero of Israel?
He knows the background of Jephthah but it does not matter because he will be the next
hero of Israel and that will make him important.

9. Jephthah surrounded himself with foolish friends. The Bible warns us that if we do this it
leads us to foolishness. Why is this?
A lot of us do or view things the same as our friends because we think it’s okay and hanging
out with foolish friends can teach us how to be like them.

Journal: I will be careful on who I would be with. I will choose my friends and make sure that
we won’t get involved to foolish deeds.

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