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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 3: Professional Practice

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Van Hoang Student ID GCH211244

Class GCH1102 Assessor name Do Manh Thai

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Hoang

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1


AND/OR FAILURE OF GROUP WORK(P5).................................................................. 1

I. Definition of team dynamics........................................................................................1

II. The importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work.......4

III. In my group............................................................................................................... 6

C. WORK WITHIN A TEAM TO ACHIEVE A DEFINED GOAL (P6)...........................6

III. Introduction of my group work.................................................................................7

IV. My role in the group work........................................................................................ 7


LEARNING (P7).................................................................................................................8

I. Definition of CDP........................................................................................................ 8

II. Why CDP importance.................................................................................................8




LEARNING FOR OWN FUTURE (P8)............................................................................ 11

I. Setting goals................................................................................................................. 11

II. Three skills need to develop....................................................................................... 10

III. Strengths and weaknesses......................................................................................... 10

IV. Develop strengths and weaknesses...........................................................................11

V. Development plan.......................................................................................................12



I. Definition of team dynamics

Team dynamics are the unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction of a team’s behavior
and performance. They are like undercurrents in the sea, which can carry boats in a different direction
from the one they intend to sail.

Team dynamics are created by the nature of the team’s work, the personalities within the team, their
working relationships with other people, and the environment in which the team works.

Team dynamics can be good - for example, when they improve overall team performance and/or get the
best out of individual team members. They can also be bad - for example, when they cause unproductive
conflict, demotivation, and prevent the team from achieving its goals (Myers, 2013).

II. The importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work

Team dynamics is a technique to comprehend these unconscious aspects and how they affect team
behavior and performance. Psychological factors can affect a team's mood and capacity to execute.
Understanding how people interact within a group is crucial to leadership, in addition to recognizing
individual talent.

It is not uncommon for members to have conflicts while working. It is vital in the group that I always
support the members and comprehend how to find solutions because this readily influences and negatively
affects the members' motivation. to rekindle the spirit, and when the group members succeed, we applaud
to keep everyone pleased and lasting among the group.

2.1 Importance of team dynamics:

Better Results: Setting up an effective team involves defining clear goals, goals, dependencies, and
accountability. When active groups join, they won't be distracted by petty arguments and things that aren't
really important to the bottom line.

More Commitment: When a team member feels appreciated by the project manager and other team
members, her morale and confidence will increase. They tend to feel more committed to the project and
more likely to contribute to project discussions, task completion, and other activities. A positive team
atmosphere often makes employees feel empowered. They feel more comfortable taking calculated risks
and looking for innovative solutions to complex problems. This works well for a small business in the
long run.
Less Conflict: Team members who do not respect each other tend to focus on their differences, not their
common ground. Changing cultural backgrounds and experiences can lead team members to make
judgments and arrive at erroneous conclusions. Establishing an environment where employees can thrive
without conflict involves improving team dynamics so team members listen to each other, value personal
experiences, and consider the perspectives of others before making a decision. These allow team members
to understand each other better before the project starts and improve communication in the future. This
results in less confrontation and sets the stage for more effective dispute resolution if problems arise.

More Trust: Establishing beliefs takes time. Team members can resist revealing weaknesses and
concealing flaws. An effective project manager works to assess the team's strengths and limitations. When
team members feel safe, they are ready to help others succeed and accept help when they need it. This
benefits the entire project by keeping the schedule on schedule. To get to the performance stage faster,
foster a collaborative environment where employees trust each other to get work done.

2.2 Failure team dynamics

Lack of purpose
First and foremost, teams that don't have a clear and well-communicated purpose are often not self-aligned
for success. Not knowing why you are all working together or having no clear definition of success makes
most people go in different directions. Each person makes different assumptions and, based on discrete
information, makes erratic conclusions about what needs to be done.
A great team clarifies its core customers, the products/services they offer them, and how its
customers use the product or service once delivered. This allows each team member to focus on making
sure each part of their process and their own efforts contribute to the value creation of the group's

Unclear roles
The only thing worse than not knowing what other people are not knowing what you are doing. When
roles are not clear, it makes it difficult for people to decide what to do and what to do next. Team members
often have trouble concentrating on a few small, locally optimized tasks so they can feel productive, only
to discover later they're wasting time or repeating their efforts.
Productivity groups have clear roles and discussions about who is responsible for what and ensure there
are no overlaps or large gaps between each person on the team. They develop role scorecards with key
responsibilities, key performance metrics and specific performance goals. They then consolidate their
individual scorecards to create a role matrix that ensures that there are no gaps or duplicates and that the
rewards are closely coordinated.

The fixed mindset

I have seen many teams fail because they think they cannot improve, change or reshape their situation.
Usually, the smartest and the best technical teams are the ones who get stuck in this way. The intelligence
and previous success of these teams made them think that if they can't solve it quickly using their standard
approach, then there is no solution.
The best teams I've worked with have a growth mindset. They are willing to try things that seem
impossible at first and are ready to risk failure. They tend to learn faster, discover new information and
approaches, and acquire new skills and techniques in the process.
Poor decision-making
Teams that haven't found a good approach to making a decision will fail in the two modes. First, they
overthink their decisions and waste a lot of time in the decision-making process. Sometimes they get so
stuck that they cannot make a decision. The second is when they don't take enough time to make a
decision and they start implementing and mode thrash until they give up or get over it but bruised and
badly injured.
Smart groups decide how they will decide under different circumstances. They understand the decision-
making stages - input, consult, make, approve, inform - and have made a clear decision about who goes on
which stage. They put as few people in mid-stage as possible to streamline the process. When in
deployment mode, they can move quickly by getting the right people in the right way.

Lack of resources
One thing that will kill a team faster than anything is lack of resources. Sometimes this is a team fault, but
more often than is the organization running the team in the first place. Team morale and commitment
weaken rapidly when team members don't have the right tools, equipment, and powers to do their jobs. In
most situations, companies are smart and dumb at creating the right environments and workspaces that
teams need to be successful.
Well-performing teams are supported by the right sponsors and executives, and these groups are provided
with everything they need to work quickly and purposefully. Experienced managers know that the needs
and decisions on the best basis are for the people who do the work, and these managers should instead
focus on eliminating obstacles, purchasing the right resources and get the information the team needs to do
its job.
While avoiding all of these won't guarantee an excellent team, not avoiding them will definitely mean
your team will deliver extra results.

III. In my group

Table below shows the members of my group and their role

Name Role Contribution

Nguyen Xuan Cong Monitor work progress Give a detailed schedule for the

Track and edit every detail in the


Check and figure out possible


Nguyen Ha Long Gather ideas member Take notes all ideas of other
Searching and synthesizing
necessary information

Pham Trung Kien Presenter and slide maker Create slide for the team

Presentation for group to

introduce the slide

Nguyen Gia Khai Support team members to Provide solutions to problems

solve problems that may arise


I. Introduction of my group work

My team has 5 members.

My team's goal is to create a professional event calendar prior to the five-day development event, using
project management software and WBS (work breakdown structure) that outlines planning and resource

Create a PowerPoint presentation on team dynamics that lasts 10 minutes and contains both a talk and an
activity sheet requiring attendees to engage in a team-building exercise.

We had discussions and then divided the roles of each member to start the project.

II. My role in group work

In my group, my role is leader- the most important role. And this is my contribution for my team :

● Give ideas to the team

● Searching and synthesizing necessary information
● Synthesize ideas and being the final decision maker
● Give a detailed schedule for the event
● Connecting team members, helping people communicate and exchange with each other more

III. Result of group work

In comparison to the anticipated group, our team met the deadline and the outcomes were just what we
had anticipated.

I. Definition of CPD (continuing professional development)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the process of developing professional skills and
knowledge through interactive, participation-based, or independent learning. It enables learners to
proactively develop their professional capabilities through certified learning or self-guided learning
The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an ongoing basis. Its function is to help
you record, review, and reflect on what you learn. It’s not a tick-box document recording the training you
have completed. It’s broader than that.

II. Why is CPD important

In an ever-increasing globalized and competitive society, the importance of Continuing Professional

Development cannot be overstated. As the world’s industries are forever evolving, this creates exciting
new opportunities but also naturally comes with challenges.

CPD enables an individual to regularly apply focus and attention to important areas of their own
development and provides the framework for a professional to take appropriate action to reduce any
shortfalls in knowledge. Equally, an individual must see Continuing Professional Development as a way to
remain competitive with his or her peers, and as an opportunity to differentiate themselves at moments
where this may be required, such as in job interviews or in tenders for new work and business acquisition.

As more people become professionally qualified with similar qualifications, CPD becomes more
important as a means of separating yourself from the pack.

A planned approach to Continuing Professional Development allows an individual to put themselves in

charge of their own career development and work-related ambitions. Personal empowerment of learning
brings with it an increase in confidence and resulting abilities, all of which correlate to an improvement of
capability for their employment environment (CDP Team,2016).

III. CPD contribution to your learning

-Stay up to date with changing trends

The workplace is a dynamic environment. Working from home has become commonplace, particularly in
the last 18 months as a result of the events of 2020, and many pieces of software and technology have
been adopted to cope with this unprecedented development. It has never been more crucial for me to stay
current with trends since if I don't, my abilities risk being obsolete.’
-Become more effective in the workplace

I can be much more productive at work thanks to my expanded knowledge, which will pave the way for
career advancement. Additionally, I may use my expanded knowledge to show off my leadership qualities
by imparting it to others.



I. Setting goals

Athletes at the highest levels, corporate leaders, and achievers across all industries all have ambitions. You
gain long-term perspective and immediate drive by setting goals.

In order to make the most of your life, I help you focus on learning new things and organize your time and
resources. Setting specific, measurable goals will allow you to celebrate accomplishments and monitor
your progress toward what may have previously looked like an endless struggle. As you come to realize
your own competency and capacity in reaching the goals you've set, you'll also gain more self-confidence.

Short-term goals What I needed Term

Pass the subject : Database Completely design a database for Two months
Design a movie booking app

Pass the subject : Professional Pass two assignments and do not Two months
Practice miss school more than 25%

Have part-time job that involves Improve my knowledge and 3-6 months later
my major practice regularly

Long-term goals What I needed Term

Graduated from university Spend time studying two years later

Do not miss class
Don’t have to re-learn
II. Three skills need to develop


Communication skills are perhaps the first set of skills that potential employers will notice. From the
initial moment you get in touch with them, the employer will be scrutinizing the way you behave.

Be it the way you talk over the phone, the way you give them information on email, your resume and
cover letter, or the way you carry yourself during the interview, they will be assessing whether you have
polished communication skills.

Make sure that you proofread any form of written communication you send them, and take your time to
listen to what they ask you (or read their instructions carefully), and answer in well-thought out,
grammatically correct sentences. The way you communicate your thoughts should be impeccable, as this
is the way they expect you to communicate with colleagues and clients alike throughout your tenure in
their organization.


An ability to manage multiple assignments at the same time, and being flexible enough to work under ever
changing conditions, management, environment and rules is highly appreciated.

In today’s world, a job description is very fluid, and can change shape at any time. An employee that is
willing to work under a multitude of changing circumstances is highly sought after.

Being able to adapt from one working environment to the next, or even from one type of assignment to
another, is a big advantage. It demonstrates the individual’s commitment to the organization, and will
influence their career progression.


Decision making and problem solving is another skill that is high in demand. The ability to identify
complex problems and review related information in order to develop and evaluate options and implement
solutions, can distinguish one employee from another. The ability to use critical thinking to rationalize a
decision will set an individual apart.
III. Strengths and weaknesses


The capacity for rapid concentration.

Practice and theory go hand in hand.

A progressive mindset; a thirst for knowledge.

Be able to listen and make corrections as necessary.


Lack of self-assurance while presenting in front of a crowd.

When the environment is too noisy or when trying to focus, the person finds it difficult to pay attention to
their surroundings (including not listening to other people) and becomes agitated when forced to break
their concentration.

It is simple to mix up seemingly unrelated knowledge.

When someone is irritating me when I'm working, I lose my thoughts.

Unable to establish the article's emphasis and frequently off-topic.

IV. Develop strengths and weaknesses

Strengths :

-When I have assignments, I frequently go to the library or lock myself in a private room to do homework
since it is quiet and helps me practice faster. When doing homework, I typically concentrate and not be
influenced by extraneous things.

-Having a strong work ethic and being ready to take on demanding jobs when necessary. I have no
problem taking on a challenging customer or working on a project that no one else wants because doing so
will allow me to gain a lot of knowledge and experience.

-Instead of rejecting it or placing the blame elsewhere, I will own up to my faults and accept responsibility
for them.

-Practice and learning together make it easier for me to retain information and accomplish more.

-I'm terrified of speaking in front of large crowds, so my presentation abilities are terrible. I become
anxious and occasionally lose my train of thought when I deliver presentations. I'm always attempting to
resolve this.

-I'll practice focusing in noisy environments and try not to lose my cool if I'm forced out of my zone of

-I'll take the time to read it carefully, research the subject thoroughly before beginning the exercises, and
avoid straying too far from the main points of the piece.

V. Rating development needs

It is important for me to improve on my concentration because losing focus will prevent me from finishing
tasks or learning anything. In today's world, confidence is crucial because it involves self-evaluation.
People won't trust you if you don't have confidence, and the future will be over. You may increase your
social circle, acquire new skills, find solutions to problems you can't solve, and offer guidance when you
need it with the help of confidence. The mindset of development and constant learning has enabled me to
expand my knowledge and avoid being stagnant. The progressive mindset encourages me to continually

VI. Development plan

Name Plan

Study at school -In order to achieve a higher grade at school, I will work even
harder, pay attention when studying in groups, and develop my
public speaking abilities.
-Totally focus on the lesson.

Study at home -In order to learn, communicate better, and land a job that suits
me, I need to improve my English. I'll spend around an hour
practicing my English every day.
- Spend 2- 3 hours for studying subject about my main major
- Practice coding

Time Management -I will try to balance the appropriate time between work , study
and entertainment.
- Create a timetable for day, week

Improve health - I will spend 30 minutes per day for running

- Sometimes, I play football with my friend
Learn a musical instrument -Learn twice a week, two hours each session

Job -I need to find a suitable job related to IT because this is my

major and it will help me have more experience in the work and
better in the future.


In conclusion, I discussed the importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure

of group work,the importance of CPD and its contribution to own learning.

-Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.

-I discuss my goal setting, personality and learning styles which can be implemented to overcome the
problems I have identified in personal development plan.

-I identify my short-term objectives and long-term objectives, together with the processes and activities
required to implement my development plan.


As a result, the reader can easily make changes and complete the task. The task's material is presented in a
very professional manner to identify the writer's and reader's interests. The author also included a
comprehensive description of the relevant data to give readers the most accurate information possible. One
of the presentations causes the exercise to lose some of its cleverness and ideality. In order to remedy their
own mistakes, writers also need to learn more about presentation strategies for social networking sites. If
the information provided is too confusing, you can also have a private conversation with your teacher. You
can start correcting your mistakes by writing them down in your notes and then reviewing them again. I'm
hoping to get a P on this assignment.
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