Sabello Activity - 4

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SCHEDULE:  5-6 pm

Activity Sheet No.4

Basic Term: Types of Test
Types of test Definitions and examples of the Reference
Intelligence It comprises mental, verbal, and
Test performance tasks of graded q=what+is+intellegence+test+and+examp
difficulty that have been le+pof+test&oq=what+is+intellegence+te
standardized by use on a st+and+example+pof+test&aqs=chrome..
representative sample of the 69i57.20659j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=U
population. Examples of TF-8
intelligence tests include the
Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale
and the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale. Also called
intelligence scale.
Speed Test In the context of educational
measurement, the term speeded q=what+is+speed+test+and+exampl
test (or speed test) refers to a e+of+test&ei=980dY5vLIr-v2roPk_-
measuring tool composed of a 72AI&ved=0ahUKEwjborvA2Iz6AhW
list of relatively easy items, _l1YBHZP_DisQ4dUDCA4&uact=5
intended to be answered in a &oq=what+is+speed+test+and+exa
very limited time. When applying
a speeded test, it is common to AAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDo
ask (or even force) the test ECAAQR0oECEEYAEoFCEASATFK
takers to solve the items BAhGGABQlwRYrSZgqCxoAHACeA
sequentially from the first to the KAAdIRiAHWIZIBDzAuMS4wLjIuM
last one C4yLjktMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&

Psychological A Psychological test is a

Test standardized measure of a academic/Education/Study/MA-S-IV-
sample of a person's. behavior Guidence.pdf
that is used to measure the
individual differences that exist
among people. A. psychological
test is an objective and
standardized measure of an
individual's mental and/or.
behavioral characteristics.
Educational Educational tests serve a variety
Test of functions, including their use social-sciences/educational-testing
in making educational decisions - :~:text=Educational%20tests%20serve
about students, monitoring %20a
student achievement, schools
and system accountability, and classroom%20teachers.
formative decision making by
classroom teachers.
Aptitude Test Aptitude tests, also known as
cognitive tests, are assessments q=what+is+aptitiude+test+and+example+
to measure the cognitive acumen of+test&ei=DtAdY9O5G_DT2roPg4-
of a person. Aptitude tests Q2AI&ved=0ahUKEwjT-
measure skills such as abstract
reasoning, visual reasoning, nd+example+of+test&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd
logical reasoning, problem- 2l6EAMyBAghEAo6BQgAEKIESgQIQRgASg
solving, decision-making, QIRhgAUABY4RZgxhloAHAAeAKAAZ0FiAH
numerical ability, verbal ability, 2GpIBCTItMy4yLjMuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&
etc. sclient=gws-wiz

Power Test One example of a pure power

test would be an English q=what+is+power+test+and+example+of
vocabulary examination in which +test&ei=uNAdY6-dE-
a list of words is presented to a uA2roPz9Ov2AI&ved=0ahUKEwiv2cGQ24
group of sixth-grade students
who then have to find a synonym +of+test&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQ
for each word without using any gAEKIEMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogQyBwgAEB
external help 4QogQ6BAgAEEdKBAhBGABKBQhAEgExS

Structured Structural testing, also known as

Test glass box testing or white box software_testing_dictionary/structural
testing is an approach where the _testing.htm - :~:text=Structural
tests are derived from the %20testing%2C%20
knowledge of the software's
structure or internal
implementation. The other
names of structural testing
includes clear box testing, open
box testing, logic driven testing or
path driven testing.
Unstructured  With unstructured test
Test cycles, QA engineers perform b5f1djy59z3a/23RxYF36PJW
their own functional tests without GaiouPaEq1H/83f153557ffc8
the guidance of test cases or test c00c4b0c18f863e6058/
scripts, experiencing and testing
the application as end-users with
no prior knowledge.
Maximum The maximum performance tests
Performance of speech production are those /3312817/ - :~:text=The%20maximum%2
Test tests that examine the upper 0performance%20tests%20of,
limits of performance for selected performance%20for%20selected%
speech tasks. Among the most
commonly used maximum
performance tests are the
following: maximum duration of
phonation, maximum fricative
duration, maximum phonation
volume, maximum expiratory
pressure, fundamental frequency
range, maximum sound pressure
level, maximum occluding force
of the articulators, and
diadochokinetic (maximum
repetition) rate. 
Typical Typical performance tests ask
Performance the person to respond to one or en/chapter/67694-introduction-
Test more tasks where the responses summary-chapter-1-conceptual-
are typical for the person. The introduction-psychometrics-g-j-
mellenbergh - :~:text=Typical
person's responses cannot be
evaluated on correctness, but 20tests%20asks%20the,but%
they typify the person. 20they%20typify%20the%20person.
Prognostic a test which is designed to
Test predict how well one is likely to /~nunnath/engl6240/testing.html
do in a language course. - :~:text=Prognostic%20test%20--%20a
Placement test -- a test which is %20test,in%20a%20
designed to place students at an
appropriate level in a program or
Performance Performance assessment is a
Test task student must perform p/performance-assessment/
instead of than write a test. For - :~:text=Performance%20assessment
instance, in a Spanish class, %20is%20a%20task,exercises%
students may be asked to deliver
an oral presentation rather than a
traditional exam. Performance
assessments consist of open-
ended response exercises,
extended tasks and portfolios.

Diagnostic Diagnostic assessments

Test are intended to help teachers hn/guidanceonassessments.asp
identify what students know and - :~:text=Diagnostic%20assessments
can do in different domains to %20are%20intended%20to,and%
support their students' learning.
These kinds of assessments may
help teachers determine what
students understand in order to
build on the students' strengths
and address their specific needs.
Achievement The term achievement tests
Test refers to tests designed to reference/the-sage-encyclopedia
measure the knowledge, skills, -of-educational-research-measurement
and abilities attained by a test -and-evaluation/i1967.xml - :~:text=The
taker in a field, in a subject area,
or in a content domain in which %20training%20or%20instruction.
the test taker has received
training or instruction.
Preference any measure used in research to
Test determine an individual's choice test
between two or more alternatives
and what that choice might
indicate behaviorally or
Accomplishm measures how an individual has
ent Test learned over time and what the achievement-tests - :~:text=What%20is
individual has learned by %20an%20
analyzing his present Achievement%20Test,area%20at
performance. It also measures
how a person understands and
masters a particular knowledge
area at the present time.
Standardized A standardized test is any form of
Test test that requires all test takers to standardized-test/ - :~:text=A%
answer the same questions, or a 20standardized%20test%20is%
selection of questions from 20any,the%20relative%20
common bank of questions, in
the same way, and that is scored
in a “standard” or consistent
manner, which makes it possible
to compare the relative
performance of individual
Teacher-made Because tests provided with a
Test textbook don't include the advantages-teachermade-tests-
knowledge the students gain 1595.html
from outside experiences,
teacher-made tests better reflect
what is taught in class and fit
better with the teaching methods
they use. With customized tests,
teachers can assess the students
as they progress to check for
Placement  A placement test is a test given
Test by a school to determine the dictionary/english/placement-test
academic or skill level of a - :~:text=A%20placement%20test%
student, especially a new 20is%20a,take%20placement%
student, in order to place them in
the correct class. Students are
required to take placement tests
before registering.
Mastery Test A mastery assessment aims to
determine what students have Workshops/time/mastery_
understood from the material assess.html - :~:text=A%20mastery%
covered during a term and, 20assessment%20aims%20to,
further, how well they can apply
that knowledge to broader
problems. A narrowly-focused
mastery assessment might
address whether students have
met an individual learning
objective for a course.
Survey Test Survey testing means running
your survey through a series of research/survey-testing/ - :~:text=
tests to check for potential What%20is%20Survey%
problems. Testing can help catch 20Testing%3F,Confusing%
any issues with a survey before
you send it out to your key
participants. Potential problems
include: Confusing or highly
sensitive questions.

Test Individual test measures how pmp/pre-ib-psychology/aa/individual-
well you have understood the test
basic concepts and ideas of
psychology as a science and
learning as a psychological
phenomenon. Tasks in the
individual test are multiple choice
tasks and short writing tasks with
and without a source material.
Example: intelligence test by
school psychologist .

Group Test Group test was developed to https://

meet a pressing practical need.
Group test can be administered psychological-testing/individual-test-
to a group of persons at a time. and-group-test/
Example: Traditional College

Verbal Test Verbal reasoning is

understanding concepts framed reasoning-test/
in words. Verbal reasoning is not
about fluency or vocabulary, but
aims at evaluating one’s ability to
think constructively. Verbal
reasoning tests provide a fair
assessment of an individual’s
ability to think, reason and solve
problems in different ways. For
that reason, verbal reasoning
tests are often used in school
admission tests and recruitment
Non-verbal Non-verbal reasoning tests https://
Test encompass a range of
psychometric aptitude tests, all verbal-reasoning-tests/#:~:text=Non
aimed at identifying your capacity %2Dverbal%20reasoning%20refers
to recognise relationships %20to,how%20a%20shape%20may
between shapes and patterns %20change.
using logic. They also assess
your ability to visualise
movements in 2D and 3D
Tests of this type may be
referred to by various names,
including diagrammatic, abstract,
inductive and logical reasoning.

Informal Test Testing of language learning

ability that does not involve the dictionary/informal-testing/
use of standardized tests that are 83299#:~:text=1.,provided%20with
norm-referenced. Informal testing %20instruction%2C%20and
can involve use of strategies %20others.
such as gathering and analyzing
language samples, dynamic
assessment of a child’s ability to
learn when provided with
instruction, and others.
Supply Test SUPPLY TEST : Is a type of test
that requires the examinees to types-of-tests/#:~:text=SUPPLY
supply an answer, such as essay %20TEST%20%3A%20Is%20a
test or completion or short %20type,%2C%20of%20true
answer test item. %2Ffalse%20test.

Selection Test Selection tests that help assess a

candidate’s ability to perform procedures/recruitment/bestpractice/
specific tasks are often called selectiontests/
‘work sample’ tests. These types #Makingtheselectiondecision
of tests aim to replicate actual job
tasks or situations to assess if
the candidate has the skills,
experience or qualifications to
carry out the work.
Criterion- Criterion-referenced tests and
referenced assessments are designed to referenced-test/
Test measure student performance
against a fixed set of
predetermined criteria or learning
standards—i.e., concise, written
descriptions of what students are
expected to know and be able to
do at a specific stage of their
education. In elementary and
secondary education, criterion-
referenced tests are used to
evaluate whether students have
learned a specific body of
knowledge or acquired a specific
skill set. For example, the
curriculum taught in a course,
academic program, or content

Norm- Norm-referenced refers to

referenced standardized tests that are referenced-test/
Test designed to compare and rank
test takers in relation to one
another. Norm-referenced tests
report whether test takers
performed better or worse than a
hypothetical average student,
which is determined by
comparing scores against the
performance results of a
statistically selected group of test
takers, typically of the same age
or grade level, who have already
taken the exam.

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