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What Could Have Been

6. It seems that Samson in his younger years struggled mightily with selfishness. How can
selfishness get in the way of your ability to follow God’s plan for your life?
It will cause me to act in a way that I don't value God's plan because I'll just be concerned
with what I think is best for myself.

7. In what ways was Samson both the superhero and the super-villain in this story?
He has both achievements and failures. Samson's story revealed his bad side, but his strength
allowed him to defeat his enemies.

8. Why do you think that after the cutting of Samson’s hair his powers disappeared?
If his hair is cut, he loses his superpowers. But he lost his powers because he believed that
the strength came from him and he trusted Delilah.

9. Why do you think Samson’s powers returned?

God restored his strength when he turned back to him in faith.  

10. In many ways, there are parallels between lives of Samson and Jesus. In what ways were
they similar? In what ways were they different?
Jesus and Samson both willingly gave their lives. In the end, both came to understand that
great power comes with great responsibility. But when it comes to Samson, until the very end
we still see selfishness. Jesus was selfless because he refused to seek revenge even though
they hurt him.

Journal: I learned that the strength God provided me is really important, and it is up to me to

whether lose it or protect it. Being selfish won't help me fulfill God's plan, so I'll make an
effort not to be one.

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